将 "sonix" 翻译成 英语

显示短语 "sonix" 从 中国人 到 英语 的 50 个翻译的 50

sonix 的 中国人 到 英语 的翻译


ZH 安全是 Sonix 的首要任务。使用 Sonix,您的所有数据都是安全、机密和安全的。Sonix 是一个完全自动化的系统,因此没有人能够访问您的数据。

EN Security is top priority at Sonix. All your data is safe, confidential, and secure with Sonix. Sonix is a completely automated system so no human has access to your data.

ZH Sonix 的完整 API 允许您轻松地将工作流程与 Sonix 集成。您可以自动将文件上传到 Sonix,自动将文件分配给转录员,以及在成绩单完成后创建通知。

EN Sonix’s full API allows you to integrate your workflow with Sonix with ease. You can auto-upload files to Sonix, auto-assign files to transcribers, and create notifications when transcripts are finished.

ZH Sonix 的双重身份验证或 2FA 是一项安全功能,可为您的 Sonix 帐户增加更多的保护。当您登录帐户时,Sonix 将要求您的手机生成的六位数安全代码(除了您的密码外)。

EN Sonix’s two factor authentication or 2FA is a security feature that adds even more protection to your Sonix account. Sonix will require a six-digit security code generated by your phone (in addition to your password) when you sign in to your account.

ZH 安全是 Sonix 的首要任务。使用 Sonix,您的所有数据都是安全、机密和安全的。Sonix 是一个完全自动化的系统,因此没有人能够访问您的数据。

EN Security is top priority at Sonix. All your data is safe, confidential, and secure with Sonix. Sonix is a completely automated system so no human has access to your data.

ZH Sonix 的完整 API 允许您轻松地将工作流程与 Sonix 集成。您可以自动将文件上传到 Sonix,自动将文件分配给转录员,以及在成绩单完成后创建通知。

EN Sonix’s full API allows you to integrate your workflow with Sonix with ease. You can auto-upload files to Sonix, auto-assign files to transcribers, and create notifications when transcripts are finished.

ZH Sonix 的双重身份验证或 2FA 是一项安全功能,可为您的 Sonix 帐户增加更多的保护。当您登录帐户时,Sonix 将要求您的手机生成的六位数安全代码(除了您的密码外)。

EN Sonix’s two factor authentication or 2FA is a security feature that adds even more protection to your Sonix account. Sonix will require a six-digit security code generated by your phone (in addition to your password) when you sign in to your account.

ZH Sonix 媒体播放器共享成绩单或发布。 | Sonix

EN Share transcripts or publish with the Sonix media player. | Sonix

ZH 使用 Sonix 在几秒钟内为您的视频创建字幕 | Sonix

EN Create subtitles for your videos in seconds with Sonix | Sonix

ZH 关于 Sonix 背后的人 | Sonix

EN About the people behind Sonix | Sonix

ZH Sonix 是 2021 中最快的自动化转录服务 | 了解我们如何比竞争对手更快 | Sonix

EN Sonix is the fastest automated transcription service in 2021 | See how we are faster than the competition | Sonix

ZH Sonix 专有算法利用最新的 AI 来推动市场上最精确的自动化成绩单。 Sonix 是快速,简单,准确。 您在世界上最受尊敬的自动转录平台中所需的所有内容。

EN Sonix proprietary algorithms leverage the latest in AI to drive the most accurate automated transcript on the market. Sonix is fast, easy, and accurate. All the things you need in the world’s most revered automated transcription platform.

ZH Sonix 简介:与水晶李一起学习基础知识 | Sonix

EN Introduction to Sonix: Learn the basics with Crystal Lee | Sonix

ZH Sonix 了解进一步自动化的需求。 Sonix API 强大可靠,允许进行进一步的定制,以提高生产率并大规模处理更高的容量。

EN Sonix understands the need for further automation. The Sonix API is robust and allows for further customizations to boost productivity and process higher volumes at scale.

ZH Sonix 医疗转录 | 符合 HIPAA 标准的转录和翻译 | Sonix

EN Sonix medical transcription | HIPAA-compliant transcription and translation | Sonix

ZH 将您喜爱的软件和工作流程与 Sonix 集成 | Sonix

EN Integrate your favorite software and workflows with Sonix | Sonix

ZH 教练的自动转录 | 将您的教练课程转换为文本,Sonix 是领导力教练的最佳转录软件 | Sonix

EN Automated transcription for coaches | Convert your coaching sessions to text, Sonix is the best transcription software for leadership coaches | Sonix

ZH Sonix 使用最新的安全协议来确保您的数据安全可靠。没有人触摸你的文件。Sonix 平台是一个完全自动化的基于云的系统。

EN Sonix uses the latest security protocols to ensure your data is safe and secure. No human touches your files. The Sonix platform is a completely automated cloud-based system.

ZH 律师自动转录 | Sonix 是满足您所有法律转录需求的最佳在线软件 | Sonix

EN Automated transcription for lawyers | Sonix is the best online software for all of your legal transcription needs | Sonix

ZH 世界各地的学生都在使用 Sonix。尽管快速、经济实惠的自动转录是他们学习的关键,但许多学生都在陶醉于 Sonix 组织和吸收口语数据的能力。

EN Sonix is used by students all over the world. While fast, affordable, automated transcription is key to their studies, many students are reveling in Sonix’s ability to organize and assimilate spoken-word data.

ZH Sonix 成绩单与口语单词拼接起来,每个单词都有单独的时间戳。这使您可以轻松高效地浏览成绩单。Sonix 会让你的生活变得更加美好。

EN Sonix transcripts are stitched to the spoken words and each word is individually timestamped. This makes it easy to navigate your transcript efficiently. Sonix will make your life so much better.

ZH Sonix 已被独立审查为市场上最准确的自动转录服务。不仅 Sonix 准确无误,而且还闪电般的快速且超安全。

EN Sonix has been independently reviewed as the most accurate automated transcription service on the market. Not only is Sonix accurate, it’s lightning fast and ultra secure.

ZH Sonix 可以在不到 5 分钟的时间内将您的缩放会议转换为文本。 Sonix 是最准确的自动化转录服务。 以几十种语言(包括西班牙语、法语和德语)转录缩放会议。

EN Sonix can convert your Zoom meeting to text in less than 5 minutes. Sonix is the most accurate automated transcription service. Transcribe Zoom meetings in dozens of languages including Spanish, French, and German.

ZH Sonix 成绩单是基于浏览器的,因此文本被缝合到音频或视频上。你的转录员可以在收听音频或视频的同时编辑 Sonix 内部的成绩单,使清理变得轻而易举。

EN Sonix transcripts are browser-based so the text is stitched to the audio or video. Your transcriptionists can edit the transcripts inside Sonix while listening to the audio or video making clean-up a breeze.

ZH Sonix 可以在不到 5 分钟的时间内将您的谷歌见面录音转换为文本。Sonix 是最准确的自动转录服务。以几十种语言(包括西班牙语、法语和德语)转录 Google Meet 录音。

EN Sonix can convert your Google Meet recording recordings to text in less than 5 minutes. Sonix is the most accurate automated transcription service. Transcribe Google Meet recordings in dozens of languages including Spanish, French, and German.

ZH 使用 Sonix 强大的 API 动态导入要分析的所有相关媒体。然后,Sonix 一流的语音转文本技术将快速准确地处理媒体文件。您将在几分钟内收到结果,而不是几小时或几天。

EN Use Sonix's powerful API to dynamically import all relevant media that you want analyzed. Then, Sonix's best-in-class speech-to-text technology will quickly and accurately process the media files. You'll receive results in minutes, not hours or days.

ZH Sonix 让您的音频和视频文件更容易访问 | 快速准确地转录音频和视频 | Sonix

EN Make your audio and video files more accessible with Sonix | Quickly and accurately transcribe your audio and video | Sonix

ZH Sonix 可以在不到 5 分钟的时间内将您的 RingCentral 会议转换为文本。 Sonix 是最准确的自动化转录服务。 以几十种语言(包括西班牙语、法语和德语)转录 RingCentral 会议。

EN Sonix can convert your RingCentral meeting to text in less than 5 minutes. Sonix is the most accurate automated transcription service. Transcribe RingCentral meetings in dozens of languages including Spanish, French, and German.

ZH Sonix 可以在不到 5 分钟的时间内将您的 Microsoft 团队会议录音转换为文本。 Sonix 是最准确的自动化转录服务。 以几十种语言(包括西班牙语、法语和德语)转录 Microsoft 团队会议。

EN Sonix can convert your Microsoft Teams meeting recordings to text in less than 5 minutes. Sonix is the most accurate automated transcription service. Transcribe Microsoft Teams meetings in dozens of languages including Spanish, French, and German.

ZH Sonix 可以在 5 分钟内将您的 Join.me 会议转换为文本。 Sonix 是最准确的自动化转录服务。 以几十种语言(包括西班牙语、法语和德语)转录 join .me 会议。

EN Sonix can convert your Join.me meeting to text in less than 5 minutes. Sonix is the most accurate automated transcription service. Transcribe Join.me meetings in dozens of languages including Spanish, French, and German.

ZH Sonix 使音频和视频文件的转录速度尽可能快、无痛和安全。上传几乎任何类型的文件,Sonix 将在几分钟内转录您的音频和视频。

EN Sonix makes transcribing audio and video files as fast, painless, and secure as possible. Upload almost any file type and Sonix will transcribe your audio and video in a matter of minutes.

ZH 关于 Sonix 背后的人 | Sonix

EN About the people behind Sonix | Sonix

ZH Sonix 专有算法利用最新的 AI 来驱动市场上最准确的自动成绩单。Sonix 快速、简单、准确。在世界上最受尊敬的自动转录平台中,满足您的所有需求。

EN Sonix proprietary algorithms leverage the latest in AI to drive the most accurate automated transcript on the market. Sonix is fast, easy, and accurate. All the things you need in the world’s most revered automated transcription platform.

ZH Sonix 了解进一步自动化的必要性。Sonix API 功能强大,允许进一步自定义,以提高生产力并大规模处理更高的容量。

EN Sonix understands the need for further automation. The Sonix API is robust and allows for further customizations to boost productivity and process higher volumes at scale.

ZH Sonix 媒体播放器共享成绩单或发布。 | Sonix

EN Share transcripts or publish with the Sonix media player. | Sonix

ZH 将您喜爱的软件和工作流程与 Sonix 集成 | Sonix

EN Integrate your favorite software and workflows with Sonix | Sonix

ZH Sonix 医疗转录:符合 HIPAA 标准 | Sonix

EN Sonix Medical Transcription: HIPAA-compliant | Sonix

ZH Crystal Lee 的 Sonix 简介 | Sonix

EN Introduction to Sonix with Crystal Lee | Sonix

ZH Sonix 使用最新的安全协议来确保您的数据安全可靠。没有人触摸你的文件。Sonix 平台是一个完全自动化的基于云的系统。

EN Sonix uses the latest security protocols to ensure your data is safe and secure. No human touches your files. The Sonix platform is a completely automated cloud-based system.

ZH 世界各地的学生都在使用 Sonix。尽管快速、经济实惠的自动转录是他们学习的关键,但许多学生都在陶醉于 Sonix 组织和吸收口语数据的能力。

EN Sonix is used by students all over the world. While fast, affordable, automated transcription is key to their studies, many students are reveling in Sonix’s ability to organize and assimilate spoken-word data.

ZH Sonix 成绩单与口语单词拼接起来,每个单词都有单独的时间戳。这使您可以轻松高效地浏览成绩单。Sonix 会让你的生活变得更加美好。

EN Sonix transcripts are stitched to the spoken words and each word is individually timestamped. This makes it easy to navigate your transcript efficiently. Sonix will make your life so much better.

ZH Sonix 已被独立审查为市场上最准确的自动转录服务。不仅 Sonix 准确无误,而且还闪电般的快速且超安全。

EN Sonix has been independently reviewed as the most accurate automated transcription service on the market. Not only is Sonix accurate, it’s lightning fast and ultra secure.

ZH Sonix 与 Adobe Audition 无缝合作。只需从 Sonix 导入成绩单文件,所有文本就会毫不费力地出现。

EN Sonix works seamlessly with Adobe Audition. Simply import a transcript file from Sonix and all the text will appear effortlessly.

ZH Sonix 成绩单是基于浏览器的,因此文本被缝合到音频或视频上。你的转录员可以在收听音频或视频的同时编辑 Sonix 内部的成绩单,使清理变得轻而易举。

EN Sonix transcripts are browser-based so the text is stitched to the audio or video. Your transcriptionists can edit the transcripts inside Sonix while listening to the audio or video making clean-up a breeze.

ZH 使用 Sonix 强大的 API 动态导入要分析的所有相关媒体。然后,Sonix 一流的语音转文本技术将快速准确地处理媒体文件。您将在几分钟内收到结果,而不是几小时或几天。

EN Use Sonix's powerful API to dynamically import all relevant media that you want analyzed. Then, Sonix's best-in-class speech-to-text technology will quickly and accurately process the media files. You'll receive results in minutes, not hours or days.

ZH 根据会议的长短,Sonix 可以在几分钟内将您的 Join.me 会议转换为文本。Sonix 是最准确的自动转录服务。用几十种语言(包括西班牙语、法语和德语)转录 Join.me 会议。

EN Sonix can convert your Join.me meeting to text in a few minutes based on the length of your meeting. Sonix is the most accurate automated transcription service. Transcribe Join.me meetings in dozens of languages including Spanish, French, and German.

ZH Sonix 使音频和视频文件的转录速度尽可能快、无痛和安全。上传几乎任何类型的文件,Sonix 将在几分钟内转录您的音频和视频。

EN Sonix makes transcribing audio and video files as fast, painless, and secure as possible. Upload almost any file type and Sonix will transcribe your audio and video in a matter of minutes.

ZH 如有疑问,请联系 Sonix 团队 | Sonix

EN Contact the Sonix team with your questions | Sonix

ZH 自动将音频和视频转换为文本:快速、准确、经济实惠 | Sonix

EN Automatically convert audio and video to text: Fast, Accurate, & Affordable | Sonix

ZH Crystal Lee 解释了 Sonix 的工作原理:快速、准确、经济实惠的自动转录 关闭

EN Crystal Lee explains how Sonix works: Automated transcription that's fast, accurate, and affordable Close

ZH Sonix 自动将音频和视频转换为文本

EN Sonix automatically converts audio and video to text

显示了 50 个翻译的 50