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የ 17 የ 17 የ "workload" ሐረግ ትርጉሞችን ከ ቻይንኛ ወደ እንግሊዝኛ በማሳየት ላይ

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ZH WorkloadSpread 可以约束无状态 Workload 扩容出来 Pod 的区域分布,赋予单一 workload 的多区域和弹性部署的能力。

EN WorkloadSpread constrains the spread of stateless workload, which empowers single workload the abilities for multi-domain and elastic deployment.

ZH WorkloadSpread 可以约束无状态 Workload 扩容出来 Pod 的区域分布,赋予单一 workload 的多区域和弹性部署的能力。

EN WorkloadSpread constrains the spread of stateless workload, which empowers single workload the abilities for multi-domain and elastic deployment.

ZH Workload needs will define and drive edge buildout. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN Workload needs will define and drive edge buildout. Read full information on external site

ZH Cloud deployments and SaaS offerings have moved many workload deployments out of the data center. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN Cloud deployments and SaaS offerings have moved many workload deployments out of the data center. Read full information on external site

ZH 当应用已被部署且 workload 负载/ Trait 特性都被顺利建立时, 你可以更新应用, 变化会被负载实例所响应.

EN After the application is deployed and workloads/traits are created successfully, you can update the application, and corresponding changes will be applied to the workload instances.

ZH 在应用部署完后(同时 workloads/trait 成功地创建),你可以执行更新应用的操作,并且更新的内容会被应用到 workload 上。

EN After the application is deployed and workloads/traits are created successfully, you can update the application, and corresponding changes will be applied to the workload.

ZH 更新配置后,workload 实例的名称会被修改成 mycomp-v2

EN After updating, the workload instance name will be updated from mycomp-v1 to mycomp-v2.

ZH 上面的 patch trait 假定目标组件实例具有 spec.template.spec.affinity 字段。 因此,我们需要使用 applyToWorkloads 来强制执行该 trait,仅适用于具有此字段的那些 workload 类型。

EN The patch trait above assumes the target component instance have spec.template.spec.affinity field. Hence, we need to use appliesToWorkloads to enforce the trait only applies to those workload types have this field.

ZH Workload 和 Trait 中健康检查字段都是 spec.status.healthPolicy。

EN The spec of health check is spec.status.healthPolicy, they are the same for both Workload Type and Trait.

ZH 自定义状态配置项为 spec.status.customStatus,Workload 和 Trait 中都是该字段。

EN The spec of custom status is spec.status.customStatus, they are the same for both Workload Type and Trait.

ZH 因此,将 Service 附加到给定 component 实例的上述 trait 将首先为 workload 打上相应的标签,然后基于 outputs 中的模板呈现服 Service 资源。

EN So the above trait which attaches a Service to given component instance will patch an corresponding label to the workload first and then render the Service resource based on template in outputs.

ZH workload,渲染完成的 Kubernetes Deployment 资源将存储在 context.output 字段中。

EN the rendered Kubernetes Deployment resource will be stored in the context.output,

ZH workload,其他渲染完成的资源将存储在 context.outputs.<xx> 字段中,其中 <xx> 在每个 template.outputs 字段中名字都是唯一的。

EN all other rendered resources will be stored in context.outputs.<xx>, with <xx> is the unique name in every template.outputs.

ZH 想了解怎样设置特定类型的 workload 或者 trait,请阅读参考文档手册

EN To learn about how to set the properties of specific workload type or trait, please use vela show <TYPE | TRAIT>.

ZH [可选] 配置其他类型的 workload

EN [Optional] Configure another workload type​

ZH 至此,我们成功地部署一个默认类型的 workload 的 web 服务。我们也可以添加 Task 类型的服务到同一个 app 中。

EN By now we have deployed a Web Service, which is the default workload type in KubeVela. We can also add another service of Task type in the same app:

ZH (1)选择部署类型 k8s-objects; 该类型用于部署多个 Kubernetes 原生资源,请注意,同一个应用请尽量保持只有一个 Workload 资源,即不要出现多个 Deployment 或者 Statefulset。

EN (1) Select type: k8s-objects; NOTE that in one application please maintain at most one Workload type of resource, meaning without more than a Deployment or Statefulset.

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