"rainbow edge" ஐ ஆங்கிலம் க்கு மொழிபெயர்க்கவும்

சீன இலிருந்து ஆங்கிலம் வரையிலான "rainbow edge" சொற்றொடரின் 50 மொழிபெயர்ப்புகளின் 50 ஐக் காட்டுகிறது

சீன இன் ஆங்கிலம் இன் rainbow edge இன் மொழிபெயர்ப்பு


ZH 根据企业的需求,您可以将 Rainbow Edge 用作连通或独立的边缘,Rainbow Edge 是一款基于灵活架构的本地私有云解决方案,可让您选择本地数据中心或将解决方案托管在本地。

EN Rainbow Edge, an on-premises private cloud solution based on a flexible architecture, that lets you select a local data centre or host the solution on-premise, as a connected or a standalone edge.

ZH RainbowRainbow Office powered by RingCentral* 两种解决方案都能提供强大的协作功能,让您始终保持互联:

EN Rainbow and Rainbow Office powered by RingCentral* each offer you powerful collaboration features to always stay connected:

ZH 借助 Rainbow 简化员工生活。Rainbow 将各种通信方式,包括电话、视频会议、屏幕共享和安全消息传递等功能统一在一款可以随时随地使用的单一应用程序中。

EN Simplify the life of your employees with Rainbow. Rainbow unifies various means of communication - telephony, video conferencing, screen sharing and secure messaging - in a single application that can be used anywhere.

ZH RainbowRainbow Office powered by RingCentral* 两种解决方案都能提供强大的协作功能,让您始终保持互联:

EN Rainbow and Rainbow Office powered by RingCentral* each offer you powerful collaboration features to always stay connected:

ZH 借助 Rainbow 简化员工生活。Rainbow 将各种通信方式,包括电话、视频会议、屏幕共享和安全消息传递等功能统一在一款可以随时随地使用的单一应用程序中。

EN Simplify the life of your employees with Rainbow. Rainbow unifies various means of communication - telephony, video conferencing, screen sharing and secure messaging - in a single application that can be used anywhere.

ZH 阿尔卡特朗讯企业通信 Rainbow Edge 提供灵活的本地化私有云部署选项,可实现统一的通信和协作。

EN Rainbow Edge by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise provides flexible on-premises private cloud options enabling unified communications and collaborations.

EN Connected Edge - private on-premises data storage with access to global Rainbow application infrastructure

ZH 阿尔卡特朗讯企业通信 Rainbow Edge 提供灵活的本地化私有云部署选项,可实现统一的通信和协作。

EN Grow your business from anywhere with a complete and easy-to-use cloud business communications solution.

EN Connected Edge - private on-premises data storage with access to global Rainbow application infrastructure

ZH Data Centers 5 月 Be Cutting Edge, But Their Workforce Is Mostly On The Edge Of Retirement - bisnow.com

EN Data Centers May Be Cutting Edge, But Their Workforce Is Mostly On The Edge Of Retirement - bisnow.com

ZH 詳細瞭解 RainBow 如何説明您的企業推動協作、移動性和增長。

EN Learn more about how RainBow can help your enterprise propel collaboration, mobility and growth.

ZH 对于医疗保健行业而言,我们的目标是保护数字生态系统免受网络攻击,帮助医疗保健专业人员节省时间,并确保设施的安全。凭借 HDS 认证,Rainbow 解决方案可适于处理高度敏感的健康数据。

EN For Healthcare, the goals are to protect the digital ecosystem from cyberattacks, help healthcare professionals save time and ensure facilities are safe. With the HDS-certification, Rainbow solutions are suited to work with highly sensitive health data.

ZH 在医疗保健领域,紧急护理是永远的优先事项。Rainbow 平台所让音频警报和收据确认接收处于优先地位。

EN In healthcare emergency care always takes priority. The Rainbow platform provides the means to prioritize audio alerts and receive receipt confirmations.

ZH 使用 Rainbow Workflow 可让校园永远处于永远受保护状态。此解决方案会将已连接设备的数据转换为自动通知或操作集。

EN Always-on protection of a campus can be achieved with Rainbow Workflow. This solution turns connected devices’ data into automatic notifications or action sets.

ZH 借助 Rainbow 应用程序连接器,在现有的业务应用程序中嵌入易于使用的通信功能,为您的用户和代理商打造满意的服务。

EN Delight your users and agents by embedding easy-to-use communication services in your existing business applications with the Rainbow app connector.

ZH Rainbow 为开发者提供一个面向对象、流程和应用的连接器库,能够在交互信息的同时集成多媒体实时沟通方式

EN Rainbow offers developers a library of connectors to objects, processes, and applications to customize interactions while providing relevant information.

ZH 网络服务自动化: 这是自动化网络中的关键层,通过赋能可编程、配置、分析等能力,以及阿尔卡特朗讯企业通信 Rainbow 工作流引擎或第三方集成,实现网络自动化。

EN Network services automation. This is the key layer in the autonomous network that enables network automation through programmability, provisioning, analytics, the Rainbow by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise workflow engine, as well as third-party integration.

ZH Rainbow 数据中心位于注重隐私保护的国家,让您安心无忧。

EN You keep unique numbers for your mobile office to make it easier for customers to call you

ZH 借助 Rainbow 多媒体服务,实现丰富的通信功能

EN Rich communications using Rainbow multimedia services

ZH 体验专为医疗、酒店、政府、教育、交通等行业特别定制的应用。 Rainbow CPaaS 可提供定制化的解决方案。

EN Experience applications designed specifically for your industry, such as healthcare, hospitality, government, education, transportation and others. Rainbow CPaaS gives you the option to customise your solution and get access to a tailored offering.

ZH Rainbow Workflow; 将人、对象和流程连接起来以提供全新的服务,并通过触发物联网的方式,提高设备的智能化

EN Rainbow Workflow; connect human, objects and processes to build new services and make your IoT devices smarter by making them trigger actions

ZH SaaS Connectors; 利用您工作环境中的 Rainbow,通过实时协作和通信功能完善您的现有系统

EN SaaS Connectors; enrich your existing system with real-time collaboration and communication capabilities with Rainbow within your working environment

ZH Rainbow Alert; 借助音频警报确定消息传送系统的优先级,更有效地管理紧急情况

EN Rainbow Alert; prioritize your messaging system thanks to audio alerts and manage critical situations more efficiently

ZH Rainbow 云视频会议解决方案让会议变得简单便捷。通过安全的视频、聊天、屏幕和文件共享等手段,连接内部和外部联系人。

EN Rainbow cloud video conferencing makes meetings simple. Connect with internal and external contacts using secure video communication, instant messaging, screen and file sharing.

ZH Rainbow 视频会议通过互联网实现,可为您省下长途电话费用

EN Rainbow videoconferencing works over the internet: How to save the money that long-distance calls cost

ZH 每一次互动都可转变为持久的业务关系。借助 Rainbow,您的员工可以通过业务应用程序为客户提供快速且准确的响应。

EN Transforms any interaction into a lasting business relationship. With Rainbow, your employees work together to give your customers a fast and accurate response from their business application.

ZH Rainbow Classroom 通过与您的学习管理系统集成,提供卓越的远程虚拟课堂体验。

EN Rainbow Classroom creates a virtual classroom experience from a distance, and directly into your Learning Management System.

ZH Rainbow Alert 向用户提供附带紧急级别的即时通知以及接收确认系统。常用于医疗行业。

EN Rainbow Alert delivers instant notifications with an emergency level to users, plus receipt acknowledgment. Typically used in healthcare environments.

ZH Rainbow Room 重塑商务会议体验,通过与智能电视的集成,与您公司中的同事进行远程的不间断沟通。

EN Rainbow Room reproduces the business meeting experience and integrates into your Smart TV to seamlessly connect remote colleagues in your company.

ZH Rainbow Workflow 适用于希望增强物联网设备并将其数据转化为生产力的企业和行业。

EN Rainbow Workflow for businesses and industries that want to empower their connected devices and turn their data into actions.

ZH SaaS Connectors可将 Rainbow 功能无缝集成到现有的基础设施中。

EN SaaS Connectors enables seamless integration of Rainbow capabilities into existing infrastructure.

ZH Rainbow 应用程序,在电脑或移动设备上轻松实现多媒体互联和安全通信,支持版本包括: Windows、Mac、iOS 和 Android

EN Download the Rainbow App to connect easily and communicate securely on desktop or mobile devices. Choose from Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android versions.

ZH 借助 Rainbow CPaaS 提供的服务,您可以受益于专门为您的行业、公司和员工设计的解决方案。

EN With the Rainbow CPaaS offer, you benefit from solutions that are designed for your industry, your company and your employees.

ZH 阿尔卡特朗讯企业通信 Rainbow 电话连接器让企业能够将电话功能无缝集成到自己的 Microsoft Teams 应用中

EN Alcatel-Lucent Rainbow telephony connector lets enterprises seamlessly integrate telephony features into their Microsoft Teams application

ZH 借助 LBS 和 Rainbow,我们还可以为您提供专有技术,方便您开发、整合和部署可连接设备或新服务。

EN We can also transfer know-how to easy develop, adapt, integrate and deploy connected objects or new services, together with location-based services, Rainbow

ZH 旗舰产品的展示,例如 Rainbow Office powered by RingCentral 或阿尔卡特朗讯 OmniVista Cirrus

EN Demonstrations of flagship products, such as Rainbow Office powered by RingCentral or Alcatel-Lucent OmniVista Cirrus

ZH 为了做到这一点,车队的汽车和巴士上都配备了路由器和天线。Rainbow 为车队实现协作和服务。

EN To do this, team's cars and buses are equipped with routers and antennas. Rainbow enables collaboration and services for the team.

ZH Rainbow Network 採用超微、瞻寶、Linux、Windows 和 cPanel 等市場領導者的最佳元件進行整合和構建,在物理基礎設施方面投入了數千美元,以創建完美的計算環境。

EN Put together and built using the best of components from market leaders such as Supermicro, Juniper, Linux, Windows and cPanel, Rainbow Network has invested thousands in physical infrastructure to create a perfect computing environment.

ZH Rainbow 是一款在欧洲研发完善的企业级云通信平台,其服务由遍布于全球的安全数据中心提供。

EN Rainbow is an enterprise-grade, cloud communication platform fully developed in Europe with services delivered from secured data centres across the globe.

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