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Tradução de chinês para inglês de open water scuba


ZH 第一級 PADI Instructor 是 Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI)。 在這個級別,您可以頒發從 Open Water(開放水域)到 Divemaster(潛水長)的水肺潛水證書,並開展一些精選的專業課程。

EN The first PADI Instructor level is Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI). At this level, you can issue scuba certifications from Open Water to Divemaster and a few select specialty courses.

ZH 第一級 PADI Instructor 是 Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI)。 在這個級別,您可以頒發從 Open Water(開放水域)到 Divemaster(潛水長)的水肺潛水證書,並開展一些精選的專業課程。

EN The first PADI Instructor level is Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI). At this level, you can issue scuba certifications from Open Water to Divemaster and a few select specialty courses.

ZH 年滿 10 歲的孩子可以參加 Open Water Diver 課程,並獲得 Junior Open Water Diver(初級開放水域潛水夫)證書。

EN Kids 10 years or older can take the Open Water Diver course and earn a Junior Open Water Diver certification.

ZH Junior Open Water Diver 可以在年滿 15 歲時申請新的認證卡片,從而升級成 PADI Open Water Diver(開放水域潛水夫)證書(無需額外訓練)。 

EN Jr. Open Water Divers may upgrade to PADI Open Water Diver certification at age 15 by requesting a new certification card (no additional training is required). 

ZH 年滿 10 歲的孩子可以參加 Open Water Diver 課程,並獲得 Junior Open Water Diver(初級開放水域潛水夫)證書。

EN Kids 10 years or older can take the Open Water Diver course and earn a Junior Open Water Diver certification.

ZH Junior Open Water Diver 可以在年滿 15 歲時申請新的認證卡片,從而升級成 PADI Open Water Diver(開放水域潛水夫)證書(無需額外訓練)。 

EN Jr. Open Water Divers may upgrade to PADI Open Water Diver certification at age 15 by requesting a new certification card (no additional training is required). 

ZH 只有不到 2% 的潛水夫能成為 Master Scuba Diver。 Master Scuba Diver 等級代表著豐富的經驗和專業知識,有人稱之為「潛水界的黑帶」。

EN Fewer than two percent of divers ever become Master Scuba Divers. The Master Scuba Diver rating denotes significant experience and expertise, some call it “the black belt of diving.

ZH White Water, 阿拉巴马, 美国 - 当前天气,每小时预测的今天,明天,详细的10天天气预报和长期的月度展望。气候图表信息。 国家: 阿拉巴马, 美国, 城市: White Water. [2335529]

EN White Water, Alabama, USA - Current weather, an hourly forecast for today, tomorrow, detailed 10-day weather forecast, and long range monthly outlook. Climate information with charts. Country: Alabama, USA, City: White Water. [2335529]

ZH 点击此处了解当前 LEGOLAND Park 和 Water Park 的开放时间。Water Park 每年三月至十月开放。点击此处了解当前 Peppa Pig Theme Park 的开放时间。

EN Check here for current LEGOLAND Park and Water Park park hours. The Water Park is open from March to October each year. Check here for current Peppa Pig Theme Park hours.

ZH 点击此处了解当前 LEGOLAND Park 和 Water Park 的开放时间。Water Park 每年三月至十月开放。点击此处了解当前 Peppa Pig Theme Park 的开放时间。

EN Check here for current LEGOLAND Park and Water Park park hours. The Water Park is open from March to October each year. Check here for current Peppa Pig Theme Park hours.

ZH 回答“side by side samsung water dispenser will not stop shooting water

EN Answer to "side by side samsung water dispenser will not stop shooting water"

ZH 提示:旅行前完成 PADI Open Water eLearning 開放水域線上學習,以節省你在度假時的學習時間。

EN TIP: Complete PADI Open Water eLearning before travel to minimize the amount of time you spend studying while on vacation.

ZH 免費開始 PADI Open Water Diver(開放水域潛水夫)認證的第一步。 使用業界最先進的數位學習系統,按照自己的節奏學習水肺潛水基礎知識。

EN Take the first step to your PADI Open Water Diver certification - free. Learn scuba diving fundamentals at your own pace using the industry’s most advanced digital learning system.

ZH 如果您想尋求冒險、拯救海洋,PADI Travel® 可以為您聯絡全球 500 多家度假村。 將度假度住宿與 PADI Open Water Diver 課程完美結合,實惠多多。

EN If you want to seek adventure and save the ocean, PADI Travel® can connect you with more than 500 resorts worldwide. By combining a resort stay with a PADI Open Water Diver course, you will also always get a great deal.

ZH 最低年齡是 10 歲(大多數地區)。 不滿 15 歲的學生潛水夫可以獲得 Junior Open Water Diver(初級開放水域潛水夫)證書。

EN The minimum age is 10 years old (in most areas). Student divers who are younger than 15 earn the PADI Junior Open Water Diver certification.

ZH Junior Open Water Diver(初級開放水域潛水夫)證書是有限制條件的。 

EN The Junior Open Water certification comes with restrictions. 

ZH 課程先决條件: (青少年) Advanced Open Water 進階開放水域潜水員 或 (青少年) 持有水底導航證書的開放水域潜水員

EN Course prerequisites: (Jr.) Advanced Open Water or (Jr.) Open Water with Underwater Navigation certification

ZH PADI Open Water Diver (開放水域潛水員是第)一個水肺潛水認證級別。一位訓練有素的 PADI 教練將教你如何在輕鬆的輔助學習環境中進行水肺潛水。

EN PADI® Open Water Diver is the first scuba certification level. A highly-trained PADI Instructor will teach you how to scuba dive in a relaxed, supportive learning environment.

ZH 免費開始 PADI Open Water Diver(開放水域潛水夫)認證的第一步。 使用業界最先進的數位學習系統,按照自己的節奏學習水肺潛水基礎知識。

EN Take the first step to your PADI Open Water Diver certification - free. Learn scuba diving fundamentals at your own pace using the industry’s most advanced digital learning system.

ZH 如果您想尋求冒險、拯救海洋,PADI Travel® 可以為您聯絡全球 500 多家度假村。 將度假度住宿與 PADI Open Water Diver 課程完美結合,實惠多多。

EN If you want to seek adventure and save the ocean, PADI Travel® can connect you with more than 500 resorts worldwide. By combining a resort stay with a PADI Open Water Diver course, you will also always get a great deal.

ZH 最低年齡是 10 歲(大多數地區)。 不滿 15 歲的學生潛水夫可以獲得 Junior Open Water Diver(初級開放水域潛水夫)證書。

EN The minimum age is 10 years old (in most areas). Student divers who are younger than 15 earn the PADI Junior Open Water Diver certification.

ZH Junior Open Water Diver(初級開放水域潛水夫)證書是有限制條件的。 

EN The Junior Open Water certification comes with restrictions. 

ZH 提示:旅行前完成 PADI Open Water eLearning 開放水域線上學習,以節省你在度假時的學習時間。

EN TIP: Complete PADI Open Water eLearning before travel to minimize the amount of time you spend studying while on vacation.

ZH 最近沒有潛水,想快速複習一下潛水知識? 參加 PADI ReActivate,透過 PADI Open Water Diver 課程更新潛水技能和知識,然後再華麗轉身,一躍入水。 

EN Haven’t been diving lately and want a quick scuba refresher? PADI ReActivate is the perfect way to update your dive skills and knowledge from the PADI Open Water Diver course before jumping back into the water. 

ZH 如果您是一名年滿 10 歲的 PADI(青少年)Open Water Diver 開放水域潜水員,您可以報名參加 PADI 水底導航 Underwater Navigator專長課程。

EN If you're a PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver who is at least 10 years old, you can enroll in the PADI Underwater Navigator Specialty course.


EN Investing in Open Source: Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2018


EN Investing in Open Source: Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2018

ZH Atlassian Open DevOps 解决方案便是一种 Open DevOps 工具链,它以 Jira 为基础,并与顶尖供应商和 Marketplace 应用进行集成。

EN An example of an open DevOps toolchain is Atlassian’s Open DevOps solution, which includes Jira as a foundation and integrates with leading vendors and marketplace apps.

ZH NetApp 是 The Open Group 成員,也是 Open Subsurface Data Universe Forum (OSDU) 的積極參與者。

EN NetApp is a member of the The Open Group and an active participant in the Open Subsurface Data Universe Forum (OSDU).

ZH Scuba diving :水肺潜水,即身背氧气罐通过氧气管呼吸的潜水活动

EN Scuba diving is the activity of swimming underwater with special equipment (an air tank) that you carry on your back and a tube through which you breathe.

ZH 成為 Divemaster 是成為 Scuba Instructor 的先決條件。 您必須年滿 18 歲並擁有以下證書才能報名參加 PADI Divemaster 課程:

EN Divemaster is a prerequisite to becoming a scuba instructor. Before you can enroll in a PADI Divemaster course, you must be 18 years old and have the following certifications:

ZH Divemaster 和 Master Scuba Diver 有何不同?

EN What’s the difference between a divemaster and Master Scuba Diver?

ZH 要瞭解更多資訊,請前往 

EN Learn more here: 

ZH 不確定您是否喜歡水肺潛水? Discover Scuba Experience(發現水肺體驗)可以幫您決定。

EN Unsure if you’ll like scuba diving? A Discover Scuba Experience can help you decide.

ZH CNN | A scuba diving group is making face masks out of recycled ocean plastic (一個水肺潛水小組正在用回收的海洋塑料製作口罩)

EN CNN | A scuba diving group is making face masks out of recycled ocean plastic

ZH 今日美國 | 10 great places to go scuba diving right here in the US – even in the Midwest(美國 10 個適合水肺潛水的好地方——即使是在中西部)

EN USA Today| 10 great places to go scuba diving right here in the US – even in the Midwest

ZH The Points Guy | This is what it’s like to scuba dive during the pandemic(這就是疫情期間水肺潛水的感覺)

EN The Points Guy | This is what it’s like to scuba dive during the pandemic

ZH 你獲得的每個專長使你更接近於最頂尖的 PADI Master Scuba DiverTM 名仕潛水員等級。 只有不到2%的潛水員達到了這種精英潛水等級, 需要:

EN Every specialty you earn brings you one step closer to the prestigious PADI Master Scuba Diver™ rating. Fewer than two percent of divers ever achieve this elite diver rating, which requires:

ZH 您完成的每項 PADI 專長課程都會讓您更接近成爲 名仕潜水員 Master Scuba Diver™。 只有不到 2% 的潜水員達到了這一精英等級。

EN Every PADI Specialty certification you earn gets you one step closer to achieving the elite Master Scuba Diver™ rating.

ZH 您完成的每項專長課程都會讓您更接近成爲 PADI 名仕潜水員 Master Scuba Diver™。 只有不到 2% 的潜水員達到了這一精英等級。

EN Every specialty certification you complete brings you one step closer to becoming a PADI Master Scuba Diver™. Fewer than two percent of divers ever achieve this elite rating.

ZH 要瞭解更多資訊,請前往 

EN Learn more here: 

ZH 不確定您是否喜歡水肺潛水? Discover Scuba Experience(發現水肺體驗)可以幫您決定。

EN Unsure if you’ll like scuba diving? A Discover Scuba Experience can help you decide.

ZH 成為 Divemaster 是成為 Scuba Instructor 的先決條件。 您必須年滿 18 歲並擁有以下證書才能報名參加 PADI Divemaster 課程:

EN Divemaster is a prerequisite to becoming a scuba instructor. Before you can enroll in a PADI Divemaster course, you must be 18 years old and have the following certifications:

ZH Divemaster 和 Master Scuba Diver 有何不同?

EN What’s the difference between a divemaster and Master Scuba Diver?

ZH CNN | A scuba diving group is making face masks out of recycled ocean plastic (一個水肺潛水小組正在用回收的海洋塑料製作口罩)

EN CNN | A scuba diving group is making face masks out of recycled ocean plastic

ZH 今日美國 | 10 great places to go scuba diving right here in the US – even in the Midwest(美國 10 個適合水肺潛水的好地方——即使是在中西部)

EN USA Today| 10 great places to go scuba diving right here in the US – even in the Midwest

ZH The Points Guy | This is what it’s like to scuba dive during the pandemic(這就是疫情期間水肺潛水的感覺)

EN The Points Guy | This is what it’s like to scuba dive during the pandemic

ZH 您完成的每項 PADI 專長課程都會讓您更接近成爲 PADI 名仕潜水員 Master Scuba Diver™。 只有不到 2% 的潜水員達到了這一精英等級。

EN Every PADI Specialty you earn gets you one step closer to becoming a PADI Master Scuba Diver™. Only 2 percent of divers ever achieve this elite rating.

ZH Scuba diving :水肺潜水,即身背氧气罐通过氧气管呼吸的潜水活动

EN Scuba diving is the activity of swimming underwater with special equipment (an air tank) that you carry on your back and a tube through which you breathe.

ZH 天气资料来源: NIWA, the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research

EN Climate data from NIWA, the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research

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