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ZH 产品App Annie IntelligenceApp Annie AscendApp Annie Connect免费与付费信息App Annie 平台

EN ProductsApp Annie IntelligenceApp Annie AscendApp Annie ConnectFree vs. PremiumOur Platform

ZH App Annie IntelligenceApp Annie AscendApp Annie Connect免费与付费信息App Annie 平台

EN App Annie IntelligenceApp Annie AscendApp Annie ConnectFree vs. PremiumOur Platform

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ZH 所有类别AnalyticsApp Annie ConnectApp Annie NewsApp MonetizationApp Store OptimizationCustomer StoriesEventsMarket DataMobile App StrategyMobile App User AcquisitionMobile GamingMobile MinuteProduct AnnouncementsReportsTop and Trending AppsWebinars

EN All CategoriesAnalyticsApp Annie ConnectApp Annie NewsApp MonetizationApp Store OptimizationCustomer StoriesEventsMarket DataMobile App StrategyMobile App User AcquisitionMobile GamingMobile MinuteProduct AnnouncementsReportsTop and Trending AppsWebinars

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ZH “我每天都通过 App Annie 查看应用商店数据,在 App Annie 新增广告平台支持后,更成为我获取数据的首选平台。”

EN “I already checked my app store data every day with App Annie, so when they added support for ad platforms, it became the go-to place to get my data.”

Txinatarra Ingelesa
app app

ZH "App Annie 对维持 Trainline 在旅游 App 类别中的领先地位至关重要。我们将 App Annie 提供的 App 使用行为趋势用作关键指标,识别最终会购买的目标客户,从而推动业务增长。"

EN “App Annie is integral to maintaining Trainline’s leading position within the travel app category. We used app usage trends from App Annie’s data as a key indicator of those customers that will eventually transact with us, driving our growth.”

ZH “以前,我每天都通过 App Annie 查看应用商店数据,App Annie 新增广告平台支持后,更成为我获取数据的首选平台。– PHILIPP DÖSCHL, FDG ENTERTAINMENT 联合创办人兼执行制作人

EN "I already checked my app store data every day with App Annie, so when they added support for ad platforms, it became the go-to place to get my data." — Philipp Döschl, Co-founder and Executive Producer, FDG Entertainment

Txinatarra Ingelesa
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ZH 在 App Annie Ascend 内,我们确保您数据的安全性和私密性。App Annie Ascend 的数据将不会与 Intelligence 进行打通。

EN We keep your data secure and private within App Annie Ascend. App Annie Ascend data isn’t shared with Intelligence for modeling.

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ZH "App Annie 的数据与我们业务的很多方面都密切相关。毫无疑问,App Annie 是我们高速增长期非常出色的合作伙伴。"

EN “App Annie’s data is relevant to so many parts of our business. App Annie is undeniably a great partner to have with us as we continue on our massive growth period.”

Txinatarra Ingelesa
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ZH 2021 年 9 月 App Annie 月度指数排行榜

EN Piccoma Has Surpassed $1 Billion in Consumer Spend in Less Than 6 Years

ZH App Annie 发布 9 月中国厂商及应用出海收入双榜。

EN Meituan Waimai has reached the #1 spot in the Food and Drink Category in terms of daily iOS downloads across 52 countries since launch

ZH App Annie 发布 8 月中国厂商及应用出海收入双榜。

EN A major milestone for the ride-sharing company and an important indicator of shifting consumer priorities.

ZH 下载行业领先的 App Annie 移动市场报告,全面了解如何在2020年的移动市场赢得一席之地,报告内容涵盖:

EN Download the industry's leading mobile report covering everything you need to know about how to win on mobile in 2020, including:

ZH 准备将您的移动表现提升至新的高度?敬请下载 App Annie 2020 年移动市场报告 。

EN Ready to take your mobile performance to the next level? Download The State of Mobile 2020 Report.

ZH 昆士兰州 4066, 奥肯福乐, 43 Annie Street

EN 43 Annie Street, Auchenflower, QLD 4066

ZH 昆士兰州 4005, 新农场, 62 Annie Street

EN 62 Annie Street, New Farm, QLD 4005

ZH 昆士兰州 4005, 新农场, 3/23 Annie Street

EN 3/23 Annie Street, New Farm, QLD 4005

ZH 有超过 12.5 万家发行商和开发商在依靠 App Annie Connect 追踪超过 100 万款 App,欢迎加入他们的行列

EN Join more than 125,000 publishers and developers that rely on App Annie Connect to track over 1,000,000 apps

ZH 借助 40 余个可选来源,App Annie Connect 将来自您的所有 App 和发行商账户 (即使有数千个账户也没有问题!) 的表现数据整合到一个综合平台中。无需整合 API 或 SDK。

EN With 40+ sources to select from, App Annie Connect aggregates performance data from all of your apps and publisher accounts (even if in the thousands!) into one comprehensive platform. No API or SDK integration required.

ZH App Annie 平台能够与您的企业共同成长。全面了解全球 App 市场,利用提醒和个性化功能快速找出切实可行的见解。

EN Our platform scales with you as your business grows. Get a comprehensive view of the global app market and quickly find actionable insights with alerts and personalization features.

Txinatarra Ingelesa
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ZH 开始使用 Connect 追踪 App 表现后,请使用 App Annie Intelligence 对比竞争对手的表现,发掘助力企业发展的全球市场机遇。

EN Once you’ve started to track your own app performance with Connect, use App Annie Intelligence to benchmark against competitors and discover global market opportunities to grow your business.

Txinatarra Ingelesa
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ZH App Annie Connect 将您的数据与超过 40 个渠道进行整合,并免费、自动地每日更新。

EN App Annie Connect consolidates your data across 40+ integrations updated automatically, every day — all for free.

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ZH App Annie 助力美联航为旅客提供无缝体验

EN United Airlines gives travelers a seamless experience with App Annie

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ZH 了解 App Annie Intelligence 更多详情

EN Learn more about App Annie Intelligence

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ZH 在美联航的 IT 部门和电子商务团队中,产品经理与参与度和营销团队都在使用 App Annie Intelligence 产品,从而:

EN Within United’s IT department and eCommerce team, both product managers and the engagement and marketing teams use App Annie Intelligence products to:

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ZH App Annie 致力于帮助客户制定明智的应用战略决策,支持策略规划,把握业务拓展机遇,同时有效监控竞争对手动态。

EN Our customers are making informed decisions about their app strategies to support tactical planning, business development opportunities, and competitive monitoring — all fueled by App Annie

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ZH App Annie Intelligence 助力 MoPub 成为深受全球移动发行商信赖的顾问和合作伙伴

EN Learn how mobile gaming veterans are leveraging App Annie Intelligence and App Annie Game IQ in their new startup

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ZH PicsArt 依靠 App Annie Intelligence 获取重要的竞争分析、广告变现洞察和全球移动市场数据

EN How data insights will make My Talking Angela 2 a smash hit

ZH App Annie Ascend 帮助 Castbox 大幅提升广告变现效率

EN Learn how App Annie helps Bidstack find new developer partners and identify new trends in gaming

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ZH 了解 Tilting Point 为何依赖 App Annie Game IQ 和 Intelligence 来评估风险并制定成功的游戏发布策略

EN A Conversation with Jeff Lyndon Co-Founder and President of iDreamSky: The Next Frontier in Mobile Gaming

ZH 想了解 App Annie Intelligence 的特定功能?请访问 了解详细信息。

EN Want to know what App Annie Intelligence can do for you? Sign up for free and start tracking the performance of millions of apps across app stores, devices and countries.

ZH App Annie 助力 Trainline 打造一流 App

EN Trainline works with App Annie to understand what makes a best-in-class app

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ZH App Annie 帮助 Orbitz 打造更具吸引力的移动旅行体验

EN App Annie helps Orbitz create a more engaging mobile travel experience

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ZH 超过 100 万用户依赖 App Annie Intelligence 来获得业内最全面的移动市场数据,数据覆盖全球超过1400万应用。

EN App Annie Intelligence provides the most comprehensive mobile market insights, trusted by over 1 million users to analyze 14+ million apps across the globe.

ZH 您自有 App 的数据 - App Annie Connect

EN Your own Apps’ Data – with App Annie Connect

ZH 我可以通过哪些方式访问 App Annie 数据?

EN What are the different ways I can access App Annie data?

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ZH 借助 App Annie Game IQ,深入了解游戏世界

EN Get smarter about games with App Annie Game IQ

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ZH "App Annie Game IQ 使我们能够以前所未有的精细度了解游戏分类;它帮助我们获取高增长领域方面至关重要的见解。"

EN “App Annie’s Game IQ data allowed us to understand the genre landscape with unprecedented granularity; producing insights crucial to one of the highest growth areas of our industry and business.”

Txinatarra Ingelesa
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ZH App Annie 平台助您缩短行动时间并助推成功

EN The App Annie platform accelerates time-to-action and drives success

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ZH 以您需要的方式获取 App Annie 数据

EN Access App Annie data the way you need it

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ZH 如今,您可通过网页端或移动应用、CSV 导出、API 或数据共享集成,轻松访问 App Annie 数据。无论您的工作方式如何,App Annie都能满足您的需求。

EN Easily access App Annie data via our web or mobile apps, CSV export, API, or data share integrations. However you work, App Annie has you covered.

ZH 通过创建定制 App 分组和报告,以及保存这些您最为依赖的内容,根据您的角色、行业和业务挑战量身定制 App Annie 产品和服务。

EN Tailor App Annie to the needs of your role, industry and business challenge by creating custom app groups and reports and saving those that you rely on most.

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ZH Snowflake 数据共享可直接将 App Annie Intelligence 导入到您的数据仓库中--随时可以查询,实时且连续,无需调用API。

EN Snowflake Data Share imports App Annie Intelligence directly into your data warehouse — ready to query, live and continuous, without calling APIs.

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ZH Salesforce Connector 将 App Annie Intelligence 估算直接嵌入到您的潜在客户记录中,以帮助您建立更好的管道并达成交易。

EN Salesforce Connector embeds App Annie Intelligence estimates directly in your lead records to help you build a better pipeline and close deals.

Txinatarra Ingelesa
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ZH 超过 100 万用户依靠 App Annie 获取业内最准确、可靠且全面的 App 市场数据。

EN Over 1 million users rely on App Annie for the industry’s most accurate, trusted and comprehensive app market data.

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ZH 从我们的客户口中了解他们喜爱 App Annie 的原因。

EN Our customers explain how and why they value App Annie.

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ZH App Annie 提供适用于各行各业的解决方案。

EN App Annie has a solution for every business.

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ZH 顾客使用的 App 能够帮助您了解他们的生活习惯,以及什么对于他们而言最有价值。App Annie 的跨应用使用数据能够帮助您了解用户的喜好,以及如何改善您所提供的零售体验。

EN The apps that customers use provide a glimpse into how they live and what they value. App Annie’s cross-app usage data gives you insights on what matters to customers and offers inspiration around what retail experiences could be improved.

ZH App Annie 的管理层由移动行业的专家和 SaaS领域的专业人士组成。

EN The App Annie management team is comprised of mobile industry experts and experienced SaaS leaders.

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ZH App Annie 已收到来自具有丰富的新技术市场推广经验的数家备受推崇的风险投资公司的支持。到目前为止,我们已总共融资筹集得 1.57 亿美元。

EN App Annie is backed by highly regarded venture capital firms with deep experience bringing new technologies to market. To date we have raised $157 million in total financing.

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ZH 总之,App Annie 认为,我们在运营方面的这些重大变更将信任度和透明度提升到了一个新的高度。与此同时,我们还建议市场参与者应积极询问其数据提供商是否:

EN In summary, App Annie believes that these material changes to our operations establish a new level of trust and transparency. We are also advising the market that they should proactively ask their data providers whether they are doing the following:

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