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ZH 我们将在后续推出 Bamboo Data Center。具体情况确定后,我们将通知现有 Bamboo Server 客户并更新我们的 Data Center 路线图。在另行通知前,您仍可以购买 Bamboo Server 的新许可证。

EN We plan to make Bamboo Data Center available in the future. As details emerge, we will notify current Bamboo Server customers and update our Data Center roadmap. Until further notice, you will still be able to purchase new licenses for Bamboo Server.

ZH 我们会在近期推出 Bamboo Data Center。确定具体情况后,我们会通知现有 Bamboo Server 客户并持续更新此常见问题。在另行通知前,您仍然可以购买 Bamboo Server 的新许可证。

EN We plan to make Bamboo Data Center available in the near future. As details emerge, we will notify current Bamboo Server customers and continually update this FAQ. Until further notice, you will still be able to purchase new licenses for Bamboo Server.

ZH 您仍然可以升级或降级 Bamboo,直至我们发布 Data Center 版为止。之后,您将无法升级或降级 Bamboo Server 许可证。

EN You will still be able to upgrade or downgrade Bamboo until we release a Data Center version. After that, you won’t be able to upgrade or downgrade your Bamboo Server license.

ZH 我们会在近期推出 Bamboo Data Center。待细节公布后,我们会通知现有 Bamboo Server 客户并持续更新此时间表。

EN We plan to make Bamboo Data Center available in the near future. As details emerge, we will notify current Bamboo Server customers and continually update this timeline.

ZH Bamboo 例外情况 - 如果您在太平洋时间 2021 年 8 月 1 日当天或之前购买了 Bamboo Server 许可证,且该许可证处于有效维护期或仍处于到期后的 30 天内。

EN Bamboo exception - if you purchased a Bamboo server license(s) on or before August 1, 2021 PT, and it is under active maintenance or within 30 days of expiry.

ZH Bitbucket Server 在您的环境中本地托管。Bitbucket Server 与我们强大的 CI/CD 工具 Bamboo 强强联手,支持您彻底实现流程自动化。此许可证永久有效。

EN Bitbucket Server is hosted on-premise, in your environment. Bitbucket Server has strong integrations with Bamboo, our powerful CI/CD tool that allows you to completely automate your process. The license is perpetual.

ZH Bitbucket Server 在您的环境中本地托管。Bitbucket Server 与我们强大的 CI/CD 工具 Bamboo 强强联手,支持您彻底实现流程自动化。此许可证永久有效。

EN Bitbucket Server is hosted on-premise, in your environment. Bitbucket Server has strong integrations with Bamboo, our powerful CI/CD tool that allows you to completely automate your process. The license is perpetual.

ZH Bitbucket Server 在您的环境中本地托管。Bitbucket Server 与我们强大的 CI/CD 工具 Bamboo 强强联手,支持您彻底实现流程自动化。此许可证永久有效。

EN Bitbucket Server is hosted on-premise, in your environment. Bitbucket Server has strong integrations with Bamboo, our powerful CI/CD tool that allows you to completely automate your process. The license is perpetual.

ZH Bitbucket Server 在您的环境中本地托管。Bitbucket Server 与我们强大的 CI/CD 工具 Bamboo 强强联手,支持您彻底实现流程自动化。此许可证永久有效。

EN Bitbucket Server is hosted on-premise, in your environment. Bitbucket Server has strong integrations with Bamboo, our powerful CI/CD tool that allows you to completely automate your process. The license is perpetual.

ZH Bamboo Agent 是一项服务,它能运行作业构建。Bamboo 代理分为两类:

EN A Bamboo Agent is a service that provides capabilities to run job builds. There are two types of Bamboo agents:

ZH 如果您对 Bamboo 满意(我们相信您一定会的),只需要使用购买的许可证密钥更新现有实例即可继续使用。您可在此处购买 Bamboo Data Center 订阅。

EN If you love it (and we think you will), you can continue using Bamboo by simply updating your existing instance with a purchased license key. Bamboo Data Center subscriptions can be purchased here.

ZH 我们最近还为我们的 Data Center 产品线引入了最新产品,Bamboo Data Center。对于拥有 100 个或更多支持人员的客户,订阅 Bamboo Data Center 将包括优先支持。

EN We’ve also recently introduced the newest addition to our Data Center product line, Bamboo Data Center. Priority Support will be included with a Bamboo Data Center subscription for customers with 100 or more agents.

ZH Bamboo Agent 是一项服务,它能运行作业构建。Bamboo 代理分为两类:

EN A Bamboo Agent is a service that provides capabilities to run job builds. There are two types of Bamboo agents:

ZH 在iPad上使用Adobe Illustrator会限制你使用Apple Pencil作为唯一的铅笔。Vectornator允许你使用第三方铅笔,如Wacom Bamboo Stylus,甚至像Wacom Bamboo Slate那样的绘图板!

EN Using Adobe Illustrator on your iPad will limit you to the Apple Pencil as the only pencil to use. Vectornator allows you to use 3rd party pencils like Wacom Bamboo Stylus or even drawing tablets as the Wacom Bamboo Slate!

ZH Tableau Server Management 讓執行大型關鍵任務 Tableau Server 部署的作業變得更加輕鬆。使用 Tableau Server Management,您就能簡化管理程序,以便對不斷變化的業務需求快速做出反應並節省時間。

EN Tableau Server Management makes it easier to run large, mission-critical Tableau Server deployments. With Tableau Server Management, you can react quickly to the changing needs of your business and save time by streamlining the management process.

ZH 安裝 Tableau Server 時發生錯誤 “Service ‘tablicsrv’ failed to start”、“No license found for Tableau Server” 或 “Tableau Server is unlicensed”

EN Error "Service 'tablicsrv' failed to start" "No licence found for Tableau Server" or "Tableau Server is unlicenced" when installing Tableau Server

ZH 直接从 C++Builder IDE 部署文件。使用 Platform Assistant Server(PA Server) 快速将文件部署到远程机器上。PA Server 将部署工作所定义的文件组合起来,并将它们打包到单个应用程序实例中。

EN Deploy files directly from the C++Builder IDE. Quickly deploy files to remote machines using Platform Assistant Server (PA Server). PA Server combines the files defined for deployment and packages them into a single application instance.

ZH 备份的Exchange版本是Exchange Server 2007、Exchange Server 2010或Exchange Server 2013。

EN Backed Exchange is Exchange Server 2007, Exchange Server 2010 or Exchange Server 2013.

ZH 备份的Exchange Server版本是Exchange Server 2007、Exchange Server 2010或Exchange Server 2013。

EN Backed up Exchange Server version is Exchange Server 2007, Exchange Server 2010, or Exchange Server 2013.

ZH 备份的Exchange Server版本是Exchange Server 2007、Exchange Server 2010或Exchange Server 2013

EN Backed up Exchange Server version is Exchange Server 2007, Exchange Server 2010, or Exchange Server 2013

ZH 直接从 C++Builder IDE 部署文件。使用 Platform Assistant Server(PA Server) 快速将文件部署到远程机器上。PA Server 将部署工作所定义的文件组合起来,并将它们打包到单个应用程序实例中。

EN Deploy files directly from the C++Builder IDE. Quickly deploy files to remote machines using Platform Assistant Server (PA Server). PA Server combines the files defined for deployment and packages them into a single application instance.

ZH Server 许可证升级到 Data Center 后,Server 许可证的维护将不再续订。如果需要,您可以手动将 Server 维护续订至太平洋时间 2024 年 2 月 15 日的最后结束日期。

EN Once you upgrade a server license to Data Center, maintenance on the server license will no longer be renewed. If you wish, you can manually renew your server maintenance to a maximum end date of February 15, 2024 PT.

ZH 现有的 Jira Service Management Server(先前为 Jira Service Desk Server)许可证可以续订至太平洋时间 2024 年 2 月 15 日(最晚结束日期)。请查看下表以了解 Jira Service Management Server 续订价格。

EN Existing Jira Service Management Server (formerly Jira Service Desk Server) licenses can be renewed to a maximum end date of February 15, 2024 PT. Review the table below to find your Jira Service Management Server renewal price.

ZH 备份的Exchange版本是Exchange Server 2007、Exchange Server 2010或Exchange Server 2013。

EN Backed Exchange is Exchange Server 2007, Exchange Server 2010 or Exchange Server 2013.

ZH 备份的Exchange Server版本是Exchange Server 2007、Exchange Server 2010或Exchange Server 2013。

EN Backed up Exchange Server version is Exchange Server 2007, Exchange Server 2010, or Exchange Server 2013.

ZH 备份的Exchange Server版本是Exchange Server 2007、Exchange Server 2010或Exchange Server 2013

EN Backed up Exchange Server version is Exchange Server 2007, Exchange Server 2010, or Exchange Server 2013

ZH 专业团队选用 Bamboo Server 进行持续集成、部署和交付

EN Bamboo Server is the choice of professional teams for continuous integration, deployment, and delivery

ZH 使用 Jira Software、Bitbucket ServerBamboo 和数百种其他开发者工具升级您的工作流

EN Upgrade your workflow with Jira Software, Bitbucket Server, Bamboo and hundreds of other developer tools

ZH 续订 Bamboo Server 软件维护的费用是多少?

EN How much is it to renew my Bamboo Server software maintenance?

ZH 本地代理,它们将作为 Bamboo Server 的一部分运行。

EN local agents run as part of the Bamboo server.

ZH 远程代理,它们运行于计算机上而非 Bamboo Server 上。这些计算机会运行远程代理工具。弹性代理,此类代理是在 Amazon 弹性计算云 (EC2) 中运行的远程代理。

EN remote agents run on computers, other than the Bamboo server, that run the remote agent tool. An elastic agent is a remote agent that runs in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

ZH Bamboo Server 许可证升级到更高用户级别的费用是多少?

EN What does it cost to upgrade my Bamboo Server license to a higher user tier?

ZH 使用 Jira Software、Bitbucket ServerBamboo 和数百种其他开发者工具升级您的工作流

EN Upgrade your workflow with Jira Software, Bitbucket Server, Bamboo and hundreds of other developer tools

ZH 专业团队选用 Bamboo Server 进行持续集成、部署和交付

EN Bamboo Server is the choice of professional teams for continuous integration, deployment, and delivery

ZH Bamboo Server 许可证升级至更高版本需要多少费用?

EN What is the cost to upgrade my Bamboo Server license to a higher tier?

ZH 如何查看 Bamboo Server 维护的续订费用?

EN How do I find the renewal cost of my Bamboo Server maintenance?

ZH 现有 Bamboo Server 许可证可续订至太平洋时间 2024 年 2 月 15 日的最晚结束日期。

EN Existing Bamboo Server licenses can be renewed to a maximum end date of February 15, 2024 PT.

ZH 本地代理,它们将作为 Bamboo Server 的一部分运行。

EN local agents run as part of the Bamboo server.

ZH 远程代理,它们运行于计算机上而非 Bamboo Server 上。这些计算机会运行远程代理工具。弹性代理,此类代理是在 Amazon 弹性计算云 (EC2) 中运行的远程代理。

EN remote agents run on computers, other than the Bamboo server, that run the remote agent tool. An elastic agent is a remote agent that runs in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

ZH Bamboo Server 许可证升级到更高级别的费用是多少?

EN What does it cost to upgrade my Bamboo Server license to a higher tier?

ZH 自太平洋时间 2022 年 2 月 15 日起,您将无法升级或降级 Bamboo Server 许可证的级别。您需要迁移到 Data Center 或 Cloud 才能更改您的级别。详细了解 Bitbucket 中的云 CI/CD 功能。

EN Effective February 15, 2022 PT, you cannot upgrade or downgrade your tier for your Bamboo Server license(s). You will need to migrate to Data Center or Cloud to change your tier. Learn more about our cloud CI/CD capabilities in Bitbucket.

ZH 我们的精力集中在 Jira、Confluence 和 Bitbucket Server 上,但也可能会考虑扩展 Bamboo、Fisheye/Crucible 和其他产品以覆盖更多主要版本,具体取决于这样做的需求。

EN Our efforts are focused on Jira, Confluence and Bitbucket Server, but we may consider extending Bamboo, Fisheye/Crucible and other products to cover additional major versions, based on the demand to do this.

ZH 如果您是 Server 客户且有兴趣迁移到 Cloud,我们打造的个性化计算器可按您拥有的 Server 产品为您提供并排费用视图。

EN If you’re an existing server customer interested in migrating to cloud, we’ve built a personalized calculator to give you a side-by-side view of costs based on the server products you own.

ZH 如果您是现有 Server 许可证持有者,可以使用我们的个性化成本计算器轻松比较 Cloud 与 Server 的费用。

EN If you’re an existing server license holder, you can use our personalized cost calculator to easily compare your costs in cloud vs. server.

ZH 请注意:Cloud 和 Data Center 需要主动维护,而 Server 产品则不需要。Server 维护续订为可选选项,但需要主动维护才能获得产品更新和技术支持。

EN Please note: Cloud and Data Center require active maintenance, while server products do not. Server maintenance renewals are optional, however, active maintenance is required to receive product updates and technical support.

ZH **由于我们 Server 产品将终止销售,2024 年 2 月 2 日之后将停止 Server 许可证续订。

EN **With the end-of-sale of our server products, server licenses can be renewed no further than February 2, 2024.

ZH 步骤10:**将证书文件复制到/ etc / openvpn / server / server **替换服务器主机名。它看起来像"hwsrv-

EN Step 10: ** Copy the certificate files to /etc/openvpn/server/ and **replace the \ with the server hostname. It looks like "hwsrv-\"

ZH 或者,您可以使用FileZilla遵循如何通过SFTP连接到服务器的本指南: https://www.hostwinds.com/tutorials/installing-and-connecting-to-filezilla-server-for-windows-server

EN Alternatively, you can follow this guide on how to connect to your server through SFTP using FileZilla: https://www.hostwinds.com/tutorials/installing-and-connecting-to-filezilla-server-for-windows-server

ZH 登录以获取将当前 Server 产品迁移到 Cloud 或续订 Server 许可证的个性化成本估算。

EN Log in to get a personalized cost estimate for moving your current Server products to Cloud or renewing your Server licenses.

ZH Bitbucket Data Center 是我们的一个企业产品,从用户的角度来看就像是 Bitbucket Server 的一个实例,但是托管在您本地集群中的多个服务器上。这款产品相比 Bitbucket Server 的重要优势如下:

EN Bitbucket Data Center, our Enterprise Offering, looks like a single instance of Bitbucket Server to users, but is hosted on a number of servers in a cluster on your environment. This provides important benefits over Bitbucket Server: 

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