Translate "university education" to Chinese

Showing 50 of 50 translations of the phrase "university education" from English to Chinese

Translations of university education

"university education" in English can be translated into the following Chinese words/phrases:

education 教育

Translation of English to Chinese of university education


EN Education is becoming more digital, more global and more multimedia-based. Professor Marco Kalz, Director of Studies for E-Learning and Media Education at Heidelberg University of Education, talks about the future of education.

ZH 教育将更加数字化、全球化多媒体化。Marco Kalz教授是海德堡师范大学数字学习多媒体教育专业的负责人,他谈论学习的未来。

Transliteration jiào yù jiāng gèng jiā shù zì huà、 quán qiú huà hé duō méi tǐ huà。Marco Kalz jiào shòu shì hǎi dé bǎo shī fàn dà xué shù zì xué xí hé duō méi tǐ jiào yù zhuān yè de fù zé rén, tā tán lùn xué xí de wèi lái。

EN The overall ranking is led by a UK university for the first time: the University of Manchester. Three Australian institutions complete the top four: the University of Sydney, RMIT University and La Trobe University.

ZH 总体排名首次由一所英国大学——曼彻斯特大学占据榜首,而三所澳大利亚大学占据前四的其他席位,分别为:悉尼大学、皇家墨尔本理工大学拉筹伯大学。

Transliteration zǒng tǐ pái míng shǒu cì yóu yī suǒ yīng guó dà xué——màn chè sī tè dà xué zhàn jù bǎng shǒu, ér sān suǒ ào dà lì yà dà xué zhàn jù qián sì de qí tā xí wèi, fēn bié wèi: xī ní dà xué、 huáng jiā mò ěr běn lǐ gōng dà xué hé lā chóu bó dà xué。

EN Abilene Christian University (ACU) is a private university and national leader in Christian higher education. ACU was founded in 1906 and is located in Abilene, Texas. The university is currently home to about 4600 students and 865 staff members.

ZH 阿比林基督大学(ACU)是一所私立大学,在美国教会大学中处于领先地位。ACU成立于1906年,位于德克萨斯州阿比林市。目前,该大学约有4600名学生865名员工。

Transliteration ā bǐ lín jī dū dà xué (ACU) shì yī suǒ sī lì dà xué, zài měi guó jiào huì dà xué zhōng chù yú lǐng xiān de wèi。ACU chéng lì yú1906nián, wèi yú dé kè sà sī zhōu ā bǐ lín shì。mù qián, gāi dà xué yuē yǒu4600míng xué shēng hé865míng yuán gōng。

EN A City University of Hong Kong (CityU)-led inter-institutional project team promoting positive education among university students won the 2021 University Grants Committee (UGC) Teaching Award (the Award).

ZH 由香港城市大學(城大)領導的跨院校團隊,推動促進大學生正向教育的「聯校心理健康推廣計劃」(JUMP),榮獲2021年大學教育資助委員會(教資會)傑出教學獎。

Transliteration yóu xiāng gǎng chéng shì dà xué (chéng dà) lǐng dǎo de kuà yuàn xiào tuán duì, tuī dòng cù jìn dà xué shēng zhèng xiàng jiào yù de 「lián xiào xīn lǐ jiàn kāng tuī guǎng jì huà」(JUMP), róng huò2021nián dà xué jiào yù zī zhù wěi yuán huì (jiào zī huì) jié chū jiào xué jiǎng。

EN Enterprise Business K-12 Education Higher Education Education Government Healthcare Retail Small Business Commercial Hospitality Field Services

ZH Enterprise 中小学教育 Education 医疗保健 零售 小型企业 Commercial Hospitality

Transliteration Enterprise zhōng xiǎo xué jiào yù Education yī liáo bǎo jiàn líng shòu xiǎo xíng qǐ yè Commercial Hospitality

EN When we asked Kamal Ahmad, founder of the Asian University for Women, about the future of education, he told us “education needs more attention, more resources, more and better ideas.”

ZH 我们向亚洲女子大学 (Asian University For Women) 创始人卡迈勒·艾哈迈德(Kamal Ahmad) 请教了他对教育未来的看法。他表示“教育需要更多人关注、更多资源投入、更多好主意?

Transliteration wǒ men xiàng yà zhōu nǚ zi dà xué (Asian University For Women) chuàng shǐ rén kǎ mài lēi·ài hā mài dé (Kamal Ahmad) qǐng jiào le tā duì jiào yù wèi lái de kàn fǎ。tā biǎo shì “jiào yù xū yào gèng duō rén guān zhù、 gèng duō zī yuán tóu rù、 gèng duō hǎo zhǔ yì?

EN The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022 include more than 1,600 universities across 99 countries and territories, making them the largest and most diverse university rankings to date.

ZH 2022年度泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名涵盖了来自99个国家/地区的1600多所大学,是迄今为止规模最大、最多元的大学排名。

Transliteration 2022nián dù tài wù shì gāo děng jiào yù shì jiè dà xué pái míng hán gài le lái zì99gè guó jiā/de qū de1600duō suǒ dà xué, shì qì jīn wèi zhǐ guī mó zuì dà、 zuì duō yuán de dà xué pái míng。

EN The Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2021 use the same 13 performance indicators as the THE World University Rankings, but they are recalibrated to reflect the attributes of Asia’s institutions.

ZH 2021年度泰晤士高等教育亚洲大学排名采用与世界大学排名相同的13项绩效指标,但这些指标经过调整以反映亚洲大学的属性。

Transliteration 2021nián dù tài wù shì gāo děng jiào yù yà zhōu dà xué pái míng cǎi yòng yǔ shì jiè dà xué pái míng xiāng tóng de13xiàng jī xiào zhǐ biāo, dàn zhè xiē zhǐ biāo jīng guò diào zhěng yǐ fǎn yìng yà zhōu dà xué de shǔ xìng。

EN THE (Times Higher Education) has been providing trusted performance data on universities for students and their families, university academics, university leaders, governments and industry, since 2004.

ZH 自2004年以来,泰晤士高等教育一直致力于为学生及其家长、学者、大学领导、政府部门企业提供备受信赖的大学绩效数据。

Transliteration zì2004nián yǐ lái, tài wù shì gāo děng jiào yù yī zhí zhì lì yú wèi xué shēng jí qí jiā zhǎng、 xué zhě、 dà xué lǐng dǎo、 zhèng fǔ bù mén hé qǐ yè tí gōng bèi shòu xìn lài de dà xué jī xiào shù jù。

EN City University of Hong Kong aspires to become a leading global University, excelling in research and professional education. The objectives of the Outstanding Research Award Scheme (the Scheme) are:

ZH 香港城市大学矢志成为全球的领先学府,进行杰出的研究及提供卓越的专业教育。杰出研究奖项计划的目的是:

Transliteration xiāng gǎng chéng shì dà xué shǐ zhì chéng wèi quán qiú de lǐng xiān xué fǔ, jìn xíng jié chū de yán jiū jí tí gōng zhuō yuè de zhuān yè jiào yù。jié chū yán jiū jiǎng xiàng jì huà de mù de shì:

EN Copyright © 2018. All Rights Reserved. Office of University General Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

ZH 香港中文大學 大學通識教育部 2018© 版權所有

Transliteration xiāng gǎng zhōng wén dà xué dà xué tōng shí jiào yù bù 2018© bǎn quán suǒ yǒu

EN The University of Oxford tops the ranking for the sixth consecutive year, while mainland China has two institutions in the top 20 for the first time: Peking University and Tsinghua University share 16th place.

ZH 牛津大学连续第6年在世界大学排名中位居榜首,而中国大陆地区首次有两家高校进入全球前20位:并列排名第16位的北京大学清华大学。

Transliteration niú jīn dà xué lián xù dì6nián zài shì jiè dà xué pái míng zhōng wèi jū bǎng shǒu, ér zhōng guó dà lù de qū shǒu cì yǒu liǎng jiā gāo xiào jìn rù quán qiú qián20wèi: bìng liè pái míng dì16wèi de běi jīng dà xué hé qīng huá dà xué。

EN Harvard University tops the teaching pillar, while the University of Oxford tops the research pillar and Macau University of Science and Technology leads the international pillar.

ZH 哈佛大学在教学指标中成绩最好,牛津大学在研究指标中名列前茅,澳门科技大学则在国际展望指标中领先。

Transliteration hā fú dà xué zài jiào xué zhǐ biāo zhōng chéng jī zuì hǎo, niú jīn dà xué zài yán jiū zhǐ biāo zhōng míng liè qián máo, ào mén kē jì dà xué zé zài guó jì zhǎn wàng zhǐ biāo zhōng lǐng xiān。

EN Elsewhere, ETH Zurich cements its place in the top 20, climbing three places to 17th, while National Taiwan University, the University of Manchester and Sorbonne University rise to join the top 50.

ZH 在其他地方,苏黎世联邦理工学院上升了3个名次,首次跻身前20位;而台湾大学、曼彻斯特大学索邦大学排名均有提升,进入前50位。

Transliteration zài qí tā de fāng, sū lí shì lián bāng lǐ gōng xué yuàn shàng shēng le3gè míng cì, shǒu cì jī shēn qián20wèi; ér tái wān dà xué、 màn chè sī tè dà xué hé suǒ bāng dà xué pái míng jūn yǒu tí shēng, jìn rù qián50wèi。

EN The ranking is led by Mexico’s Metropolitan Autonomous University; Queen’s University in Canada and the University of Coimbra in Portugal complete the top three.

ZH 墨西哥的都市自治大学位居榜首,与加拿大的女王大学葡萄牙的科英布拉大学共同位列前三。

Transliteration mò xī gē de dōu shì zì zhì dà xué wèi jū bǎng shǒu, yǔ jiā ná dà de nǚ wáng dà xué hé pú táo yá de kē yīng bù lā dà xué gòng tóng wèi liè qián sān。

EN The list is led by Denmark’s Aalborg University for a second year, while Iran University of Medical Sciences and Lingnan University Hong Kong complete the top three.

ZH 丹麦的奥尔堡大学连续两年位居榜首,与伊朗医学科学大学香港的岭南大学一起位列前三。

Transliteration dān mài de ào ěr bǎo dà xué lián xù liǎng nián wèi jū bǎng shǒu, yǔ yī lǎng yī xué kē xué dà xué hé xiāng gǎng de lǐng nán dà xué yī qǐ wèi liè qián sān。

EN The UK’s University of Manchester tops the ranking, while Arizona State University (Tempe) in the US and Monash University in Australia round out the top three.

ZH 英国的曼彻斯特大学位居榜首,与美国的亚利桑那州立大学(坦佩校区)澳大利亚的莫那什大学一起位列前三。

Transliteration yīng guó de màn chè sī tè dà xué wèi jū bǎng shǒu, yǔ měi guó de yà lì sāng nà zhōu lì dà xué (tǎn pèi xiào qū) hé ào dà lì yà de mò nà shén dà xué yī qǐ wèi liè qián sān。

EN Canada’s Queen’s University leads the ranking, while the US’ American University and Italy’s University of Bologna complete the top three.

ZH 加拿大的女王大学位居榜首,与美国的美利坚大学意大利的博洛尼亚大学一起位列前三。

Transliteration jiā ná dà de nǚ wáng dà xué wèi jū bǎng shǒu, yǔ měi guó de měi lì jiān dà xué hé yì dà lì de bó luò ní yà dà xué yī qǐ wèi liè qián sān。

EN The list is led by China’s Nanjing Agricultural University, while National Taiwan University and Canada’s University of Waterloo complete the top three.

ZH 中国的南京农业大学位居该榜单榜首,与台湾大学加拿大的滑铁卢大学一起位列前三。

Transliteration zhōng guó de nán jīng nóng yè dà xué wèi jū gāi bǎng dān bǎng shǒu, yǔ tái wān dà xué hé jiā ná dà de huá tiě lú dà xué yī qǐ wèi liè qián sān。

EN Harris graduated from Howard University, a historically Black university in Washington, and earned a law degree from the University of California, Hastings College of Law.

ZH 哈里斯毕业于华盛顿(Washington)的历史性黑人院校霍华德大学(Howard University),此后获加利福尼亚大学(University of California)哈斯汀法学院(Hastings College of Law)法学学位。

Transliteration hā lǐ sī bì yè yú huá shèng dùn (Washington) de lì shǐ xìng hēi rén yuàn xiào huò huá dé dà xué (Howard University), cǐ hòu huò jiā lì fú ní yà dà xué (University of California) hā sī tīng fǎ xué yuàn (Hastings College of Law) fǎ xué xué wèi。

EN Dr Chen has a clear view about education, “Education is the ultimate driving force for social progress.”

ZH 他对教育的看法明确,「社会的进步,归根结底靠教育。」

Transliteration tā duì jiào yù de kàn fǎ míng què,「shè huì de jìn bù, guī gēn jié dǐ kào jiào yù。」

EN A recognized leader in the economic analysis of education issues, Professor Eric Hanushek and his research have had broad influence on education policies in both developed and developing countries.

ZH 埃里克·哈努谢克(Eric A. Hanushek)教授是教育领域经济分析的公认权威。他的研究对發達及发展中国家的教育政策产生广泛影响。

Transliteration āi lǐ kè·hā nǔ xiè kè (Eric A. Hanushek) jiào shòu shì jiào yù lǐng yù jīng jì fēn xī de gōng rèn quán wēi。tā de yán jiū duì fā dá jí fā zhǎn zhōng guó jiā de jiào yù zhèng cè chǎn shēng guǎng fàn yǐng xiǎng。

EN Professor Carl Wieman is a pioneer of the use of new pedagogies in STEM education on college-level science teaching. His work has transformed the way STEM education is taught in major universities around the world.

ZH 卡尔·威曼(Carl Wieman)教授是在高等教育科学教学中引进崭新STEM教育方法的先驱。他以创新方法彻底改变了世界各地本科STEM教育的模式并带来了深远影响。

Transliteration kǎ ěr·wēi màn (Carl Wieman) jiào shòu shì zài gāo děng jiào yù kē xué jiào xué zhōng yǐn jìn zhǎn xīnSTEM jiào yù fāng fǎ de xiān qū。tā yǐ chuàng xīn fāng fǎ chè dǐ gǎi biàn le shì jiè gè de běn kēSTEM jiào yù de mó shì bìng dài lái le shēn yuǎn yǐng xiǎng。

EN To mark International Education Week, the U.S. Department of State and the Institute of International Education on November 13 released Open Doors 2018, their annual student census.

ZH 11月13日,美国国务院国际教育协会(Institute of International Education)为纪念国际教育周(International Education Week)发布年度开放门户2018(Open Doors 2018)学生调查报告。

Transliteration 11yuè13rì, měi guó guó wù yuàn hé guó jì jiào yù xié huì (Institute of International Education) wèi jì niàn guó jì jiào yù zhōu (International Education Week) fā bù nián dù kāi fàng mén hù2018(Open Doors 2018) xué shēng diào chá bào gào。

English Chinese

EN Browser-based SketchUp for Primary and Secondary schools signed up with G Suite for Education or Microsoft Education.

ZH 已使用 G Suite for Education 或 Microsoft Education 進行註冊的中小學專用瀏覽器版 SketchUp。

Transliteration yǐ shǐ yòng G Suite for Education huò Microsoft Education jìn xíng zhù cè de zhōng xiǎo xué zhuān yòng liú lǎn qì bǎn SketchUp。

English Chinese
g g
suite suite
microsoft microsoft

EN SketchUp for Schools is the core SketchUp modeler now available in a web browser for any Primary or Secondary School signed up with G Suite for Education or Microsoft Education.

ZH SketchUp for Schools 是 SketchUp 核心模組工具,現在提供網頁瀏覽器版,凡已使用 G Suite for Education 或 Microsoft Education 進行註冊的中小學皆可使用。

Transliteration SketchUp for Schools shì SketchUp hé xīn mó zǔ gōng jù, xiàn zài tí gōng wǎng yè liú lǎn qì bǎn, fán yǐ shǐ yòng G Suite for Education huò Microsoft Education jìn xíng zhù cè de zhōng xiǎo xué jiē kě shǐ yòng。

English Chinese
g g
suite suite
microsoft microsoft

EN Nominations are assessed by our Judging Committee, which comprises two panels. One panel focuses on education research, the other on education development. Final decisions on both awards are made collectively by the full committee.

ZH 提名一律由一丹奖评审委员会审阅、评估。评审委员会包括教育研究及教育发展两个评审小组。两个奖项的得奖者由全体委员共同评选。

Transliteration tí míng yī lǜ yóu yī dān jiǎng píng shěn wěi yuán huì shěn yuè、 píng gū。píng shěn wěi yuán huì bāo kuò jiào yù yán jiū jí jiào yù fā zhǎn liǎng gè píng shěn xiǎo zǔ。liǎng gè jiǎng xiàng de dé jiǎng zhě yóu quán tǐ wěi yuán gòng tóng píng xuǎn。

EN Does the research (and nominee/s) have the potential to shape the future of education, address new challenges, and spread inclusive and fair education for all?

ZH 该研究及候选人/团队是否有潜力塑造教育的未来,应对全球新挑战,并倡导包容、公平的优质教育

Transliteration gāi yán jiū jí hòu xuǎn rén/tuán duì shì fǒu yǒu qián lì sù zào jiào yù de wèi lái, yīng duì quán qiú xīn tiāo zhàn, bìng chàng dǎo bāo róng、 gōng píng de yōu zhì jiào yù?

EN Does this idea or project have the potential to shape the future of education, address new challenges, and spread inclusive and fair education for all?

ZH 该理念或项目是否有潜力塑造教育的未来,应对全球新挑战,并倡导包容、公平的优质教育

Transliteration gāi lǐ niàn huò xiàng mù shì fǒu yǒu qián lì sù zào jiào yù de wèi lái, yīng duì quán qiú xīn tiāo zhàn, bìng chàng dǎo bāo róng、 gōng píng de yōu zhì jiào yù?

EN Education transforms and saves lives. So it’s all the more devastating that education has been hit so hard by the COVID-19 pandemic.

ZH 教育受到新冠疫情的重创,十亿多儿童及年轻人的教育被迫中断,在他们之中,一些人可能永远无法重返课堂了——尤其是那些已经因贫困、性别或残疾而被边缘化的群体。

Transliteration jiào yù shòu dào xīn guān yì qíng de zhòng chuàng, shí yì duō ér tóng jí nián qīng rén de jiào yù bèi pò zhōng duàn, zài tā men zhī zhōng, yī xiē rén kě néng yǒng yuǎn wú fǎ zhòng fǎn kè táng le——yóu qí shì nà xiē yǐ jīng yīn pín kùn、 xìng bié huò cán jí ér bèi biān yuán huà de qún tǐ。

EN Walter H. Gale Professor of Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education

ZH 哈佛大学教育研究生院沃尔特·H·盖尔教育与经济学教授

Transliteration hā fú dà xué jiào yù yán jiū shēng yuàn wò ěr tè·H·gài ěr jiào yù yǔ jīng jì xué jiào shòu

EN With the Yidan Prize funds, the PhET Global: STEM Education for All project, led by Professor Kathy Perkins and Professor Carl Wieman, will establish a global, scalable model for impacting STEM education.

ZH 全球PhET:全民的STEM教育项目在 Kathy Perkins 教授及 Carl Wieman教授的领导下,将运用一丹奖奖金建立一个具全球性及可扩展性的模型去提升STEM教育

Transliteration quán qiúPhET: quán mín deSTEM jiào yù xiàng mù zài Kathy Perkins jiào shòu jí Carl Wieman jiào shòu de lǐng dǎo xià, jiāng yùn yòng yī dān jiǎng jiǎng jīn jiàn lì yī gè jù quán qiú xìng jí kě kuò zhǎn xìng de mó xíng qù tí shēngSTEM jiào yù。

EN Mr Chen Shujun, Vice President of Tencent Education and General Manager of Online Education Department (China)

ZH 陈书俊先生,腾讯教育副总裁/在线教育部总经理(中国)

Transliteration chén shū jùn xiān shēng, téng xùn jiào yù fù zǒng cái/zài xiàn jiào yù bù zǒng jīng lǐ (zhōng guó)

EN Ms Mabel Woo is passionate about education and believes education can offer new lens to individuals to better understand the world and is essential to prepare the youth for the future.

ZH 胡德欣女士对教育充满热忱,并相信教育可以为个人提供新的视角,让他们更好地了解世界,而这对年轻人为未来做好准备至为重要。

Transliteration hú dé xīn nǚ shì duì jiào yù chōng mǎn rè chén, bìng xiāng xìn jiào yù kě yǐ wèi gè rén tí gōng xīn de shì jiǎo, ràng tā men gèng hǎo de le jiě shì jiè, ér zhè duì nián qīng rén wèi wèi lái zuò hǎo zhǔn bèi zhì wèi zhòng yào。

EN Poway Unified “Excellence in Education” series: Virtual Career Technical Education

ZH Poway Unified「卓越教育」系列:虛擬職業技術教育

Transliteration Poway Unified 「zhuō yuè jiào yù」 xì liè: xū nǐ zhí yè jì shù jiào yù

EN Citrix solutions for technology in education enable institutions to create a secure mobile-ready campus that provides flexible education IT for institutions and a seamless experience for students, faculty and staff.

ZH Citrix 教育行业技术解决方案可帮助学校打造安全移动就绪校园,提高学校教学 IT 的灵活性,为学生教职员工提供无缝的体验。

Transliteration Citrix jiào yù xíng yè jì shù jiě jué fāng àn kě bāng zhù xué xiào dǎ zào ān quán hé yí dòng jiù xù xiào yuán, tí gāo xué xiào jiào xué IT de líng huó xìng, wèi xué shēng hé jiào zhí yuán gōng tí gōng wú fèng de tǐ yàn。

English Chinese
citrix citrix

EN Certain Subscriptions include a license to use the Services for the purposes of patient education (“Patient Education License”). Such a license permits the User to use the Services for demonstration purposes in a consultation setting.

ZH 某些订阅包括了将服务用于病患教育之目的的许可(“病患教育许可”)。该许可允许用户在会诊场合将服务用于示范目的。

Transliteration mǒu xiē dìng yuè bāo kuò le jiāng fú wù yòng yú bìng huàn jiào yù zhī mù de de xǔ kě (“bìng huàn jiào yù xǔ kě”)。gāi xǔ kě yǔn xǔ yòng hù zài huì zhěn chǎng hé jiāng fú wù yòng yú shì fàn mù de。

EN This table on SDG 4 – quality education measures universities’ contribution to early years and lifelong learning, their pedagogy research and their commitment to inclusive education.

ZH 此排名基于可持续发展目标4(SDG 4):优质教育,旨在评估大学对早期终身学习的贡献、教育学研究以及对包容性教育的责任。

Transliteration cǐ pái míng jī yú kě chí xù fā zhǎn mù biāo4(SDG 4): yōu zhì jiào yù, zhǐ zài píng gū dà xué duì zǎo qī hé zhōng shēn xué xí de gòng xiàn、 jiào yù xué yán jiū yǐ jí duì bāo róng xìng jiào yù de zé rèn。

EN Free with a G-Suite for Education or 
Microsoft Education account.

ZH 教育版 G-Suite 或 
Microsoft 教育帳戶即可免費使用。

Transliteration yǒu jiào yù bǎn G-Suite huò 
Microsoft jiào yù zhàng hù jí kě miǎn fèi shǐ yòng。

EN Higher education must acknowledge the extra workload that comes with higher education in the digital era, says Christopher Schaberg

ZH 丹尼尔拉·蒂尔伯里说,改变大学课程以反映气候变化挑战将激励学生,这不仅仅是崇高的环境承诺

Transliteration dān ní ěr lā·dì ěr bó lǐ shuō, gǎi biàn dà xué kè chéng yǐ fǎn yìng qì hòu biàn huà tiāo zhàn jiāng jī lì xué shēng, zhè bù jǐn jǐn shì chóng gāo de huán jìng chéng nuò

EN Ansys is committed to working with academia to provide flexible education solutions for all users. We offer low-cost, multiphysics bundles with our industry-leading simulation software, as well as Ansys Granta EduPack for materials education.

ZH Ansys 致力於與學術界合作,為所有使用者提供靈活的教育解決方案。我們以領先業界的模擬軟體,結合適用於材料教育的 Ansys Granta EduPack,提供低成本的多重物理產品組合。

Transliteration Ansys zhì lì yú yǔ xué shù jiè hé zuò, wèi suǒ yǒu shǐ yòng zhě tí gōng líng huó de jiào yù jiě jué fāng àn。wǒ men yǐ lǐng xiān yè jiè de mó nǐ ruǎn tǐ, jié hé shì yòng yú cái liào jiào yù de Ansys Granta EduPack, tí gōng dī chéng běn de duō zhòng wù lǐ chǎn pǐn zǔ hé。

EN Higher education must double down on the liberal education values of interdisciplinarity, experiential learning and critical thinking, says Eric Skipper

ZH 专家称继续努力宣传防护行为的重要性很关键

Transliteration zhuān jiā chēng jì xù nǔ lì xuān chuán fáng hù xíng wèi de zhòng yào xìng hěn guān jiàn

EN Inspired by an article on education design by director Richard Leonard, Owen joined Hayball to pursue what has become his area of expertise in education masterplanning and design.

ZH 受董事理查德·莱纳德(Richard Leonard)关于教育设计的文章所启发,欧文加入了Hayball,从事自己专精的教育总体规划设计领域。

Transliteration shòu dǒng shì lǐ chá dé·lái nà dé (Richard Leonard) guān yú jiào yù shè jì de wén zhāng suǒ qǐ fā, ōu wén jiā rù leHayball, cóng shì zì jǐ zhuān jīng de jiào yù zǒng tǐ guī huà hé shè jì lǐng yù。

EN Dr Chen has a clear view about education, “Education is the ultimate driving force for social progress.”

ZH 他对教育的看法明确,「社会的进步,归根结底靠教育。」

Transliteration tā duì jiào yù de kàn fǎ míng què,「shè huì de jìn bù, guī gēn jié dǐ kào jiào yù。」

EN Nominations are assessed by our Judging Committee, which comprises two panels. One panel focuses on education research, the other on education development. Final decisions on both awards are made collectively by the full committee.

ZH 提名一律由一丹奖评审委员会审阅、评估。评审委员会包括教育研究及教育发展两个评审小组。两个奖项的得奖者由全体委员共同评选。

Transliteration tí míng yī lǜ yóu yī dān jiǎng píng shěn wěi yuán huì shěn yuè、 píng gū。píng shěn wěi yuán huì bāo kuò jiào yù yán jiū jí jiào yù fā zhǎn liǎng gè píng shěn xiǎo zǔ。liǎng gè jiǎng xiàng de dé jiǎng zhě yóu quán tǐ wěi yuán gòng tóng píng xuǎn。

EN Does the research (and nominee/s) have the potential to shape the future of education, address new challenges, and spread inclusive and fair education for all?

ZH 该研究及候选人/团队是否有潜力塑造教育的未来,应对全球新挑战,并倡导包容、公平的优质教育

Transliteration gāi yán jiū jí hòu xuǎn rén/tuán duì shì fǒu yǒu qián lì sù zào jiào yù de wèi lái, yīng duì quán qiú xīn tiāo zhàn, bìng chàng dǎo bāo róng、 gōng píng de yōu zhì jiào yù?

EN Does this idea or project have the potential to shape the future of education, address new challenges, and spread inclusive and fair education for all?

ZH 该理念或项目是否有潜力塑造教育的未来,应对全球新挑战,并倡导包容、公平的优质教育

Transliteration gāi lǐ niàn huò xiàng mù shì fǒu yǒu qián lì sù zào jiào yù de wèi lái, yīng duì quán qiú xīn tiāo zhàn, bìng chàng dǎo bāo róng、 gōng píng de yōu zhì jiào yù?

EN A recognized leader in the economic analysis of education issues, Professor Eric Hanushek and his research have had broad influence on education policies in both developed and developing countries.

ZH 埃里克·哈努谢克(Eric A. Hanushek)教授是教育领域经济分析的公认权威。他的研究对發達及发展中国家的教育政策产生广泛影响。

Transliteration āi lǐ kè·hā nǔ xiè kè (Eric A. Hanushek) jiào shòu shì jiào yù lǐng yù jīng jì fēn xī de gōng rèn quán wēi。tā de yán jiū duì fā dá jí fā zhǎn zhōng guó jiā de jiào yù zhèng cè chǎn shēng guǎng fàn yǐng xiǎng。

EN Professor Carl Wieman is a pioneer of the use of new pedagogies in STEM education on college-level science teaching. His work has transformed the way STEM education is taught in major universities around the world.

ZH 卡尔·威曼(Carl Wieman)教授是在高等教育科学教学中引进崭新STEM教育方法的先驱。他以创新方法彻底改变了世界各地本科STEM教育的模式并带来了深远影响。

Transliteration kǎ ěr·wēi màn (Carl Wieman) jiào shòu shì zài gāo děng jiào yù kē xué jiào xué zhōng yǐn jìn zhǎn xīnSTEM jiào yù fāng fǎ de xiān qū。tā yǐ chuàng xīn fāng fǎ chè dǐ gǎi biàn le shì jiè gè de běn kēSTEM jiào yù de mó shì bìng dài lái le shēn yuǎn yǐng xiǎng。

EN Education transforms and saves lives. So it’s all the more devastating that education has been hit so hard by the COVID-19 pandemic.

ZH 教育受到新冠疫情的重创,十亿多儿童及年轻人的教育被迫中断,在他们之中,一些人可能永远无法重返课堂了——尤其是那些已经因贫困、性别或残疾而被边缘化的群体。

Transliteration jiào yù shòu dào xīn guān yì qíng de zhòng chuàng, shí yì duō ér tóng jí nián qīng rén de jiào yù bèi pò zhōng duàn, zài tā men zhī zhōng, yī xiē rén kě néng yǒng yuǎn wú fǎ zhòng fǎn kè táng le——yóu qí shì nà xiē yǐ jīng yīn pín kùn、 xìng bié huò cán jí ér bèi biān yuán huà de qún tǐ。

Showing 50 of 50 translations