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ZH Diablo 4 Game Director, Blizzard Lead Level Designer, and WoW Designer Let Go From Blizzard Entertainment?wowhead新闻?魔兽世界

EN Diablo 4 Game Director, Blizzard Lead Level Designer, and WoW Designer Let Go From Blizzard Entertainment - Wowhead News

ZH Accredited Tier Designers (ATDs) 可通过三套不同精通等级的课程提高其职称——Accredited Tier Designer、专业级 Accredited Tier Designer 和专家级 Accredited Tier Designer

EN Accredited Tier Designers (ATDs) can advance their designation through three distinct levels of demonstrated mastery: Accredited Tier Designer, Accredited Tier Designer - Professional and Accredited Tier Designer - Expert.

ZH WoW Zone Mac'Aree Renamed to Eredath on the Patch 9.1.5 PTR?wowhead新闻?魔兽世界

EN WoW Zone Mac'Aree Renamed to Eredath on the Patch 9.1.5 PTR - Wowhead News

ZH A new legacy achievement category has been added, which covers many Feats of Strength related to old content patches like MoP Challenge Modes, classic WoW PvP titles, and 2500枚地下城与团队副本纹章.

EN A new legacy achievement category has been added, which covers many Feats of Strength related to old content patches like MoP Challenge Modes, classic WoW PvP titles, and 2500 Dungeon & Raid Emblems.

ZH 不愧是你 不愧是我 他们say wow

EN Though rainstorms may sometimes rage, the sun will shine on you

ZH Kana、Kana v2、Kinzu v2、Kinzu v2 專業版、Kana CSGO 版、Kana Dota 2 版、WoW 無線、Free 和 Shift 鍵盤

EN Kana, Kana v2, Kinzu v2, Kinzu v2 Pro Edition, Kana CSGO Edition, Kana Dota 2 Edition, WoW Wireless, Free, and Shift Keyboard

ZH Affinity Designer 工作手册 - Affinity Designer 官方指南

EN Affinity Designer Workbook - The Official Guide to Affinity Designer

ZH 想使用 Mac 或 PC 版 Affinity Photo、Designer 以及 Publisher 的任何用户均可免费使用 90 天,而无需承担任何义务。iPad 版的 Affinity Photo 和 Designer 也可享受相关折扣。

EN Anyone who wants to use Affinity Photo, Designer and Publisher on Mac or PC can do so free for 90 days with no obligation. The accompanying discount also extends to Affinity Photo and Designer on iPad.

ZH Media filters let you generate URLs for a product's media. 進一步了解

EN Media filters let you generate URLs for a product's media. Learn more

ZH Let me get this straight的意思是,说话人要确切弄明白或说清楚某事。

EN The phrase let me get this straight means to correctly understand something or clarify something.

ZH With the aim to make cloud computing services more affordable and accessible to start-ups, application developers and enterprises, Yotta Infrastructure has unveiled its latest initiative – Let’s Get Cloud. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN With the aim to make cloud computing services more affordable and accessible to start-ups, application developers and enterprises, Yotta Infrastructure has unveiled its latest initiative – Let’s Get Cloud. Read full information on external site

ZH Let the REAL climb start! 上第三快的时间 (16:25) 2021年10月22日

EN 3rd fastest time on Let the REAL climb start! (16:25) 22 October 2021

ZH 查看更多: + Let the journey begin! A fun exhibition for families

EN Find out more about: + Let the journey begin! A fun exhibition for families

ZH 備註: If you provided a server hostname after a temporary one had been already generated and after having worked in Plesk for some time, Plesk will not reissue the Let’s Encrypt certificate securing the server. You need to

EN Note: If you provided a server hostname after a temporary one had been already generated and after having worked in Plesk for some time, Plesk will not reissue the Let’s Encrypt certificate securing the server. You need to

ZH BoF ? Raspberry Pi 400/ Compute Module 4/ Raspberry Pi Pico and more ? let?s discuss how to make your own things-講者 Masafumi Ohta

EN Beyond CUDA: GPU Accelerated Python on Cross-Vendor Graphics Cards with Vulkan & Kompute by Alejandro Saucedo

ZH Let me get this straight的意思是,说话人要确切弄明白或说清楚某事。

EN The phrase let me get this straight means to correctly understand something or clarify something.

ZH 查看更多: + Let the Journey Begin! A Fun Exhibition for Families

EN Find out more about: + 23rd Swiss Art Supermarket in Solothurn

ZH 預設情況下,Plesk 會自動使用 Let’s Encrypt 的 SSL/TLS 證書保護安全。每次您和您的客戶(若有)訪問 Plesk 時證書都會保護傳輸資料的安全。

EN By default, Plesk is automatically secured with an SSL/TLS certificate from Let’s Encrypt. The certificate secures the transferred data each time you and your customers (if any) access Plesk.

ZH 使用臨時的伺服器主機名稱,Let’s Encrypt 會簽發一個證書保護 Plesk 的安全。

EN Using the temporary server hostname, Let’s Encrypt issues a certificate that secures Plesk.

ZH 備註: 若您在臨時伺服器主機名稱已經生成且已在 Plesk 中工作運行了一段時間後提供了伺服器主機名稱,Plesk 將不會重新簽發 Let’s Encrypt 證書保護伺服器安全。您需要手動為新的主機名稱

EN Note: If you provided a server hostname after a temporary one had been already generated and after having worked in Plesk for some time, Plesk will not reissue the Let’s Encrypt certificate securing the server. You need to

ZH Sound good? Let’s dive into a bit [?]阅读详情

EN The tibia also articulates with the fibula at both its superior and inferior [?]READ POST

ZH Affinity Designer 入门指南 (English only - PDF)

EN Affinity Designer Start Guide (English only - PDF)

中国人 英语
pdf pdf

ZH 制作精美的小册子、报表、杂志和其他出版材料。导入 IDML 文件,并在应用程序内即时切换 Affinity Photo 和 Designer,让编辑过程轻松自如。适用于 macOS 和 Windows。

EN Produce beautiful brochures, reports, magazines and other published materials. Import IDML files and instantly switch between Affinity Photo and Designer within the app for an effortless editing process. Available for macOS and Windows.

ZH Affinity Photo、Designer 和 Publisher 均已获得另一次免费更新——大大增强其性能并使一些任务的处理速度加快 10 倍。

EN Affinity Photo, Designer and Publisher have received another free update - superpowering their performance and making some tasks up to 10 times quicker.

ZH Affinity Photo、Designer 和 Publisher 的开发者 Serif 宣布了如何从 100 位投稿者那里购买作品的更多细节,以帮助减轻 COVID-19 对创意产业的影响。

EN Serif, developer of Affinity Photo, Designer and Publisher, has announced more details of how it will buy work from 100 contributors as part of efforts to help mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on the creative industry.

ZH Affinity Photo、Designer 和 Publisher 的开发者 Serif 今日宣布了三项措施,力求帮助受全球新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情影响的创意人员

EN Serif, developer of Affinity Photo, Designer and Publisher, has today announced three measures aimed at helping creatives affected by the global COVID-19 pandemic

ZH 不夸张,无噱头,有的只是您需要的所有工具,按照您一直梦寐以求的方式进行实现。Affinity Designer 是一款经过精心设计的专业设计工具,可以随时完成您的工作。

EN No bloat, no gimmicks, just all the tools you need, implemented how you always dreamed. Affinity Designer is a stripped back, pro-end workhorse that will always get your job done.

ZH 开发 Affinity Designer 是为了在最新计算硬件的发展节奏上茁壮成长。实时、快速响应且非常流畅,使用起来令人愉快。

EN Affinity Designer was created to thrive on the electric pace of the latest computing hardware. Live, responsive and incredibly fluid, it’s simply a joy to use.

ZH Affinity Designer 背后的引擎旨在处理大量文档,因此您可以放心地添加所有这些微小的细节而不会影响性能。

EN The engine behind Affinity Designer is built to handle huge documents so you can be confident in adding all those tiny details without any compromise to performance.

ZH 全世界成千上万的设计师曾告诉我们,他们希望图形设计应用程序如何执行操作。我们将这些知识作为 Affinity Designer 的核心。

EN Thousands of designers around the world told us how they need their graphic design app to behave. We put that knowledge at the core of Affinity Designer.

ZH Affinity Designer 提供了各种为实现高工作效率同时保持 100% 准确几何形状而精心开发的工具。

EN Affinity Designer is full of tools meticulously developed for achieving high productivity, while maintaining 100 percent accurate geometry.

ZH 高级文件支持是 Affinity Designer 后端技术的核心所在。支持所有主要图像和矢量文件类型,包括 PDF/X4、EPS、SVG 和 PSD 支持。

EN Advanced file support is at the core of the back-end technology behind Affinity Designer. All the major image and vector file types are supported, including PDF/X4, EPS, SVG and PSD support.

中国人 英语
pdf pdf

ZH 您无需按月支付。仅需在 Windows 或 Mac 上支付 US$54.99 或在 iPad 上支付 US$21.99 即可拥有 Affinity Designer —— 免费订阅。

EN We don’t expect you to pay us monthly either. Own Affinity Designer for just $54.99 on Windows or Mac or $21.99 on iPad — subscription free.

ZH Accredited Tier Designer 技术论文系列:引擎式发电机评级

EN Accredited Tier Designer Technical Paper Series: Engine-Generator Ratings

ZH Accredited Tier Designer 技术论文系列:补充水

EN Accredited Tier Designer Technical Paper Series: Makeup Water

ZH Accredited Tier Designer 技术论文系列:连续制冷

EN Accredited Tier Designer Technical Paper Series: Continuous Cooling

ZH 参考指南:OCI Designer Toolkit Resource Manager Integration

EN Reference guide: OCI Designer Toolkit Resource Manager Integration

ZH 使用 Affinity Designer 学习数字化设计和插图

EN Learn digital design and illustration with Affinity Designer

ZH macOS 和 Windows 上的 Affinity Designer 官方指南

EN The official guide to Affinity Designer on macOS and Windows

ZH 这些带孔的键盘快捷键速查表印制在书背面的卡片上,您可以将它们放在一边以便于查询。这些速查表是双面的,包含用于 Affinity Designer 的 Windows 和 macOS 版本的快捷键。

EN Printed on card in the back of the book, these perforated keyboard shortcut cheat sheets can be kept aside for easy reference. Double sided, they include shortcuts for both Windows and macOS versions of Affinity Designer.

ZH 超过 60 个独立拍摄和剪裁的粉末画笔,用于 Affinity Designer 和 Affinity Photo

EN Over 60 individually shot and cut-out Powder Brushes for Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo

ZH 这一套 15 种逼真粉笔栅格笔刷和 6 种素材/JPG 适用于台式机和 iPad 上的 Affinity Designer 和 Affinity Photo。

EN This set of 15 realistic chalk raster brushes and 6 assets/JPGs work in Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo on both desktop and iPad.

ZH 36 款为 Affinity Photo 和 Affinity Designer 的 Pixel Persona 打造的栅格画笔

EN 36 raster brushes for Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer’s Pixel Persona

ZH *Designer 用户 – 画笔为栅格格式(非矢量),适用于像素角色。

EN *Designer users – brushes are raster format (not vector) and designed for use in Pixel Persona.

ZH 45 种栅格笔刷,适用于 Affinity Photo 和 Affinity Designer 的像素角色

EN 45 raster brushes for Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer’s Pixel Persona

ZH 100 种样式,用于应用位图肌理和填充(Affinity Designer 中的部分功能仅可通过外观面板实现)

EN 100 styles to apply bitmaps textures and fills (some functionality available in Affinity Designer only via the Appearance Panel)

ZH 借助 Affinity Designer 外观 Studio 的神奇功能,对创意作品进行微调并改变大小

EN Resize and fine-tune your creations through the wonder of Affinity Designer’s Appearance Studio

ZH PDF 快速入门指南及视频教程,用于 Affinity Designer(请在 Spotlight 上查看预告!)

EN PDF Quick Start Guide with video tutorials for Affinity Designer (see sneak peek on Spotlight!)

中国人 英语
pdf pdf

ZH 重要提示: 这些笔刷只能用于 Affinity Designer iPad 版和 Affinity Photo iPad 版。

EN Important note: These brushes have been specially made for use with Affinity Designer for iPad and Affinity Photo for iPad only.

显示了 50 个翻译的 50