{Gözleg {lang langto to-a terjime et

{Gözleg {sözüniň {langfromdan Iňlis sözüne {jemleýji netijäniň {ahyrky netijesi} terjimelerini görkezmek.

{Gözlegiň Hytaýlylar -dan {langto to-a terjimesi


ZH Returns the URL of the next product in the collection. Returns nil if there is no next product. This output can be used on the product page to output ‘next’ and ‘previous’ links on the product.liquid template. 進一步了解

EN Returns the URL of the next product in the collection. Returns nil if there is no next product. This output can be used on the product page to output ‘next’ and ‘previous’ links on the product.liquid template. Learn more

ZH Returns the URL of the previous product in the collection. Returns nil if there is no previous product. This output can be used on the product page to output ‘next’ and ‘previous’ links on the product.liquid template. 進一步了解

EN Returns the URL of the previous product in the collection. Returns nil if there is no previous product. This output can be used on the product page to output ‘next’ and ‘previous’ links on the product.liquid template. Learn more

ZH Returns the name of the custom product template assigned to the product, without the product prefix nor the .liquid suffix. Returns nil if a custom template is not assigned to the product. 進一步了解

EN Returns the name of the custom product template assigned to the product, without the product prefix nor the .liquid suffix. Returns nil if a custom template is not assigned to the product. Learn more

ZH The product_option object is available for each option in a product options array. The product options array is accessible via product.options_with_values. 進一步了解

EN The product_option object is available for each option in a product options array. The product options array is accessible via product.options_with_values. Learn more

ZH Product: Biometrics Asset Type: Product Brief Title: Natural ID™VFS6100指纹滑动传感器 Date: Aug 15, 2016

EN Product: Biometrics Asset Type: Security Brief Title: Synaptics VFS75xx Fingerprint Sensors Security Brief Date: Jul 14, 2020

ZH Creates a dynamic checkout button for a product. This filter must be used on the form object within a product form. 進一步了解

EN Creates a dynamic checkout button for a product. This filter must be used on the form object within a product form. Learn more

ZH Renders the Shop Pay Installments banner for a product. This filter must be used on the form object within a product form. 進一步了解

EN Renders the Shop Pay Installments banner for a product. This filter must be used on the form object within a product form. Learn more

ZH Creates a collection-aware product URL by prepending /collections/collection-handle to a product URL, where collection-handle is the handle of the collection that is currently being viewed. 進一步了解

EN Creates a collection-aware product URL by prepending /collections/collection-handle to a product URL, where collection-handle is the handle of the collection that is currently being viewed. Learn more

ZH The external_video object can be accessed from the product object's media attribute. It contains information about a Vimeo or YouTube video associated with a product. 進一步了解

EN The external_video object can be accessed from the product object's media attribute. It contains information about a Vimeo or YouTube video associated with a product. Learn more

ZH Returns the product associated with the purchased gift card, or returns nothing if there is no associated product. 進一步了解

EN Returns the product associated with the purchased gift card, or returns nothing if there is no associated product. Learn more

ZH The model object can be accessed from the product object's media attribute. The model object contains information about a 3D model uploaded from the product details page in the Shopify admin. 進一步了解

EN The model object can be accessed from the product object's media attribute. The model object contains information about a 3D model uploaded from the product details page in the Shopify admin. Learn more

ZH Returns the description of the product. Alias for product.description. 進一步了解

EN Returns the description of the product. Alias for product.description. Learn more

ZH Returns an array of the product’s images. Use the product_img_url filter to link to the product image on Shopify’s Content Delivery Network. 進一步了解

EN Returns an array of the product’s images. Use the product_img_url filter to link to the product image on Shopify’s Content Delivery Network. Learn more

ZH Returns true if the product’s variants have varying prices. Returns false if all of the product’s variants have the same price. 進一步了解

EN Returns true if the product’s variants have varying prices. Returns false if all of the product’s variants have the same price. Learn more

ZH Returns the product option's position in the product options array. 進一步了解

EN Returns the product option's position in the product options array. Learn more

ZH Product: Far-field Voice DSPs Asset Type: Product Brief Title: DS20924产品简介-4麦克风AVS Date: Jan 4, 2019

EN Product: Far-field Voice DSPs Asset Type: Manual Title: DS20924 Quick Start Guide - 4-mic AVS Date: Jan 4, 2019

ZH Product: Biometrics Asset Type: Product Brief Title: Natural ID™VFS6100指纹滑动传感器 Date: Aug 15, 2016

EN Product: Biometrics Asset Type: Security Brief Title: Synaptics VFS75xx Fingerprint Sensors Security Brief Date: Jul 14, 2020

ZH Product: Far-field Voice DSPs Asset Type: Security Brief Title: 声音设备安全简介-2019年4月15日 Date: Apr 15, 2019

EN Product: Far-field Voice DSPs Asset Type: Security Brief Title: Sound Device Security Brief - Apr 15, 2019 Date: Apr 15, 2019

Hytaýlylar Iňlis

ZH Product: Biometrics Asset Type: Whitepaper Title: SentryPoint™加密 Date: May 6, 2016

EN Product: Biometrics Asset Type: Security Brief Title: Synaptics Fingerprint Drivers SGX Security Brief Date: Jul 14, 2020

ZH Product: Biometrics Asset Type: Security Brief Title: Synaptics指纹驱动程序SGX安全简介 Date: Jul 14, 2020

EN Product: Biometrics Asset Type: Product Brief Title: Fingerprint Sensors for PC Peripherals Date: May 23, 2016

ZH Product: Biometrics Asset Type: Whitepaper Title: 指纹感应:下一代 Date: Oct 27, 2015

EN Product: Biometrics Asset Type: Whitepaper Title: Fingerprint Sensing: The Next Generation Date: Oct 27, 2015

ZH 使用以 TD 為開頭的金鑰啟動 Tableau Prep 時發生錯誤 “Activation Failed” 或 “This Product Key Doesn’t Apply”

EN Error "Activation failed" or "This product key doesn't apply" when activating Tableau Prep using a key that starts with TD

ZH How to Find Influencers to Promote Your Content or Product 工作流 - Semrush Toolkits | Semrush

EN How to Find Influencers to Promote Your Content or Product workflow - Semrush Toolkits | Semrush

ZH Formats the product variant’s weight. 進一步了解

EN Formats the product variant’s weight. Learn more

ZH Media filters let you generate URLs for a product's media. 進一步了解

EN Media filters let you generate URLs for a product's media. Learn more

ZH Creates an HTML link to a collection page that lists all products belonging to a product type. 進一步了解

EN Creates an HTML link to a collection page that lists all products belonging to a product type. Learn more

ZH Creates a URL that links to a collection page containing products with a specific product type. 進一步了解

EN Creates a URL that links to a collection page containing products with a specific product type. Learn more

ZH Creates a URL that links to a collection page containing products with a specific product vendor. 進一步了解

EN Creates a URL that links to a collection page containing products with a specific product vendor. Learn more

ZH Returns the canonical URL of the current page. A page's canonical URL is the page's default URL without any URL parameters. For products and variants, the canonical URL is the default product page with no collection or variant selected. 進一步了解

EN Returns the canonical URL of the current page. A page's canonical URL is the page's default URL without any URL parameters. For products and variants, the canonical URL is the default product page with no collection or variant selected. Learn more

ZH Returns the description of the product, collection, or page that is being viewed. You can set descriptions in the Shopify admin. 進一步了解

EN Returns the description of the product, collection, or page that is being viewed. You can set descriptions in the Shopify admin. Learn more

ZH Returns the title of the product, collection, or page that is being viewed. You can set titles in the Shopify admin. 進一步了解

EN Returns the title of the product, collection, or page that is being viewed. You can set titles in the Shopify admin. Learn more

ZH Returns a list of all product tags in a collection. collection.all_tags will return the full list of tags even when the collection view is filtered. collection.all_tags will return at most 1,000 tags. 進一步了解

EN Returns a list of all product tags in a collection. collection.all_tags will return the full list of tags even when the collection view is filtered. collection.all_tags will return at most 1,000 tags. Learn more

ZH Returns a list of all product types in a collection. 進一步了解

EN Returns a list of all product types in a collection. Learn more

ZH Returns a list of all product vendors in a collection. 進一步了解

EN Returns a list of all product vendors in a collection. Learn more

ZH Returns the featured image for the collection. The default is the collection image, and then Shopify will fall back to an appropriate image, such as the featured image of the first product in the collection. 進一步了解

EN Returns the featured image for the collection. The default is the collection image, and then Shopify will fall back to an appropriate image, such as the featured image of the first product in the collection. Learn more

ZH Inside collection.liquid, current_tags contains all product tags that are used to filter a collection. 進一步了解

EN Inside collection.liquid, current_tags contains all product tags that are used to filter a collection. Learn more

ZH Returns the alt tag of the video set on the product details page of the Shopify admin. 進一步了解

EN Returns the alt tag of the video set on the product details page of the Shopify admin. Learn more

ZH Returns the type of the object (external_video). This can be used to filter the product object's media array. 進一步了解

EN Returns the type of the object (external_video). This can be used to filter the product object's media array. Learn more

ZH Returns the maximum product price within the current collection. This is only valid for filters of type price_range. 進一步了解

EN Returns the maximum product price within the current collection. This is only valid for filters of type price_range. Learn more

ZH Returns the id of the image's product. 進一步了解

EN Returns the id of the image's product. Learn more

ZH Returns the relative path of the product image. This is the same as outputting {{ image }}. 進一步了解

EN Returns the relative path of the product image. This is the same as outputting {{ image }}. Learn more

ZH A line item represents a single line in the shopping cart. There is one line item for each distinct product variant in the cart. 進一步了解

EN A line item represents a single line in the shopping cart. There is one line item for each distinct product variant in the cart. Learn more

ZH Returns true if the line item's product is a gift card, or false if it is not. 進一步了解

EN Returns true if the line item's product is a gift card, or false if it is not. Learn more

ZH Returns the product of the line item. 進一步了解

EN Returns the product of the line item. Learn more

ZH Returns the title of this line item. line_item.title combines both the line item’s product.title and the line item’s variant.title, separated by a hyphen. 進一步了解

EN Returns the title of this line item. line_item.title combines both the line item’s product.title and the line item’s variant.title, separated by a hyphen. Learn more

ZH Returns the URL to the product page using variant deep-linking. 進一步了解

EN Returns the URL to the product page using variant deep-linking. Learn more

ZH Returns the vendor name of the line item’s product. 進一步了解

EN Returns the vendor name of the line item’s product. Learn more

ZH Returns the variable associated to the link. The possible types are: product, collection, page, blog. 進一步了解

EN Returns the variable associated to the link. The possible types are: product, collection, page, blog. Learn more

ZH Returns the media type of the object. The media_type property can be used to filter the product.media array for all media of a desired type. 進一步了解

EN Returns the media type of the object. The media_type property can be used to filter the product.media array for all media of a desired type. Learn more

ZH Returns the position of the specific media object in the product object's media array. 進一步了解

EN Returns the position of the specific media object in the product object's media array. Learn more

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