Translate "university in canada" to Chinese

Showing 50 of 50 translations of the phrase "university in canada" from English to Chinese

Translations of university in canada

"university in canada" in English can be translated into the following Chinese words/phrases:

canada 加拿大 澳大利亚 美国

Translation of English to Chinese of university in canada


EN The overall ranking is led by a UK university for the first time: the University of Manchester. Three Australian institutions complete the top four: the University of Sydney, RMIT University and La Trobe University.

ZH 总体排名首次由一所英国大学——曼彻斯特大学占据榜首,而三所澳大利亚大学占据前四的其他席位,分别为:悉尼大学、皇家墨尔本理工大学和拉筹伯大学。

Transliteration zǒng tǐ pái míng shǒu cì yóu yī suǒ yīng guó dà xué——màn chè sī tè dà xué zhàn jù bǎng shǒu, ér sān suǒ ào dà lì yà dà xué zhàn jù qián sì de qí tā xí wèi, fēn bié wèi: xī ní dà xué、 huáng jiā mò ěr běn lǐ gōng dà xué hé lā chóu bó dà xué。

EN The ranking is led by Mexico’s Metropolitan Autonomous University; Queen’s University in Canada and the University of Coimbra in Portugal complete the top three.

ZH 墨西哥的都市自治大学位居榜首,与加拿大的女王大学和葡萄牙的科英布拉大学共同位列前三。

Transliteration mò xī gē de dōu shì zì zhì dà xué wèi jū bǎng shǒu, yǔ jiā ná dà de nǚ wáng dà xué hé pú táo yá de kē yīng bù lā dà xué gòng tóng wèi liè qián sān。

EN Canada’s Queen’s University leads the ranking, while the US’ American University and Italy’s University of Bologna complete the top three.

ZH 加拿大的女王大学位居榜首,与美国的美利坚大学和意大利的博洛尼亚大学一起位列前三。

Transliteration jiā ná dà de nǚ wáng dà xué wèi jū bǎng shǒu, yǔ měi guó de měi lì jiān dà xué hé yì dà lì de bó luò ní yà dà xué yī qǐ wèi liè qián sān。

EN The list is led by China’s Nanjing Agricultural University, while National Taiwan University and Canada’s University of Waterloo complete the top three.

ZH 中国的南京农业大学位居该榜单榜首,与台湾大学和加拿大的滑铁卢大学一起位列前三。

Transliteration zhōng guó de nán jīng nóng yè dà xué wèi jū gāi bǎng dān bǎng shǒu, yǔ tái wān dà xué hé jiā ná dà de huá tiě lú dà xué yī qǐ wèi liè qián sān。

EN Canada and the USA have dominated the freestyle skiing competition at the Winter Olympics, winning 25 medals apiece. Canada, however, takes the top spot in the rankings by virtue of their 12 golds, compared to nine for the USA.

ZH 加拿大美国在冬奥会自由式滑雪比赛中占据主导地位,分别获得了25枚奖牌。然而加拿大凭借12枚金牌排名第一,美国的金牌数为9枚。

Transliteration jiā ná dà hé měi guó zài dōng ào huì zì yóu shì huá xuě bǐ sài zhōng zhàn jù zhǔ dǎo de wèi, fēn bié huò dé le25méi jiǎng pái。rán ér jiā ná dà píng jiè12méi jīn pái pái míng dì yī, měi guó de jīn pái shù wèi9méi。

EN Note: Due to copyright restrictions, Forever Love is only available for audiences in Canada. All other films are available for audiences in Canada and Taiwan. Anyone outside of the permitted areas will not be able to access the streaming page.

ZH 因版權限制,《阿嬤的夢中情人》僅限加拿大觀眾觀賞;其餘所有電影皆開放加拿大與台灣觀眾觀賞。上述地區以外之觀眾將無法進到影片播放頁。

Transliteration yīn bǎn quán xiàn zhì,《ā mā de mèng zhōng qíng rén》 jǐn xiàn jiā ná dà guān zhòng guān shǎng; qí yú suǒ yǒu diàn yǐng jiē kāi fàng jiā ná dà yǔ tái wān guān zhòng guān shǎng。shàng shù de qū yǐ wài zhī guān zhòng jiāng wú fǎ jìn dào yǐng piàn bō fàng yè。

EN Job Openings at PADI Canada - Based in British Columbia, Canada

ZH 加拿大PADI的職位空缺 - 總部設在加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省

Transliteration jiā ná dàPADI de zhí wèi kōng quē - zǒng bù shè zài jiā ná dà bù liè diān gē lún bǐ yà shěng

English Chinese
padi padi

EN Dominica is currently negotiating with Air Canada, United Airlines and Delta Air Lines to expand direct flights from the United States and Canada...(continue reading)

ZH 目前多米尼克正在與加拿大航空公司、聯合航空公司和達美航空公司進行談判,以擴大從美國加拿大直飛…(繼續閱讀)

Transliteration mù qián duō mǐ ní kè zhèng zài yǔ jiā ná dà háng kōng gōng sī、 lián hé háng kōng gōng sī hé dá měi háng kōng gōng sī jìn xíng tán pàn, yǐ kuò dà cóng měi guó jiā ná dà zhí fēi…(jì xù yuè dú)

EN Dominica is currently negotiating with Air Canada, United Airlines and Delta Air Lines to expand direct flights from the United States and Canada...

ZH 多米尼克護照免簽國家| 使用多米尼克護照免簽入境國家地區包括落地簽電子簽 多米尼克護照可以免簽144個國家...

Transliteration duō mǐ ní kè hù zhào miǎn qiān guó jiā| shǐ yòng duō mǐ ní kè hù zhào miǎn qiān rù jìng guó jiā de qū bāo kuò luò de qiān diàn zi qiān duō mǐ ní kè hù zhào kě yǐ miǎn qiān144gè guó jiā...

EN Dominica is currently negotiating with Air Canada, United Airlines and Delta Air Lines to expand direct flights from the United States and Canada... To apply for 10-year USA B1/B2 visa with Dominica passport is simpler than you think

ZH 目前多米尼克正在與加拿大航空公司、聯合航空公司和達美航空公司進行談判,以擴大從美國加拿大直飛...(

Transliteration mù qián duō mǐ ní kè zhèng zài yǔ jiā ná dà háng kōng gōng sī、 lián hé háng kōng gōng sī hé dá měi háng kōng gōng sī jìn xíng tán pàn, yǐ kuò dà cóng měi guó jiā ná dà zhí fēi...(

EN ?That you're actually helping the people in Canada and the entrepreneurs in Canada—it's definitely a good thing. It gives you goosebumps sometimes.?

ZH ?您实际上是在帮助加拿大的广大民众和企业家。这当然是好事。但有时可能会让人起鸡皮疙瘩。?

Transliteration ? nín shí jì shàng shì zài bāng zhù jiā ná dà de guǎng dà mín zhòng hé qǐ yè jiā。zhè dāng rán shì hǎo shì。dàn yǒu shí kě néng huì ràng rén qǐ jī pí gē da。?

EN Job Openings at PADI Canada - Based in British Columbia, Canada

ZH 加拿大PADI的職位空缺 - 總部設在加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省

Transliteration jiā ná dàPADI de zhí wèi kōng quē - zǒng bù shè zài jiā ná dà bù liè diān gē lún bǐ yà shěng

English Chinese
padi padi

EN Discount applies in US and Canada (excluding hospital employees from Canada).

ZH 此折扣适用于美国加拿大加拿大不包括医院员工)。

Transliteration cǐ zhé kòu shì yòng yú měi guó hé jiā ná dà (jiā ná dà bù bāo kuò yī yuàn yuán gōng)。

EN Method Wire Transfer (Canada) Time 1 Business day Fee $10.00 Method Wire/Bank Transfer (Outside Canada) Time 3-5 Business days Fee $20.00

ZH 提款方式 Wire Transfer (Canada) 处理时长 1个工作日 费用 $10.00 提款方式 Wire/Bank Transfer (Outside Canada) 处理时长 3-5个工作日 费用 $20.00

Transliteration tí kuǎn fāng shì Wire Transfer (Canada) chù lǐ shí zhǎng 1gè gōng zuò rì fèi yòng $10.00 tí kuǎn fāng shì Wire/Bank Transfer (Outside Canada) chù lǐ shí zhǎng 3-5gè gōng zuò rì fèi yòng $20.00

EN Note: Due to copyright restrictions, Forever Love is only available for audiences in Canada. All other films are available for audiences in Canada and Taiwan. Anyone outside of the permitted areas will not be able to access the streaming page.

ZH 因版權限制,《阿嬤的夢中情人》僅限加拿大觀眾觀賞;其餘所有電影皆開放加拿大與台灣觀眾觀賞。上述地區以外之觀眾將無法進到影片播放頁。

Transliteration yīn bǎn quán xiàn zhì,《ā mā de mèng zhōng qíng rén》 jǐn xiàn jiā ná dà guān zhòng guān shǎng; qí yú suǒ yǒu diàn yǐng jiē kāi fàng jiā ná dà yǔ tái wān guān zhòng guān shǎng。shàng shù de qū yǐ wài zhī guān zhòng jiāng wú fǎ jìn dào yǐng piàn bō fàng yè。

EN Additionally, for the transfers to Canada we rely on the Commission Decision 2002/2/EC granting adequate protection for personal data in Canada processed pursuant to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, S.C

ZH 此外,对于向加拿大传输数据,我们遵循 Commission Decision 2002/2/EC(该决定对在加拿大处理的个人数据提供充分保护,其依据为《个人信息保护和电子文档法》,S.C

Transliteration cǐ wài, duì yú xiàng jiā ná dà chuán shū shù jù, wǒ men zūn xún Commission Decision 2002/2/EC (gāi jué dìng duì zài jiā ná dà chù lǐ de gè rén shù jù tí gōng chōng fēn bǎo hù, qí yī jù wèi 《gè rén xìn xī bǎo hù hé diàn zi wén dàng fǎ》,S.C

EN The University of Oxford tops the ranking for the sixth consecutive year, while mainland China has two institutions in the top 20 for the first time: Peking University and Tsinghua University share 16th place.

ZH 牛津大学连续第6在世界大学排名中位居榜首,而中国大陆地区首次有两家高校进入全球前20位:并列排名第16位的北京大学和清华大学。

Transliteration niú jīn dà xué lián xù dì6nián zài shì jiè dà xué pái míng zhōng wèi jū bǎng shǒu, ér zhōng guó dà lù de qū shǒu cì yǒu liǎng jiā gāo xiào jìn rù quán qiú qián20wèi: bìng liè pái míng dì16wèi de běi jīng dà xué hé qīng huá dà xué。

EN Harvard University tops the teaching pillar, while the University of Oxford tops the research pillar and Macau University of Science and Technology leads the international pillar.

ZH 哈佛大学在教学指标中成绩最好,牛津大学在研究指标中名列前茅,澳门科技大学则在国际展望指标中领先。

Transliteration hā fú dà xué zài jiào xué zhǐ biāo zhōng chéng jī zuì hǎo, niú jīn dà xué zài yán jiū zhǐ biāo zhōng míng liè qián máo, ào mén kē jì dà xué zé zài guó jì zhǎn wàng zhǐ biāo zhōng lǐng xiān。

EN Abilene Christian University (ACU) is a private university and national leader in Christian higher education. ACU was founded in 1906 and is located in Abilene, Texas. The university is currently home to about 4600 students and 865 staff members.

ZH 阿比林基督大学(ACU)是一所私立大学,在美国教会大学中处于领先地位。ACU成立于1906,位于德克萨斯州阿比林市。目前,该大学约有4600名学生和865名员工。

Transliteration ā bǐ lín jī dū dà xué (ACU) shì yī suǒ sī lì dà xué, zài měi guó jiào huì dà xué zhōng chù yú lǐng xiān de wèi。ACU chéng lì yú1906nián, wèi yú dé kè sà sī zhōu ā bǐ lín shì。mù qián, gāi dà xué yuē yǒu4600míng xué shēng hé865míng yuán gōng。

EN Elsewhere, ETH Zurich cements its place in the top 20, climbing three places to 17th, while National Taiwan University, the University of Manchester and Sorbonne University rise to join the top 50.

ZH 在其他地方,苏黎世联邦理工学院上升了3个名次,首次跻身前20位;而台湾大学、曼彻斯特大学和索邦大学排名均有提升,进入前50位。

Transliteration zài qí tā de fāng, sū lí shì lián bāng lǐ gōng xué yuàn shàng shēng le3gè míng cì, shǒu cì jī shēn qián20wèi; ér tái wān dà xué、 màn chè sī tè dà xué hé suǒ bāng dà xué pái míng jūn yǒu tí shēng, jìn rù qián50wèi。

EN The list is led by Denmark’s Aalborg University for a second year, while Iran University of Medical Sciences and Lingnan University Hong Kong complete the top three.

ZH 丹麦的奥尔堡大学连续两位居榜首,与伊朗医学科学大学和香港的岭南大学一起位列前三。

Transliteration dān mài de ào ěr bǎo dà xué lián xù liǎng nián wèi jū bǎng shǒu, yǔ yī lǎng yī xué kē xué dà xué hé xiāng gǎng de lǐng nán dà xué yī qǐ wèi liè qián sān。

EN The UK’s University of Manchester tops the ranking, while Arizona State University (Tempe) in the US and Monash University in Australia round out the top three.

ZH 英国的曼彻斯特大学位居榜首,与美国的亚利桑那州立大学(坦佩校区)和澳大利亚的莫那什大学一起位列前三。

Transliteration yīng guó de màn chè sī tè dà xué wèi jū bǎng shǒu, yǔ měi guó de yà lì sāng nà zhōu lì dà xué (tǎn pèi xiào qū) hé ào dà lì yà de mò nà shén dà xué yī qǐ wèi liè qián sān。

EN A City University of Hong Kong (CityU)-led inter-institutional project team promoting positive education among university students won the 2021 University Grants Committee (UGC) Teaching Award (the Award).

ZH 由香港城市大學(城大)領導的跨院校團隊,推動促進大學生正向教育的「聯校心理健康推廣計劃」(JUMP),榮獲2021大學教育資助委員會(教資會)傑出教學獎。

Transliteration yóu xiāng gǎng chéng shì dà xué (chéng dà) lǐng dǎo de kuà yuàn xiào tuán duì, tuī dòng cù jìn dà xué shēng zhèng xiàng jiào yù de 「lián xiào xīn lǐ jiàn kāng tuī guǎng jì huà」(JUMP), róng huò2021nián dà xué jiào yù zī zhù wěi yuán huì (jiào zī huì) jié chū jiào xué jiǎng。

EN Harris graduated from Howard University, a historically Black university in Washington, and earned a law degree from the University of California, Hastings College of Law.

ZH 哈里斯毕业于华盛顿(Washington)的历史性黑人院校霍华德大学(Howard University),此后获加利福尼亚大学(University of California)哈斯汀法学院(Hastings College of Law)法学学位。

Transliteration hā lǐ sī bì yè yú huá shèng dùn (Washington) de lì shǐ xìng hēi rén yuàn xiào huò huá dé dà xué (Howard University), cǐ hòu huò jiā lì fú ní yà dà xué (University of California) hā sī tīng fǎ xué yuàn (Hastings College of Law) fǎ xué xué wèi。

EN Christophe Beck (born 1972 in Montreal, Canada), also credited as Chris Beck, is a Canadian film and television composer. A native of Montreal, Beck studied music at Yale University and fil… read more

ZH 电影配乐家Christophe Beck,一个土生土长的蒙特利尔,贝克毕业于新月学校在多伦多,安大略,加拿大。他在耶鲁大学学习音乐,在那里,他的音乐总监Spizzwinks1989和1990的和Wh… 了解更多

Transliteration diàn yǐng pèi lè jiāChristophe Beck, yī gè tǔ shēng tǔ zhǎng de méng tè lì ěr, bèi kè bì yè yú xīn yuè xué xiào zài duō lún duō, ān dà lüè, jiā ná dà。tā zài yé lǔ dà xué xué xí yīn lè, zài nà lǐ, tā de yīn lè zǒng jiānSpizzwinks1989nián hé1990nián de héWh… le jiě gèng duō

EN Bachelor Degree of Arts in Communication from the Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

ZH 加拿大溫哥華西門菲莎大學, 傳理文學士

Transliteration jiā ná dà wēn gē huá xī mén fēi shā dà xué, chuán lǐ wén xué shì

EN Mijem provides a social marketplace for Generation Z communities to efficiently buy, sell and trade goods and service, enabling university and college students across the U.S. and Canada to build online communities and engage in campus themed commerce.

ZH 总部设在瑞士的全球性行业组织比特币协会以准会员身份加入了JCBA,以支持使用BSV区块链技术的企业级和国家级应用的发展。

Transliteration zǒng bù shè zài ruì shì de quán qiú xìng xíng yè zǔ zhī bǐ tè bì xié huì yǐ zhǔn huì yuán shēn fèn jiā rù leJCBA, yǐ zhī chí shǐ yòngBSV qū kuài liàn jì shù de qǐ yè jí hé guó jiā jí yīng yòng de fā zhǎn。

EN Bachelor Degree of Arts in Communication from the Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

ZH 加拿大溫哥華西門菲莎大學, 傳理文學士

Transliteration jiā ná dà wēn gē huá xī mén fēi shā dà xué, chuán lǐ wén xué shì

EN Christophe Beck (born 1972 in Montreal, Canada), also credited as Chris Beck, is a Canadian film and television composer. A native of Montreal, Beck studied music at Yale University and fil… read more

ZH 电影配乐家Christophe Beck,一个土生土长的蒙特利尔,贝克毕业于新月学校在多伦多,安大略,加拿大。他在耶鲁大学学习音乐,在那里,他的音乐总监Spizzwinks1989和1990的和Wh… 了解更多

Transliteration diàn yǐng pèi lè jiāChristophe Beck, yī gè tǔ shēng tǔ zhǎng de méng tè lì ěr, bèi kè bì yè yú xīn yuè xué xiào zài duō lún duō, ān dà lüè, jiā ná dà。tā zài yé lǔ dà xué xué xí yīn lè, zài nà lǐ, tā de yīn lè zǒng jiānSpizzwinks1989nián hé1990nián de héWh… le jiě gèng duō

EN Pilots in the US with the University of Denver and University of Florida

ZH 美國丹佛大學 (University of Denver) 和佛羅里達大學 (University Of Florida) 的測試

Transliteration měi guó dān fú dà xué (University of Denver) hé fú luó lǐ dá dà xué (University Of Florida) de cè shì

English Chinese
florida florida

EN After navigating China’s highly competitive gaokao university entrance exam, he earned a bachelor’s degree in applied chemistry at Shenzhen University.

ZH 经历了高考的激烈角逐,他成功进入深圳大学学习,并获得应用化学理学士学位。

Transliteration jīng lì le gāo kǎo de jī liè jiǎo zhú, tā chéng gōng jìn rù shēn zhèn dà xué xué xí, bìng huò dé yīng yòng huà xué lǐ xué shì xué wèi。

EN Chair, Asia Pacific Regional Council University Librarian, Edith Cowan University

ZH 亚太地区委员会主席 伊迪斯科文大学图书馆馆长

Transliteration yà tài de qū wěi yuán huì zhǔ xí yī dí sī kē wén dà xué tú shū guǎn guǎn zhǎng

EN A student center (also known as a student union) is a building on a university campus. A student center is a place for students to socialize, etc., and is the community center of the university.

ZH A student center (也叫a student union) 是大学校园中的学生活动和社交中心,相当于高校校园中的社区中心。

Transliteration A student center (yě jiàoa student union) shì dà xué xiào yuán zhōng de xué shēng huó dòng hé shè jiāo zhōng xīn, xiāng dāng yú gāo xiào xiào yuán zhōng de shè qū zhōng xīn。

EN Academic Skills for University Success (The University of Sydney)

ZH Accounting Data Analytics (伊利诺伊大学香槟分校)

Transliteration Accounting Data Analytics (yī lì nuò yī dà xué xiāng bīn fēn xiào)

EN Ms. Ammassari holds a doctorate in development studies from Sussex University in the United Kingdom and a master’s degree in political science from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in Italy.

ZH 阿马萨里女士能说流利的英语、法语、德语和意大利语。

Transliteration ā mǎ sà lǐ nǚ shì néng shuō liú lì de yīng yǔ、 fǎ yǔ、 dé yǔ hé yì dà lì yǔ。

EN She holds a master’s degree in foreign service from Georgetown University in the USA, and a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Barcelona in Spain. 

ZH 维拉尔·福纳女士拥有美国乔治敦大学的外交事务硕士学位,以及西班牙巴塞罗那大学的经济学学士学位。  

Transliteration wéi lā ěr·fú nà nǚ shì yōng yǒu měi guó qiáo zhì dūn dà xué de wài jiāo shì wù shuò shì xué wèi, yǐ jí xī bān yá bā sāi luō nà dà xué de jīng jì xué xué shì xué wèi。  

EN The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022 include more than 1,600 universities across 99 countries and territories, making them the largest and most diverse university rankings to date.

ZH 2022度泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名涵盖了来自99个国家/地区的1600多所大学,是迄今为止规模最大、最多元的大学排名。

Transliteration 2022nián dù tài wù shì gāo děng jiào yù shì jiè dà xué pái míng hán gài le lái zì99gè guó jiā/de qū de1600duō suǒ dà xué, shì qì jīn wèi zhǐ guī mó zuì dà、 zuì duō yuán de dà xué pái míng。

EN Martin holds a B.Sc. with honors in Physics and Astronomy from the University of Sheffield and a Postgraduate Certificate in Computing for Commerce and Industry from the Open University.

ZH Martin 以优异成绩获得谢菲尔德大学物理学和天文学学士学位,并获得了英国开放大学工商计算机专业的研究生证书。

Transliteration Martin yǐ yōu yì chéng jī huò dé xiè fēi ěr dé dà xué wù lǐ xué hé tiān wén xué xué shì xué wèi, bìng huò dé le yīng guó kāi fàng dà xué gōng shāng jì suàn jī zhuān yè de yán jiū shēng zhèng shū。

English Chinese
martin martin

EN President, King Abdullah University of Science and TechnologyPresident Emeritus, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

ZH 阿卜杜拉国王科技大学校长香港科技大学前校长

Transliteration ā bo dù lā guó wáng kē jì dà xué xiào zhǎng xiāng gǎng kē jì dà xué qián xiào zhǎng

EN See how The University of Winnipeg provided more services to the university and library community by simplifying back-office work.

ZH 了解维也纳新城应用技术大学和维也纳新城公共图书馆如何合并馆藏,服务于更广泛的受众。

Transliteration le jiě wéi yě nà xīn chéng yīng yòng jì shù dà xué hé wéi yě nà xīn chéng gōng gòng tú shū guǎn rú hé hé bìng guǎn cáng, fú wù yú gèng guǎng fàn de shòu zhòng。

EN Nancy Eaton, Dean of University Libraries and Scholarly Communications, Penn State University, USA

ZH Nancy Eaton:美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学图书馆馆长和学术传播中心主任

Transliteration Nancy Eaton: měi guó bīn xī fǎ ní yà zhōu lì dà xué tú shū guǎn guǎn zhǎng hé xué shù chuán bō zhōng xīn zhǔ rèn

EN Brian E. C. Schottlaender, Global Council Delegate and The Audrey Geisel University Librarian, University of California, San Diego, USA

ZH Brian E. C. Schottlaender:全球委员会代表和美国圣迭戈加利福尼亚大学奥黛丽吉赛尔图书馆馆长

Transliteration Brian E. C. Schottlaender: quán qiú wěi yuán huì dài biǎo hé měi guó shèng dié gē jiā lì fú ní yà dà xué ào dài lì jí sài ěr tú shū guǎn guǎn zhǎng

English Chinese
c c

EN The Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) is the fourth autonomous university in Singapore.

ZH 新加坡科技设计大学(SUTD)是新加坡第四所公立大学。

Transliteration xīn jiā pō kē jì shè jì dà xué (SUTD) shì xīn jiā pō dì sì suǒ gōng lì dà xué。

EN University Heights is a/an Estate located at Mid-Levels West. University Heights is located in School Net 11.

ZH 大学阁是位于西半山的屋苑大学阁位处11校网。

Transliteration dà xué gé shì wèi yú xī bàn shān de wū yuàn dà xué gé wèi chù11xiào wǎng。

EN Biases, Norms and Culture: A Framework for Understanding Our Responses to a Pandemic | University Event Calendar - The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

ZH Biases, Norms and Culture: A Framework for Understanding Our Responses to a Pandemic | 大学活动日历 - 香港科技大学

Transliteration Biases, Norms and Culture: A Framework for Understanding Our Responses to a Pandemic | dà xué huó dòng rì lì - xiāng gǎng kē jì dà xué

EN Céline has as Bachelor in Business Economics and MBA from the University of Amsterdam and Master’s degree in Advanced Project Management from Villanova University.

ZH Céline 擁有阿姆斯特丹大學的商業經濟學學士學位與 MBA 學位,以及維拉諾瓦大學的高級專案管理碩士學位。

Transliteration Céline yōng yǒu ā mǔ sī tè dān dà xué de shāng yè jīng jì xué xué shì xué wèi yǔ MBA xué wèi, yǐ jí wéi lā nuò wǎ dà xué de gāo jí zhuān àn guǎn lǐ shuò shì xué wèi。

EN Thanks to industry-academia collaboration with the University of Tokyo's University Museum, "Science Area" is a place to constantly share the latest information through exhibitions.​ ​

ZH 與東京大學綜合研究博物館產學合作企劃,在「科學園地」經常發布最新資訊。

Transliteration yǔ dōng jīng dà xué zōng hé yán jiū bó wù guǎn chǎn xué hé zuò qǐ huà, zài 「kē xué yuán de」 jīng cháng fā bù zuì xīn zī xùn。

EN To be eligible, you must be registered at a university that is located in the country where the opportunity is offered (e.g., to do an internship in Montreal, you should be registered at a Canadian university).

ZH 要获得资格,你必须是提供此机会的国家/地区的注册学生(例如,要在蒙特利尔实习,应该在一所加拿大的大学注册)。

Transliteration yào huò dé zī gé, nǐ bì xū shì tí gōng cǐ jī huì de guó jiā/de qū de zhù cè xué shēng (lì rú, yào zài méng tè lì ěr shí xí, yīng gāi zài yī suǒ jiā ná dà de dà xué zhù cè)。

EN Located on the outskirts of the city centre and close to Haymarket Train Station, Fountainbridge is within walking distance of Edinburgh University, Edinburgh College of Art, MGA Stage Academy and Edinburgh Napier University.

ZH Fountainbridge学生公寓位于市中心近郊,靠近Haymarket火车站,您步行即可到达爱丁堡大学、爱丁堡艺术学院、MGA舞台学院和爱丁堡纳皮尔大学。

Transliteration Fountainbridge xué shēng gōng yù wèi yú shì zhōng xīn jìn jiāo, kào jìnHaymarket huǒ chē zhàn, nín bù xíng jí kě dào dá ài dīng bǎo dà xué、 ài dīng bǎo yì shù xué yuàn、MGA wǔ tái xué yuàn hé ài dīng bǎo nà pí ěr dà xué。

EN Kristian has called the Pacific Northwest home for most of his life. He began working in the nonprofit sector after completing a Bachelor’s in Sociology at Portland State University, and an MBA in Nonprofit Management at Marylhurst University

ZH 克里斯蒂安一生中大部分时间都以太平洋西北地区为家。他在波特兰州立大学获得社会学学士学位后,开始在非营利部门工作,并在马里赫斯特大学获得非营利管理MBA学位。 

Transliteration kè lǐ sī dì ān yī shēng zhōng dà bù fēn shí jiān dōu yǐ tài píng yáng xī běi de qū wèi jiā。tā zài bō tè lán zhōu lì dà xué huò dé shè huì xué xué shì xué wèi hòu, kāi shǐ zài fēi yíng lì bù mén gōng zuò, bìng zài mǎ lǐ hè sī tè dà xué huò dé fēi yíng lì guǎn lǐMBA xué wèi。 

Showing 50 of 50 translations