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ZH CityPASS 是我在假期之中所购买的最棒的东西! 它为我们安排了许多行程,对于我们五个家庭成员来说价格非常实惠! 从现在开始,每次我们去度假,我都会购买 CityPASS

EN The CityPASS was the best thing I have ever purchased for one of our vacations! It gave us so many things to do and at a very affordable price for a family of 5! I will purchase a CityPASS every time we go on vacation from now on!

ZH 我们去坦帕(Tampa )地区的旅行买了城市通票(Citypass )!做了所有该做的事,我们都很享受!恒容易购买和使用。建议大家去这个地区要买城市通票(Citypass

EN Bought the Citypass for our trip to Tampa area! Did EVERYTHING there was to do, and we enjoyed all of them! Easy to purchase and use. Would recommend getting a Citypass to anyone visiting the area!

ZH CityPASS 使游览地点 变得那么简单。我们喜欢不用排长队等待 买票,CityPASS 上的位置 还是孩子们喜欢的。该通行证是非常值得的投资!

EN The CityPASS made site seeing so simple. We loved not having to wait in long lines for tickets and the locations on the CityPASS were kid approved. The passes were well worth the investment!

ZH 我认为 CityPASS 是一个很好的来源,通过它可以找到目的地城市中好玩的地方。费城 CityPASS 确实帮了我大忙。

EN I view CityPASS as a good source to find out fun places at destination city. Philadelphia CityPASS definitely helped me with that.

ZH 我有3个孙女,我一直在寻找各种方法来娱乐和教育他们。 CityPASS 是一个真正的祝福! 我购买了达拉斯 CityPASS,每一天我们能够看到并做一些新的和令人兴奋的事情!

EN I have 3 granddaughters and I am always looking for ways to entertain and educate them without breaking the bank. The CityPASS was a real blessing! I purchased the Dallas CityPASS and we were able to see and do something new and exciting every day!

ZH 到目前为止,我们买了三个城市的 CityPASS:南加州,纽约,还有这次的芝加哥。我们一家 5 口人,CityPASS 让规划变得超简单,而且超实惠!!更别说还不用排长队买票了!!!

EN We have purchased CityPASS now for three cities: Southern California, New York and now Chicago. We have a family of 5 and this makes planning so easy and affordable!! Not to mention not standing in line for tickets!!!

ZH CityPASS 加州消费者隐私法披露 | CityPASS®

EN CityPASS California Consumer Privacy Act Disclosure | CityPASS®

ZH 如果你是来旅游,或者就想玩得开心,那就购买这个 CityPASS 可以省钱。我们在一些很棒景点上节省了很多钱。我强烈建议大家都购买这个 CityPASS 。它也很容易使用。我迫不及待想再去玩一次!

EN If you're visiting or just need to have fun, save money by buying this CityPASS. We saved so much money on some great attractions. I highly recommend anyone to buy this. its so easy to use too. I cant wait to visit again!

ZH 我很庆幸在科罗拉多州丹佛购买了 CityPASS。这让我的行程安排和预订工作变得更容易了。如果要去的城市有 CityPASS,我强烈建议购买!

EN I am grateful for purchasing a CityPASS in Denver, Colorado. It made it easier to schedule my days and make reservations. I would highly recommend CityPASS if available in any city!

ZH 我发现了多伦多的 CityPASS 并购买了它。之后的整个旅程都非常轻松!我们在多伦多有太多地方要参观游玩,在此之前我们已经晕头转向! CityPASS 提供了很多选择,能满足各种人的需求!

EN I found a CityPASS for Toronto and bought it. After that the whole trip fell into our laps! There is so much to do in Toronto that we were in over our heads before this! The CityPASS has so much to offer for every kind of person!

ZH Tips for Visiting Disneyland from CityPASS Staff | CityPASS 剪贴簿

EN Tips for Visiting Disneyland from CityPASS Staff | CityPASS Scrapbook

ZH CityPASS 套票或 CityPASS 旅游指南中所包含的优惠券,把观看巨型屏幕电影添加到您的行程中,节省高达60%的费用!

EN Add a giant screen movie to your visit using the coupon included in your CityPASS booklet or CityPASS Travel Guide and save up to 60%!

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 芝加哥观景台 的好方式:Chicago CityPASS 或 Chicago C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see Skydeck Chicago: Chicago CityPASS or Chicago C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 科学与工业博物馆 的好方式:Chicago CityPASS 或 Chicago C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see Museum of Science and Industry: Chicago CityPASS or Chicago C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 谢德水族馆 的好方式:Chicago CityPASS 或 Chicago C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see Shedd Aquarium: Chicago CityPASS or Chicago C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 加州科学院 的好方式:San Francisco CityPASS 或 San Francisco C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see California Academy of Sciences: San Francisco CityPASS or San Francisco C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 蓝金舰 的好方式:San Francisco CityPASS 或 San Francisco C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see Blue & Gold Fleet San Francisco Bay Cruise: San Francisco CityPASS or San Francisco C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 探索博物馆 (Exploratorium) 的好方式:San Francisco CityPASS 或 San Francisco C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see Exploratorium: San Francisco CityPASS or San Francisco C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 海湾水族馆 的好方式:San Francisco CityPASS 或 San Francisco C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see Aquarium of the Bay: San Francisco CityPASS or San Francisco C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH 虽然您可以在一年中的某些时候或在网站上找到 Philadelphia Zoo 的折扣门票或者优惠券,但最省钱的选择是使用 Philadelphia CityPASS。使用 CityPASS 让您可以在

EN While you may be able to score discounted tickets and coupons for the Philadelphia Zoo at certain times of the year or on the website, your best bet for savings is Philadelphia CityPASS. With CityPASS, you can save up to

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 帝国大厦体 的好方式:New York CityPASS 或 New York C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see Empire State Building: New York CityPASS or New York C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 大都会艺术博物馆 的好方式:New York CityPASS 或 New York C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see The Metropolitan Museum of Art: New York CityPASS or New York C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 峭石之巅观景台 的好方式:New York CityPASS 或 New York C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see Top of the Rock Observation Deck: New York CityPASS or New York C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 古根海姆博物馆 的好方式:New York CityPASS 或 New York C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see Guggenheim Museum: New York CityPASS or New York C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 自由女神像和埃利斯岛 的好方式:New York CityPASS 或 New York C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see Ferry Access to Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island: New York CityPASS or New York C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 环线观光游轮 (Circle Line Cruises) 的好方式:New York CityPASS 或 New York C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises: New York CityPASS or New York C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 “无畏”号海洋航空航天博物馆 的好方式:New York CityPASS 或 New York C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum: New York CityPASS or New York C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 9/11 纪念馆和博物馆 的好方式:New York CityPASS 或 New York C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see 9/11 Memorial & Museum: New York CityPASS or New York C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH 我们通过将 CityPASS 价格与价格最高的景点组合当天售票处成人票价之和进行比较,计算 CityPASS 的优惠幅度。

EN We calculate our savings by comparing the CityPASS price to the combined same-day box office price of included adult admission for the highest-priced attractions.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 华特迪士尼家庭博物馆(The Walt Disney Family Museum) 的好方式:San Francisco CityPASS 或 San Francisco C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see The Walt Disney Family Museum: San Francisco CityPASS or San Francisco C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 旧金山动物园与花园(San Francisco Zoo & Gardens) 的好方式:San Francisco CityPASS 或 San Francisco C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see San Francisco Zoo & Gardens: San Francisco CityPASS or San Francisco C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 可以在网上或在任何我们参与 旧金山景点的地方购买。使用 San Francisco CityPASS 发现顶级博物馆和 在旧金山做的事情。

EN CityPASS can be purchased online or at any of our participating San Francisco attractions. Use San Francisco CityPASS and discover the top museums and things to do in San Francisco.

ZH CityPASS 可以在网上或在任何我们有参与的 New York景点处购买。使用 New York CityPASS 在 New York发现最好的博物馆和 可以从事的最佳活动。

EN CityPASS can be purchased online or at any of our participating New York attractions. Use New York CityPASS and discover the best museums and things to do in New York.

ZH 我们通过将 CityPASS 价格与价格最高的景点组合当天售票处成人票价之和进行比较,计算 CityPASS 的优惠幅度。

EN We calculate our savings by comparing the CityPASS price to the combined same-day box office price of included adult admission for the highest-priced attractions.

ZH 我们去坦帕(Tampa )地区的旅行买了城市通票(Citypass )!做了所有该做的事,我们都很享受!恒容易购买和使用。建议大家去这个地区要买城市通票(Citypass

EN Bought the Citypass for our trip to Tampa area! Did EVERYTHING there was to do, and we enjoyed all of them! Easy to purchase and use. Would recommend getting a Citypass to anyone visiting the area!

ZH CityPASS 使游览地点 变得那么简单。我们喜欢不用排长队等待 买票,CityPASS 上的位置 还是孩子们喜欢的。该通行证是非常值得的投资!

EN The CityPASS made site seeing so simple. We loved not having to wait in long lines for tickets and the locations on the CityPASS were kid approved. The passes were well worth the investment!

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 自由女神像和埃利斯岛 的好方式:New York CityPASS 或 New York C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see Ferry Access to Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island: New York CityPASS or New York C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 帝国大厦体 的好方式:New York CityPASS 或 New York C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see Empire State Building: New York CityPASS or New York C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 大都会艺术博物馆 的好方式:New York CityPASS 或 New York C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see The Metropolitan Museum of Art: New York CityPASS or New York C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 “无畏”号海洋航空航天博物馆 的好方式:New York CityPASS 或 New York C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum: New York CityPASS or New York C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 9/11 纪念馆和博物馆 的好方式:New York CityPASS 或 New York C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see 9/11 Memorial & Museum: New York CityPASS or New York C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH 我认为 CityPASS 是一个很好的来源,通过它可以找到目的地城市中好玩的地方。费城 CityPASS 确实帮了我大忙。

EN I view CityPASS as a good source to find out fun places at destination city. Philadelphia CityPASS definitely helped me with that.

ZH CityPASS 套票或 CityPASS 旅游指南中所包含的优惠券,把观看巨型屏幕电影添加到您的行程中,节省高达60%的费用!

EN Add a giant screen movie to your visit using the coupon included in your CityPASS booklet or CityPASS Travel Guide and save up to 60%!

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 科学与工业博物馆 的好方式:Chicago CityPASS 或 Chicago C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see Museum of Science and Industry: Chicago CityPASS or Chicago C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 芝加哥观景台 的好方式:Chicago CityPASS 或 Chicago C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see Skydeck Chicago: Chicago CityPASS or Chicago C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH 到目前为止,我们买了三个城市的 CityPASS:南加州,纽约,还有这次的芝加哥。我们一家 5 口人,CityPASS 让规划变得超简单,而且超实惠!!更别说还不用排长队买票了!!!

EN We have purchased CityPASS now for three cities: Southern California, New York and now Chicago. We have a family of 5 and this makes planning so easy and affordable!! Not to mention not standing in line for tickets!!!

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 谢德水族馆 的好方式:Chicago CityPASS 或 Chicago C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see Shedd Aquarium: Chicago CityPASS or Chicago C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 古根海姆博物馆 的好方式:New York CityPASS 或 New York C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see Guggenheim Museum: New York CityPASS or New York C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 峭石之巅观景台 的好方式:New York CityPASS 或 New York C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see Top of the Rock Observation Deck: New York CityPASS or New York C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

ZH CityPASS 提供了两种参观 环线观光游轮 (Circle Line Cruises) 的好方式:New York CityPASS 或 New York C3。 无论选择哪一个,都是经济实惠的选择。

EN CityPASS offers 2 great ways to see Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises: New York CityPASS or New York C3. No matter which one you choose, you’ll save.

{Totalresult} itzulpenen 50 erakusten