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Tradução de chinês para inglês de granta


ZH 支援材料教育的基礎功能?Granta EduPack 和 Granta EduPack Introductory 皆有提供

EN Essential features to support materials education, included in both Granta EduPack and Granta EduPack Introductory.

ZH Granta EduPack 是領先世界之工程、科學、加工和設計材料教學資源的全新名稱。從 2020 年起?Granta EduPack 已取代先前的 CES EduPack。

EN Granta EduPack is the new name for the world-leading teaching resource for materials in engineering, science, processing, and design. Granta EduPack has replaced the previous CES EduPack from 2020 onwards.

ZH 利用 Ansys Granta Material Data 做出明智的重要決策。透過相關 Granta 軟體善用材料資料庫。 

EN Inform critical decisions with Ansys Granta Materials Data. Leverage a library of materials data with your relevant Granta software. 

ZH ASM Medical Materials 資料庫的心血管、整形外科、神經科、外科、耳鼻喉科與泌尿科設備專家資料?是 Granta MI 醫療產品套件的一部份。Granta Selector 提供線上版本。

EN Specialist data with ASM Medical Materials  for cardiovascular, orthopaedic, neurological, surgical, ENT, urological devices available as part of the Medical Bundle with Granta MI. Granta Selector has access to the on-line version.

ZH 關鍵材料指標與 ecoinvent 背景資訊的專家資料。這可在 Granta MI 或 Granta Selector 內個別購買。 

EN Specialist data for key materials indicators and background information from ecoinvent. Purchasable as a standalone option within Granta MI or Granta Selector. 

ZH Ansys 提供橫跨整個企業的材料資料管理軟體?可儲存、控制和分析這些資料?建立材料的「黃金來源」。Granta MI Enterprise 是以 Granta 可靠的材料參考資料為基礎所建構的軟體。

EN Ansys offers enterprise-wide materials data management software to store, control and analyze, creating your materials' “gold-source.” Granta MI Enterprise is built on the foundation of Granta’s trusted materials reference data.

ZH 有了 Granta MDS?您就能立即存取所需的材料資料。Granta MDS 嵌入 Ansys 使用者介面?能讓您輕鬆套用到模擬作業。

EN With Granta MDS, get instant access to the materials data you need. Embedded into your Ansys user interface, it allows you to apply it easily across simulations.

ZH 與 Ansys GRANTA MI 材料資料管理整合

EN Integration with Ansys GRANTA MI Materials Data Management

ZH Ansys Minerva 與 Ansys GRANTA MI 整合:領先的企業材料資訊管理系統

EN Ansys Minerva Integrates with Ansys GRANTA MI: the leading system for enterprise materials information management

ZH Ansys 提供協助研究人員的資源。我們的教學課程範例、影片和課程可讓您輕鬆學習如何使用 Ansys 模擬和 Granta 材料工具。

EN Ansys provides resources to help researchers. Our tutorial examples, videos and courses make it easy to learn how to use Ansys simulation and Granta materials tools. 

ZH Ansys 致力於與學術界合作,為所有使用者提供靈活的教育解決方案。我們以領先業界的模擬軟體,結合適用於材料教育的 Ansys Granta EduPack,提供低成本的多重物理產品組合。

EN Ansys is committed to working with academia to provide flexible education solutions for all users. We offer low-cost, multiphysics bundles with our industry-leading simulation software, as well as Ansys Granta EduPack for materials education.

ZH GRANTA MI Enterprise 是材料資訊的業界領導系統,可協助您開發及保護材料、節省時間、推動創新、降低成本,同時消弭風險。

EN The leading system for materials information, GRANTA MI Enterprise allows you to develop and protect your materials, save time, drive innovation, cut costs and eliminate risk.

ZH Ansys 2022 R1:Ansys Granta 產品更新

EN Ansys 2022 R1: Ansys Granta Products Update

ZH 本網路研討會將概述所有 Ansys Granta 工具的新增功能。

EN This webinar provides an overview of ‘what’s new’ across all Ansys Granta tools.

ZH 本網路研討會將以 PCB 層壓板及磁性材料選擇、PCB 測試資料管理等範例,展示 Ansys Electronics Desktop 與 Granta 的協調運作。

EN This webinar outlines the product features of how Ansys Electronics Desktop and Granta work in tandem – with examples of PCB laminate and magnetic material selection, and PCB test data management.

ZH Ansys 2022 R1:運用 Ansys Granta EduPack 進行材料教學

EN Ansys 2022 R1: Materials Education with Ansys Granta EduPack

ZH 加入我們,探索 Granta EduPack 新功能,並瞭解該功能如何輔助您進行材料教學。

EN Join us to learn what’s new in Granta EduPack and how it supports your materials teaching.

ZH Ansys 2022 R1 推出後,Granta MI 便整合了機器學習功能,以改善積層製造的程序參數最佳化及資料分析功能。

EN Launched with Ansys 2022 R1, machine learning capabilities are integrated into Granta MI for improved process parameter optimization and data analysis for additive manufacturing.

ZH 獨立工具、Workbench、Discovery 及 Granta Additive 之間的整合

EN Stand-alone tools, Workbench, Discovery and Granta Additive integration

ZH Ansys 致力於與學術界合作,為所有使用者提供靈活的教育解決方案。我們以領先業界的模擬軟體,結合適用於材料教育的 Ansys Granta EduPack,提供低成本的多重物理產品組合。

EN Ansys is committed to working with academia to provide flexible education solutions for all users. We offer low-cost, multiphysics bundles with our industry-leading simulation software, as well as Ansys Granta EduPack for materials education.

ZH Ansys 提供協助研究人員的資源。我們的教學課程範例、影片和課程可讓您輕鬆學習如何使用 Ansys 模擬和 Granta 材料工具。

EN Ansys provides resources to help researchers. Our tutorial examples, videos and courses make it easy to learn how to use Ansys simulation and Granta materials tools. 

ZH 用於模擬的 Ansys Granta 材料屬性資料庫

EN Ansys Zemax OpticStudio | Optical Design and Analysis Software

ZH GRANTA MI Enterprise 是領先業界的材料資訊系統?可協助您開發及保護材料、節省時間、推動創新、降低成本?同時消弭風險。

EN The leading system for materials information, GRANTA MI Enterprise allows you to develop and protect your materials, save time, drive innovation, cut costs and eliminate risk.

ZH Ansys Granta EduPack (前身為 CES EduPack) 是一組獨特的教學資源?可協助學術界強化工程、設計、科學及永續發展等領域的材料相關課程。

EN Ansys Granta EduPack—formerly CES EduPack—is a unique set of teaching resources that help academics enhance courses related to materials across engineering, design, science and sustainable development.

ZH Granta EduPack 的前身為 CES EduPack?是一套獨特的教學資源?可支援材料教育。

EN Granta EduPack, formerly CES EduPack, is a unique set of teaching resources to support materials education.

ZH Granta EduPack 也能支援各種教學類型?從設計和科學導向的教學方式?到以問題為基礎的教學方式都涵蓋在內。

EN Granta EduPack has also been designed to support a wide variety of teaching styles, from the design- and science-led approaches to problem-based teaching.

ZH Granta EduPack 是領先世界的工程、科學、加工和設計材料教學資源。

EN Granta EduPack is the world-leading teaching resource for materials in engineering, science, processing, and design.

ZH Granta EduPack?支援完整學習年限的材料教育

EN Granta EduPack: supporting materials education across all years of study

ZH 支援進階學習和總整設計專案的強化功能?僅在完整版 Granta EduPack 中提供

EN Enhanced features to support advanced learning and capstone design projects, only available in the full version of Granta EduPack

ZH Granta EduPack 資料庫包含無可匹敵的材料資訊庫。根據學生和課程的級別擷取材料資料。

EN The Granta EduPack databases contain an unrivalled library of materials information. Draw on materials data at a level suitable for your students and courses.

ZH Granta EduPack 包含功能強大的材料選擇和製圖工具。這些工具是為了讓人們能夠輕鬆學習並應用 Mike Ashby 教授在劍橋大學開創的合理選擇方法。

EN Granta EduPack contains powerful materials selection and charting tools. These are designed to make it easy to learn and apply the rational selection methodology pioneered by Prof. Mike Ashby at the University of Cambridge.

ZH Granta EduPack 包含可預測混合材料屬性的模型?此模型可與傳統材料進行比較?並預測零件成本。您可以加入自己的模型?並將結果套用至屬性圖表。

EN Granta EduPack includes models for predicting the properties of hybrid materials, enabling comparison with conventional materials and for predicting part costs. You can add your own models and apply the results to property charts.

ZH Ansys Granta EduPack 可幫助材料教師讓學生參與材料主題?並在整個工程課程中支持他們的學習。

EN Ansys Granta EduPack helps materials educators engage students in materials topics and supports their learning throughout the engineering curriculum.

ZH Ansys Granta EduPack 2021 R1 的教材教育

EN Materials Education with Ansys Granta EduPack 2021 R1

ZH 使用 Ansys Granta EduPack 進行永續教學

EN Sustainability Teaching with Ansys Granta EduPack

ZH 開放式論壇?可討論與 Ansys 材料軟體相關的問題。包含與 Granta EduPack 等相關的常見問題。

EN An open forum for questions about Ansys Materials software. Containing frequently asked questions about Granta EduPack, and more.

ZH Ansys Granta Materials Data | 無可匹敵的材料資料庫

EN Ansys Granta Materials Data | Unrivalled Materials Data Library

ZH Ansys Granta Materials Data 資料庫

EN Ansys Granta Materials Data Library

ZH 我們的材料資料範圍是由世界級的材料專家團隊所建立和規劃?可搭配 Granta MI、Selector 和 EduPack 工具使用。

EN Our range of Materials Data are created and curated by our world-class team of materials specialists to be used with our Granta MI, Selector and EduPack tools.

ZH 將我們的核心和進階材料資料搭配 Ansys Granta Selector 使用?可以找出替代聚合物來解決嚴重的供應商短缺問題。

EN By using our Core and Advanced Materials Data with Ansys Granta Selector, alternative polymers can be found to solve severe supplier shortages.

ZH 當全球供應問題導致難以找到 PA66 來源時?我們的客戶轉向 Ansys Granta 尋求解決方案。

EN When global supply issues resulted in PA66 being difficult to source, our customers turned to Ansys Granta to seek a solution.

ZH 材料專家可以存取 Granta’s unique MaterialUniverseTM 聚合物資料 (這是我們每種產品的核心通用資料產品的一部分)?以取得重要的 PA66 資料。

EN By accessing Granta’s unique MaterialUniverseTM polymers data, which is part of our Core Generic data offering with each of our products, materials experts were able to access critical PA66 data.

ZH 有了 Granta Selector?他們就能以價格、彎曲模量、可燃性限制以及進行噴射成型的適用性為考量?快速找到一系列可行的替代聚合物。

EN Using Granta Selector they were able to quickly find a range of viable alternative polymers given the price, flexural modulus, flammability constraints and for its suitability for injection molding.

ZH 我們將在相關的 Ansys Granta 工具中提供最新的環境資料。

EN We’re making the latest Eco Data available in relevant Ansys Granta tools.

ZH 存取 Granta 針對數千種材料建立的工程、經濟及生態屬性概況專屬通用資料庫。MaterialUniverseTM 可讓您在材料和製程可能性之間進行同類比較。

EN Access Granta's unique generic database of engineering, economic and eco property profiles for thousands of materials. MaterialUniverseTM allows for a like-to-like comparison across material and processing possibilities.

ZH 數千份資料工作表的專業溫度相關屬性資料。 可用於模擬的理想輸入資料。包含在我們的 Granta 核心資料中。 

EN Specialist Temperature-dependent property data for thousands of datasheets. Ideal as input data for simulation. Included as part of our Granta Core Data. 

ZH 日本 NIMs 的潛變和疲勞數據?僅限 Granta MI Enterprise 提供。

EN Creep and fatigue data from Japan’s NIMs – exclusively for Granta MI Enterprise.

ZH 分析限用物質對材料和製程、環境影響和供應等的風險相關資訊。僅可搭配 Granta MI Enterprise 的「限用物質」解決方案使用。

EN Analyze information on restricted substance risk of materials and processes, environmental impact and supply risk. Available with the Restricted Substance solution with Granta MI Enterprise.

ZH 僅限 Granta MI Enterprise 提供人體生物材料資料?其中包括骨骼、軟骨、韌帶、肌腱、循環系統和牙齒等人體組織的結構屬性。 

EN Human Biological Materials including mechanical properties of human tissues, including bone, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, circulatory and dental tissues is available for Granta MI Enterprise only. 

ZH Rolls-Royce 藉由執行 Granta MI 來管理全公司的材料資訊,省下數百萬美元成本

EN Implementing Granta MI to drive multi-million-dollar savings through enterprise-wide materials information management at Rolls-Royce

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