Përkthe "gandi" në Anglisht

Duke shfaqur 50 nga 50 përkthimet e frazës "gandi" nga Kineze në Anglisht

Përkthimi i Kineze në Anglisht i gandi


ZH 所以如果我们创建一个将域名 news.gandi.net. 指向域名 gandi.net 的 CNAME,但是我们忘记在域名结尾加上一个点(gandi.net?.?),则该记录将被读取成将 news.gandi.net. 指向 gandi.net.gandi.net。

EN So if we create a CNAME that pointed news.gandi.net to the domain name gandi.net, but we forget to put the dot at the end to make it gandi.net., the record would get read as pointing news.gandi.net to gandi.net.gandi.net.

ZH 之後,Montefiore Investments (英文連結)成為 Gandi 的主要股東,其挹注的資源使 Gandi 成長更為顯著,尤以有機增長為甚。如今 Gandi 每天都有 150 多位員工賣力投身於提供大眾網路服務。

EN The source of that growth, especially organic growth, is the arrival of Montefiore Investments as a major shareholder. On a daily basis, Gandi's 150 employees work to make the web accessible to all.

ZH 標誌、「Gandi」和「no bullshit」註冊商標,以及「gandi.net」網域名稱,皆構成屬於 Gandi 的註冊商標,使用時必須遵守網站所指明的使用條款。

EN The logo, the "Gandi" and “no bullshit” registered trademarks, and the "gandi.net" domain name, all constitute registered trademarks belonging to Gandi, whose use must comply with the terms of use specified on the Website.

ZH 如欲了解更多 Gandi 企业户服务,请参访 Gandi 官方网站:https://www.gandi.net/corporate

EN Learn more about our Gandi Corporate Services: https://www.gandi.net/corporate

ZH Gandi 的 VPS 伺服器代管於法國,每月可用率為 99.95%;選擇 Gandi,就可以享有 Gandi 客戶服務團隊 20 多年來的專業經驗之協助。

EN Our VPS virtual servers are hosted in France, with a 99.95% monthly availability rate. Benefit from our expertise in customer support for over 20 years.

ZH 使用基礎架構程式碼的 Gandi 雲主機與 Gandi 雲平台 — Gandi.net

EN VPS and Cloud for Infra-as-Code — Gandi.net

ZH Gandi 部署與執行您的 Gandi 雲主機與 Gandi 雲平台服務

EN Deploy and run your Cloud server and VPS services at Gandi

ZH Gandi 的 VPS 伺服器代管於法國,每月可用率為 99.95%;選擇 Gandi,就可以享有 Gandi 客戶服務團隊 20 多年來的專業經驗之協助。

EN Our VPS virtual servers are hosted in France, with a 99.95% monthly availability rate. Benefit from our expertise in customer support for over 20 years.

ZH Gandi LiveDNS REST API 支援所有上述的 DNS 紀錄。請參閱 Gandi 的 DNS 紀錄線上文件,瞭解 DNS 紀錄的不同種類、使用方式及如何在 Gandi 使用。

EN All of these DNS records are supported by the Gandi LiveDNS REST API.To learn more about the different types of DNS records, how they're used, and how to use them at Gandi, please feel free to consult our DNS record documentation.

ZH Gandi 社交俱乐部回来了! 2021 年 10 月 12 日,举办了第三届的 Gandi 支持替代性方案会员活动。在停办一年后,这是个相聚与分享 Gandi 支持专案的好机会。

EN In 2019, no less than 3.24 million voice assistants were in use around the world. With the portion of searches generated by these new devices is growing larger, it?s now essential to rank well in voice search results.

ZH 之後,Montefiore Investments (英文連結)成為 Gandi 的主要股東,其挹注的資源使 Gandi 成長更為顯著,尤以有機增長為甚。如今 Gandi 每天都有 150 多位員工賣力投身於提供大眾網路服務。

EN The source of that growth, especially organic growth, is the arrival of Montefiore Investments as a major shareholder. On a daily basis, Gandi's 150 employees work to make the web accessible to all.

ZH 標誌、「Gandi」和「no bullshit」註冊商標,以及「gandi.net」網域名稱,皆構成屬於 Gandi 的註冊商標,使用時必須遵守網站所指明的使用條款。

EN The logo, the "Gandi" and “no bullshit” registered trademarks, and the "gandi.net" domain name, all constitute registered trademarks belonging to Gandi, whose use must comply with the terms of use specified on the Website.

ZH Gandi 是資料控制者,以 Gandi 自己的名義處理您的資料,此外,Gandi 已指定法國個人資料保護主管機關 (國家資訊自由委員會,CNIL) 為資料保護方面的主導機構。資料控制者的聯絡方式如下:

EN Gandi is the data controller as it processes your data on its own behalf. Gandi has designated the French data protection authority (CNIL) as the lead authority in terms of data protection. The contact details of the data controller are :

ZH 如欲了解更多 Gandi 企业户服务,请参访 Gandi 官方网站:https://www.gandi.net/corporate

EN Learn more about our Gandi Corporate Services: https://www.gandi.net/corporate

ZH Gandi.net:網域名稱、代管主機與 SSL 憑證 — Gandi.net

EN Gandi.net — Gandi.net: Domain Names, Web Hosting, SSL Certificates

Kineze Anglisht
net domain

ZH 在您的平台上提供 Gandi 的服務:透過 Gandi 功能強大的 API,提供您與客戶完全整合且自動化的購買體驗。

EN Offer our products on your platform. Our powerful API enables full integration and automation of your or your customers' purchasing experience.

ZH No Bullshit™ 是 Gandi 的商標與文化,Gandi 一直努力提供透明合理與高穩定性的服務。

EN No Bullshit™ is our trademark and we work hard to offer a transparent and reliable service.

ZH Gandi 企業客戶服務 - 管理與保護您的網域名稱 — Gandi.net

EN Gandi Corporate Services - Manage and protect your domain names — Gandi.net

Kineze Anglisht
net domain

ZH Gandi 網站使用條款 — Gandi.net


ZH 介紹好朋友使用 Gandi 服務,就能在購買產品時獲得新台幣 160 元的購物金折扣代碼。成功推薦三個好友,還可以獲得 Gandi 限量 T-Shirt !

EN Introduce friends to Gandi, and get a $5 discount code when they buy a product. Also get a Gandi t-shirt for your third successful referral!

ZH Gandi 好友推薦計畫僅適用於邀請尚未擁有 Gandi 帳戶的新用戶。

EN The referral program by and for Gandi customers. Valid only when inviting new customers.

ZH 成功推薦三位好友成為 Gandi 的使用者,即可獲得一件 Gandi 限量 T-Shirt 。

EN A Gandi t-shirt when you successfully refer 3 new customers.

ZH Gandi 邀請您看看Gandi 支持替代性專案頁面,您便能瞭解我們支持的各種外部專案。Gandi 正是透過支持各式各樣我們關心的計畫或想法,維持我們企業的文化、信仰與靈魂。

EN We invite you to take a look at the Gandi Supports page, which will give you an idea of the kinds of external projects we support. It is here that we try to maintain the "soul" of our company through the support of various initiatives that we care about.

ZH Gandi 推出適用於中小企業的解決方案 - 為您的企業打造品牌 — Gandi.net

EN Gandi for Small and Medium Enterprises — Buy domain names for your business — Gandi.net

Kineze Anglisht
net domain

ZH 邀請更多朋友和家人使用 Gandi 。成功推薦三位新用戶,我們就會寄給您一件 Gandi 好友推薦收藏版 T-Shirt !

EN Invite additional friends and family members. On the third referred friend, we'll send a collectible Gandi "Refer a Friend" t-shirt right to your door!

ZH Gandi Email - 個人化的電子信箱位址與電子信箱代管服務 — Gandi.net

EN Gandi Email - Personalized Email address, Email Services — Gandi.net

ZH 透過以下表單聯絡 Gandi Asia:https://help.gandi.net/en/contact/my-rights

EN by contacting us via the following form: https://help.gandi.net/en/contact/my-rights

ZH 我的網域名稱不在 Gandi,該如何連結在 Gandi 的 WordPress 主機?

EN I don't have a domain name at Gandi, how can I link my WordPress hosting at Gandi to it?

ZH Gandi 可以代管使用 Magento、Drupal、Prestahop 或 WordPress 架設的網站,如果您剛好偏好使用 WordPress 架站,Gandi 還能立即連結代管主機與您的域名。

EN We can host websites created with Magento, Drupal, Prestahop and WordPress. If the latter has your preference, Gandi provides you with an immediate connection to your domain name.

ZH Gandi 雲平台 (OpenStack) 與 Gandi 雲主機 (VPS) 的差別是什麼?

EN What is the difference between a GandiCloud VPS and a Gandi Cloud server?

ZH 如果您目前須要使用 FreeBSD 伺服器或 CentOS 伺服器,您可以使用我們其他的 Gandi 雲主機 (VPS) 服務方案。目前並不建議在 Gandi 的虛擬專用伺服器上使用 Windows。

EN At the moment you can use our other Cloud Server offer if you need a FreeBSD server, or a CentOS server.At the moment we do not propose Windows on our VPS.

ZH VPS 代表虛擬專用服務器,這是一種代管服務,不但價格合理,同時使用者可擁有非常高的控制權。Gandi 提供了高度靈活的 VPS 代管方案 — Gandi 雲主機 (VPS)。

EN VPS means Virtual Private Server. This is a hosting solution that offers the user a very high degree of control while remaining affordable. Gandi offers a highly flexible VPS hosting option.

ZH 只要您的域名是在 Gandi 註冊的,您所有的 Simple Hosting 主機都享有 1 個免費的 SSL 憑證;無論您的域名是在 Gandi 註冊,或是經由其他域名註冊商註冊的,都可以很容易地連結至您的網站。

EN All of our Simple Hosting offers also include a free SSL certificate for each of the domain names you host with us. These domain names may be purchased directly on Gandi or via another provider, and they can be easily linked to your websites.

ZH 只有在 Gandi 註冊網域名稱,才能使用 Gandi 的電子信箱代管服務。

EN Our email service is only available if you have a domain name at Gandi for now.

ZH 为了能妥善地保护客户隐私以及符合相关保护规章,Gandi 提供所有于 Gandi 註册之网域名称免费的 Whois 隐私保护服务!

EN To protect your personal data and to comply with GDPR regulations, Gandi provides a free Whois privacy service for all domains registered with Gandi!

ZH Gandi 在 2020 年举办多种游戏并送出多重好礼,以与亲爱的您们一同欢庆 Gandi 20 週年庆。今日的文章要与您们分享 2020 这一年的活动成果。

EN If you’ve been nursing the idea of starting a blog, here are 10 things you need to put your plans into action.

ZH Gandi 電子報的寄送頻率為每月一封,訂閱後 Gandi 會保護您的個資,目前累計已有超過 175,000 位訂閱戶,快加入他們的行列,隨時掌握最新消息與優惠活動!

EN Join the over 175,000 subscribers who have chosen to stay informed of our recent publications and best offers. One email per month. We do not share your data.

ZH Gandi 的 WordPress 代管服務會不斷更新與配置最新版本的 PHP 與 MySQL,此外,Gandi 還會提供您免費的 SSL 憑證,使用在您的 WordPress 代管主機上。

EN Having a WordPress hosting solution which is constantly updated and configured with the latest versions of PHP and MySQL is just as vital. Gandi generates SSL (TLS) certificates for your WordPress hosting for free.

ZH 如果您在存取 Simple Hosting 主機時遇到困難,可以在 Gandi 網站上的 Simple Hosting 主機管理頁面上找到安裝 WordPress 的相關登入資訊, 如果您的問題還是沒有解決,請隨時聯絡 Gandi 客服團隊。

EN The login information related to your WordPress hosting installation is available on the administration page of your Simple Hosting instance on Gandi's website. If you are totally stuck, you can always contact our support team.

ZH Gandi 的 VPS 伺服器最知名的特點就是極其可靠,並且使用最新一代的伺服器;對於 Gandi 而言,VPS 虛擬伺服器不是「成本低廉的」雲端服務。

EN Our VPS virtual servers are known for being extremely reliable, and are based on the latest generation of servers available. At Gandi, VPS virtual servers are not thought of as a "low-cost" Cloud solution.

ZH 設置 Terraform 連結 OpenStack 公開 API,輕鬆部署您的容器至一個或多個 Gandi 雲平台虛擬伺服器上。瞭解更多 Terraform 與 Gandi 雲平台的詳情

EN Configure the Terraform connector on the OpenStack public API to easily deploy your container infrastructure to one or more GandiCloud VPS virtual servers. Learn more about Terraform and GandiCloud VPS.

ZH Gandi 雲平台 (OpenStack) 與 Gandi 雲主機的差別是什麼?

EN What is the difference between a GandiCloud VPS and a Gandi Cloud server?

ZH 如果您目前須要使用 FreeBSD 伺服器或 CentOS 伺服器,您可以使用我們其他的 Gandi 雲主機服務方案。目前並不建議在 Gandi 的虛擬專用伺服器上使用 Windows。

EN At the moment you can use our other Cloud Server offer if you need a FreeBSD server, or a CentOS server.At the moment we do not propose Windows on our VPS.

ZH Gandi 雲主機 (雲端伺服器) 與 Gandi 雲平台 (VPS 伺服器) 一樣嗎?

EN Is a Cloud Server the same as a VPS server ?

ZH Gandi.net:網域名稱、網頁代管、SSL 憑證與電子信箱 — Gandi.net

EN Gandi.net — Gandi.net: Domain Names, Web Hosting, SSL Certificates and Emails

Kineze Anglisht
net domain

ZH Gandi 的服務致力保護您的網路商標,Gandi 的專家擁有 20 年的經驗,時刻兢兢業業提供您協助。

EN Our service dedicated to the protection of your trademarks online. 20-years of experience by experts who are dedicated and available every day.

ZH 您的大力支持成就了 Gandi 的美名,20 多年以來,維持顧客的滿意與信任一直是 Gandi 的最大堅持。

EN You are the builders of Gandi's reputation. The satisfaction and confidence of our users have been the guiding principles of our growth for over 20 years.

ZH 網路先驅:Gandi 的成立是源於渴望反對與抵制大型壟斷企業,Gandi 想盡可能讓越多人擁有域名與使用代管服務。

EN Web pioneers: Gandi was born out of the desire to oppose and stand up to the large monopolies, so that domain names, and later cloud hosting, would be accessible to as many as possible.

ZH Gandi 企業客戶服務 — 管理與保護您的網域名稱 — Gandi.net

EN Gandi Corporate Services - Manage and protect your domain names — Gandi.net

Kineze Anglisht
net domain

ZH Gandi 提供您進階品牌監控系統,並在需要時提供您與 Gandi 以及 ICC 合作的律師或智慧財產權專家的協助,以在域名糾紛方面 (如:UDRP、URS 等) 捍衛您的權利。

EN Advanced monitoring tools, and, if necessary, a network of lawyers and intellectual property experts who have partnered with Gandi and the ICC in order to defend your rights on domain disputes (UDRP, URS, etc.).

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