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ZH 我們是 Salesforce Customer 360 的成員。Salesforce Customer 360 以資料為核心,是協助組織進行數位轉型的重要功臣。Tableau 以原生方式內嵌在 Salesforce CRM 中,能為使用者提供 AI 驅動的洞見。

EN We’re part of the Salesforce Customer 360, a key enabler for digital transformation with data at its core. Tableau is natively embedded in Salesforce CRM to empower users with AI-driven insights.

ZH Tableau CRM 是 Salesforce 的原生項目,因此 Salesforce 中進行的每一個動作和決策,都可以完美地將資料融入到其中。  

EN Tableau CRM is native to Salesforce, so data can be woven seamlessly into every action and decision taken in Salesforce.  

ZH 無論您使用的是 Salesforce Sales Cloud,還是正運用我們其中一項行銷或服務模組,TIBCO 都能將您的其他企業應用程式與 Salesforce 相互整合,協助簡化業務。

EN Whether you're using Salesforce Sales Cloud, or taking advantage of one of the marketing or service modules, TIBCO can help you streamline your business by integrating Salesforce with your other business applications.

ZH Vonage Contact Center 可与 Salesforce 进行原生集成,因而成为了使用 Salesforce CRM 的服务和销售团队的不二之选。为各类不同规模的企业提供一系列联络中心解决方案。

EN Vonage Contact Center integrates natively with Salesforce, making it the clear choice for service and sales teams using Salesforce CRM. Choose from a range of contact center solutions for every business size.

ZH 無論您使用的是 Salesforce Sales Cloud,還是正運用我們其中一項行銷或服務模組,TIBCO 都能將您的其他企業應用程式與 Salesforce 相互整合,協助簡化業務。

EN Whether you're using Salesforce Sales Cloud, or taking advantage of one of the marketing or service modules, TIBCO can help you streamline your business by integrating Salesforce with your other business applications.

ZH 在雲端部署、在內部部署或與 Salesforce CRM 原生整合。透過完全整合的 AI/ML 功能、控管和資料管理、視覺化敘述和協作,連接到所有資料。

EN Deploy in the cloud, on-premises, or natively integrate with Salesforce CRM. Connect to all of your data with fully integrated AI/ML capabilities, governance and data management, visual storytelling and collaboration.

ZH Salesforce,我們將透過 Einstein AI 等產品加速創新。有了 Tableau CRM,您可以用更智慧化的方式工作、更快速發現趨勢,並運用世界第一的 CRM 預測結果。

EN As part of Salesforce, we are putting rocket boosters on our innovation with Einstein AI and more. With Tableau CRM you can work smarter, spot trends faster, and predict outcomes natively in the world’s #1 CRM.

EN Learn English: Writing Effectively with Complex Sentences Specialization

ZH Salesforce.com,包含 Force.com 和 Database.com

EN Salesforce.com, including Force.com and Database.com

ZH 瞭解 Tableau 和 Salesforce 如何實現平等

ZH 為外部團隊、合作夥伴和客戶提供簡單安全的分析存取,無需虛擬專用網路。只需按幾下,即可輕鬆在 Web 和 Salesforce 等應用程式中嵌入互動式儀表板。

EN Give external teams, partners and clients simple and secure access to analytics – no virtual private networks required. Easily embed interactive dashboards on the web and within apps like Salesforce in just a few clicks.

ZH 揭開資料要述說的故事。Tableau CRM(原稱 Einstein Analytics)可直接在工作流程中,為您的 Salesforce CRM 使用者提供可據以行動的見解,以及 AI 驅動的分析技術。

EN Discover the story your data has to tell. Tableau CRM (formerly Einstein Analytics) empowers your Salesforce CRM users with actionable insights and AI-driven analytics right in their workflow.

ZH 使用自訂 SOQL 關係查詢連線至 Salesforce 資料

EN Connect to Salesforce data using custom SOQL relationship queries

ZH 使用自訂 SOQL 連線至 Salesforce 資料時,您現在可以利用 SOQL 關係查詢一次存取多個物件,讓您在單一查詢中輕鬆提取多個物件的欄位。

EN When connecting to Salesforce data using custom SOQL, you can now access multiple objects at once using SOQL relationship queries. Easily pull fields from multiple objects in a single query.

EN Integrate Salesforce with Anything

ZH TIBCO Cloud™ Integration 軟體提供預先建立的連接器,可連接至 Salesforce Sales Cloud、Marketing Cloud、Pardot 和 Service Cloud 等多種應用程式。您也可輕鬆快速連接至自己的自訂 force.com 應用程式。

EN TIBCO Cloud™ Integration software offers pre-built connectors to many applications, including Salesforce Sales Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Pardot, and Service Cloud. You can even connect to your own custom force.com applications quickly and easily.

ZH Salesforce 管理員喜歡 TIBCO 符合直覺的圖形化設計環境和生命週期管理工具,因為他們無需編寫程式碼,就能建立精密複雜的整合內容。當然,您也可以選擇在此編寫程式碼。

EN Salesforce admins love TIBCO's intuitive graphical design environment and lifecycle management tools because they can create sophisticated integrations without writing code. Those who wish to code have that option, too.

ZH 將數據在較舊系統或其他產品與 Salesforce 之間來回遷移。TIBCO Cloud Integration 軟體即服務可存取您在內部部署系統和雲端中的數據。

EN Migrate data from older systems or alternative products into Salesforce or vice versa. TIBCO Cloud Integration software as a service can access your data in on-premises systems as well as in the cloud.

ZH Salesforce Connector 将 App Annie Intelligence 估算直接嵌入到您的潜在客户记录中,以帮助您建立更好的管道并达成交易。

EN Salesforce Connector embeds App Annie Intelligence estimates directly in your lead records to help you build a better pipeline and close deals.

Китайська Англійська
app app

ZH 无论您是 SDR、AE 还是两者之间的职位,我们的工作流引擎都能轻松跟踪机会和潜在客户。粘贴自动同步的 Salesforce Smartlink,让每个人都了解最新状况。

EN Whether you’re an SDR, AE, or anything between, tracking opportunities and leads is easy with our workflow engine. Paste our Salesforce Smart Links that sync automatically to keep everyone up to date.

ZH 使用 Salesforce Starters,您將能夠更快速調整銷售漏斗、更確實支援您的銷售團隊,並以前所未有的速度運用您自己的銷售資料。

EN With Salesforce Starters, you’ll be able to fine-tune your sales funnel, better support your sales team and unlock the power of your own sales data faster than ever before.


ZH 讓更多人更輕鬆地與資料互動。將您的視覺化項內嵌到其他商務應用程式中,例如 Salesforce 和 Microsoft Sharepoint。

EN Make it easier for more people to interact with data. Embed your vizzes into other business applications like Salesforce and Microsoft Sharepoint.

ZH 適用於 Salesforce 的 Tableau Viz Lightning Web 元件

ZH 透過 Tableau Viz LWC,任何使用者都能非常輕鬆地將 Tableau 視覺化直接整合至 Salesforce 頁面中。

EN The Tableau Viz LWC makes it incredibly easy for any user to integrate Tableau visualisations right into Salesforce pages.

EN Einstein Discovery technical white paper (Salesforce)

ZH 深入瞭解在機器學習領域中,Salesforce 的 Einstein Discovery 有哪些可創造差異化的能力與獨特功能。

EN Dive deeper to understand the differentiating capabilities and unique features of Salesforce’s Einstein Discovery within the machine-learning space.

ZH 与您的 CRM 和人力资源系统(如 Salesforce、ZenDesk 和 Oracle)集成,以推动弹出屏幕、个性化自助服务,并根据互动反馈数据。

EN Integrate your CRM and HR systems—like Salesforce, ZenDesk and Oracle—to drive screen pops, personalise self-service and feed data back based on the interaction.

ZH 本課程是 Salesforce 销售运营 專業證書 專項課程的一部分

EN This course is part of the Salesforce Sales Operations Professional Certificate

EN About the Salesforce Sales Operations Professional Certificate

ZH 联网客户状况报告(State of the Connected Customer) ,Salesforce Research,2018 年 6 月

EN State of the Connected Customer, Salesforce Research, June 2018

ZH Salesforce 深度集成为所有渠道上的每位客户提供具有完整情境参与记录的服务和销售团队。

EN Deep Salesforce integration provides service and sales teams with fully contextual engagement histories — for every customer on every channel.

ZH 加快业务速度,消除数据孤岛。自动将呼叫信息推送到 Salesforce,以便您的团队可以随时随地访问呼叫数据。

EN Accelerate your business and remove data silos. Automatically push call information to Salesforce so your teams can access call data whenever and wherever they want.

ZH Salesforce、Pipedrive 和任何 CRM 进行简单的集成

EN Simple integrations with Salesforce, Pipedrive, and any CRM

ZH 在任何 CRM 系统中保留呼叫的链接,以便您可以轻松访问成绩单。与 Salesforce、HubSpot、Pipedrive、InSightly、微软动态 365、Fressales 和 Zoho 合作。

EN Keep a link to the call in any CRM system so you can easily access the transcript. Works with Salesforce, HubSpot, Pipedrive, Insightly, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Freshsales, and Zoho.

ZH Salesforce Anywhere 結合了功能強大的新技術與平台服務,協助組織在全數位、任何地點都能工作的世界中進入全新的生產力與客戶成功層級,而這種情況將會成為新常態。

EN Salesforce Anywhere brings together powerful new technologies and platform services to help organisations unlock new levels of productivity and customer success in the all-digital, work-from-anywhere world that's becoming the new normal.

ZH Salesforce 签署收购 Tableau 的最终协议

EN Salesforce signs definitive agreement to acquire Tableau

ZH Pardot:其Cookies政策可在以下链接找到:https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=pardot_basics_cookies.htm&type=5。

EN Pardot: whose Cookies Policy can be found at the following link: https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=pardot_basics_cookies.htm&type=5.

ZH 这些只是我们10,000多个问题库的一个小型样本。关于这个的实际问题 Salesforce Online Test 将是不可戈戈尔德的.

EN These are just a small sample from our library of 10,000+ questions. The actual questions on this Salesforce Online Test will be non-googleable.

EN How to use the Adaface Salesforce Online Test

ZH 随时随地在几分钟内开始筛选候选人 Salesforce Online Test

EN Start screening candidates within minutes with the ready-to-go Salesforce Online Test

ZH 定制 Adaface Salesforce Online Test 根据您的职位描述

EN Customize the Adaface Salesforce Online Test according to your job description

EN Adaface Salesforce Online Test is trusted by enterprises worldwide

EN Have any questions about the Adaface Salesforce Online Test?

ZH 示範如何建立私有 Alexa 技能以存取 Salesforce 資料

EN Demonstrates how to build a private Alexa skill to access Salesforce data

ZH 与您的 CRM 和人力资源系统(如 Salesforce、ZenDesk 和 Oracle)集成,以推动弹出屏幕、个性化自助服务,并根据互动反馈数据。

EN Integrate your CRM and HR systems—like Salesforce, ZenDesk and Oracle—to drive screen pops, personalise self-service and feed data back based on the interaction.

ZH 是的,我想要收到有關 Salesforce 產品、服務和活動的行銷文宣。我可以隨時取消訂閱。

EN Yes, I would like to receive marketing communications regarding Salesforce products, services, and events. I can unsubscribe at any time.

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