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ZH Converts a CSS color string to CSS rgb() format. If the input color has an alpha component, then the output will be in CSS rgba() format. 進一步了解

EN Converts a CSS color string to CSS rgb() format. If the input color has an alpha component, then the output will be in CSS rgba() format. Learn more

ZH Converts a CSS color string to CSS hsl() format. If the input color has an alpha component, then the output will be in CSS hsla() format. 進一步了解

EN Converts a CSS color string to CSS hsl() format. If the input color has an alpha component, then the output will be in CSS hsla() format. Learn more

ZH 通过把用于首屏内容的任何关键路径 CSS 直接包括在&LThead>中来将这些 CSS 进行内联。内联的关键 CSS

EN Inline any critical-path CSS used for above-the-fold content by including it directly in &LThead>.Critical CSS inlined

ZH color-scheme CSS 属性和相应 meta 标记由 Rune Lillesveen 实施。Rune 也是 CSS 颜色调整模块级别 1 规范的共同编辑者。主图作者:Philippe Leone 来源:Unsplash。CSS

EN The color-scheme CSS property and the corresponding meta tag were implemented by Rune Lillesveen. Rune is also a co-editor of the CSS Color Adjustment Module Level 1 specification. Hero image by Philippe Leone on Unsplash.CSS

ZH 关键 CSS (Critical CSS) 是一种提取首屏内容 CSS,以便尽快向用户呈现内容的技术。

EN Critical CSS is a technique that extracts the CSS for above-the-fold content in order to render content to the user as fast as possible.

ZH CSS 属性值的更改可能需要浏览器对这些更改做出反应。许多值都会触发重排、绘制和合成,例如box-shadow和box-sizing。很多 CSS 属性可以通过代价更小的方式进行更改。

EN Changes to CSS property values can require the browser to react to these changes. A number of values trigger re-layout, paint and composite such as box-shadow and box-sizing. A number of CSS properties can be changed in a less costly manner.

ZH 对于 Rollup:rollup-plugin-css-porterLCP 改进示例:削减 CSS 前后对比

EN For Rollup: rollup-plugin-css-porterExample of LCP improvement: Before and after minifying CSS

ZH 将重要样式进行内联后,就不再需要通过往返请求来获取关键 CSS。延迟加载其余部分可以最大限度地减少 CSS 阻塞时间。

EN Inlining important styles eliminates the need to make a round-trip request to fetch critical CSS. Deferring the rest minimizes CSS blocking time.

ZH Critters 是一个 webpack 插件,能够内联关键 CSS 并对其余部分进行懒加载LCP 改进示例:内联关键 CSS 前后对比

EN Critters is a webpack plugin that inlines critical CSS and lazy-loads the restExample of LCP improvement: Before and after inlining critical CSS

ZH 有时,在某个 CSS 或 JavaScript 文件中声明或使用的重要资源可能会比您所期望的要晚一点被获取,例如深藏在应用程序众多 CSS 文件中的某个字体。

EN At times, important resources that are declared or used in a certain CSS or JavaScript file may be fetched later than you would like, such as a font tucked deep in one of the many CSS files of an application.

ZH 将提取的样式内联到 HTML 文档的 &LThead> 中,从而无需发出额外的请求就能获取这些样式。 CSS 的其余部分可以异步加载。内联关键 CSS

EN Inlining extracted styles in the &LThead> of the HTML document eliminates the need to make an additional request to fetch these styles. The remainder of the CSS can be loaded asynchronously.Inlined critical CSS

ZH 此技术可实现的性能提升取决于您的网站类型。一般来说,网站使用的 CSS 越多,内联 CSS 可能产生的影响就越大。

EN The performance impact you can achieve with this technique depends on the type of your website. Generally speaking, the more CSS a site has, the greater the possible impact of inlined CSS.

ZH 它没有内联和缩小关键 CSS 的选项,但它允许您强制包含实际上不属于关键 CSS 的规则,并提供了对包含 @font-face 声明的更精细的控制。

EN It doesn't have options to inline and minify critical CSS, but it does let you force-include rules that don't actually belong in critical CSS and gives you more granular control over including @font-face declarations.

ZH Penthouse 不会自动检测样式表,您必须指定要为其生成关键 CSS 的 HTML 和 CSS 文件。好处是它擅长并行处理多个作业。性能CSS

EN Penthouse doesn't detect stylesheets automatically, you have to specify the HTML and CSS files that you want to generate critical CSS for. The upside is that it's good at running many jobs in parallel.PerformanceCSS

ZH 现代 CSS 布局使开发人员只需按几下键就可以编写十分有意义且强大的样式规则。上面的讨论和接下来的帖文研究了 10 种强大的 CSS 布局,它们实现了一些非凡的工作。

EN Modern CSS layouts enable developers to write really meaningful and robust styling rules with just a few keystrokes. The talk above and this subsequent post examine 10 powerful lines of CSS that do some serious heavy lifting.

ZH 内联关键 CSS 并延迟非关键 CSS

EN Inline critical CSS and defer non-critical CSS

ZH Lighthouse 报告的“Opportunities(机会)”部分列出了所有未使用 CSS 的样式表,可能节省 2 KiB 或更多。删除未使用的 CSS 以减少网络活动消耗的不必要的字节:

EN The Opportunities section of your Lighthouse report lists all stylesheets with unused CSS with a potential savings of 2 KiB or more. Remove the unused CSS to reduce unnecessary bytes consumed by network activity:

ZH 借助 Chrome DevTools 的“Coverage(覆盖率)”选项卡,您可以发现关键和非关键 CSS。请参阅使用 Coverage 选项卡查看已使用和未使用的 CSS。Chrome DevTools:Coverage 选项卡。

EN The Coverage tab of Chrome DevTools can help you discover critical and uncritical CSS. See View used and unused CSS with the Coverage tab.Chrome DevTools: Coverage tab.

ZH 内联关键 CSS 并延迟非关键 CSS #

EN Inline critical CSS and defer non-critical CSS #

ZH 修正了 CSS 最小化 URL 重写逻辑,该逻辑会影响某些使用协议的懒加载和 CSS URL 地址

EN Fixed CSS minify URL rewrite logic that affected some lazy loading and CSS URL addresses using protocols

ZH 從 JavaScript、CSS 和 HTML 文檔中刪除不必要的字元。

EN Removes unnecessary characters from JavaScript, CSS, and HTML files.

ZH <strong>资源</strong>:图像、JavaScript、CSS 有问题

EN <strong>Resources</strong>: issues with images, JavaScript, CSS

ZH 更新:从风格标签移除 type=?text/css?

EN Update: remove type=?text/css? from style tags.

ZH 修复:推荐(Testimonial) CSS 的问题

EN Fix: Issue with testimonial css specificity.

ZH 修复:编辑器中的列不输出自定义 css 类的问题

EN Fix: Issue with columns in editor not outputting custom css classes.

ZH 修复:行布局移动网格 css 的问题

EN Fix: Issue with row layout mobile grid css.

ZH 修复:某些行垂直对齐设置的 CSS 问题。

EN Fix: CSS issue with some row vertical alignment settings.

ZH 修复:CSS 用于lightbox 在一些情况下

EN Fix: CSS for lightbox in some situations.

ZH 更新 CSS 以防止某些设置冲突出现问题

EN Update Css to prevent issue with some settings conflict.

ZH 更新:为旧版本的 safari 调整 css

EN Update: Tweak css for old versions of safari.

ZH 更新:改变Blocks CSS 的加载方式,现在只加载页面上使用的块。

EN Update: Change how Blocks CSS is loaded, now only loads for blocks used on page.

ZH 修复:一些主题添加下划线的小 CSS 问题.

EN Fix: Small CSS issue with some themes adding underline.

ZH 修复:标签的小 CSS 问题

EN Fix: Small CSS issue with tabs.

ZH 更新:CSS 放置在头部如果它时可能的,如果在内容区域之外,则恢复为内联

EN Update: CSS placed in head if possible, reverts to inline if outside content area.

ZH 更新: CSS 构建用于Gutenberg更新

EN Update: CSS build for Gutenberg update.

ZH General filters serve many different purposes including formatting, converting, and applying CSS classes. 進一步了解

EN General filters serve many different purposes including formatting, converting, and applying CSS classes. Learn more

ZH Color filters change or extract properties from CSS color strings. These filters are commonly used with color theme settings. 進一步了解

EN Color filters change or extract properties from CSS color strings. These filters are commonly used with color theme settings. Learn more

ZH Converts a CSS color string to hex6 format. Hex output is always in hex6 format. If there is an alpha channel in the input color, it will not appear in the output. 進一步了解

EN Converts a CSS color string to hex6 format. Hex output is always in hex6 format. If there is an alpha channel in the input color, it will not appear in the output. Learn more

ZH Returns a CSS @font-face declaration to load the chosen font. 進一步了解

EN Returns a CSS @font-face declaration to load the chosen font. Learn more

ZH As a best practice, it's recommended that you apply the template name as a CSS class on your HTML body tag. 進一步了解

EN As a best practice, it's recommended that you apply the template name as a CSS class on your HTML body tag. Learn more

ZH 面向 Web 开发者的 HTML、CSS 与 Javascript 课程

EN International Travel Preparation, Safety, & Wellness

ZH /myInsight/FrameWork.css,该文件将覆盖所有其他设置。

EN <webapps folder>/myInsight/FrameWork.css, This file overrules all the other settings.

ZH 步骤#3。 进入新文件夹并创建一个 新文件。点击您的新文件夹>>单击页面顶部左上角的"+文件">>命名新文件"style.css"。

EN Step #3. Go into your new folder and make a new file. Click on your new folder >> Click "+File" on the top left-hand corner of the page >> Name the new file "style.css."

ZH #144:CSS 中文排版的十年跬步

EN The Unconventional Career Path Of Interior Designer Yasmine Ghoniem Of YSG Studio

ZH 在不压缩 JS/CSS 的情况下构建站点。

EN Build website without minimizing JS/CSS bundles.

ZH 您还可以使用网站配置工具为您的 CONTENTdm 网站添加自定义脚本、自定义 CSS 以及自定义网页。这些定制需要一定的编程技术。

EN The Website Configuration Tool also lets you add custom scripts, custom CSS, and custom web pages to your CONTENTdm site. These customizations require some programming skills.

ZH 如果您的主题未内置对“无限滚动”功能的支持,请继续阅读,详细了解关于为主题添加支持以及使用 CSS 定制外观的说明。

EN If your theme does not have Infinite Scroll support built in, read on for detailed instructions on adding support to your theme and using CSS to customize the look.

ZH 自定義觸發器–當存取者按一下頁面上的東西時,將顯示彈出視窗。要設置此內容,您必須將外掛程式添加到頁面,然後在特殊的 CSS 類中包裹一段文本、按鈕或圖像,就像這樣。。。

EN Custom trigger – popup will appear when a visitor clicks something on your page. To set this up, you must add the plugin to the page, then wrap a piece of text, button, or image in a special CSS class, like this…

ZH 这不是 highlight.js 的行为,因此需要为 <figure> 和 <table> 添加自定义 CSS 代码。部分主题对此提供内建支持。

EN It is not the behavior of highlight.js and requires custom CSS for <figure> and <table> elements; some themes have built-in support.

ZH 使用服务器端高亮时(preprocess 设置为 true),只需要在站点引入 Prismjs 的主题(CSS 样式表)即可;而使用浏览器端高亮时(preprocess 设置为 false),需要将 JavaScript 文件也引入。

EN When use server-side mode (set preprocess to true), you only need to include prismjs theme (css stylesheet) in your website. When use browser-side (set preprocess to false), you have to include the javascript library as well.

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