"equitable" චීන වෙත පරිවර්තනය කරන්න

ඉංග්රීසි සිට චීන දක්වා "equitable" වාක්‍ය ඛණ්ඩයේ 43 පරිවර්‍තන වල 43 පෙන්වමින්

ඉංග්රීසි සිට චීන වෙත equitable හි පරිවර්තනය


EN This discussion tackles the importance of ensuring equitable vaccine distribution within global and local health systems. It discusses the hurdles to equitable distribution and explores methods for safely vaccinating underserved populations.

ZH 本次讨论涉及了确保全球和地方卫生系统内公平分配疫苗的重要性。它讨论了公平分配的障碍,并探索了为服务不足的人群安全接种疫苗的方法

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය běn cì tǎo lùn shè jí le què bǎo quán qiú hé de fāng wèi shēng xì tǒng nèi gōng píng fēn pèi yì miáo de zhòng yào xìng。tā tǎo lùn le gōng píng fēn pèi de zhàng ài, bìng tàn suǒ le wèi fú wù bù zú de rén qún ān quán jiē zhǒng yì miáo de fāng fǎ

EN Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

ZH 确保包容和公平的优质教育,让全民终身 享有学习机会

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය què bǎo bāo róng hé gōng píng de yōu zhì jiào yù, ràng quán mín zhōng shēn xiǎng yǒu xué xí jī huì

EN Post-COVID in Senegal: A reaffirmed commitment to sustainable, equitable and resilient development for all

ZH 崩溃还是突破:全人类危重关头的抉择

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය bēng kuì hái shì tū pò: quán rén lèi wēi zhòng guān tóu de jué zé

ZH 教育如何让世界更加平等?

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය jiào yù rú hé ràng shì jiè gèng jiā píng děng?

EN Amplify positive social change and advocate for an equitable tech future

ZH 促进积极的社会改变,倡导科技公平的未来

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය cù jìn jī jí de shè huì gǎi biàn, chàng dǎo kē jì gōng píng de wèi lái

EN UNICEF, together with the Government of China and other partners, use findings from joint research projects to make policies and legislation more equitable, sustainable and child-friendly.

ZH 联合国儿童基金会与中国政府及其他合作伙伴一道,开展联合研究项目,并基于相关研究成果推动制定更均等、更可持续的儿童友好型政策与法规。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය lián hé guó ér tóng jī jīn huì yǔ zhōng guó zhèng fǔ jí qí tā hé zuò huǒ bàn yī dào, kāi zhǎn lián hé yán jiū xiàng mù, bìng jī yú xiāng guān yán jiū chéng guǒ tuī dòng zhì dìng gèng jūn děng、 gèng kě chí xù de ér tóng yǒu hǎo xíng zhèng cè yǔ fǎ guī。

EN advocating for expanded, equitable and more efficient investment in inclusive and good quality services for children

ZH 呼吁更大力度的、均等与高效的投资,为儿童提供具有包容性且优质的服务;

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය hū xū gèng dà lì dù de、 jūn děng yǔ gāo xiào de tóu zī, wèi ér tóng tí gōng jù yǒu bāo róng xìng qiě yōu zhì de fú wù;

EN Learn more about how you can support those delivering on the promise of equitable healthcare for all at San Francisco’s public hospital.

ZH 进一步了解如何支持旧金山公立医院中为实现公平医疗承诺而奋斗的人。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය jìn yī bù le jiě rú hé zhī chí jiù jīn shān gōng lì yī yuàn zhōng wèi shí xiàn gōng píng yī liáo chéng nuò ér fèn dòu de rén。

EN Mr Sal Khan was joined by fellow Council of Luminaries member Ms Wendy Kopp to discuss building equitable classrooms for students globally on 15 Sep.

ZH 二人讨论如何为全球学生提供更公平的学习环境;如何帮助教师与学生高效互动。随著世界重整旗鼓,从疫情之后重新出发,萨勒曼与温迪也探索了学校与教育的未来。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය èr rén tǎo lùn rú hé wèi quán qiú xué shēng tí gōng gèng gōng píng de xué xí huán jìng; rú hé bāng zhù jiào shī yǔ xué shēng gāo xiào hù dòng。suí zhe shì jiè zhòng zhěng qí gǔ, cóng yì qíng zhī hòu zhòng xīn chū fā, sà lēi màn yǔ wēn dí yě tàn suǒ le xué xiào yǔ jiào yù de wèi lái。

EN Mr Sal Khan was joined by fellow Council of Luminaries member Ms Wendy Kopp to discuss building equitable classrooms for students globally on 15...

ZH 二人讨论如何为全球学生提供更公平的学习环境;如何帮助教师与学生高效互动。随著世界重整旗鼓,从疫情之后重新出发,萨勒曼与温迪也探索了学校与教育的未来。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය èr rén tǎo lùn rú hé wèi quán qiú xué shēng tí gōng gèng gōng píng de xué xí huán jìng; rú hé bāng zhù jiào shī yǔ xué shēng gāo xiào hù dòng。suí zhe shì jiè zhòng zhěng qí gǔ, cóng yì qíng zhī hòu zhòng xīn chū fā, sà lēi màn yǔ wēn dí yě tàn suǒ le xué xiào yǔ jiào yù de wèi lái。

EN These problems have no easy solutions. It has taken over two decades for the CAMFED team to develop a cost-effective model that successfully provides inclusive and equitable quality education that can be taken continent-wide.

ZH 这些问题没有简单的解决办法。CAMFED团队花了二十多年的时间才开发出一种高成本效益的模式,成功地提供了包容和公平的优质教育,可以在整个非洲开展。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය zhè xiē wèn tí méi yǒu jiǎn dān de jiě jué bàn fǎ。CAMFED tuán duì huā le èr shí duō nián de shí jiān cái kāi fā chū yī zhǒng gāo chéng běn xiào yì de mó shì, chéng gōng de tí gōng le bāo róng hé gōng píng de yōu zhì jiào yù, kě yǐ zài zhěng gè fēi zhōu kāi zhǎn。

EN Post-COVID in Senegal: A reaffirmed commitment to sustainable, equitable and resilient development for all

ZH 塞内加尔疫后时代:重申为所有人实现可持续、公平和强韧发展的承诺

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය sāi nèi jiā ěr yì hòu shí dài: zhòng shēn wèi suǒ yǒu rén shí xiàn kě chí xù、 gōng píng hé qiáng rèn fā zhǎn de chéng nuò

EN In partnership with city governments, foundations, and nonprofits, we are seeking to build stronger, more equitable communities.

ZH 我們只有一個地球,我們也希望能夠積極投入守護地球的行列。我們目前主張的永續發展理念著重於全球淨化活動、保衛國家公園,以及推廣永續旅遊的概念。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය wǒ men zhǐ yǒu yī gè de qiú, wǒ men yě xī wàng néng gòu jī jí tóu rù shǒu hù de qiú de xíng liè。wǒ men mù qián zhǔ zhāng de yǒng xù fā zhǎn lǐ niàn zhe zhòng yú quán qiú jìng huà huó dòng、 bǎo wèi guó jiā gōng yuán, yǐ jí tuī guǎng yǒng xù lǚ yóu de gài niàn。

EN Delivering on our commitment to offer equal opportunities and foster a diverse, equitable and inclusive culture for all through strong employment, pay and recruitment practices, policies and procedures

ZH 通过健全的就业、薪酬和招聘方面的实践、政策和程序,履行我们提供平等机会的承诺,为员工营造多元化、公平和包容的文化

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය tōng guò jiàn quán de jiù yè、 xīn chóu hé zhāo pìn fāng miàn de shí jiàn、 zhèng cè hé chéng xù, lǚ xíng wǒ men tí gōng píng děng jī huì de chéng nuò, wèi yuán gōng yíng zào duō yuán huà、 gōng píng hé bāo róng de wén huà

EN Empathy is about listening to understand instead of listening to respond. Respect is acknowledging individual experiences and perspectives. Opportunity is being able to lead, grow, and take on projects in a fair and equitable way.

ZH 同理心指的是聆听是为了理解而不是回应。尊重是对个人经历和观点的认可。机会是能够以公平、公正的方式领导,发展和承担项目。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය tóng lǐ xīn zhǐ de shì líng tīng shì wèi le lǐ jiě ér bù shì huí yīng。zūn zhòng shì duì gè rén jīng lì hé guān diǎn de rèn kě。jī huì shì néng gòu yǐ gōng píng、 gōng zhèng de fāng shì lǐng dǎo, fā zhǎn hé chéng dān xiàng mù。

ZH 积极包容:消除偏见和公平的就业流程

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය jī jí bāo róng: xiāo chú piān jiàn hé gōng píng de jiù yè liú chéng

EN We are committed to a equitable food system in California that:

ZH 我们致力于在加利福尼亚建立公平的食品体系,以:

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය wǒ men zhì lì yú zài jiā lì fú ní yà jiàn lì gōng píng de shí pǐn tǐ xì, yǐ:

EN I invite you to join us on this learning journey. Together, OCLC members and the OCLC Global Council can make positive progress towards a more just and equitable world.

ZH 欢迎加入我们的学习之旅。通过共同努力,OCLC 成员和 OCLC 全球委员会可以为建立一个更加公正公平的世界取得积极进展。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය huān yíng jiā rù wǒ men de xué xí zhī lǚ。tōng guò gòng tóng nǔ lì,OCLC chéng yuán hé OCLC quán qiú wěi yuán huì kě yǐ wèi jiàn lì yī gè gèng jiā gōng zhèng gōng píng de shì jiè qǔ dé jī jí jìn zhǎn。

ඉංග්රීසි චීන
oclc oclc

EN A diverse, equitable and inclusive organization is an essential part of WBA’s business strategy.

ZH 一个多元化、公平和包容的组织是沃博联商业战略的重要组成部分

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය yī gè duō yuán huà、 gōng píng hé bāo róng de zǔ zhī shì wò bó lián shāng yè zhàn lüè de zhòng yào zǔ chéng bù fēn

ZH 疫苗分发:确保平等分发

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය yì miáo fēn fā: què bǎo píng děng fēn fā

EN UNICEF, together with the Government of China and other partners, use findings from joint research projects to make policies and legislation more equitable, sustainable and child-friendly.

ZH 联合国儿童基金会与中国政府及其他合作伙伴一道,开展联合研究项目,并基于相关研究成果推动制定更均等、更可持续的儿童友好型政策与法规。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය lián hé guó ér tóng jī jīn huì yǔ zhōng guó zhèng fǔ jí qí tā hé zuò huǒ bàn yī dào, kāi zhǎn lián hé yán jiū xiàng mù, bìng jī yú xiāng guān yán jiū chéng guǒ tuī dòng zhì dìng gèng jūn děng、 gèng kě chí xù de ér tóng yǒu hǎo xíng zhèng cè yǔ fǎ guī。

EN advocating for expanded, equitable and more efficient investment in inclusive and good quality services for children

ZH 呼吁更大力度的、均等与高效的投资,为儿童提供具有包容性且优质的服务;

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය hū xū gèng dà lì dù de、 jūn děng yǔ gāo xiào de tóu zī, wèi ér tóng tí gōng jù yǒu bāo róng xìng qiě yōu zhì de fú wù;

EN Post-COVID in Senegal: A reaffirmed commitment to sustainable, equitable and resilient development for all

ZH 塞内加尔疫后时代:重申为所有人实现可持续、公平和强韧发展的承诺

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය sāi nèi jiā ěr yì hòu shí dài: zhòng shēn wèi suǒ yǒu rén shí xiàn kě chí xù、 gōng píng hé qiáng rèn fā zhǎn de chéng nuò

EN Mr Sal Khan was joined by fellow Council of Luminaries member Ms Wendy Kopp to discuss building equitable classrooms for students globally on 15 Sep.

ZH 二人讨论如何为全球学生提供更公平的学习环境;如何帮助教师与学生高效互动。随著世界重整旗鼓,从疫情之后重新出发,萨勒曼与温迪也探索了学校与教育的未来。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය èr rén tǎo lùn rú hé wèi quán qiú xué shēng tí gōng gèng gōng píng de xué xí huán jìng; rú hé bāng zhù jiào shī yǔ xué shēng gāo xiào hù dòng。suí zhe shì jiè zhòng zhěng qí gǔ, cóng yì qíng zhī hòu zhòng xīn chū fā, sà lēi màn yǔ wēn dí yě tàn suǒ le xué xiào yǔ jiào yù de wèi lái。

EN Mr Sal Khan was joined by fellow Council of Luminaries member Ms Wendy Kopp to discuss building equitable classrooms for students globally on 15...

ZH 二人讨论如何为全球学生提供更公平的学习环境;如何帮助教师与学生高效互动。随著世界重整旗鼓,从疫情之后重新出发,萨勒曼与温迪也探索了学校与教育的未来。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය èr rén tǎo lùn rú hé wèi quán qiú xué shēng tí gōng gèng gōng píng de xué xí huán jìng; rú hé bāng zhù jiào shī yǔ xué shēng gāo xiào hù dòng。suí zhe shì jiè zhòng zhěng qí gǔ, cóng yì qíng zhī hòu zhòng xīn chū fā, sà lēi màn yǔ wēn dí yě tàn suǒ le xué xiào yǔ jiào yù de wèi lái。

EN Amplify positive social change and advocate for an equitable tech future

ZH 促进积极的社会改变,倡导科技公平的未来

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය cù jìn jī jí de shè huì gǎi biàn, chàng dǎo kē jì gōng píng de wèi lái

ZH 积极包容:消除偏见和公平的就业流程

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය jī jí bāo róng: xiāo chú piān jiàn hé gōng píng de jiù yè liú chéng

EN Learn more about how you can support those delivering on the promise of equitable healthcare for all at San Francisco’s public hospital.

ZH 进一步了解如何支持旧金山公立医院中为实现公平医疗承诺而奋斗的人。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය jìn yī bù le jiě rú hé zhī chí jiù jīn shān gōng lì yī yuàn zhōng wèi shí xiàn gōng píng yī liáo chéng nuò ér fèn dòu de rén。

EN These problems have no easy solutions. It has taken over two decades for the CAMFED team to develop a cost-effective model that successfully provides inclusive and equitable quality education that can be taken continent-wide.

ZH 这些问题没有简单的解决办法。CAMFED团队花了二十多年的时间才开发出一种高成本效益的模式,成功地提供了包容和公平的优质教育,可以在整个非洲开展。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය zhè xiē wèn tí méi yǒu jiǎn dān de jiě jué bàn fǎ。CAMFED tuán duì huā le èr shí duō nián de shí jiān cái kāi fā chū yī zhǒng gāo chéng běn xiào yì de mó shì, chéng gōng de tí gōng le bāo róng hé gōng píng de yōu zhì jiào yù, kě yǐ zài zhěng gè fēi zhōu kāi zhǎn。

EN Post-COVID in Senegal: A reaffirmed commitment to sustainable, equitable and resilient development for all

ZH 塞内加尔疫后时代:重申为所有人实现可持续、公平和强韧发展的承诺

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය sāi nèi jiā ěr yì hòu shí dài: zhòng shēn wèi suǒ yǒu rén shí xiàn kě chí xù、 gōng píng hé qiáng rèn fā zhǎn de chéng nuò

EN We source our ingredients from local communities and from organic, self-sustaining farms at several of our properties. We are deeply committed to an equitable and transparent supply chain, and to meeting sustainable seafood targets by 2030.

ZH 我们的原料采自当地社区,以及自家庄园中自给自足的有机农场。我们坚定地致力于建立一个公平、透明的供应链,并在2030年前实现海产品可持续性的目标。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය wǒ men de yuán liào cǎi zì dāng de shè qū, yǐ jí zì jiā zhuāng yuán zhōng zì gěi zì zú de yǒu jī nóng chǎng。wǒ men jiān dìng de zhì lì yú jiàn lì yī gè gōng píng、 tòu míng de gōng yīng liàn, bìng zài2030nián qián shí xiàn hǎi chǎn pǐn kě chí xù xìng de mù biāo。

EN Provides the control instructors need to manage a virtual classroom, take charge of their data, ensure a secure virtual environment, and create a safe, equitable learning space for all students.

ZH 赋能教师,使得他们能够管理虚拟课堂、掌控数据、确保安全的虚拟环境,并为所有学生创造一个安全、公平的学习空间。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය fù néng jiào shī, shǐ dé tā men néng gòu guǎn lǐ xū nǐ kè táng、 zhǎng kòng shù jù、 què bǎo ān quán de xū nǐ huán jìng, bìng wèi suǒ yǒu xué shēng chuàng zào yī gè ān quán、 gōng píng de xué xí kōng jiān。

EN Inclusion is a WBA value that we live every day as we serve our customers and in the way we empower our team members in our open, welcoming and equitable workplace.

ZH 我们对以医药保健为中心的企业社会责任的承诺受到世界各地团队的热情欢迎,公司和所有团队一起,都是当地和国际非营利组织的积极支持者

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය wǒ men duì yǐ yī yào bǎo jiàn wèi zhōng xīn de qǐ yè shè huì zé rèn de chéng nuò shòu dào shì jiè gè de tuán duì de rè qíng huān yíng, gōng sī hé suǒ yǒu tuán duì yī qǐ, dōu shì dāng de hé guó jì fēi yíng lì zǔ zhī de jī jí zhī chí zhě

EN Through this program, Equinix partners with communities and organizations to connect with people from different backgrounds and experiences. This enables us to build bridges between equitable employment opportunities and underrepresented communities. 

ZH Equinix 通过该计划与社区和组织合作,将具有不同背景和经验的人们连接在一起。 这使得我们能够在平等就业机会和未被充分代表的社区之间架起桥梁。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය Equinix tōng guò gāi jì huà yǔ shè qū hé zǔ zhī hé zuò, jiāng jù yǒu bù tóng bèi jǐng hé jīng yàn de rén men lián jiē zài yī qǐ。 zhè shǐ dé wǒ men néng gòu zài píng děng jiù yè jī huì hé wèi bèi chōng fēn dài biǎo de shè qū zhī jiān jià qǐ qiáo liáng。

EN AMAP Montrouge provides a citizen-based template to support local production, all while maintaining independence. Learn more about Gandi?s support for this organization which provides equitable, local agriculture for the common good.

ZH 是时候向 . gay域名后缀致敬了!打造安全空间,建立关系网络,提供资金支持。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය shì shí hòu xiàng . gay yù míng hòu zhuì zhì jìng le! dǎ zào ān quán kōng jiān, jiàn lì guān xì wǎng luò, tí gōng zī jīn zhī chí。

EN In Crossing the Quality Chasm, the Institute of Medicine defined six domains for improving the health care system. Health care should be safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable?

ZH 在《跨越质量的鸿沟》 (Crossing the Quality Chasm) 一书中,美国医学研究所定义了改善医疗照护系统的六大领域。医疗照护应当是安全的、有效的、以患者为中心的、及时的、高效的和平等的?

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය zài 《kuà yuè zhì liàng de hóng gōu》 (Crossing the Quality Chasm) yī shū zhōng, měi guó yī xué yán jiū suǒ dìng yì le gǎi shàn yī liáo zhào hù xì tǒng de liù dà lǐng yù。yī liáo zhào hù yīng dāng shì ān quán de、 yǒu xiào de、 yǐ huàn zhě wèi zhōng xīn de、 jí shí de、 gāo xiào de hé píng děng de?

EN In partnership with city governments, foundations, and nonprofits, we are seeking to build stronger, more equitable communities.

ZH 我們只有一個地球,我們也希望能夠積極投入守護地球的行列。我們目前主張的永續發展理念著重於全球淨化活動、保衛國家公園,以及推廣永續旅遊的概念。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය wǒ men zhǐ yǒu yī gè de qiú, wǒ men yě xī wàng néng gòu jī jí tóu rù shǒu hù de qiú de xíng liè。wǒ men mù qián zhǔ zhāng de yǒng xù fā zhǎn lǐ niàn zhe zhòng yú quán qiú jìng huà huó dòng、 bǎo wèi guó jiā gōng yuán, yǐ jí tuī guǎng yǒng xù lǚ yóu de gài niàn。

EN Empathy is about listening to understand instead of listening to respond. Respect is acknowledging individual experiences and perspectives. Opportunity is being able to lead, grow, and take on projects in a fair and equitable way.

ZH 同理心指的是聆听是为了理解而不是回应。尊重是对个人经历和观点的认可。机会是能够以公平、公正的方式领导,发展和承担项目。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය tóng lǐ xīn zhǐ de shì líng tīng shì wèi le lǐ jiě ér bù shì huí yīng。zūn zhòng shì duì gè rén jīng lì hé guān diǎn de rèn kě。jī huì shì néng gòu yǐ gōng píng、 gōng zhèng de fāng shì lǐng dǎo, fā zhǎn hé chéng dān xiàng mù。

EN The Ocean holds the keys to an equitable and sustainable planet.

ZH 海洋掌握着一个公平和可持续发展的地球的钥匙。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය hǎi yáng zhǎng wò zhe yī gè gōng píng hé kě chí xù fā zhǎn de de qiú de yào shi。

EN An equitable representation among the mayors of the top 100 U.S. cities for the first time.

ZH 在美国最大的100个城市的市长中首次具有了公平代表性。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය zài měi guó zuì dà de100gè chéng shì de shì zhǎng zhōng shǒu cì jù yǒu le gōng píng dài biǎo xìng。

EN ?It will be important to ensure that students have access to resources and have equitable experiences on our campuses, no matter where they are in the world,? Dorado said.

ZH 多拉多说,“让学生无论在世界什么地方都能享有校园资源和同等的经历将很重要”。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය duō lā duō shuō,“ràng xué shēng wú lùn zài shì jiè shén me de fāng dōu néng xiǎng yǒu xiào yuán zī yuán hé tóng děng de jīng lì jiāng hěn zhòng yào”。

EN ?If we succeed, we will capitalize on the greatest opportunity to create quality jobs in generations,? he said. ?We’ll build a more equitable, healthy, and sustainable society; and we’ll protect this magnificent planet.?

ZH 他说,“我们如果获得成功,就能够通过这个最有利的时机创造世世代代的高质量工作;我们将建设更公平、健康和可持续的社会;同时我们将保护这个宏伟壮丽的星球。”

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය tā shuō,“wǒ men rú guǒ huò dé chéng gōng, jiù néng gòu tōng guò zhè gè zuì yǒu lì de shí jī chuàng zào shì shì dài dài de gāo zhì liàng gōng zuò; wǒ men jiāng jiàn shè gèng gōng píng、 jiàn kāng hé kě chí xù de shè huì; tóng shí wǒ men jiāng bǎo hù zhè gè hóng wěi zhuàng lì de xīng qiú。”

EN Design remote and hybrid learning environments, empower teachers and students, and create more equitable educational opportunities.

ZH 設計遠端和混合式學習環境,加強教師與學生的能力,創造更公平的教育機會。

අක්ෂර පරිවර්තනය shè jì yuǎn duān hé hùn hé shì xué xí huán jìng, jiā qiáng jiào shī yǔ xué shēng de néng lì, chuàng zào gèng gōng píng de jiào yù jī huì。

{Totalresult} පරිවර්‍තන වල 43 පෙන්වමින්