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የ 50 የ 50 የ "jira" ሐረግ ትርጉሞችን ከ ቻይንኛ ወደ እንግሊዝኛ በማሳየት ላይ

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ZH 对于 Jira Software、Jira Service Management 和 Jira Core,您可以使用 Jira Cloud Migration Assistant 来迁移数据。了解有关“使用 Jira Cloud Migration Assistant 可迁移哪些数据”的更多信息

EN For Jira Software, Jira Service Management, and Jira Core you can use the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant to migrate your data. Learn more about what data gets migrated with Jira Cloud Migration Assistant 

ZH 如果用户已经拥有 Jira Software 或 Jira Service Management 许可证,则可以免费使用 Jira Work Management。只需在任何 Jira 产品中创建业务项目即可访问 Jira Work Management 功能。

EN If a user already has a Jira Software or Jira Service Management license, Jira Work Management can be used for free. Simply create a business project in any Jira product to access Jira Work Management functionality.

ZH 只有同时具有 Jira Service Management Premium 或 Enterprise 和 Jira Software/Jira Core 许可的用户才可以查看对象图形,并更新已链接至 Jira Software/Jira Core 事务的 Insight 对象。

EN Only a licensed user of both Jira Service Management Premium or Enterprise and Jira Software/Jira Core, will have the ability to view the Object Graph and update the Insight objects linked to the Jira Software/Jira Core issue.

ZH 公平地说,这并不是一个“非此即彼”的情况,因为 Jira Service Management 包含 Jira Service Desk 的所有功能,但还包含更丰富的 ITSM 功能。Jira Service Desk 现在更名为 Jira Service Management。

EN To be fair, it’s not really a “this vs that” scenario, because Jira Service Management includes all the functionality of Jira Service Desk with richer ITSM capabilities. Jira Service Desk is now part of Jira Service Management.

ZH 1核心产品许可证包括 Jira Software、Jira Service Management、Jira Work Management、Confluence、Bitbucket、Jira Align、Bamboo、Fisheye、Crucible、Crowd 和 Atlassian Access。

EN 1Core licenses include Jira Software, Jira Service Management, Jira Work Management, Confluence, Bitbucket, Jira Align, Bamboo, Fisheye, Crucible, Crowd, & Atlassian Access.

ZH 从头开始创建 Jira 事务或将现有 Jira 事务链接到 Trello 卡查看已附加的 Jira 事务的状态、优先级、被分派人等。

EN Create from scratch or link existing Jira issues to Trello cards. See an attached Jira issue's status, priority, assignee, and more.

ZH 分类 所有模板 软件开发 服务管理 工作管理 营销 人力资源 金融 设计 个人 运营 法律 销售 产品 所有产品 Jira Software Jira Service Management Jira Work Management

EN Categories All templates Software development Service management Work management Marketing Human resources Finance Design Personal Operations Legal Sales Products All products Jira Software Jira Service Management Jira Work Management

ZH Jira 的强大功能与 Excel 的灵活性相结合。使用 Jira 中的新增的导出按钮,一键便可将 Jira 数据导出到 Excel 中。

EN Combine the power of Jira with the flexibility of Excel. Use the new export button in Jira to export Jira data to Excel with a single click.

ZH 否。Atlassian Access 适用于以下云产品:Jira Software、Jira Service Desk、Jira Core、Confluence、Bitbucket 和 Trello。如果您正在为我们的 Server 和 Data Center 产品寻找类似于 Access 的功能,请查看 Crowd。

EN No. Atlassian Access works across the following cloud products – Jira Software, Jira Service Desk, Jira Core, Confluence, Bitbucket, and Trello. If you’re looking for Access-like capabilities for our Server and Data Center products, check out Crowd.

ZH Atlassian Access 是应用于 Atlassian Cloud 产品(包括 Jira Software、Jira Service Management、Jira Work Management、Confluence、Bitbucket、Trello 和 Statuspage)的附加订阅。

EN Atlassian Access is an additional subscription applied across your Atlassian cloud products including Jira Software, Jira Service Management, Jira Work Management, Confluence, Bitbucket, Trello, and Statuspage. 

ZH Jira Software Cloud、Jira Service Management Cloud、Jira Work Management Cloud、Confluence Cloud 和/或 Atlassian 构建的应用:届时有效标价的 40% 折扣。

EN Jira Software Cloud, Jira Service Management Cloud, Jira Work Management Cloud, Confluence Cloud, and/or Atlassian-built apps: 40% discount from the list price in effect at the time.

ZH Jira Software Cloud、Jira Service Management Cloud、Jira Work Management Cloud、Confluence Cloud 和/或 Atlassian 构建的应用:届时有效标价的 20% 折扣。

EN Jira Software Cloud, Jira Service Management Cloud, Jira Work Management Cloud, Confluence Cloud, and/or Atlassian-built apps: 20% discount from the list price in effect at the time.

ZH 通过内置的 Jira 用户界面在 Bitbucket 中管理 Jira 事务,减少上下文切换。当您将事务关键字包含在提交中时,您的 Jira 事务状态会自动更新。

EN Reduce context-switching by managing your Jira issues in Bitbucket with the built-in Jira UI. And when you include your issue key in commits, your Jira issue statuses update automatically.

ZH 通过内置的 Jira 用户界面在 Bitbucket 中管理 Jira 事务,减少上下文切换。当您将事务关键字包含在提交中时,您的 Jira 事务状态会自动更新。

EN Reduce context-switching by managing your Jira issues in Bitbucket with the built-in Jira UI. And when you include your issue key in commits, your Jira issue statuses update automatically.

ZH Atlassian Access 是应用于 Atlassian Cloud 产品(包括 Jira Software、Jira Service Management、Jira Work Management、Confluence、Bitbucket、Trello 和 Statuspage)的附加订阅。

EN Atlassian Access is an additional subscription applied across your Atlassian cloud products including Jira Software, Jira Service Management, Jira Work Management, Confluence, Bitbucket, Trello, and Statuspage. 

ZH 借助 Atlassian Access,您可以针对公司的 Jira Software、Jira Service Management、Jira Work Management、Confluence、Bitbucket、Trello 和 Statuspage 的受管理云用户集中实施安全策略。

EN Atlassian Access allows you to centrally enforce security policies across managed cloud users of Jira Software, Jira Service Management, Jira Work Management, Confluence, Bitbucket, Trello, and Statuspage at your company.

ZH 将 Atlassian Access 连接至 Okta,即可在 Jira Software、Jira Service Management、Jira Work Management、Confluence 和 Bitbucket 中启用 SAML 单点登录。

EN Connect Atlassian Access to Okta to enable SAML single sign-on across Jira Software, Jira Service Management, Jira Work Management, Confluence, and Bitbucket.

ZH 产品数量:您要迁移的产品越多,您的迁移就越复杂。例如,仅迁移 Jira Software 要比迁移 Jira Software 加 Jira Service Management 更简单。

EN Number of products: The more products you have to migrate, the more complex your migration will be. For example, a Jira Software only migration is simpler than migrating both Jira Software and Jira Service Management.

ZH 我们的 Standard 计划适用于 Jira Software、Jira Work Management、Confluence、Questions for Confluence、Jira Service Management 和 Trello。

EN Our Standard plan is available for Jira Software, Jira Work Management, Confluence, Questions for Confluence, Jira Service Management, and Trello.

ZH 如果除了 Jira Software 或 Jira Service Management 外,您还有 Confluence Cloud Standard,则每个产品均有自己的存储限制(注意,所有 Jira 系列产品都有组合存储限制)。

EN If you have Confluence Cloud Standard in addition to Jira Software or Jira Service Management Cloud Standard, each product will have its own storage limit (note that all Jira family products have a combined storage limit).

ZH 我们提供 Cloud 的分别定价。您的订阅将从 Jira Work Management、Jira Software、Jira Service Management 或 Confluence 开始,以作为其基础。在那里,您可从 Atlassian Marketplace 中提供的应用进行选择。

EN We offer a la carte pricing for cloud. Your subscription starts with either Jira Work Management, Jira Software, Jira Service Management, or Confluence as its foundation. From there, you can choose from available apps in the Atlassian Marketplace.

ZH Advanced Roadmaps 是 Jira Software Cloud Premium 的一项功能。要开始在 Cloud 中使用 Advanced Roadmaps,请升级 Jira 以开始免费试用 Jira Software Cloud Premium。

EN Advanced Roadmaps is a feature of Jira Software Cloud Premium. To begin using Advanced Roadmaps in Cloud, upgrade Jira to start a free trial of Jira Software Cloud Premium.

ZH 不可以,您必须具有 Jira Service Management Premium 或 Enterprise 许可证才可以访问 Insight 功能。如果您有许可证,则可以在 Jira Software 和 Jira Core 项目中使用 Insight 对象(请参见下面的问题)。

EN No, you must have a Jira Service Management Premium or Enterprise license to access Insight functionality. If you do, then Insight objects can be used in Jira Software and Jira Core projects (see the the question below).

ZH 如果我有 Jira Service Management Premium 或 Enterprise,那么我是否能够将 Insight 与 Jira Software 或 Jira Core 项目一起用于同一实例中?

EN If I have Jira Service Management Premium or Enterprise, can Insight be used with Jira Software or Jira Core projects on the same instance?

ZH 可以。只要在同一实例中存在有效的 Jira Service Management Premium 或 Enterprise 许可证,就可以将 Insight 对象链接到 Jira Software 或 Jira Core 事务。

EN Yes. Insight objects can be linked to Jira Software or Jira Core issues as long as there’s an active Jira Service Management Premium or Enterprise license in the same instance.

ZH 在订阅到期后,如果您使用的是 Jira Software Data Center 版本 8.15 或更高版本,则需在同一实例上为 Jira Service Management(最少用户层)订阅 Data Center,以便将应用与 Jira Software Data Center 配合使用。

EN Once the subscription expires, if you’re on Jira Software Data Center version 8.15 or higher, you’ll need a Data Center subscription to Jira Service Management (minimum tier) on the same instance to use the apps with Jira Software Data Center.

ZH 从头开始创建 Jira 事务或将现有 Jira 事务链接到 Trello 卡查看已附加的 Jira 事务的状态、优先级、被分派人等。

EN Create from scratch or link existing Jira issues to Trello cards. See an attached Jira issue's status, priority, assignee, and more.

ZH Jira Software、Jira Service Management 和 Jira Core 之间有何区别?

EN What's the difference between Jira Software, Jira Service Management, and Jira Core?

ZH Jira 的强大功能与 Excel 的灵活性相结合。使用 Jira 中的新增的导出按钮,一键便可将 Jira 数据导出到 Excel 中。

EN Combine the power of Jira with the flexibility of Excel. Use the new export button in Jira to export Jira data to Excel with a single click.

ZH Jira Work Management、Jira Software 和 Jira Service Management 之间有何区别?

EN What's the difference between Jira Work Management, Jira Software, and Jira Service Management?

ZH 我们为每个 Jira Align 席位免费提供四个 Jira/集成席位。这些用户可以登录到 Jira Align 进行团队级别的访问。

EN For each Jira Align seat, we provide four Jira / Integrated seats free of charge. These users can log in to Jira Align for team-level access.

ZH Jira Software Cloud、Jira Service Desk Cloud、Jira Core Cloud、Confluence Cloud、Statuspage、Opsgenie 和 Trello 中服务器上存储客户数据和附件的数据驱动器在静止状态下会使用全磁盘行业标准 AES-256 进行加密。

EN Data drives on servers holding customer data and attachments in Jira Software Cloud, Jira Service Desk Cloud, Jira Core Cloud, Confluence Cloud, Statuspage, OpsGenie, and Trello use full disk, industry-standard AES-256 encryption at rest.

ZH Jira 事务字段的 BYOK 加密(Jira Software、Jira Service Management)

EN BYOK encryption for Jira issue fields (Jira Software, Jira Service Management) 

ZH 我们提供 Cloud 的分别定价。您的订阅将通过 Jira Core、Jira Software、Jira Service Management 或 Confluence 开始,以作为其基础。在那里,您可以从可用的加载项和其他应用程序中进行选择。

EN We offer a la carte pricing for cloud. Your subscription starts with either Jira Core, Jira Software, Jira Service Management, or Confluence as its foundation. From there, you can choose from available add-ons and additional applications. 

ZH 现有的 Jira Service Management Server(先前为 Jira Service Desk Server)许可证可以续订至太平洋时间 2024 年 2 月 15 日(最晚结束日期)。请查看下表以了解 Jira Service Management Server 续订价格。

EN Existing Jira Service Management Server (formerly Jira Service Desk Server) licenses can be renewed to a maximum end date of February 15, 2024 PT. Review the table below to find your Jira Service Management Server renewal price.

ZH 我们提供 Cloud 的分别定价。您的订阅将从 Jira Software、Jira Service Management、Jira Work Management 或 Confluence 开始,以作为基础。在那里,您可从其他应用进行选择。

EN We offer a la carte pricing for cloud. Your subscription starts with either Jira Software, Jira Service Management, Jira Work Management, or Confluence as its foundation. From there, you can choose from additional applications.

ZH Jira Software Cloud、Jira Service Management Cloud、Jira Work Management Cloud、Confluence Cloud 和/或 Atlassian 构建的应用:届时有效标价的 20% 折扣。

EN Jira Software Cloud, Jira Service Management Cloud, Jira Work Management Cloud, Confluence Cloud, and/or Atlassian-built apps: 20% discount from the list price in effect at the time.

ZH Jira Software、Jira Service Management 和 Jira Work Management 之间有何区别?

EN What’s the difference between Jira Software, Jira Service Management, and Jira Work Management?

ZH 如果没有代理许可证,Jira Software 或 Jira Work Management 用户可以在 Jira Service Management 中执行哪些操作?

EN What can Jira Software or Jira Work Management users do in Jira Service Management if they do not have an agent license?

ZH 如果没有代理许可证,Jira Software 或 Jira Core 用户可以在 Jira Service Management 中执行哪些操作?

EN What can Jira Software or Jira Core users do in Jira Service Management if they do not have an agent license?

ZH 发布 Jira Service Desk 的下一代产品:Jira Service Management。

EN Launched Jira Service Management, the next generation of Jira Service Desk.

ZH 借助 Jira Align,您的团队可以继续使用 Jira Software 开展工作,同时将协作和规划范围拓展至计划、项目组合和企业。

EN With Jira Align, keep your teams working in Jira Software while extending coordination and planning to the program, portfolio and enterprise.

ZH 使用 Jira Software 的自动化引擎在多种工具上创建自动化工作流您的团队可以使用自己选择的工具进行工作,而 Jira 集成则提供实时状态更新。

EN Create automated workflows on multiple tools with Jira Software’s automation engine. Your team can work inside the tools they choose while Jira integrations provide real-time status updates.

ZH 您的开发人员热衷开发代码,业务部门则依赖 Jira 运行。得益于 Jira 与开发人员工具的强大集成,充分利用两者并将事务标准化为您的工作单元。

EN Your devs like to work in code, the business runs on Jira. Get the best of both and standardize on issues as your unit of work, thanks to Jira’s powerful integrations with developer tools. 

ZH 深入了解我们当前在 Cloud 中为您喜爱的产品构建的最新功能以及即将推出的功能,其中涉及的产品包括 Jira Software、Jira Service Management、Confluence、Bitbucket 和 Trello。

EN Get an inside view on the latest and upcoming features we’re building in the Cloud for the products you love most - Jira Software, Jira Service Management, Confluence, Bitbucket, and Trello.

ZH 通过将 Jira Software 与 Adaptavist Test Management for Jira 集成,Loblaw Digital 自定义了一款简单、可扩展且速度快的测试解决方案。

EN By integrating Jira Software with Adaptavist Test Management for Jira, Loblaw Digital customized a speedy, simple, and scalable solution for testing.

ZH Jira Server 中的页面或仅含静态内容的页面上的点击劫持。有关更多详情,请参见 - https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRASERVER-25143。

EN Clickjacking on pages in Jira Server or pages that only contain static content. For more details see - https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRASERVER-25143.

ZH 如果您是 Jira 的新用户或者不太熟悉它,或者有一段时间不曾使用它,请从此处开始。看看哪些产品和托管选项适合您,另外还能了解 Jira 的基本信息!

EN Start here if you?re new, rusty, or haven?t seen Jira in a while. See which product and hosting option is right for you. Plus, Jira lingo, explained!

ZH 将这些资源加入书签,以便与其他 Jira Software 用户保持联系,获取有关 Jira Software Cloud 新功能的持续更新和最新产品文档。

EN Bookmark these resources to stay connected with fellow Jira Software users, for ongoing updates about new features in Jira Software Cloud, and the latest product documentation.

ZH 对很多团队来说,Jira Software 是一款任务关键型工具,可用于工作规划、跟踪、发布和报告。Jira Software Premium 为您提供了发展壮大的正确基础,让您高枕无忧。

EN For many teams, Jira Software is a mission-critical tool to plan, track, release, and report on work. With Jira Software Premium, you can rest easy knowing that you have the right foundation on which to grow

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