Cyfieithwch "peco" i Saesneg

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Cyfieithiad o Tseiniaidd i Saesneg o peco


ZH PECO 灵长类动物保护区(PECO Primate Reserve): 来自世界各地的濒临灭绝的灵长类动物都在 Philadelphia Zoo 找到了安全港。在这个布置豪华的展览中欣赏长臂猿,大猩猩,金狮猴等。

EN PECO Primate Reserve: Endangered primates from the world over find safe harbor at the Philadelphia Zoo. Admire gibbons, gorillas, golden lion tamarins, and more at this lushly appointed exhibit.

ZH PECO 灵长类动物保护区(PECO Primate Reserve): 来自世界各地的濒临灭绝的灵长类动物都在 Philadelphia Zoo 找到了安全港。在这个布置豪华的展览中欣赏长臂猿,大猩猩,金狮猴等。

EN PECO Primate Reserve: Endangered primates from the world over find safe harbor at the Philadelphia Zoo. Admire gibbons, gorillas, golden lion tamarins, and more at this lushly appointed exhibit.

ZH 现场观看每小时一次的科学表演,包括“液态空气表演”和“燃烧科学”,这些表演是在中庭的 PECO 现场科学舞台进行的。

EN Check out hourly Live Science Shows, including Liquid Air Show and Science of Combustion, performed from the PECO Live Science Stage in the Atrium.

ZH 观看我们的西部低地大猩猩幼儿和婴儿,Amani和Ajabu,看着它们成长和探索PECO灵长类动物保护区(PECO Primate Reserve)。

EN Watch Amani and Ajabu, our toddler and infant western lowland gorillas, as they grow and explore PECO Primate Reserve.

ZH 现场观看每小时一次的科学表演,包括“液态空气表演”和“燃烧科学”,这些表演是在中庭的 PECO 现场科学舞台进行的。

EN Check out hourly Live Science Shows, including Liquid Air Show and Science of Combustion, performed from the PECO Live Science Stage in the Atrium.

ZH 观看我们的西部低地大猩猩幼儿和婴儿,Amani和Ajabu,看着它们成长和探索PECO灵长类动物保护区(PECO Primate Reserve)。

EN Watch Amani and Ajabu, our toddler and infant western lowland gorillas, as they grow and explore PECO Primate Reserve.

Yn dangos 6 o gyfieithiadau 6