Tarjamahake "roi" menyang Basa inggris

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Wong cina
Basa inggris

ZH 我们将所有通过我们的网站收集到的个人数据存储在由亚马逊管理的安全服务器上,该服务器位于爱尔兰 (ROI)。

EN We store all Personal Data collected via Our Website on secure servers administered by Amazon, located in the Republic of Ireland (ROI).

ZH Select Services 是一种为期 12 个月的混合式分层服务,可提供实现快速 ROI 的诸多优势。分为三层,您可以选择能充分满足您的业务需要的服务级别。

EN Select Services is a blended, 12-month, tiered offering that provides a number of benefits helping you realize rapid ROI. Available in three tiers, you choose the tier that gives you the level of service that best meets your business needs.

ZH 其他人迁移到 Cloud 后能获得多少 ROI

EN What ROI have others seen from moving to Cloud?

ZH Tableau 委託 Forrester Consulting 進行一項研究,調查企業可能達成的潛在投資報酬率 (ROI)。

EN Tableau commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a study examining the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realise.

ZH 儘管傳統的BI工具過去足以滿足大多數公司的需求,但高級行政人員現正轉向進階分析,以獲取更大的BI投資回報率(ROI)。這是為什麼?為什麼進階分析法如今吸引了這麼多家公司?

EN While traditional BI tools used to be enough for most companies, executives are now turning to advanced analytics for a greater return on investment (ROI) on their BI investments. Why is that? Why is advanced analytics attracting so many companies today?

ZH For today’s data center operators, downsizing legacy UPSs can offer a better return on investment (ROI), lower energy costs and increased resiliency, so why isn’t anyone talking about it? 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN For today’s data center operators, downsizing legacy UPSs can offer a better return on investment (ROI), lower energy costs and increased resiliency, so why isn’t anyone talking about it? Read full information on external site

ZH 优化服务:优化投资回报率(ROI),集中关注安全性、绩效、运营效率和发展

EN Optimisation services: Optimise Return on Investment (ROI) focusing on security, performance, operational efficiency, and evolution

ZH 从培训到实施再到咨询和技术支持,Hagerman & Company 行业专家提供全面的定制解决方案,帮助提高技术 ROI

EN From training to implementation to consulting and tech support, Hagerman & Company industry experts offer comprehensive, custom solutions to improve your technology ROI.

ZH 使用 ROI 计算器查看投资回报

EN See the Financial Impact with the ROI Calculator

ZH 提供共享许可及其他构建许可功能选项,帮助您提高许可利用率 ROI,并确保合适的用户在适当的时间访问 Unity。

EN Increase your license utilization ROI and ensure the right people have access to Unity at the right time with available options for shared licensing and additional build licensing capacity.

ZH 新型边缘数据技术要求技术需求与战略业务目标之间的一致性。通过咨询互动,Zebra 专家提供包含指示性 ROI 的定制化发展蓝图,助您实现业务目标。

EN New edge-data technologies demand alignment between technical requirements and strategic business objectives. Through consultative engagements, Zebra experts provide a tailored roadmap with an indicative ROI to meet those business objectives.

ZH 8 種經證實可提高測試資產投資報酬率(ROI)的方法

EN 8 Proven Ways to Increase Test Asset ROI

ZH 利用智慧網路可視化,IT 部門可強化網路安全、降低監控成本、提高投資報酬率(ROI),並將網路效能最佳化。

EN Intelligent network visibility allows IT to strengthen network security, reduce monitoring costs, increase return on investment (ROI), and optimize network performance.

ZH 从培训到实施再到咨询和技术支持,Hagerman & Company 行业专家提供全面的定制解决方案,帮助提高技术 ROI

EN From training to implementation to consulting and tech support, Hagerman & Company industry experts offer comprehensive, custom solutions to improve your technology...

ZH Select Services 是一种为期 12 个月的混合式分层服务,可提供实现快速 ROI 的诸多优势。分为三层,您可以选择能充分满足您的业务需要的服务级别。

EN Select Services is a blended, 12-month, tiered offering that provides a number of benefits helping you realize rapid ROI. Available in three tiers, you choose the tier that gives you the level of service that best meets your business needs.

ZH 优化服务:优化投资回报率(ROI),集中关注安全性、绩效、运营效率和发展

EN Optimisation services: Optimise Return on Investment (ROI) focusing on security, performance, operational efficiency, and evolution

ZH 了解如何受惠於我們的 ROI 計算機以提供更佳客戶服務。

EN Find out exactly how you could benefit from better customer service with our ROI Calculator.

ZH 了解如何受惠於我們的 ROI 計算機以提供更佳客戶服務。

EN Find out exactly how you could benefit from better customer service with our ROI Calculator.

ZH 了解如何受惠於我們的 ROI 計算機以提供更佳客戶服務。

EN Find out exactly how you could benefit from better customer service with our ROI Calculator.

ZH 计算投资回报率(ROI):了解使用图像读码器可以节省多少成本

EN Calculate ROI: See How Much You Can Save with Image-Based Barcode Readers

ZH 我们将所有通过我们的网站收集到的个人数据存储在由亚马逊管理的安全服务器上,该服务器位于爱尔兰 (ROI)。

EN We store all Personal Data collected via Our Website on secure servers administered by Amazon, located in the Republic of Ireland (ROI).

ZH 在同一处跟踪整个订阅漏斗,提升 LTV 和 ROI,将更多的用户转化为付费用户。

EN Track your entire subscription funnel in one place — increase LTV, ROI and convert more users into paying customers.

ZH 发现“唾手可得的成果”,飞速提升您的 ROI

EN Uncover low-hanging fruit to skyrocket your ROI

ZH 儘管傳統的BI工具過去足以滿足大多數公司的需求,但高級行政人員現正轉向進階分析,以獲取更大的BI投資回報率(ROI)。這是為什麼?為什麼進階分析法如今吸引了這麼多家公司?

EN While traditional BI tools used to be enough for most companies, executives are now turning to advanced analytics for a greater return on investment (ROI) on their BI investments. Why is that? Why is advanced analytics attracting so many companies today?

ZH 使 AI 模型与 DevOps 同步操作,以更快实现 ROI

EN Operationalizing AI models in sync with DevOps for faster ROI

ZH 利用机器学习更深入地发掘人类洞察,从而增加其广告客户的 ROI

EN Uses machine learning for better discovery of human insights to increase ROI for its advertising clients

ZH 利用我们强大的报告功能,轻松分享自定义数据可视化视图和实用洞见,强力助推 ROI

EN Leverage our powerful reporting to easily share customized data visualizations and actionable insights to boost your ROI.

ZH La Table du Roi 餐厅供应充满诗意的正宗普罗旺斯美食。您可以根据不同的季节,选择坐在餐厅内、露台上还是冬季花园中。

EN The La Table du Roi restaurant offers authentic and poetic Provençal cuisine. Depending on the season, choose to sit in the restaurant, on the terrace or in the winter garden.

ZH 随时到我们的 l'Intemporel 酒吧休闲放松。我们的首府酒保 Jean-Luc Parodi 将向您介绍他的特色鸡尾酒(比如用 Beaumes de Venise Muscat 调制的 Roi René)以及其他当地特色美酒。

EN Relax at any time of day in our l'Intemporel bar. Our head barman, Jean-Luc Parodi, will introduce you to his signature cocktails, such as the Roi René using Beaumes de Venise Muscat, as well as other local specialties.

Nampilake terjemahan 29 saka 29