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ZH 1 IDC, DevOps and the Cost of Downtime: Fortune 1000 Best Practice Metrics Quantified》(DevOps 與停機成本:財富世界 1000 最佳實作合格計量),Stephen Elliot,2015 年 3 月

EN 1 IDC, DevOps and the Cost of Downtime: Fortune 1000 Best Practice Metrics Quanti ed, Stephen Elliot, March 2015

ZH 1.《Information Dashboard Design: Displaying Data for At-a-glance Monitoring》,作者:Stephen Few

EN 1. "Information Dashboard Design: Displaying Data for At-a-glance Monitoring” by Stephen Few

ZH 作者:Stephen Few 網站:Perceptual Edge | Amazon

EN Author: Stephen Few Website: Perceptual Edge | Amazon

ZH 3.《The Accidental Analyst: Show Your Data Who’s Boss》,作者:Eileen 和 Stephen McDaniel

EN 3. "The Accidental Analyst: Show Your Data Who’s Boss” by Eileen and Stephen McDaniel

ZH 作者:Eileen McDaniel、Stephen McDaniel 網站:Freakalytics 購買:Amazon

EN Authors: Eileen McDaniel, Stephen McDaniel Website: Freakalytics Purchase: Amazon

ZH Stephen Cushman 的音乐、视频、数据和照片 |

EN Stephen Cushman music, videos, stats, and photos |

ZH Stephen Bradbury ✌️ 的统计信息

EN Stephen Bradbury ✌️'s Stats

ZH Stephen 监督我们的工程团队,并负责 Sonix 的底层技术。他通常会忘记在照片日打扮。

EN Stephen oversees our engineering team and is responsible for Sonix’s underlying technology. He usually forgets to dress up on photo days.

ZH Stephen Mack 成为第一位在 YWCA 领袖午餐会上获得“导师”类别荣誉的男性杰出领袖,该奖项旨在表彰那些帮助支持女性职业发展的个人。

EN Stephen Mack becomes the first male Outstanding Leader honored at YWCA Leader Luncheon in the “Mentor” category, created to acknowledge individuals who help support the professional developments of women.

ZH  Eric Heitz、Jonathan Dupuy、Stephen Hill 和 David Neubelt ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 动机 使用区域光照进行着色为 CG 渲染增加了大量的真实感。但是它需要解决…

EN  Eric Heitz, Jonathan Dupuy, Stephen Hill and David Neubelt ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 Motivation Shading with area lights adds a great deal of realism to CG renders. However, it requires solving spherical ...

ZH Eric Heitz (Unity Technologies) 和 Stephen Hill (Lucasfilm) ACM SIGGRAPH Courses 2017 概要 近期,我们引入了新的实时区域光照着色技术,专门用于…

EN Eric Heitz (Unity Technologies) and Stephen Hill (Lucasfilm) ACM SIGGRAPH Courses 2017 Abstract We recently introduced a new real-time area-light shading technique dedicated to lights with ...

ZH 斯蒂芬·康奈利(Stephen Connelly)表示,各院校需要尽其所能保持活跃,并做好在边境重新开放时欢迎学生回来的准备

EN The University of Cape Town vice-chancellor ‘walks a tightrope between the picket line and the boardroom’ to ensure the entire campus community is listened to

ZH 斯蒂芬·艾格伦(Stephen Eglen)和鲁伯特·加提(Rupert Gatti)表示,虽然出版商声称金色开放获取是唯一的可持续开放获取途径,但新的指导方针否认了这一说法

EN While progress has been hamstrung by lack of scale or regulatory force, advocates say the time has come

ZH 斯蒂芬·布拉德利(Stephen Bradley)、杰西卡·巴特勒(Jessica Butler)和克里斯·钱伯斯(Chris Chambers)称,研究人员应与公众一同开展运动,以重新推动良好的科研实践

EN The counterfactual approach can open up fascinating new perspectives and give a voice to the neglected ‘losers’ of history, professors say

ZH Stephen Mack 成为第一位在 YWCA 领袖午餐会上获得“导师”类别荣誉的男性杰出领袖,该奖项旨在表彰那些帮助支持女性职业发展的个人。

EN Stephen Mack becomes the first male Outstanding Leader honored at YWCA Leader Luncheon in the “Mentor” category, created to acknowledge individuals who help support the professional developments of women.

ZH 明尼苏达州:在罗彻斯特市,一座新的八层研究大楼(Anna-Maria 和 Stephen Kellen 大楼)为有才华的研究人员提供了重要的空间,以便他们探索未来的治疗方法。

EN Minnesota: In Rochester, the Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Building, a new eight-floor research building, provides critical space for talented researchers to discover the cures of tomorrow.

ZH 劍橋大學前台服務主管 Stephen Hoensch

EN Stephen Hoensch, Head of Frontline Services, University of Cambridge

ZH 作者 Stephen O'Grady 以及 Rona Westgate

EN by Stephen O'Grady and Rona Westgate

ZH 查看所有物品從 Stephen Album Rare Coins

EN View all items from Stephen Album Rare Coins

ZH Stephen King 的音乐、视频、数据和照片 |

EN Stephen King music, videos, stats, and photos |

ZH Stephen Cushman 的音乐、视频、数据和照片 |

EN Stephen Cushman music, videos, stats, and photos |

ZH Dr. Stephen Marshak,授课教师 | Coursera

EN Dr. Stephen Marshak, Instructor | Coursera

ZH Stephen 监督我们的工程团队,并负责 Sonix 的底层技术。他通常会忘记在照片日打扮。

EN Stephen oversees our engineering team and is responsible for Sonix’s underlying technology. He usually forgets to dress up on photo days.

ZH 飞行教练斯蒂芬·拉斯坦尼斯(Stephen Rastanis)说,旋翼机可以在完全无视野障碍的情况下飞行,速度比一般飞机低,具有更大的机动性,是从空中观察地面情况的理想工具。

EN Gyroplanes can be flown ?with virtually unlimited visibility,? said flight instructor Stephen Rastanis, and at lower speeds with more maneuverability than airplanes — features that are ideal for tracking movement from the air.

ZH 斯蒂芬·富勒(Stephen Fuller)是我們的摩托車騎行高級標準經理,手裡拿著英國國旗。他是電子產品中更安全的物質和供應鏈中更好的工作條件背後的大腦。

EN Stephen Fuller is our motorbike riding Senior Criteria Manager with the British flag in his hand. He is the brain behind safer substances in electronics and better working conditions in the supply chain.

ZH 了解关于 Stephen John H 的评论的更多信息

EN See more about the review from Arunas5808

ZH Stephen Rivoli(整形外科博士、公共卫生硕士、文学硕士、患者安全职业认证持有人)是纽约大学(纽约州纽约市)医学院麻醉、围手术期照护和疼痛医学系的临床麻醉学助理教授。

EN Stephen Rivoli, DO, MPH, MA, CPHQ, CPPS, is clinical assistant professor of anesthesiology, Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative Care and Pain Medicine, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY.

ZH 作者 Stephen Christopher, Peter Phillimore

EN By Stephen Christopher, Peter Phillimore

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