Itzuli "file" Ingelesa -ra

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Txinatarra-ren Ingelesa-ren itzulpena file


ZH The t filter uses a translation key to access the locale file for the active language and returns the corresponding string of translated text in the locale file. 進一步了解

EN The t filter uses a translation key to access the locale file for the active language and returns the corresponding string of translated text in the locale file. Learn more

ZH 如果在命令行界面(Command Line Interface, CLI)使用相对路径执行脚本,例如 file.php 或 ../file.php,那么 $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] 将包含用户指定的相对路径。

EN If a script is executed with the CLI, as a relative path, such as file.php or ../file.php, $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] will contain the relative path specified by the user.

ZH Log File Analyzer 是个可靠而准确的信息来源,可帮助您了解您网站的所有抓取详情。

EN Log File Analyzer is a reliable source of accurate information to help you understand all the crawling nuances of your website.

ZH Log File Analyzer 可帮助您获取有关错误的数据,并检测阻碍谷歌机器抓取程序的技术、结构或导航问题。

EN Log File Analyzer helps you get data about errors and detect technical, structural or navigational issues which hinder Google’s bots.

ZH 借助 Log File Analyzer,您可以找到与谷歌机器抓取程序互动的所有文件及其类型,以更好地了解抓取预算。

EN With Log File Analyzer, you can find all the files Googlebot interacted with and their types to better understand your crawling budgets.

ZH Log File Analyzer 可帮助您准确了解机器抓取程序如何抓取您的网站和花费您的抓取预算。

EN Log File Analyzer helps you understand exactly how bots crawl your website and spend your crawl budget.

ZH 要获取详细的日志文件报告,请通过 FTP 客户端下载 access.log 文件,然后将其拖动到 Log File Analyzer 中进行上传。

EN To get a detailed Log File report, download your access.log files via an FTP client, and drop them into the Analyzer to upload.

ZH 開啟 Tableau Prep 流程檔案 (tflx) 時發生錯誤“Error in output. The file path is not valid”

EN Error: "Error in output. The file path is not valid" when opening Tableau Prep flow file (tflx)

ZH How to format a file to upload to the PPC Keyword Tool 问题 - Semrush Toolkits | Semrush

EN How to format a file to upload to the PPC Keyword Tool question - Semrush Toolkits | Semrush

ZH Returns the URL of a file in the ‘assets’ folder of a theme. 進一步了解

EN Returns the URL of a file in the ‘assets’ folder of a theme. Learn more

ZH Returns the URL of a file in the Files page of the admin. 進一步了解

EN Returns the URL of a file in the Files page of the admin. Learn more

ZH These objects can be used and accessed from any file in your theme, and are defined as global objects, or global variables. 進一步了解

EN These objects can be used and accessed from any file in your theme, and are defined as global objects, or global variables. Learn more

ZH Returns the article image. Use the img_url filter to link it to the image file on the Shopify CDN. Check for the presence of the image first. 進一步了解

EN Returns the article image. Use the img_url filter to link it to the image file on the Shopify CDN. Check for the presence of the image first. Learn more

ZH A block represents the content and settings of a single block in an array of section blocks. The block object can be accessed in a section file by looping through section.blocks. 進一步了解

EN A block represents the content and settings of a single block in an array of section blocks. The block object can be accessed in a section file by looping through section.blocks. Learn more

ZH The cart object can be used and accessed from any file in your theme. 進一步了解

EN The cart object can be used and accessed from any file in your theme. Learn more

ZH The checkout object can be accessed in the order status page of the checkout. Shopify Plus merchants can also access properties of the checkout object in the checkout.liquid layout file. 進一步了解

EN The checkout object can be accessed in the order status page of the checkout. Shopify Plus merchants can also access properties of the checkout object in the checkout.liquid layout file. Learn more

ZH Returns the collection image. Use the img_url filter to link it to the image file on the Shopify CDN. Check for the presence of the image first. 進一步了解

EN Returns the collection image. Use the img_url filter to link it to the image file on the Shopify CDN. Check for the presence of the image first. Learn more

ZH The customer object contains information about a customer who has a Customer Account. The customer can be used and accessed from any file in your theme. 進一步了解

EN The customer object contains information about a customer who has a Customer Account. The customer can be used and accessed from any file in your theme. Learn more

ZH Returns the MIME type of the model source file. 進一步了解

EN Returns the MIME type of the model source file. Learn more

ZH Returns the format of the model source file. 進一步了解

EN Returns the format of the model source file. Learn more

ZH Returns the URL of the model source file. 進一步了解

EN Returns the URL of the model source file. Learn more

ZH For static sections, returns the section's file name without .liquid. For dynamic sections, returns a dynamically generated ID. 進一步了解

EN For static sections, returns the section's file name without .liquid. For dynamic sections, returns a dynamically generated ID. Learn more

ZH The shop object can be used and accessed from any file in your theme. 進一步了解

EN The shop object can be used and accessed from any file in your theme. Learn more

ZH Returns an array of accepted credit cards for the shop. Use the payment_type_img_url filter to link to the SVG image file of the credit card. 進一步了解

EN Returns an array of accepted credit cards for the shop. Use the payment_type_img_url filter to link to the SVG image file of the credit card. Learn more

ZH Box 在处理时会把目前处理的文件内容(file)传给处理器,您可以通过此参数获得该文件的数据。

EN Box passes the content of matched files to processors. This information can then be read straight from the file argument in the callback:

ZH Syrian victims of chemical attacks file case with French prosecutors | 路透

EN Syrian victims of chemical attacks file case with French prosecutors | Reuters

ZH 完全不需要。但是,您可以借助越狱设备访问设备 Root。另外,您可能需要在 Cydia 中获取 afc2add 或 Apple File Conduit 2,查看此处。

EN Not at all. Having a jailbroken device will allow you to access the device Root, though. You might need to get afc2add or Apple File Conduit 2 in Cydia by the way, look here.

ZH 修复 SystemInfo 在扫描期间,发生 “文件创建失败(file creation failed)” 的错误。

EN Applied a new fix that should finally solve "file creation failed" error during SystemInfo scan.

ZH 桌面管理系统软件让您能享受到以下产品带来的便利: 应用程序管理器、环境管理器、性能管理器、File Director 。 通过中央管理控制台管理解决方案。

EN With Ivanti User Workspace Manager, you reap the benefits of these products: Ivanti Application Control, Ivanti Environment Manager, Ivanti Performance Manager, and Ivanti File Director. Manage the solution from a central management console.

ZH 生產應用 遠端桌面 Integrated 文件分享 遠端支持 Secure File Sharing Wake on LAN

EN Productivity Remote desktop Integrated File Sharing Remote Support Secure File Sharing Wake on LAN

ZH 熱門手游TOP30 MOBA手遊 動作 策略 育成 對戰 實時 Co-Op moba 在線 File Searching

EN MOBA Game Action strategy Multiplayer online Raising Sims PvP Real-time Co-Op Free to play MOBA File Searching

ZH Enterprise Reporter for File Storage Analysis简介

EN Introduction to Enterprise Reporter for File Storage Analysis

ZH 接下来,要打开MT4 客户端的根目录。可以按如下步骤操作:依次点击 File → Open Data Folder(文件(F) → 打开数据文件夹(D)).

EN Now, you have to open the MT4 terminal root directory. For this, click on File → Open Data Folder.

ZH 如果看到弹出了 ?Invalid file path?? (无效的文件目录)的提示,则回到上面的 第3步 然后仔细按本安装指引操作。

EN If you receive the ?Invalid file path?? message, please return to Step 3 and read the instructions carefully.

ZH 阅读白皮书: Moving your file shares to a modern collaborative platform

EN Read White Paper: Moving your file shares to a modern collaborative platform

ZH 观看网络直播: Effectively Consolidate File Shares during the Work from Home Surge

EN Watch Webcast: Effectively Consolidate File Shares during the Work from Home Surge

ZH Windows 目录(C:\windows 或 C:\winnt),或 --with-config-file-path 编译时选项指定的位置。

EN Windows directory (C:\windows or C:\winnt) (for Windows), or --with-config-file-path compile time option.

ZH 修复 SystemInfo 在扫描期间,发生 “文件创建失败(file creation failed)” 的错误。

EN Applied a new fix that should finally solve "file creation failed" error during SystemInfo scan.

ZH How to format a file to upload to the PPC Keyword Tool 问题 - Semrush Toolkits | Semrush

EN How to format a file to upload to the PPC Keyword Tool question - Semrush Toolkits | Semrush

ZH 完全不需要。但是,您可以借助越狱设备访问设备 Root。另外,您可能需要在 Cydia 中获取 afc2add 或 Apple File Conduit 2,查看此处。

EN Not at all. Having a jailbroken device will allow you to access the device Root, though. You might need to get afc2add or Apple File Conduit 2 in Cydia by the way, look here.

ZH 费用标准开户相关交易相关How to File an InquiryCustomer Relationship Summary

EN Fee ScheduleAccountMargin TradingHow to File an InquiryCustomer Relationship Summary

ZH Box 在处理时会把目前处理的文件内容(file)传给处理器,您可以通过此参数获得该文件的数据。

EN Box passes the content of matched files to processors. This information can then be read straight from the file argument in the callback:

ZH 備註: You can hide the checkbox from Plesk Welcome Screeen if required. To do so, add the following line to the panel.ini file:

EN Note: You can hide the checkbox from Plesk Welcome Screeen if required. To do so, add the following line to the panel.ini file:

ZH 得益於 Apple 的分層安全法,擴大對「門禁」、File Quarantine、XProtect 和「惡意軟體移除工具」已採取行動的可見度

EN Extended visibility into actions taken by Gatekeeper, File Quarantine, XProtect and MRT due to Apple’s layered approach to security

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