Tõlgi "revision" Inglise keelde

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ZH 主機板 model # revision # ( Model # 位於主機板上Supermicro®商標旁邊. Revision # 位於model #旁邊.)

EN Motherboard model # and revision # ( The model # is located at the edge of the board next to the Supermicro logo. The revision # is located next to the model #.)

ZH 参数 -r 或者 --revision 用于指定正在运行中的 ApplicationRevision 名称,该版本将用于与更新版本进行比较。

EN -r or --revision is a flag that specifies the name of a living ApplicationRevision with which you want to compare the updated application.

ZH 实际上, Helm 更新了版本号 (revision 1 => 2).

EN Under the hood, Helm makes an upgrade to the release (revision 1 => 2).

ZH 现在我们可以运行 vela revision list podinfo -n examples 来列出所有可用的版本。

EN Now we can run vela revision list podinfo -n examples to list all the available revisions.

ZH 默认情况下,应用最多能持有 10 个历史版本。如果你想要修改这个数字,可以在控制器启动参数中设置 --application-revision-limit。

EN By default, application will hold at most 10 revisions. If you want to modify this number, you can set it in the --application-revision-limit bootstrap parameter of KubeVela controller.

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