"sdk" ஐ ஆங்கிலம் க்கு மொழிபெயர்க்கவும்

சீன இலிருந்து ஆங்கிலம் வரையிலான "sdk" சொற்றொடரின் 50 மொழிபெயர்ப்புகளின் 50 ஐக் காட்டுகிறது

சீன இன் ஆங்கிலம் இன் sdk இன் மொழிபெயர்ப்பு


ZH Unity Ads SDK 每年更新数次,以添加新功能、修复错误或应对广告行业生态系统的变化。单击此处获取最新的 Ads SDK

EN The Unity Ads SDK is updated several times a year to add new features, fix bugs, or to address changes in the ad industry ecosystem. Get the latest Ads SDK here.

ZH 从 Chartboost SDK v8.0.1 开始,我们的 Android SDK 以 AAR 的方式发布。

EN As of Chartboost Android SDK v8.0.1, our Android SDKs will be released as AAR.

ZH 透過 GameSense SDK,您可以輕鬆整合任何應用程式。使用 GameSense SDK 建立您自己的 Engine 應用程式,而且您的遊戲或應用程式還能與超過一百萬名的 SteelSeries Engine 活躍玩家聯繫!

EN We’ve made it easy to integrate any application with the GameSense SDK. Create your own Engine App using the GameSense SDK and your game or application could reach over a million SteelSeries Engine daily users!

ZH 欺诈者会模仿 SDK 的通讯方式,伪造交互、安装和事件。如果 SDK 遭到破坏,欺诈者就能大规模地进行欺诈活动。

EN Fraudsters can replicate how SDKs communicate and make up engagements, installs, and events from thin air. When a SDK is compromised, a fraudster can commit fraud at scale.

ZH 加密是能有效防止 SDK 伪造的唯一方法,而 Adjust 是市场上唯一提供先进多层加密技术的 MMP,能保护您不受 SDK 伪造的侵扰且无额外费用。

EN Encryption is the only way to effectively stop SDK Spoofing, and we’re the only provider that offers cutting-edge multi-layered encryption to protect against SDK Spoofing at no extra charge.

ZH 客户需要购买 Adjust 广告收入套餐才能启用 SDK-to-SDK 广告收入集成。如果您尚未启用广告收入套餐,或有意向了解该套餐的优势,欢迎联系 sales@adjust.com。

EN These SDK-to-SDK postbacks require the Adjust Ad Revenue package. If you have not yet activated the ad revenue package on your account or are interested to learn about the benefits, reach out to sales@adjust.com.

ZH 要开始使用该功能,请确保使用可支持的最低版本 Adjust SDK。以下为我们的 SDK Github 开发者文档链接。

EN To get started, make sure you’re using the minimum supported Adjust SDK version. Below are the links to our SDK Github developer documentation.

ZH 要使用 SDK-to-SDK 广告收入跟踪功能,您可能需要在合作伙伴方面进行某些配置。请点击下面列出的任意合作伙伴,进一步了解其回调设置方法。

EN To make use of SDK-to-SDK ad revenue tracking, you may have to configure some settings on your partner's side. Click on any of the listed partners to learn more about how to set up these postbacks.

ZH 使用 SDK-to-SDK 回调接收 Unity 和 Helium by Chartboost 广告收入数据。

EN Retrieve your Unity and Helium by Chartboost ad revenue data using SDK-to-SDK postbacks.

ZH 现在,您可以使用 SDK-to-SDK 回调接收 Admost 广告收入数据。

EN You can now retrieve Admost ad revenue data using SDK-to-SDK postbacks.

ZH Unity Ads SDK 每年更新数次,以添加新功能、修复错误或应对广告行业生态系统的变化。单击此处获取最新的 Ads SDK

EN The Unity Ads SDK is updated several times a year to add new features, fix bugs, or to address changes in the ad industry ecosystem. Get the latest Ads SDK here.

ZH 無需 Java 注入和移動 SDK,即可即時部署並防禦各種機器人攻擊。

EN Instant deployment and protection against a full range of bot attacks without Javascript injection and mobile SDK.

ZH 不使用移動 SDK 即可保護您的行動裝置應用程式免受盜用和模仿攻擊。該解決方案還保護可通過 Web 瀏覽器訪問的 API。

EN Protects your mobile applications from impersonation and emulation attacks without using mobile SDK. The solution also protects APIs that are accessed via web browsers.

ZH ??????????SDKs????? ??? API ?????????????Logic??? ?????? SDK ?????????????????.

EN Yes, we currently have two SDKs available. The Automation API lets you control the Logic Software from your own application. The Protocol Analyzer SDK lets you create your own protocol analyzer plugins.

ZH 利用 Oracle Content Management 作为无外设 CMS 及其软件开发工具包 (SDK) 来提供 JavaScript 中的内容,从而构建简便的简便站点。

EN Build a simple minimal site in React by leveraging Oracle Content Management as a headless CMS as well as its software development kit (SDK) for content delivery in JavaScript.

ZH Oracle Linux 支持 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure。了解 Oracle Cloud 部署的全新计算映像、SDK 和实用程序。

EN Oracle Linux powers Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Learn about the latest compute images, SDKs and utilities for your Oracle Cloud deployments.

ZH Camo SDK 与 Switcher Studio 作为第一个合作伙伴一起发布 - Reincubate

EN Camo SDK launches with Switcher Studio as first partner - Reincubate

ZH Reincubate 的首席执行官兼创始人 Aidan Fitzpatrick 在 2020 年 7 月公开发布 Camo 后一直与团队一起开发 Camo SDK 平台,以帮助用户使用他们已经拥有的相机获得惊人的视频质量。

EN CEO and Founder of Reincubate, Aidan Fitzpatrick, has been developing the Camo SDK platform with the team, following the public release of Camo in July 2020 to help users access amazing video quality with cameras they already own.

ZH 借助 40 余个可选来源,App Annie Connect 将来自您的所有 App 和发行商账户 (即使有数千个账户也没有问题!) 的表现数据整合到一个综合平台中。无需整合 API 或 SDK

EN With 40+ sources to select from, App Annie Connect aggregates performance data from all of your apps and publisher accounts (even if in the thousands!) into one comprehensive platform. No API or SDK integration required.

EN We’ve outlined the top SDKs and apps since the introduction of iOS’s new privacy measures.

ZH Cloudflare Mobile SDK 可提供對全球所有電信網路中應用程式效能和載入時間的可見性。

EN Cloudflare’s Mobile SDK provides visibility into application performance and load times across any global carrier network.

ZH EBANX SDK 是为了简化安卓和 IOS 平台的令牌创建流程而开发的应用程序。

EN The EBANX SDK was created to facilitate the creation of tokens and was developed for both Android and IOS platforms.

ZH Unity Ads SDK 在保持轻量级设计的同时,确保你的游戏拥有最新的变现功能。

EN The Unity Ads SDK is designed to be lightweight while ensuring your game has the latest monetization features.

ZH 访问开发环境(沙箱、论坛、教程、API 和 SDK

ZH 借助出厂设置的标识符进行快速部署,信标可立即提供准确的室内位置,近距离检测,以及与 OmniAccess Stellar LBS 云平台或 SDK 实现交互。

EN With factory-set identifiers for instant operation, the beacon instantly provides accurate indoor location, proximity detection and interactions with OmniAccess Stellar LBS Cloud and SDK.

ZH 覆盖全语言平台的客户端和 SDK, AWS IoT Core、 Azure IoT Hub 等顶级云厂商物联网平台标准通信协议,物联网事实标准。

EN Its client and SDK covers all language platforms, it is an Internet of things platform standard communication protocol for AWS IoT Core Azure IoT Hub and other top cloud vendors, which is an actual standard of Internet of things

ZH Sitecore Mobile SDK 作为软件许可证的一部分免费提供

EN Sitecore Mobile SDK comes free of charge as part of your license

ZH 使用 Link-OS SDK 在 Windows、Linux、MacOS 和 Android 操作系统环境中创建证卡打印任务和发行自定义应用程序。

EN Use Link-OS SDK to create card print and issuance custom applications in Windows, Linux, MacOS, and Android OS environments.

ZH 现在,使用 Link-OS Java SDK 在 Java 环境中为证卡打印创建自定义应用程序,并发行应用程序。

EN Now use Link-OS Java SDK to create custom apps in the Java environment for card print and issuance applications.

ZH Zebra 证卡 SDK(适用于 ZXP Series 7、Series 8 及 Series 9 打印机)

ZH 将 ZXP Series 7、Series 8 和 Series 9 打印机与 ZMotif 软件开发者套件 (SDK) 搭配使用,使应用程序集成和证卡打印更加轻松便捷。

EN Make application integration and card printing even easier with the ZMotif Software Developers Kit (SDK) for ZXP Series 7 and Series 8 and 9 printers.

ZH 利用我们的 SDK,视频和源代码来开发您自己的应用。

EN Leverage our SDK, videos and source code to develop your own apps.

ZH 是,您可以將任何程式碼 (架構、SDK、程式庫等) 封裝為 Lambda 層,並在多個函數之間輕鬆管理和共用它們。

EN Yes, you can package any code (frameworks, SDKs, libraries, and more) as a Lambda Layer and manage and share them easily across multiple functions.

ZH 當透過 AWS Mobile SDK 進行呼叫時,AWS Lambda 函數會自動取得透過 'context' 物件來呼叫的裝置與應用程式的深入資料。

EN When called through the AWS Mobile SDK, AWS Lambda functions automatically gain insight into the device and application that made the call through the ‘context’ object.

ZH 新的 Next.js SDK 是一款企业级的 JavaScript 框架,能够提供从静态站点生成 (SSG) 到服务器端渲染 (SSR) 以及混合方法的灵活的交付模型

EN A new Next.js SDK ?an enterprise-ready JavaScript framework ? provides flexible delivery models ranging from static site generation (SSG) to server-side rendering (SSR) to hybrid approaches

ZH Keeper Commander SDK 为 IT 管理员和开发者提供开源代码、命令行工具和 API 来执行密码管理和密码轮换功能。

EN The Keeper Commander SDK provides IT admins and developers with open source code, command-line tools and APIs to perform password management and password rotation functionality.

ZH 专为增强和拓展 Capture One 图像编辑软件的性能而打造,Capture One 软件开发工具包 (SDK) 为您创造插件提供了完美的起点。 

EN The Capture One Software Development Kit (SDK) gives you the perfect starting point to create plug-ins to enhance and extend the capabilities of Capture One photo editing software. 

ZH 使用 CLI、Vagrant、minikube、Jenkins 和 SDK 自动化您的工作流程

ZH Unity 拥有强大而灵活的 AR 创作工具,可帮助您触达广泛的受众并克服开发挑战。访问高级创作工具、多平台支持以及包含资产、工具和 SDK 的生态系统。

EN Unity has powerful and flexible AR authoring tools that help you reach a wide audience and overcome development challenges. Access advanced authoring tools, multiplatform support, and an ecosystem of assets, tools, and SDKs.

ZH 第三方 SDK、插件和 Editor 应用程序等可以为 Unity 开发人员带来直接价值。公司与 Unity 合作,可以持续验证自身是否满足最新版本 Unity 的技术标准。

EN Third-party SDKs, plugins, Editor applications and more that offer direct value to Unity developers. Companies partner with Unity to verify compliance with the latest Unity releases on an ongoing basis.

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