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ZH Navalny, WHO and Thunberg among nominees for Nobel Peace Prize | 路透

EN Navalny, WHO and Thunberg among nominees for Nobel Peace Prize | Reuters

ZH LVMH为年轻时装设计师推出LVMH Young Fashion Designer Prize(LVMH年轻时装设计师大奖),向年轻一代设计新秀致敬。

EN LVMH launches the LVMH Prize for Young Fashion Designers, which spotlights the talents of a new generation of designers.

ZH 莎昆塔拉·哈拉克辛·蒂尔斯泰德在柬埔寨一个市场上举起加工好的鱼。(Courtesy of World Food Prize)

EN Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted holding prepared fish in a Cambodian market (Courtesy of World Food Prize)

ZH 莎昆塔拉·哈拉克辛·蒂尔斯泰德(Courtesy of World Food Prize)

EN Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted (Courtesy of World Food Prize)

ZH 蒂尔斯泰德在孟加拉国朗布尔(Rangpur)与国际农业发展基金(International Fund for Agricultural Development)成员在实地考察。 (Courtesy of World Food Prize)

EN Thilsted on a field visit with the International Fund for Agricultural Development in Rangpur, Bangladesh (Courtesy of World Food Prize)

ZH 国际性别平等奖(International Gender Equality Prize)创立于2017年,即芬兰举国庆祝国家独立100周年之际。颁发这一奖项的目的是在全球范围内推动平等事业。

EN For the first time ever, a Finnish prime minister held a press conference in which the journalists asking the questions were schoolchildren. Sanna Marin and her colleagues addressed the nation’s kids directly.

ZH 彼得·卒姆托 | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

EN Peter Zumthor | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

ZH 扎哈·哈迪德 | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

EN Zaha Hadid | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

ZH 理查德·罗杰斯 | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

EN Richard Rogers | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

ZH 雷姆·库哈斯 | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

EN Rem Koolhaas | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

ZH 戈登·邦夏 | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

EN Gordon Bunshaft | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

ZH 菲利普·约翰逊 | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

EN Philip Johnson | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

ZH 路易斯·巴拉甘 | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

EN Luis Barragán | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

EN Dr Charles Chen Yidan, Founder of the Yidan Prize ? Yidan Prize Foundation

ZH 评选流程及标准 ? Yidan Prize Foundation

EN Judging the Yidan Prize ? Yidan Prize Foundation

EN The symbolism of the Yidan Prize design ? Yidan Prize Foundation

ZH 法兹勒·哈桑·阿贝德爵士(Sir Fazle Hasan Abed KCMG) ? Yidan Prize Foundation

EN Sir Fazle Hasan Abed KCMG ? Yidan Prize Foundation

ZH 卡迈勒·艾哈迈德(Kamal Ahmad)先生 ? Yidan Prize Foundation

EN Mr Kamal Ahmad ? Yidan Prize Foundation

ZH 阿南特·阿格瓦尔(Anant Agarwal)教授 ? Yidan Prize Foundation

EN Professor Anant Agarwal ? Yidan Prize Foundation

ZH 鲁克米尼·班纳吉(Rukmini Banerji)博士 ? Yidan Prize Foundation

EN Dr Rukmini Banerji ? Yidan Prize Foundation

ZH 卡罗尔·德韦克(Carol Dweck)教授 ? Yidan Prize Foundation

EN Professor Carol S. Dweck ? Yidan Prize Foundation

ZH 薇奇·科尔波特(Vicky Colbert)女士 ? Yidan Prize Foundation

EN Ms Vicky Colbert ? Yidan Prize Foundation

ZH 乌莎·戈斯瓦米(Usha Goswami)教授 ? Yidan Prize Foundation

EN Professor Usha Goswami ? Yidan Prize Foundation

ZH 拉里·赫奇斯(Larry Hedges)教授 ? Yidan Prize Foundation

EN Professor Larry Hedges ? Yidan Prize Foundation

ZH 托马斯·凯恩(Thomas Kane)教授 ? Yidan Prize Foundation

EN Professor Thomas Kane ? Yidan Prize Foundation

ZH 萨勒曼·可汗(Salman Khan)先生 ? Yidan Prize Foundation

EN Mr Salman Khan ? Yidan Prize Foundation

ZH 温迪·科普(Wendy Kopp)女士 ? Yidan Prize Foundation

EN Ms Wendy Kopp ? Yidan Prize Foundation

ZH 安吉·穆里米尔瓦(Angeline Murimirwa)女士 ? Yidan Prize Foundation

EN Ms Angeline Murimirwa ? Yidan Prize Foundation

ZH 露茜·莱克(Lucy Lake)女士 ? Yidan Prize Foundation

EN Ms Lucy Lake ? Yidan Prize Foundation

ZH 帕特里夏·库尔(Patricia Kuhl)教授 ? Yidan Prize Foundation

EN Professor Patricia K. Kuhl ? Yidan Prize Foundation %

ZH 卡尔·威曼(Carl Wieman)教授 ? Yidan Prize Foundation

EN Professor Carl Wieman ? Yidan Prize Foundation

ZH 一丹奖创办人陈一丹赴英国剑桥大学 颁授2019年一丹教育研究奖 ? Yidan Prize Foundation

EN Founder of the Yidan Prize presents the award to Professor Usha Goswami at Cambridge University ? Yidan Prize Foundation

ZH 一丹奖会议系列:亚太区 ? Yidan Prize Foundation

EN Yidan Prize Conference Series: Asia-Pacific 2020 ? Yidan Prize Foundation

EN Board of Directors ? Yidan Prize Foundation

EN Secretariat Overview ? Yidan Prize Foundation

ZH 彼得·卒姆托 | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

EN Peter Zumthor | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

ZH 理查德·罗杰斯 | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

EN Richard Rogers | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

ZH 扎哈·哈迪德 | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

EN Zaha Hadid | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

ZH 雷姆·库哈斯 | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

EN Rem Koolhaas | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

ZH 戈登·邦夏 | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

EN Gordon Bunshaft | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

ZH 路易斯·巴拉甘 | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

EN Luis Barragán | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

ZH 菲利普·约翰逊 | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

EN Philip Johnson | The Pritzker Architecture Prize

ZH 国际性别平等奖(International Gender Equality Prize)创立于2017年,即芬兰举国庆祝国家独立100周年之际。颁发这一奖项的目的是在全球范围内推动平等事业。

EN For the first time ever, a Finnish prime minister held a press conference in which the journalists asking the questions were schoolchildren. Sanna Marin and her colleagues addressed the nation’s kids directly.

ZH 摄影:Millennium Technology Prize

EN Photo: Millennium Technology Prize

ZH 视频:Millennium Technology Prize

EN Video: Millennium Technology Prize

ZH 莎昆塔拉·哈拉克辛·蒂尔斯泰德在柬埔寨一个市场上举起加工好的鱼。(Courtesy of World Food Prize)

EN Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted holding prepared fish in a Cambodian market (Courtesy of World Food Prize)

ZH 莎昆塔拉·哈拉克辛·蒂尔斯泰德(Courtesy of World Food Prize)

EN Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted (Courtesy of World Food Prize)

ZH 蒂尔斯泰德在孟加拉国朗布尔(Rangpur)与国际农业发展基金(International Fund for Agricultural Development)成员在实地考察。 (Courtesy of World Food Prize)

EN Thilsted on a field visit with the International Fund for Agricultural Development in Rangpur, Bangladesh (Courtesy of World Food Prize)

ZH 哈萨克斯坦/Flash团队开发的QamCare应用程序获得全球大奖(Global Grand Prize )。 (Photo by Iridescent)

EN Team /Flash from Kazakhstan won the Global Grand Prize for their app, QamCare. (Photo by Iridescent)

ZH 首页 Resources Flywire, in partnership with Hilton Grand Vacations, takes home Top Prize at 2021 ARDA Awards

EN Home Resources Flywire, in partnership with Hilton Grand Vacations, takes home Top Prize at 2021 ARDA Awards

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