Traduzir "accelize quickplay" para inglês

Mostrando 2 de 2 traduções da frase "accelize quickplay" de holandês para inglês

Tradução de holandês para inglês de accelize quickplay


NL De combinatie van de OVH FPGA Server met de Accelize QuickPlay/QuickStore oplossing maakt het gebruik en de programmering van de cloud-gebaseerde FPGA Accelerators makkelijker dan ooit tevoren.

EN On April 23 at Toronto’s Cathedral Center, the leader of digital as a service is coming to meet with its customers and anyone that has a passion for innovation who wants to take a step ahead.


NL OVH en Accelize werken samen om FPGA Acceleration-as-a-Service te leveren via OVH RunAbove Lab

EN OVH World Tour Toronto: The digital innovation event


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