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ZH John Atkin 公关主管 john@serif.com (仅限正版媒体查询 - 我们将不会通过此地址回复客户支持问题。)

EN John Atkin Head of PR john@serif.com (For genuine media inquiries only – we can’t respond to customer support questions via this address.)

ZH 在示例中,Mary 是开发人员,John 是项目维护者。它们都有自己的公共 Bitbucket 存储库,而 John 的存储库包含官方项目。

EN In the example, Mary is a developer, and John is the project maintainer. Both of them have their own public Bitbucket repositories, and John’s contains the official project.

ZH 要开始在项目中工作,Mary 首先需要对 John 的 Bitbucket 代码库执行拷贝 (fork) 操作。她可以登录 Bitbucket,导航到 John 的代码库,然后单击 Fork 按钮来执行这一操作。

EN To start working in the project, Mary first needs to fork John’s Bitbucket repository. She can do this by signing in to Bitbucket, navigating to John’s repository, and clicking the Fork button.

ZH 在她创建拉取请求后,将通过 John 的 Bitbucket 源和电子邮件(可选)向 John 发送通知。

EN After she creates the pull request, a notification will be sent to John via his Bitbucket feed and (optionally) via email.

ZH 约翰·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)总统1962年10月在古巴导弹危机期间,在椭圆形办公室向新闻记者发布消息。 (Robert Knudsen/John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum/NARA)

EN President John F. Kennedy briefs the press from the Oval Office during the Cuban missile crisis in October 1962. (Robert Knudsen/John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum/NARA)

ZH John Mellencamp 于70年代末踏入歌坛,开始自己的歌唱事业。一开始,他以Johnny Cougar的名字发行专辑,被看作是对Bruce Springsteen的音乐的模仿。随着他事业的不断… 了解更多

EN John Mellencamp (born 7 October 1951 in Seymour, Indiana) is an American singer and a songwriter, known for a long and successful recording and performing career highlighted by a series of … read more

ZH 游客在纽约市纽约港(New York Harbor)的自由女神像(Statue of Liberty)前留影。(© John Minchillo/AP Images)

EN Tourists pose for photographs in front of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, New York. (© John Minchillo/AP Images)

ZH 2018年4月14日,英国忧郁蓝调乐团(Moody Blues)的贾斯汀·海沃德( Justin Hayward)(左)与约翰·洛基(John Lodge)在入选摇滚名人堂后演出。(© David Richard/AP Images)

EN The Moody Blues' Justin Hayward, left, and John Lodge performed during the English band's induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame on April 14, 2018. (© David Richard/AP Images)

ZH 美属维尔京群岛 (Virgin Islands),包括圣托马斯岛 (St. Thomas)、圣约翰岛 (St. John) 和圣克罗伊岛 (St. Croix),这里拥有丰富的历史,同时自然风光秀丽,欢迎广大游客前来游览。

EN The U.S. Virgin Islands, including St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix, welcome visitors with their rich history and stunning natural environment.

ZH The Westin St. John Resort Villas 酒店

EN The Westin St. John Resort Villas

ZH 美属维尔京群岛 (Virgin Islands),包括圣托马斯岛 (St. Thomas)、圣约翰岛 (St. John) 和圣克罗伊岛 (St. Croix),这里拥有丰富的历史,同时自然风光秀丽,欢迎广大游客前来游览。

EN The U.S. Virgin Islands, including St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix, welcome visitors with their rich history and stunning natural environment.

ZH The Westin St. John Resort Villas 酒店

EN The Westin St. John Resort Villas

ZH 总统气候问题特使约翰·克里(John Kerry)于7月指出:“今天,太阳能和风能是有关国家新型发电价格最低的来源,这些国家总计占全球GDP的77%。”

EN ?Today, solar and wind power are the cheapest source of new electricity generation in countries accounting for 77 percent of global GDP,? said Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry in July.

ZH 2.《Machine Learning For Dummies》,作者:John Paul Mueller 和 Luca Massaron

EN 2. “Machine Learning For Dummies” by John Paul Mueller and Luca Massaron

ZH 作者:John Paul Mueller 和 Luca Massaron 網站:Amazon

EN Authors: John Paul Mueller and Luca Massaron Website: Amazon

ZH 3.《Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics: Algorithms, Worked Examples, and Case Studies》,作者:John D. Kelleher、Brian Mac Namee 和 Aoife D’Arcy

EN 3. “Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics: Algorithms, Worked Examples and Case Studies” by John D. Kelleher, Brian Mac Namee, and Aoife D'Arcy

ZH 作者:John D. Kelleher、Brian Mac Namee 和 Aoife D’Arcy 網站:Amazon

EN Authors: John D. Kelleher, Brian Mac Namee and Aoife D'Arcy Website: Amazon

ZH 5.《Machine Learning for Hackers》,作者:Drew Conway 和 John Myles White

EN 5. “Machine Learning for Hackers” by Drew Conway and John Myles White

ZH 作者:Drew Conway 和 John Myles White 網站:O’Reilly | Amazon

EN Authors: Drew Conway and John Myles White Website: O’Reilly | Amazon

ZH 约翰·安德鲁斯(John Andrews)设计团队和WZM设计团队

EN John Andrews Architects and WZM Architects

ZH 由同事医学博士 John Murray 授予内科卓越贡献奖

EN Awarded by her peers with the John Murray, MD Award for Excellence in Internal Medicine 

ZH John Mellencamp - The Best That I Could Do - 1978-1988 封面(1 / 1) | Last.fm

EN John Mellencamp - The Best That I Could Do - 1978-1988 Artwork (1 of 1) | Last.fm

ZH John Mellencamp 的音乐、视频、数据和照片 | Last.fm

EN John Mellencamp music, videos, stats, and photos | Last.fm

ZH 标签 - The Best That I Could Do - 1978-1988 — John Mellencamp | Last.fm

EN Tags - The Best That I Could Do - 1978-1988 — John Mellencamp | Last.fm

ZH 包括 John Mellencamp、The Terks 和 Curtis Evans

EN Including John Mellencamp, The Terks and Curtis Evans

ZH John Mellencamp 照片 (1 / 47) | Last.fm

EN John Mellencamp Photos (1 of 47) | Last.fm

ZH John Mellencamp 照片 (2 / 47) | Last.fm

EN John Mellencamp Photos (2 of 47) | Last.fm

ZH 查看 John Mellencamp 的最新照片,包括影集和艺术家图片。

EN See the latest images of John Mellencamp, including photoshoots, and artist pictures.

ZH In this edition of Voices of the Industry, John Day, Vice President of Leasing at Sabey Data Centers, explores why enterprise colocation at data centers will not be rendered extinct by the cloud. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN In this edition of Voices of the Industry, John Day, Vice President of Leasing at Sabey Data Centers, explores why enterprise colocation at data centers will not be rendered extinct by the cloud. Read full information on external site

ZH 在线研讨会:Uptime 的 Julian Kudritzki 及 Infomart Data Centers 的 John Sheputis 现场答疑解惑

EN Webinar: Live Q&A with Julian Kudritzki, Uptime and John Sheputis, Infomart Data Centers

ZH John Fobert 罗杰威廉姆斯大学电子资源部馆员

EN John Fobert Electronic Resources Librarian, Roger Williams University

ZH 隨後我們宣佈與奈特基金會 (John S. and James L. Knight Foundation) 攜手展開為期多年的合作計劃,運用擴增實境體驗,提升美國本地社群的公民參與度。

EN We later announced a multi-year partnership with the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation to advance civic engagement in local communities around the United States through augmented reality experiences.

ZH 约翰·博特(John Boot)在英国诺丁汉鹅门(Goose Gate)开设了第一家 “博姿”(Boots)门店销售草本药

EN John Boot opens first Boots store, selling herbal remedies, in Goose Gate, Nottingham, UK

ZH “博姿”(Boots)业务在创始人约翰·博特(John Boot)的儿子杰西·博特(Jesse Boot)手中开始发展壮大

EN The Boots business begins to develop under Jesse Boot, John Boot's son

ZH 包括 Miles Davis、John Coltrane 和 Norah Jones

EN Including Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Norah Jones

ZH John Warne 的音乐、视频、数据和照片 | Last.fm

EN John Warne music, videos, stats, and photos | Last.fm

ZH John Kenny (French Creek Racing) 的统计信息

EN John Kenny (French Creek Racing)'s Stats

ZH Special Presidential Envoy for Climate)约翰·克里(John Kerry)于7月在伦敦指出:“越来越多的国家正在壮大他们对气候行动的承诺——而且他们的人民和他们的经济也因而受益。”

EN Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry in July while in London.

ZH 剧作家雅格布∙布兰登-詹金斯(Branden Jacob-Jenkins)因创作风格犀利、思想深刻的作品获奖。 (John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation)

EN Playwright Branden Jacobs-Jenkins is winning accolades for his provocative, thoughtful dramas. (John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation)

ZH 地理生物学家维多利亚∙奥凡(Victoria Orphan)在加利福尼亚州(California)某敞开式实验室研究微生物。 (John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation)

EN Geobiologist Victoria Orphan examines micro-organisms in an open-air laboratory in California. (John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation)

EN John Corbett, Director - Vision Systems

ZH 來自美國的 John K. 於 Hostadvice.com 寫道

EN John K. from United States, on Hostadvice.com

中国人 英语
k k

ZH 通过数百个电视历史节目和无线电广播节目、电影、照片和文物,重现约翰·F·肯尼迪总统 (President John F. Kennedy) 被暗杀的故事。

EN Relive the story of President Kennedy’s assassination through hundreds of historic television and radio broadcasts, films, photographs and artifacts.

ZH Elizabeth J. Phillips(医学博士)是范德堡大学医学中心医学系的教授和 John A. Oates 临床研究主席。

EN Elizabeth J. Phillips, MD, is a professor of medicine and John A. Oates Chair in Clinical Research in the Department of Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN.

ZH John Pitts:BSV网络的价值可能是个“天文数字”

EN Taylor Searle: Introducing gamers to Handcash

ZH John Pitts曾是华尔街的一名科技分析师,他凭借评估互联网公司的经验,有理有据地对Bitcoin SV和BTC的前景做出了猜测。

EN On this episode of CoinGeek Conversations, Taylor explains how they will push gaming to the next level with the help of the BSV blockchain.

ZH 大学经常声称要在全球市场上保持竞争力,但他们招聘的校长通常来自国内。随着一些世界顶级大学由海外人士领导,约翰·罗斯(John Ross)探寻是否应该有更多大学效仿

EN Resistance to the knowledge generated by science will only be overcome with the help of the humanities. But what can universities do to bridge C. P. Snow’s famous divide between these fields, which endures to this day?

ZH John Booth of Carbon3IT examines the EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres (Energy Efficiency) (EUCOC) best practices as they relate to power management, as well as other recent initiatives. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN John Booth of Carbon3IT examines the EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres (Energy Efficiency) (EUCOC) best practices as they relate to power management, as well as other recent initiatives. Read full information on external site

ZH John Hamilton 和 Sébastien Gros 合伙成立了 Unlimited (UNLTD),意图为交互式电影设立新的标准。 

EN John Hamilton and Sébastien Gros formed Unlimited (UNLTD) with the intention of setting a new standard for interactive cinema.  

ZH 罗伯特·德弗里斯(Robert de Vries)和约翰·杰里姆(John Jerrim)说,只有失败者关注优秀的科学,因此“最好”去造假,改变方向并依托裙带关系

EN The UK’s whole-genome sequencing project could spark a global step change in the treatment of rare diseases, says Damian Smedley

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