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የ 50 የ 50 የ "museum" ሐረግ ትርጉሞችን ከ ቻይንኛ ወደ እንግሊዝኛ በማሳየት ላይ

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ZH 拥有超过12,000种标本,Harvard Museum of Natural History于1998年被开辟为三个研究博物馆:the Museum of Comparative Zoology, the Harvard University Herbaria, and the Mineralogical & Geological Museum

EN Boasting more than 12,000 specimens, the Harvard Museum of Natural History was opened in 1998 as the public face of three research museums: the Museum of Comparative Zoology, the Harvard University Herbaria, and the Mineralogical & Geological Museum.

ZH 查看更多: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich (Museum for Design)

EN Find out more about: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich (Museum for Design)

ZH 查看更多: + Museum für Gestaltung Zürich (Museum for Design)

EN Find out more about: + Museum für Gestaltung Zürich (Museum for Design)

ZH 南部: Spot Soldier Field丶The Museum of Science 与 The Field Museum 。只要有足够的能见度,您就可以看到Lake Michigan一角的周围烟囱:那里就是Gary, Indiana。

EN South: Spot Soldier Field, the Museum of Science and Industry , and the Field Museum . With enough visibility, you can see smokestacks around the corner of Lake Michigan: that’s Gary, Indiana.

ZH 虚拟参观博德博物馆 www.smb.museum/museen-einrichtungen/bode-museum/home/

EN Take a virtual tour of the Bode-Museum www.smb.museum/museen-einrichtungen/bode-museum/home/

ZH 查看更多: Museum für Musikautomaten - das klingende Museum

EN Find out more about: Forum Würth Rorschach

ZH 查看更多: + Museum für Musikautomaten - das klingende Museum

EN Find out more about: + Forum Würth Rorschach

ZH 国家陆军博物馆 National Army Museum

EN Top Mountain Biking Trails in Ruapehu

ZH 参观怀赫博物馆(Waihi Arts Centre and Museum),了解本地悠久的淘金历史。

EN For a taste of the region’s famous gold mining history, visit the Waihi Arts Centre and Museum.

ZH 页面内容创建人国家陆军博物馆 National Army Museum

EN The content on this page was created by National Army Museum Te Mata Toa

ZH 在霍克斯湾博物馆(Hawke’s Bay Museum)驻足数小时,观赏其展出的来自纳图凯科玛塔(Nga Tukemata)和纳提卡杭谷努( Ngati Kahungunu)的部落珍宝。

EN Spend a few hours at MTG Hawke’s Bay (Museum Theatre Gallery) in Napier, which exhibits treasures from Nga Tukemata and Ngati Kahungunu.

ZH 同时提供观光和包机服务,并且古典飞行器博物馆Classic Flyers Museum

EN Scenic and charter flights are also available and the Classic Flyers Museum

ZH 域名 .museum 註冊特別條款

EN Special conditions pertaining to the registration of .museum

ZH 由1,000名艺术家、评论家等乐坛行家组成的国际评委正在对15名入围名单进行甑选。网上的粉丝投票也是考虑的因素之一,可以决定谁有资格获得进入克利夫兰博物馆(Cleveland museum)的荣誉。

EN An international panel of 1,000 artists, critics and others in the music industry is winnowing down the list of 15 finalists, with online balloting by fans also a factor in deciding who deserves a place of honor in the popular Cleveland museum.

ZH 国家野生动物艺术博物馆 (National Museum of Wildlife Art)

EN National Museum of Wildlife Art

ZH 所有常设和特殊展品,再加上特别节目的入场券,以及Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology的入场券

EN General admission to all permanent and special exhibits and special programs, plus admission to the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology

ZH Please Touch Museum 有安全规定,确保为游客和工作人员提供一个安全的环境;更多信息请访问其网站。

EN Please Touch Museum has safety protocols in place to ensure a safe environment for its guests and staff; learn more on their website.

ZH 美国革命博物馆 (Museum of the American Revolution) 有安全规定,以确保游客和工作人员的安全环境;更多信息请访问网站。

EN The Museum of the American Revolution has safety protocols in place to ensure a safe environment for its guests and staff; learn more on their website.

ZH 丹佛自然与科学博物馆(Denver Museum of Nature & Science)

EN Denver Museum of Nature & Science

ZH 丹佛儿童博物馆马尔西科校区(Children's Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus)

EN Children's Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus

ZH 落基山之翼航天航空博物馆(Wings over the Rockies Air and Space Museum

EN Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum

ZH 查看更多: Art Museum St.Gallen

EN Find out more about: Chaplin?s World

ZH 查看更多: The Museum of Communication

EN Find out more about: Gianadda Foundation - archaeology and classic cars

ZH 查看更多: Musée d?art et d?histoire - Geneva Art Museum

EN Find out more about: Museum Tinguely

ZH 查看更多: Romont Castle and Stained Glass Museum

EN Find out more about: Salt Mines of Bex

ZH 查看更多: Vaud Museum of Fine Arts (MCBA)

EN Find out more about: Historical Points Basel

ZH 查看更多: + Art Museum St.Gallen

EN Find out more about: + Chaplin?s World

EN Find out more about: + Centre for Photography

ZH 查看更多: + The Museum of Communication

EN Find out more about: + Gianadda Foundation - archaeology and classic cars

ZH 查看更多: + Musée d?art et d?histoire - Geneva Art Museum

EN Find out more about: + Museum Tinguely

ZH 查看更多: + Romont Castle and Stained Glass Museum

EN Find out more about: + Salt Mines of Bex

ZH 查看更多: + Vaud Museum of Fine Arts (MCBA)

EN Find out more about: + Historical Points Basel

ZH 包括 King Salami & The Cumberland Three、Los Chicos 和 Sex Museum,地点:Santana 27

EN With King Salami & The Cumberland Three, Los Chicos and Sex Museum at Santana 27

ZH 今天这一家人来到印第安纳州(Indiana)。他们正在参观印第安纳波利斯儿童博物馆(Children?s Museum of Indianapolis),一位讲解员在讲解。

EN In this conversation, the family is in Indiana, visiting the Children?s Museum of Indianapolis. There is a guide talking about the museum.

EN Find out more about: Sacred mount Madonna del Sasso

EN Find out more about: + Sacred mount Madonna del Sasso

ZH Picnic in the museum park | 瑞士國家旅遊局

EN Picnic in the museum park | Switzerland Tourism

ZH 国家野生动物艺术博物馆 (National Museum of Wildlife Art)

EN National Museum of Wildlife Art

ZH Gift Shops:MoMA设计商店,为家居、高科技产品、个人饰品和MoMA专属商品提供独特的选择;Museum Store设有MoMA书籍,与收藏和展览相关的产品以及儿童用品。

EN Gift Shops: MoMA Design Store, offering a unique selection of objects for the home, tech products, personal accessories, and MoMA-exclusive items; Museum Store, featuring MoMA books, collection and exhibition-related products, and items for kids.

ZH Interact With the Battleship New Jersey Museum and Memorial | CityPASS 剪贴簿

EN Interact With the Battleship New Jersey Museum and Memorial | CityPASS Scrapbook

ZH 节省研究的时间。CityPASS 门票仅包含如笛洋博物馆 (de Young Museum)这样的最佳景点。请放心,您将看到旧金山最好的景点。

EN Save time researching. Only the best attractions, like de Young Museum + Legion of Honor, are included in CityPASS tickets. Rest assured you’re going to see the best San Francisco has to offer.

ZH Admission to 笛洋博物馆 (de Young Museum):

EN Admission to de Young Museum + Legion of Honor:

ZH 落基山之翼航天航空博物馆(Wings over the Rockies Air and Space Museum) 折扣门票 | Denver CityPASS® 景点

EN Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum Discount Admission Tickets | Denver CityPASS® Attraction

ZH 落基山之翼航天航空博物馆(Wings over the Rockies Air and Space Museum).

EN Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum.

ZH 节省研究的时间。CityPASS 门票仅包含如落基山之翼航天航空博物馆(Wings over the Rockies Air and Space Museum)这样的最佳景点。请放心,您将看到丹佛最好的景点。

EN Save time researching. Only the best attractions, like Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum, are included in CityPASS tickets. Rest assured you’re going to see the best Denver has to offer.

ZH Admission to 落基山之翼航天航空博物馆(Wings over the Rockies Air and Space Museum):

EN Admission to Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum:

ZH 丹佛美术馆 (Denver Art Museum) 制定了安全规程,确保其客人和工作人员处于安全环境中; 在他们的网站上了解更多信息。

EN Denver Art Museum has safety protocols in place to ensure a safe environment for its guests and staff; learn more on their website.

ZH 丹佛儿童博物馆马尔西科校区(Children's Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus) 折扣门票 | Denver CityPASS® 景点

EN Children's Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus Discount Admission Tickets | Denver CityPASS® Attraction

ZH 丹佛儿童博物馆马尔西科校区(Children's Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus).

EN Children's Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus .

ZH 节省研究的时间。CityPASS 门票仅包含如丹佛儿童博物馆马尔西科校区(Children's Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus)这样的最佳景点。请放心,您将看到丹佛最好的景点。

EN Save time researching. Only the best attractions, like Children's Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus , are included in CityPASS tickets. Rest assured you’re going to see the best Denver has to offer.

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