Përkthe "wordpress" në Anglisht

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Përkthimi i Kineze në Anglisht i wordpress


ZH 一个 WordPress 托管包,专为满足 WordPress 驱动的网站的需求而设计。 它针对 WordPress 进行了优化,甚至可以保护您的 WordPress 站点免受典型攻击。

EN A WordPress hosting package tailored to the needs of WordPress-powered websites. It is WordPress-optimized and can even safeguard your WordPress site from typical attacks.

ZH WordPress.com 帐户与登录自托管 WordPress 站点所用的帐户不同。 如果您可以登录 WordPress.com,则说明您已经有 WordPress.com 帐户了。 如果您无法登录,则可以在安装过程中轻松创建一个帐户。

EN A WordPress.com account is different from the account you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into WordPress.com, then you already have a WordPress.com account. If you can’t, you can easily create oneduring installation.

ZH 我们也可以帮助您定制您的 WordPress 使用主题和插件进行安装,创建和还原备份,自动更新 WordPress, 增加安全性 WordPress, 并解决问题。

EN We can also help you customize your WordPress installation using themes and plugins, create and restore backups, automate updates for WordPress, add security to WordPress, and troubleshoot issues.

ZH WordPress 是一種內容管理系統 (CMS),其優勢是可高度客製化與擁有易於使用的介面,其他開源 CMS 很少能擁有如 WordPress 的這兩樣優勢,即便是專業的網頁開發人員都會毫不猶豫地選用 WordPress

EN WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that has a high level of personalization and user-friendliness that few other open-source CMS can provide. Even professional web developers rely on this platform without hesitation.

ZH 當您在 WordPress 代管主機安裝完成 WordPress 之後,您可以自行利用多種 WordPress 外掛,享有進階功能。

EN Once WordPress has been installed on a WordPress hosting instance, you can personalize it by making use of the any of the many different WordPress plugins and take advantage of advanced features.

ZH 简单且易于使用,WordPress 可让您建立任何类型的网站并即时管理平台上发佈的内容。但是 WordPress.org 和 WordPress.com 有什麽不一样呢?您应该选择哪一个?

EN Selling your products on Amazon Marketplace is a big decision. We?re here to help decide whether to sell your products on Amazon, and show you how.

ZH 當您在 WordPress 代管主機安裝完成 WordPress 之後,您可以自行利用多種 WordPress 外掛,享有進階功能。

EN The large choice of WordPress extensions allow you to easily add additional features to your website.

ZH WordPress 主机:虽然我们通常为 WordPress 推荐 Bluehost,但  Network Solutions 将主机您的 WordPress 网站,起价为 7.99 美元/月。  

EN WordPress hosting: Although we usually recommend Bluehost for WordPress, Network Solutions will host your WordPress website starting at $7.99/month.  

ZH WordPress.com 工具栏 ? WordPress.com 工具栏功能取代了默认的管理员栏,提供了指向阅读器、您的所有站点、您的 WordPress.com 个人资料和通知的快速链接。

EN WordPress.com Toolbar — The WordPress.com Toolbar feature replaces the default admin bar and offers quick links to the Reader, all your sites, your WordPress.com profile, and notifications.

ZH 我们也可以帮助您定制您的 WordPress 使用主题和插件进行安装,创建和还原备份,自动更新 WordPress, 增加安全性 WordPress, 并解决问题。

EN We can also help you customize your WordPress installation using themes and plugins, create and restore backups, automate updates for WordPress, add security to WordPress, and troubleshoot issues.

ZH All in One SEO – Best WordPress SEO Plugin – Easily Improve SEO Rankings & Increase Traffic ? WordPress 插件 | WordPress.org China 简体中文

EN All in One SEO – Best WordPress SEO Plugin – Easily Improve SEO Rankings & Increase Traffic ? WordPress plugin | WordPress.org

Kineze Anglisht
wordpress.org wordpress

ZH Cloudflare 的 WordPress 免費外掛程式可加快頁面載入速度,改善 SEO 並抵抗 DDoS 攻擊和 WordPress 特定的漏洞。

EN Cloudflare’s free plugin for WordPress accelerates page load speeds, improves SEO, and protects against DDoS attacks and WordPress-specific vulnerabilities.

ZH WordPress 的 Simple Hosting 主機能自動安裝 WordPress,並且自動連結到您的網域名稱。

EN Our WordPress Simple Hosting solution takes care of the installation of your WordPress site, and links it to your domain name at Gandi.

ZH 可以,在 WordPress 完成設定後,您就可以安裝所有的外掛。我們只想提醒您注意外掛套件使用,因為有可能會影響您的 WordPress 的效能或是安全性。

EN Yes, once your WordPress hosting has been configured, you will have access to all the usual plugins. We just want to remind you to be careful about which plugins you install, since they impact how WordPress itself runs.

ZH Gandi 可以代管使用 Magento、Drupal、Prestahop 或 WordPress 架設的網站,如果您剛好偏好使用 WordPress 架站,Gandi 還能立即連結代管主機與您的域名。

EN We can host websites created with Magento, Drupal, Prestahop and WordPress. If the latter has your preference, Gandi provides you with an immediate connection to your domain name.

ZH 使用 WordPress 網站代管(WordPress hosting)系統來設計您自己的網站有非常多好處。使用此解決方案能讓您:

EN There are many benefits to designing your blog with Wordpress while choosing your own hosting provider. This solution allows you to:

ZH 因為 WordPress 可以支援上千種佈景主題、外掛與客製化開發,WordPress 的使用者能夠打造出獨一無二、高品質的部落格,不需要擔心過多的外掛而導致載入速度變慢。

EN Thanks to thousands of themes, extensions, and plugins available under this CMS, WordPress users can create a unique, high-quality blog without running the risk of lengthening the time it takes to display the pages.

ZH 在建立過程中選擇 一鍵安裝 WordPress 網頁代管服務(WordPress hosting)

EN Configure your Wordpress hosting in one click with our website creation process

ZH WordPress 是公开程式码的内容管理系统(CMS),从 2003年开始开發至今,在全世界已累积超过七亿五千万个网站是由 WordPress 製作,佔了所有网站的 40%,而且这些的数字还持续在成长当中。

EN WordPress is an open source content management system (CMS). Since its development in 2003, more than 750 million websites have been created on WordPress around the world, accounting for 40% of all websites, and the number of users is still growing.

ZH WordPress 安装轻而易举 Softaculous 即时安装程序。 只需点击鼠标, WordPress 立即安装并准备使用。

EN WordPress installation is a breeze with Softaculous Instant installer. With just a click of the mouse, WordPress is instantly installed and ready to use.

ZH 放心你的 WordPress 网站将快速可靠地加载。 我们的优化导致使用我们的网站的最终性能 WordPress 主机服务

EN Rest assured that your WordPress websites will load quickly and reliably. Our optimizations result in the ultimate performance for websites using our WordPress Hosting services.

ZH 需要帮助 WordPress? 我们的 WordPress 技术专家可以为您提供帮助,我们随时可以为您服务 24/7/365 回答您可能有的任何问题。

EN Need help with WordPress? Our WordPress support experts are here to help, and we are available 24/7/365 to answer any questions you may have.

ZH 对那些想要获得的人量身定制 WordPress 网站快速运行,我们 WordPress 虚拟主机允许您开始构建,设计或更新它。

EN Tailored to those wanting to get a WordPress site up and running quickly, our WordPress Web Hosting allows you to begin building, designing or updating it.

ZH 是否需要安装帮助 WordPress, 您的帐户入门,执行管理任务,如保存 WordPress 到目前为止(极力推荐),我们的专家团队很乐意为您提供帮助。

EN Whether you need help installing WordPress, getting started with your account, carrying out administration tasks such as keeping WordPress up to date (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED), our team of experts is happy to assist you.

ZH 他们是小型企业的第一大网络托管服务提供商。 WordPress 社区与 Bluehost 有着长期的合作伙伴关系。 自 2006 年以来,他们一直是 WordPress.org 官方推荐的托管业务。

EN They are the number one web hosting provider for small businesses. The WordPress community has a long-standing partnership with Bluehost. Since 2006, they?ve been an official WordPress.org recommended hosting business.

Kineze Anglisht
wordpress.org wordpress

ZH 如果您需要 WordPress 托管,InMotion 有多种选择。 您的数字足迹将存储在专用于 WordPress 网站的服务器上。

EN If you need WordPress hosting, InMotion has a number of options. Your digital footprint will be stored on a server dedicated solely to WordPress sites.

ZH InMotion Hosting 竭尽全力让您的第三方 WordPress 插件保持最新。 它还为您的 WordPress 安装添加了自定义配置的 NGINX 堆栈和内部缓存系统。

EN InMotion Hosting goes out of its way to keep your third-party WordPress plug-ins up to date. It also adds a custom-configured NGINX stack and an in-house caching system to your WordPress installation.

ZH 使用 WordPress 代管服務,選擇您專屬的代管主機,安裝 WordPress 系統來設計您的網站有非常多好處,詳見如下:

EN There are many benefits to designing your blog with Wordpress while choosing your own hosting provider. This solution allows you to:

ZH WordPress 可以支援上千種佈景主題、擴充套件與外掛,因此 WordPress 的使用者能夠打造出獨一無二並且高品質的部落格,不需要擔心過多的外掛而導致網頁載入速度變慢。

EN Thanks to thousands of themes, extensions, and plugins available under this CMS, WordPress users can create a unique, high-quality blog without running the risk of lengthening the time it takes to display the pages.

ZH 创建不同网站间的网络(各网站间不一定相关):例如,您可以从 wordpress.com 购买一个部落格网站 example.wordpress.com 。

EN Create a network of websites that aren?t necessarily related to one another: for example, you can purchase a blog site like example.wordpress.com from WordPress.com

ZH 但首先,您需要确认子域名该转到哪裡。假设您是为了打造一个使用 WordPress 的新部落格而建立子域名,您就需要一个主机来代管这个新的 WordPress 网站。

EN But first, you?ll need to know what your subdomain is pointing to. If you?re creating a subdomain for a new blog using WordPress, for example, you?ll need a hosting instance that you can host your new WordPress site on.

ZH 使用 Gandi 的 WordPress 代管服務託管您的網站,幾分鐘內便可就緒。請選擇一個您的網域名稱,我們將帶領您完成簡單的自動安裝程序,僅需幾分鐘,您就可以開始使用 WordPress 了!

EN WordPress hosting for your website at Gandi, ready in a few minutes. Choose one of your domain names and we'll take you through the easy installation process, which is automatic and takes just a few minutes. Your WordPress is ready-to-use.

ZH 便宜的 Simple Hosting 代管服務可以代管 WordPress 網站,您可以設定 WordPress 代管主機使用最新版本的 PHP 以及 MySQL,確保您網站擁有最高程度的相容性與安全性。

EN Simple Hosting is a cheap web hosting option you can use for WordPress hosting. These WordPress hosting instances are configured with recent versions of PHP and MySQL in order to guarantee the highest level of compatibility and security for your site.

ZH Gandi 的 WordPress 代管服務會不斷更新與配置最新版本的 PHP 與 MySQL,此外,Gandi 還會提供您免費的 SSL 憑證,使用在您的 WordPress 代管主機上。

EN Having a WordPress hosting solution which is constantly updated and configured with the latest versions of PHP and MySQL is just as vital. Gandi generates SSL (TLS) certificates for your WordPress hosting for free.

ZH Gandi 的 WordPress 代管服務是完全自動化的,因此您只需在使用介面點擊幾下,您的 WordPress 網站便建立完成,如此一來,您便不用浪費時間下載必要的檔案至伺服器上。

EN Gandi helps you create your WordPress site with just a few clicks using cheap web hosting from our interface. This allows you to avoid time wasted downloading the necessary files onto a server: we offer you a fully automated, WordPress hosting solution.

ZH 可以!一旦您設置好 WordPress 代管主機,您就可以存取所有常用的外掛了,但是請注意您安裝了什麼外掛,因為其會影響 WordPress 的運行。

EN Yes, once your WordPress hosting has been configured, you will have access to all the usual plugins. We just want to remind you to be careful about which plugins you install, since they impact how WordPress itself runs.

ZH 利用 Cloudflare 的自動平台最佳化 (APO),切換到用於 CDN、智慧型快取和其他關鍵 WordPress 最佳化的單個外掛程式來最佳化您的 WordPress 網站。開啟即可使用 (速度提高多達 300%)。

EN Optimize your WordPress site by switching to a single plugin for CDN, intelligent caching, and other key WordPress optimizations with Cloudflare's Automatic Platform Optimization (APO). Turn it on and go (up to 300% faster).

ZH WordPress.com Vs. WordPress.org:2020年终极比较指南

EN How Does Venmo Work? A Review Of Features And Benefits

ZH WordPress 的 Simple Hosting 主機能自動安裝 WordPress,並且自動連結到您的網域名稱。

EN Our WordPress Simple Hosting solution takes care of the installation of your WordPress site, and links it to your domain name at Gandi.

ZH Gandi 可以代管使用 Magento、Drupal、Prestahop 或 WordPress 架設的網站,如果您剛好偏好使用 WordPress 架站,Gandi 還能立即連結代管主機與您的域名。

EN We can host websites created with Magento, Drupal, Prestahop and WordPress. If the latter has your preference, Gandi provides you with an immediate connection to your domain name.

ZH 如果您想要建立展示型網站或是部落格,WordPress 是您最理想的選擇,WordPress 這種開源工具提供您大量的模板使用,讓您可以客製化您的網站與圖像。

EN WordPress is the ideal option if you want to create a showcase website or launch an online blog. This open-source tool gives you access to a large number of templates to customize your site and your image.

ZH 透過此逐步教學,了解如何在 Amazon Linux 執行個體上安裝、設定和保護 WordPress 部落格的安全。或透過 AWS Marketplace 上預先設定 Bitnami 所提供的 Bitnami Wordpress 映像,只要按一下就可以開始使用。

EN Learn how to install, configure, and secure a WordPress blog on your Amazon Linux instance with this step-by-step tutorial. Or get started in one click with a pre-configured Bitnami Wordpress image by Bitnami on the AWS Marketplace.

ZH WordPress.org vs WordPress.com:有什麽不一样呢?

EN How to sell your products on Amazon Marketplace

ZH WordPress 是公开程式码的内容管理系统(CMS),从 2003年开始开發至今,在全世界已累积超过七亿五千万个网站是由 WordPress 製作,佔了所有网站的 40%,而且这些的数字还持续在成长当中。

EN Subdomains are a common way to structure a website. Here?s all about what a subdomain is, why you?d use it, and how.

ZH [2021] WordPress 主題 ✔️ 3 個重要準則:用戶評論,主題適應性和性能。認識 3 個 WordPress 最佳主題。

EN From a domain name to DNS to website design and development to hosting, we break down the cost of a website.

ZH 您只須要選擇您的網域名稱,再為您的 WordPress 網站命名,系統便會自動完成接下來所有安裝程序,隨後,您只需要確認我們寄給您的安全驗證信,您就有一個準備就緒的 WordPress 網站了!

EN Select your domain name, choose a name for your WordPress website and the rest is done automatically for you. You just need to confirm the security email we send to you and your website will be ready to go thanks to Gandi's WordPress hosting.

ZH Gandi 的 WordPress 代管服務是完全自動化的,因此您只需在使用介面點擊幾下,您的 WordPress 網站便建立完成,如此一來,您便不用浪費時間下載必要的檔案至伺服器上。

EN Gandi helps you create your WordPress website in just a few clicks via our cheap hosting solution. We offer a WordPress hosting solution that is completely automatic.

ZH 可以!一旦您設置好 WordPress 代管主機,您就可以存取所有常用的外掛了,但是請注意您安裝了什麼外掛,因為其會影響 WordPress 的運行。

EN Yes, once your WordPress hosting has been configured, you will have access to all the usual plugins. We just want to remind you to be careful about which plugins you install, since they impact how WordPress itself runs.

ZH Network Solutions 还为想要启动其 WordPress 博客网站的用户提供 WordPress 主机,通过一键安装程序和一组工具和功能,使用户的工作更轻松、更方便。

EN Network Solutions offers WordPress hosting as well for users who want to start their WordPress blog website, with a 1-click installer and a set of tools and features that would make the job easier and more convenient for users.

ZH 由于 Jetpack 及其服务由 WordPress.com 提供和托管,因此必须提供 WordPress.com 帐户,Jetpack 才可正常运行。

EN Since Jetpack and its services are provided and hosted by WordPress.com, a WordPress.com account is required for Jetpack to function.

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