Traduzir "suse package hub" para inglês

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Tradução de chinês para inglês de suse package hub


ZH SUSE Package Hub 中连接到我们的开发人员社区。一旦您准备好从开发过渡到生产,只需点击几下,您就可以从我们的社区 Linux 发行套件 openSUSE Leap 无缝过渡到 SUSE Linux Enterprise。

EN Connect to our developer community at SUSE Package Hub. Once you are ready to move to from development to production you can seamlessly transition from our community Linux distribution -openSUSE Leap - to SUSE Linux Enterprise with just a few clicks.

ZH 您可以利用 Open Build Service (OBS) 以及可从 SUSE Package Hub 获取的其他软件,创建基于开放源代码社区且经 SUSE 验证的 SAP 应用程序包,从而成为开放源代码创新成果的使用者和贡献者。

EN Leverage and contribute to open innovation with open source community-based SUSE-validated packages for SAP applications built using Open Build Service (OBS) and additional software available from SUSE’s Package Hub.

ZH SUSE Package Hub 中连接到我们的开发人员社区。一旦您准备好从开发过渡到生产,只需点击几下,您就可以从我们的社区 Linux 发行套件 openSUSE Leap 无缝过渡到 SUSE Linux Enterprise。

EN Connect to our developer community at SUSE Package Hub. Once you are ready to move to from development to production you can seamlessly transition from our community Linux distribution -openSUSE Leap - to SUSE Linux Enterprise with just a few clicks.

ZH 通过 SUSE Package Hub 加快创新,并缩短 IBM Power Systems 广泛合作伙伴解决方案的部署时间。使用配置、部署和管理工具优化生命周期管理。

EN Accelerate innovation and improve deployment times for a broad choice of partner solutions for IBM Power Systems from the SUSE Package Hub. Optimize lifecycle management with configuration, deployment and administration tools.

ZH 通过 SUSE Package Hub 加快创新,并缩短 IBM Power Systems 广泛合作伙伴解决方案的部署时间。使用配置、部署和管理工具优化生命周期管理。

EN Accelerate innovation and improve deployment times for a broad choice of partner solutions for IBM Power Systems from the SUSE Package Hub. Optimize lifecycle management with configuration, deployment and administration tools.

ZH 使用 SUSE 和 Google Cloud 创建具有竞争力的基础设施策略。借助 SUSE 的开放源代码 IT 解决方案 SUSE Linux Enterprise 和 SUSE Rancher,轻松在 Google Cloud 上部署关键任务应用程序并保持高可用性。

EN Create a competitive infrastructure strategy with SUSE and Google Cloud. Deploy mission-critical applications on Google Cloud at ease and maintain high availability with SUSE’s open source IT solutions - SUSE Linux Enterprise and SUSE Rancher.

ZH 要了解有关 Unity Hub 的更多信息,请参阅知识库文章:什么是 Unity Hub

EN To find out more about the Unity Hub, see the Knowledge Base article: What is the Unity Hub?

ZH 要了解有关 Unity Hub 的更多信息,请参阅知识库文章:什么是 Unity Hub

EN To find out more about the Unity Hub, see the Knowledge Base article: What is the Unity Hub?

ZH 想要下载Windows版Unity Hub? 选择 Windows 想要下载Mac OS X版Unity Hub? 选择 Mac OS X

EN Looking to download Unity Hub for Windows? Choose Windows Looking to download Unity Hub for Mac OS X? Choose Mac OS X

ZH 管理 Linux 混合型环境通过使用具有 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server with Expanded Support 的 SUSE Manager 可轻松实现从 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 到 SUSE Linux E...

EN Manage Your Mixed Linux Environment and easily migrate from Red Hat Enterprise Linux to SUSE Linux Enterprise by combining SUSE Manag...

ZH 管理 Linux 混合型环境通过使用具有 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server with Expanded Support 的 SUSE Manager 可轻松实现从 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 到 SUSE Linux Enterprise 的迁移。

EN Manage Your Mixed Linux Environment and easily migrate from Red Hat Enterprise Linux to SUSE Linux Enterprise by combining SUSE Manager with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server with Expanded Support​.

ZH SUSE CaaS 和 Dell/EMC 基础架构上部署 SAP Data Hub

EN Deploy SAP Data Hub on SUSE CaaS and Dell/EMC Infrastructure

ZH SUSE Manager:管理您的软件定义基础设施 | SUSE

EN SUSE Manager: Linux Infrastructure Management Platform | SUSE

ZH 在线购买 SUSE Linux 产品 | SUSE

EN Buy SUSE Linux Products Online | SUSE

ZH 要管理您的 SUSE 通讯自选设置,请登录您的 SUSE 帐户。

EN To manage your your SUSE communications preferences please login to your SUSE account.

ZH 我们很容易了解,每当我们在 SUSE 实现我们的目标时,我们都是在帮助客户成为创新英雄。了解为什么一些最前沿的公司已经将其任务关键型需求托付给了 SUSE

EN It’s easy for us to know whenever we are fulfilling our purpose at SUSE: it’s every time we help a customer become an innovation hero. See why some of the most cutting-edge companies are already entrusting SUSE with their mission critical needs.

ZH SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension、异地群集和 SUSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching 可缩短停机时间、提升服务可用性并增强安全与合规性,从而增强业务连续性并节省成本。

EN SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension, geo-clustering, and SUSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching improves business continuity and saves costs by reducing downtime, increasing service availability and enhancing security and compliance.

ZH SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 使用 SUSE Manager 易于安装、自定义和集中管理 – 体验无缝升级,为您的企业桌面和开发人员工作站提供不间断的工作效率。

EN SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop is easy to install, customize, and centrally manage using SUSE Manager – experience seamless upgrades to deliver non-stop productivity to your business desktops and developer workstations.

ZH 运行针对公共云而优化的 SUSE 解决方案 | SUSE

EN Run SUSE Solutions Optimized for the Public Cloud | SUSE

ZH SUSE Linux Enterprise 和 SUSE Rancher 能够简化云采用策略并以比竞争对手更快的速度构建新的差异化应用程序,从而帮助企业加快数字化转型。

EN SUSE Linux Enterprise and SUSE Rancher help organizations accelerate their digital transformation by simplifying their cloud adoption strategy and building new, differentiating applications faster than the competition.

ZH 使用 SUSE 的 IT 解决方案改造您的 Oracle Cloud 实例。访问多个经 Oracle 和 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 认证的应用程序,以帮助您优化组织并扩展云基础设施。

EN Transform your Oracle cloud instance with SUSE’s IT solutions. Access multiple Oracle and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server certified applications to help you optimize your organization and scale your cloud infrastructure.

ZH 企业信任 SUSE 的关键任务系统。90% 的 SAP HANA 系统和 80% 的财富全球 50 强企业均基于 SUSE 上运行。企业可以在任何环境中快速创新,从而实现更高的投资回报率并获得竞争优势。

EN Enterprises trust SUSE for their mission-critical systems. 90% of SAP HANA systems and 80% of the Fortune Global 50 run on SUSE. Enterprises can innovate rapidly, across any environment to achieve better ROI and gain competitive advantage.

ZH SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 利用了 SUSE Linux Enterprise 经过企业强化的技术组件,并将其与开发人员需要的现代化、无法篡改的操作系统平台的特点相结合。

EN SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro leverages the enterprise-hardened technology components of SUSE Linux Enterprise and merges that with what developers want from a modern, immutable OS platform.

ZH SUSE Premium IT Support 服务 | SUSE

EN SUSE Premium IT Support Services | SUSE

ZH SUSE Manager 可无缝管理多个 Linux 发行套件,包括 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 和 Red Hat Enterprise Linux,支持您自信地管理工作负载迁移。

EN SUSE Manager seamlessly manages multiple Linux distributions, including SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and Red Hat Enterprise Linux, enabling you to confidently manage your workload migration.​

ZH “我们选择了 SUSE 的扩展支持计划,以帮助我们管理现有的 Red Hat Linux 环境。除了优质的支持服务以外,SUSE 产品还帮我们降低了超过 60% 的 Linux 支持相关费用。”

EN “We chose the Expanded Support offering from SUSE to help manage our existing Red Hat Linux environment. In addition to superior quality support, the SUSE offering has also reduced our Linux support related costs by over 60%.”

ZH 通过额外扫描来检测不同版本的漏洞,改进日志可追溯性以及完善 SUSE Rancher 强化指南,增强 SUSE Rancher 内的现有安全功能。

EN Strengthening existing security capabilities within SUSE Rancher with additional scans to detect vulnerabilities across releases, improvements to logs traceability and refinement of SUSE Rancher hardening guide.

ZH 阅读 SUSE Rancher 的最新指南,其中提供了 SUSE Rancher 2.6 新特性和功能的技术概述。

EN Read the latest guidebook on SUSE Rancher that provides a technical overview of the new features and functionalities of SUSE Rancher 2.6.

ZH 继而推出了 SUSE Linux 4.2,这是首款真正意义上的 SUSE 发行套件。

EN SUSE Linux 4.2, the first true SUSE distribution.

ZH SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 包含 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 中含有的所有高效应用程序,让您可以从您的服务器轻松访问所需的工作站功能。

EN SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension includes all of the productivity applications that are included in SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop, so you can conveniently access the workstation functionality you need from your server.

ZH 鉴于 HPC 环境的庞大规模和潜在复杂性,SUSE 仅通过我们的直接销售团队和我们的合作伙伴销售 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for High Performance Computing。

EN Due to the size and potential complexity of HPC environments, SUSE only sells SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for High Performance Computing through our direct Sales team and our partners.

ZH 适用于 SAP 和云应用程序的 Google 和 SUSE 解决方案 | SUSE

EN Google & SUSE Solutions for SAP and Cloud Applications | SUSE

ZH The University of Haifa partners with SUSE to drive efficiencies and ensure uninterrupted operations during the global pandemic | SUSE 社区

EN The University of Haifa partners with SUSE to drive efficiencies and ensure uninterrupted operations during the global pandemic | SUSE Communities

ZH Office Depot: Modernizes and saves over 40% in IT management costs with SUSE | SUSE 社区

EN Office Depot: Modernizes and saves over 40% in IT management costs with SUSE | SUSE Communities

ZH 集中式高级系统和配置管理以及安全监控和许多其他功能都可以通过在 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for IBM Z and LinuxOne 上运行 SUSE Manager 来完成。

EN Centralized advanced system and configuration management as well as security monitoring and many other features can be done with SUSE Manager running on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for IBM Z and LinuxOne.

ZH SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 具有酷炫的图形功能,可使您的桌面工作效率更上一层楼。凭借 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop,您将获得以下效果:

EN SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop features high-end graphics capabilities to help you achieve new levels of desktop productivity. With SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop, you gain effects such as:

ZH Altran deployed SUSE Linux Enterprise on Azure to reduce complexity and cost | SUSE 社区

EN Altran deployed SUSE Linux Enterprise on Azure to reduce complexity and cost | SUSE Communities

ZH Carhartt works together with SUSE to achieve zero downtime, saving millions of dollars | SUSE 社区

EN Carhartt works together with SUSE to achieve zero downtime, saving millions of dollars | SUSE Communities

ZH Driving the Future of Automotive with Open Source and SUSE | SUSE 社区

EN Driving the Future of Automotive with Open Source and SUSE | SUSE Communities

ZH CarrefourSA powers super-fast transactions and up-to-the-minute insights into its operations with SUSE | SUSE 社区

EN CarrefourSA powers super-fast transactions and up-to-the-minute insights into its operations with SUSE | SUSE Communities

ZH SUSE Cloud Application Platform 作为容器部署在支持的 Kubernetes 群集中。在 SUSE Container as a Service Platform 中部署时,同样需要遵循这些要求。

EN SUSE Cloud Application Platform is deployed as containers in a supported Kubernetes cluster. When deploying it in SUSE Container as a Service Platform, it inherits these requirements.

ZH 如果事关重大,那您可以选择相信 Fujitsu 和 SUSE。数十年来,Fujitsu 和 SUSE 专注于为全球企业最苛刻、最具价值的工作负载提供 IT 服务、软件和系统。我们帮助客户拓展业务。

EN When everything counts, you can count on Fujitsu and SUSE. For decades, Fujitsu and SUSE have delivered IT services, software and systems for the most demanding, value workloads of enterprises around the globe. We help customers make business happen.

ZH Dell:SUSE 与 Dell/EMC 结成战略联盟 | SUSE

EN Dell: SUSE and Dell/EMC Strategic Alliance | SUSE

ZH “我们知道 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 是 SAP 自己的开发平台,并且这两家公司建立了紧密的测试和开发合作关系。因此我们确信 SUSE 是不二之选。”

EN “We knew that SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is SAP’s own development platform, and that the two companies have a close testing and development relationship. So we were confident that SUSE was the right choice.”

ZH 适用于 SAP、应用程序交付和 HPC 的 Microsoft 和 SUSE 解决方案 | SUSE

EN Microsoft Azure & SUSE Solutions for SAP, AKS, and HPC | SUSE

ZH 根据工作负载的不同,您可以通过迁移到 Azure 获得高达 102% 的投资回报。 1 通过为特定 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 映像保留实例,可进一步控制成本。您可以为以下 SUSE 产品保留实例:

EN Depending on the workload, you can experience up to 102% ROI by moving to Azure.1 Further control costs by reserving instances for specific SUSE Linux Enterprise Server images. You can reserve instances for the following SUSE products:

ZH 新闻稿存档 - SUSE 社区 | SUSE

EN Press Releases Archive - SUSE Communities | SUSE

ZH OEDIV cuts costs and streamlines operations with SUSE | SUSE 社区

EN OEDIV cuts costs and streamlines operations with SUSE | SUSE Communities

ZH Booz Allen Hamilton: Advancing the Tactical Edge with K3s and SUSE RGS | SUSE 社区

EN Booz Allen Hamilton: Advancing the Tactical Edge with K3s and SUSE RGS | SUSE Communities

ZH Resulta: Driving global expansion with Kubernetes and SUSE Rancher | SUSE 社区

EN Resulta: Driving global expansion with Kubernetes and SUSE Rancher | SUSE Communities

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