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ZH 每個 QuickSight 作者許可均包含 10 GB SPICE。可以在每月的任何時間新增和刪除 SPICE 容量。每個 SPICE 資料集最多支援 Amazon QuickSight 企業版中的 5 億列。

EN 10 GB spice allocation included with every QuickSight author license. SPICE capacity may be added and removed at any time of the month. Each SPICE dataset supports max. 500M rows in Amazon QuickSight Enterprise edition.

ZH Amazon QuickSight 定價 - 商業智慧服務 - Amazon Web Services

EN Amazon QuickSight Pricing - Business Intelligence Service - Amazon Web Services

EN Pricing QuickSight Pricing Calculator

ZH 刪除「採用 QuickSight 技術」品牌的選項。

EN An option to remove “Powered by QuickSight” branding.

ZH Amazon QuickSight 支援基於閾值或自動化 (採用機器學習 (ML) 技術的異常偵測) 的提醒,用於提醒您重要的資料變更。提醒是根據評估的指標予以定價。

EN Amazon QuickSight supports threshold-based or automatic (ML-powered anomaly detection) alerts which alert you of important changes in your data. Alerts are priced based on metrics evaluated.

ZH 1.誰是 QuickSight「讀者」?

EN 1. Who is a QuickSight “Reader”?

ZH 讀者工作階段或儀表板的程式設計或自動查詢,必須使用 QuickSight 容量定價。

EN Programmatic or automated queries for reader sessions or dashboards must use QuickSight capacity pricing.

ZH 讀者工作階段是 QuickSight 讀者可存取儀表板和與資料互動的時段,並依工作階段收取固定費用。

EN A Reader Session is an interval of time during which a QuickSight Reader can access dashboards and interact with data for a fixed, per-session charge.

ZH 6.如果 QuickSight 在背景標籤中的瀏覽器開啟,是否會收取讀者費用?

EN 6. Will a Reader be charged if QuickSight is open in a browser in a background tab?

ZH 8.透過電子郵件接收 QuickSight 報告是否需要付費?

EN 8. Do I have to pay for emailed reports from QuickSight?

ZH 10.如何開始使用 Amazon QuickSight

EN 10. How can I get started with Amazon QuickSight?

ZH QuickSight 的工作階段容量定價模型允許以折扣價批量購買工作階段,以便在眾多的使用者中使用嵌入式或 BI 使用案例。使用此模型時,每個工作階段的成本會隨著承諾更大使用量而降低。

EN QuickSight’s session capacity pricing model allows purchase of sessions in bulk at discounted rates, for use across large user populations for embedded or BI use cases. With this model, the per-session costs decrease with commitments to larger usage.

ZH 每個 Amazon QuickSight 讀者工作階段持續 30 分鐘。每個工作階段收費 0.30 USD,每月每個讀者最多收費 5 USD。

EN Amazon QuickSight Reader sessions are of 30-minute duration each. Each session is charged at $0.30 with maximum charges of $5 per Reader in a month.

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