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ZH 只需购买一个实惠的捆绑包,即可在所有操作系统(包括 iPad)上获取第 2 版 Affinity Designer、Affinity Photo 和 Affinity Publisher。

EN Get Version 2 of Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo and Affinity Publisher on all operating systems, including iPad, for one low bundle price.

ZH 重要提示: 这些笔刷只能用于 Affinity Designer iPad 版和 Affinity Photo iPad 版。

EN Important note: These brushes have been specially made for use with Affinity Designer for iPad and Affinity Photo for iPad only.

ZH 重要提示: 这些笔刷只能用于 Affinity Designer iPad 版和 Affinity Photo iPad 版。

EN Important note: These brushes have been specially made for use with Affinity Designer for iPad and Affinity Photo for iPad only.

ZH Mac上DVD轉檔至iPad的轉檔軟體,可輕鬆轉檔任意DVD電影至iPad以及MP4, MOV, MP3 等多媒體文件。它完全兼容所有類型的iPad,包括iPad Wi-Fi, iPad Wi-Fi+3G, iPad 16GB, iPad 32GB, iPad 64GB等。

EN Mac DVD to iPad converter software to rip any DVD movies to iPad, iPad 2, MP4, MOV, MP3 music files. It's fully compatible with all type of iPad including iPad Wi-Fi, iPad Wi-Fi+3G, iPad 16GB, iPad 32GB, iPad 64GB.

ZH 您的 Affinity 帐户。这是您的主要 Affinity 帐户,用于从 Affinity 网站进行购买并查看您的订单历史记录和产品密钥。您可以从菜单中标有“我的帐户”的链接访问此帐户。

EN Your Affinity account. This is your main Affinity account which you use to purchase from the Affinity website and view your order history and product keys. You can access this from the link labeled “My Account” from the menu.

ZH Affinity Publisher 是一款 Mac 和 PC 版桌面排版程序,它采用了 Affinity 独有的 StudioLink 技术,使 Affinity Photo 或 Designer 的用户能够在排版中使用完整的编辑功能。

EN Affinity Publisher is a desktop layout program on Mac and PC which incorporates Affinity’s unique StudioLink technology, enabling owners of Affinity Photo or Designer to use their full editing power right there in a layout.

ZH 它的 StudioLink 技术允许矢量设计应用程序 Affinity Designer 和图像编辑器 Affinity Photo 的所有者在 Affinity Publisher 布局中直接使用以上两个应用程序,只需单击相关的产品图标即可。

EN Its StudioLink technology allows owners of vector design app Affinity Designer and image editor Affinity Photo to use them right there in an Affinity Publisher layout, simply by clicking the relevant product icon.

ZH Serif 相信,Affinity Publisher 将像 Affinity Photo 和 Affinity Designer 颠覆专业照片编辑和图形设计那样彻底改变桌面出版。

EN Serif is confident that Affinity Publisher will revolutionise desktop publishing in the same way Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer have shaken up professional photo editing and graphic design.

ZH Serif 一流的全新工作室链接技术意味着其矢量设计应用程序 Affinity Designer 和图像编辑器 Affinity Photo 的所有者可以在 Affinity Publisher 布局中使用以上两个工具,只需单击相关的产品图标即可。

EN In a world-first, Serif’s brand new StudioLink technology means owners of its vector design app Affinity Designer and image editor Affinity Photo can use them right there in an Affinity Publisher layout, simply by clicking the relevant product icon.

ZH 您的 Affinity 帐户。这是您的主要 Affinity 帐户,用于从 Affinity 网站进行购买并查看您的订单历史记录和产品密钥。您可以从菜单中标有“我的帐户”的链接访问此帐户。

EN Your Affinity account. This is your main Affinity account which you use to purchase from the Affinity website and view your order history and product keys. You can access this from the link labeled “My Account” from the menu.

ZH 这一套 15 种逼真粉笔栅格笔刷和 6 种素材/JPG 适用于台式机和 iPad 上的 Affinity Designer 和 Affinity Photo。

EN This set of 15 realistic chalk raster brushes and 6 assets/JPGs work in Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo on both desktop and iPad.

ZH 想使用 Mac 或 PC 版 Affinity Photo、Designer 以及 Publisher 的任何用户均可免费使用 90 天,而无需承担任何义务。iPad 版的 Affinity Photo 和 Designer 也可享受相关折扣。

EN Anyone who wants to use Affinity Photo, Designer and Publisher on Mac or PC can do so free for 90 days with no obligation. The accompanying discount also extends to Affinity Photo and Designer on iPad.

ZH 6 月前购买 Affinity 应用程序(Mac、Windows PC 和 iPad 版)的用户,仍有机会享受 50% 的折扣。如需详细信息,请访问 https://affinity.serif.com。

EN Buyers still have until the end of June to get the Affinity apps with 50% discount on Mac, Windows PC and iPad. For details go to https://affinity.serif.com.

ZH iPad 版的 Affinity Photo 和 Affinity Designer 拥有与台式机版同样强大的功能,不论您身在何处,都可以利用它们完成出色工作。

EN Just as powerful as their desktop counterparts, Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer for iPad give you the power to create stunning work, wherever you are.

ZH 这一套 15 种逼真粉笔栅格笔刷和 6 种素材/JPG 适用于台式机和 iPad 上的 Affinity Designer 和 Affinity Photo。

EN This set of 15 realistic chalk raster brushes and 6 assets/JPGs work in Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo on both desktop and iPad.

ZH 將DVD轉檔至 iPad/4/3/2, iPad Pro/Air 2, iPad Mini 4 等支援的格式

EN Convert DVD to iPad 4/3/2, iPad Pro/Air, iPad Mini 5 on macOS

ZH Affinity 套件所有者无需离开 Affinity Publisher 即可访问所有图像编辑和矢量设计工具

EN Affinity suite owners can access the full range of image editing and vector design tools without leaving Affinity Publisher

ZH 欢迎使用 Serif 的 Affinity 产品。请仔细阅读以下使用条款 & 条件,使用 Affinity 网站的同时即表明您同意接受其约束。

EN Welcome to Affinity from Serif. Please read these Terms & Conditions carefully as you agree to be bound by them while using the Affinity website.

ZH Affinity Publisher 将在 Affinity Live 活动中推出

EN Affinity Publisher to launch at Affinity Live event

ZH 欢迎使用 Serif 的 Affinity 产品。请仔细阅读以下隐私政策,使用 Affinity 网站的同时即表明您同意接受其约束。

EN Welcome to Affinity from Serif. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully as you agree to be bound by it while using the Affinity website.

ZH Affinity Designer 工作手册 - Affinity Designer 官方指南

EN Affinity Designer Workbook - The Official Guide to Affinity Designer

ZH Affinity Photo 工作手册 — Affinity Photo 官方指南

EN Affinity Photo Workbook - The Official Guide to Affinity Photo

ZH 全彩精装本手册掌握 Affinity Photo。本手册由 Affinity 团队以及一些世界知名艺术家和摄影师倾力打造,您可以从中了解到所需的核心技术以及最强大的工具和技术。

EN , full color hardback book. Created by the Affinity team, alongside some world-renowned artists and photographers, you will learn everything from the core skills you need right up to the most powerful tools and techniques.

ZH 超过 60 个独立拍摄和剪裁的粉末画笔,用于 Affinity Designer 和 Affinity Photo

EN Over 60 individually shot and cut-out Powder Brushes for Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo

ZH Affinity Publisher 工作手册 - Affinity Publisher 官方指南

EN Affinity Publisher Workbook - The Official Guide to Affinity Publisher

ZH 36 款为 Affinity Photo 和 Affinity Designer 的 Pixel Persona 打造的栅格画笔

EN 36 raster brushes for Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer’s Pixel Persona

ZH 45 种栅格笔刷,适用于 Affinity Photo 和 Affinity Designer 的像素角色

EN 45 raster brushes for Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer’s Pixel Persona

ZH 专为 Affinity Designer 和 Affinity Photo 打造的逼真水彩。

EN Real-life watercolors for Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo.

ZH 重要提示: 此系列中包含的仿制印章画笔用于与 Affinity Photo 中独有的仿制画笔工具配合使用。请注意,这些画笔在 Affinity Designer 中的功能类似于常规画笔在像素角色中的功能。

EN Important note: The Clone Stamp brushes included in this collection are designed to work with the Clone Brush Tool exclusive to Affinity Photo. Note that in Affinity Designer they will function as regular paint brushes in Pixel Persona.

ZH Affinity 黑色星期五活动中获得 30% 的折扣- Affinity 新闻中心

EN Claim 30% off in the Affinity Black Friday Event- Affinity Press Newsroom

ZH Affinity Photo 也进行了大量的性能调整,最重要的是在混合图层时具有更高的效率,同时还能保留无损工作流程——这一关键特性使 Affinity Photo 在竞争中脱颖而出。

EN Affinity Photo has also received extensive performance tweaks, most importantly in adding greater efficiency when blending layers together, while retaining a non-destructive workflow - a key attribute which sets Affinity Photo apart from the competition.

ZH Affinity v1.10 现在可从 Affinity 网站上购买。现有用户可以免费下载更新。

EN Affinity v1.10 is available to buy now from Affinity website. Existing users can download the update free.

ZH Serif 开发的 Affinity 执行董事 Ashley Hewson 说:“又是一年创纪录数量的用户选择使用 Affinity,2021 年我们会继续为大家带来重大免费更新。

EN Ashley Hewson, Managing Director of Affinity developer Serif, says: “After another year which saw record numbers of people switching to Affinity, it’s exciting to start 2021 with yet another major free update.

ZH Affinity Photo 和 Designer 工作手册(介绍应用程序用法的奢华精装官方指南)同样享有折扣,还有 Affinity Store 创意内容包、画笔包集合、字体、效果、模板等也享有折扣。

EN The Affinity Photo and Designer Workbooks—the lavish hardback official guides to using the apps—are also discounted, as are the Affinity Store creative content packs, a selection of brush packs, fonts, effects, templates and more.

ZH StudioLink 让用户可以在不离开应用的情况下,立即切换到 Affinity Photo 的高级照片编辑功能和 Affinity Designer 的精确矢量工具,从而开启一种无比流畅而又独一无二的全新工作方式。

EN StudioLink has unlocked an incredibly fluid, unique new way of working by allowing users to instantly switch to the advanced photo editing features of Affinity Photo and precise vector tools of Affinity Designer without ever leaving the app.

ZH 目前所有 Affinity 应用程序仅需 5 折即可获得,可从 affinity.serif.com 购买,这是 COVID-19 疫情期间支持创意社区的一项举措。

EN All Affinity apps are currently available with 50% discount as an initiative to support the creative community during COVID-19, from affinity.serif.com.

ZH 为了庆祝 Affinity Publisher 荣获年度最佳应用奖,该应用程序在限定时段内可享受 30% 折扣,并且和所有 Affinity 应用程序一样,均无订阅。

EN To celebrate the App of the Year accolade, Affinity Publisher is available with a 30% discount for a limited period, and—as with all Affinity apps—there is no subscription.

ZH Serif 通过对 Affinity 应用的大量更新提高了标准- Affinity 新闻中心

EN Serif raises the bar with huge update to Affinity apps- Affinity Press Newsroom

ZH Serif 推出了具有令人惊叹的全新工作室链接技术的 Affinity Publisher- Affinity 新闻中心

EN Serif launches Affinity Publisher with stunning new StudioLink technology- Affinity Press Newsroom

ZH 如需以折扣价 39.99 美元预订 Affinity Publisher 的 Mac 或 Windows 版,请转至 affinity.serif.com/publisher。

EN To pre-order Affinity Publisher on Mac or Windows, for the discount price of $39.99, go to affinity.serif.com/publisher.

ZH Serif 的总经理 Ashley Hewson 表示:“自从我们发布 Affinity Publisher 以来,越来越多的公司和组织选择从 Creative Cloud 转向 Affinity 套件。

EN Ashley Hewson, Managing Director of Serif, says: “More and more companies and organisations are choosing to switch from Creative Cloud to the Affinity suite since we launched Affinity Publisher.

ZH 只需单击应用程序顶部的角色图标,即可获得 Affinity Designer 和 Affinity Photo 的核心功能

EN The core functionality of Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo is available by simply clicking the persona icons at the top of the app

ZH 如需观看 Serif 常务董事 Ashley Hewson 发表的 Affinity Live 主题演讲的流视频,请转至 affinity.serif.com/live。

EN To stream the Affinity Live keynote presentation by Serif Managing Director Ashley Hewson, go to affinity.serif.com/live.

ZH Affinity Publisher 在限定时段内可享受 20% 折扣(售价 39.99 美元),并且所有 Affinity 应用程序均无订阅。

EN Affinity Publisher is available with a 20% discount (priced $39.99) for a limited period, and as with all Affinity apps has no subscription.

ZH Affinity 开发者和 Nik 所有者 DxO 合作,Affinity Photo 现已完全兼容最新的 Nik Collection 插件。

EN Affinity Photo now has full compatibility with the latest Nik Collection plug-ins, following a collaboration between Affinity developers and Nik owner DxO.

ZH 欢迎使用 Serif 的 Affinity 产品。请仔细阅读以下隐私政策,使用 Affinity 网站的同时即表明您同意接受其约束。

EN Welcome to Affinity from Serif. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully as you agree to be bound by it while using the Affinity website.

ZH 欢迎使用 Serif 的 Affinity 产品。请仔细阅读以下使用条款 & 条件,使用 Affinity 网站的同时即表明您同意接受其约束。

EN Welcome to Affinity from Serif. Please read these Terms & Conditions carefully as you agree to be bound by them while using the Affinity website.

ZH 45 种栅格笔刷,适用于 Affinity Photo 和 Affinity Designer 的像素角色

EN 45 raster brushes for Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer’s Pixel Persona

ZH 36 款为 Affinity Photo 和 Affinity Designer 的 Pixel Persona 打造的栅格画笔

EN 36 raster brushes for Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer’s Pixel Persona

ZH 超过 60 个独立拍摄和剪裁的粉末画笔,用于 Affinity Designer 和 Affinity Photo

EN Over 60 individually shot and cut-out Powder Brushes for Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo

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