"opentype"'i İngilizce diline çevirin

"opentype" ifadesinin Çince ile İngilizce arasındaki 17 çevirisinden 17 tanesi gösteriliyor

opentype kelimesinin Çince ile İngilizce çevirisi


ZH 打开最新 OpenType 字体的所有风格功能

EN Open up all stylistic features of the latest OpenType fonts

ZH 三种样式的手绘字样(Script、Sans 和 Serif)设计用于相互结合使用。Sans 和 Script 字体是 OpenType 字体,可让您在写字中添加更多细节。

EN A hand drawn typeface in three styles — Script, Sans and Serif — designed to be used in combination with each other. The Sans and Script fonts are OpenType fonts, letting you add extra detail to your lettering.

ZH 此字样是自由流动的画笔手迹与精致的无衬线字体的完美配对。使用这些字体的 OpenType 功能可以将您的设计提升到新水平。

EN This typeface is a perfectly paired font duo of free-flowing brush script and a sophisticated sans-serif. Use the OpenType features of these fonts to elevate your designs.

ZH Ian 的标志性风格字样之一,具有细腻的纹理和不均匀的基线,旨在提供真实的手绘外观。OpenType 功能提供了许多选项。

EN One of Ian’s signature style typefaces with subtle textures and uneven baselines, created to give that authentic, hand drawn look. Many options are available with OpenType features.

ZH 尽情使用完整的文本功能,包括 OpenType

EN Enjoy full text capabilities, including OpenType

EN OpenType support and glyph browser

ZH 尽情使用完整的文本功能,包括 OpenType

EN Enjoy full text capabilities, including OpenType

ZH 打开最新 OpenType 字体的所有风格功能

EN Open up all stylistic features of the latest OpenType fonts

ZH 三种样式的手绘字样(Script、Sans 和 Serif)设计用于相互结合使用。Sans 和 Script 字体是 OpenType 字体,可让您在写字中添加更多细节。

EN A hand drawn typeface in three styles — Script, Sans and Serif — designed to be used in combination with each other. The Sans and Script fonts are OpenType fonts, letting you add extra detail to your lettering.

ZH 此字样是自由流动的画笔手迹与精致的无衬线字体的完美配对。使用这些字体的 OpenType 功能可以将您的设计提升到新水平。

EN This typeface is a perfectly paired font duo of free-flowing brush script and a sophisticated sans-serif. Use the OpenType features of these fonts to elevate your designs.

ZH Ian 的标志性风格字样之一,具有细腻的纹理和不均匀的基线,旨在提供真实的手绘外观。OpenType 功能提供了许多选项。

EN One of Ian’s signature style typefaces with subtle textures and uneven baselines, created to give that authentic, hand drawn look. Many options are available with OpenType features.

ZH 使用 OpenType、Type 1 和 True Type 字体创建优雅的文本

EN Create elegant text with OpenType, Type 1, and True Type fonts

ZH 使用高级 OpenType 功能,包括连字

EN Use advanced OpenType features including Ligatures

ZH 使用 OpenType、Type 1 和 True Type 字体添加优雅的文本

EN Add elegant text with OpenType, Type 1, and True Type fonts

ZH 使用 OpenType、True Type 和 Type 1 字体创建优雅的文本

EN Create elegant text with OpenType, True Type and Type 1 fonts

ZH 使用 OpenType 功能(连字、花体、样式替换和集)

EN Use OpenType features (ligatures, swashes, stylistic alternates and sets)

ZH 已实现 OpenType 字符变量示例和参数名称

EN Implemented OpenType character variant samples and parameter names

17 çeviriden 17 tanesi gösteriliyor