"bluetooth sig" ஐ ஆங்கிலம் க்கு மொழிபெயர்க்கவும்

சீன இலிருந்து ஆங்கிலம் வரையிலான "bluetooth sig" சொற்றொடரின் 50 மொழிபெயர்ப்புகளின் 50 ஐக் காட்டுகிறது

சீன இன் ஆங்கிலம் இன் bluetooth sig இன் மொழிபெயர்ப்பு


ZH Bluetooth SIG 品牌执法行动主要来自三个方面,包括Bluetooth SIG 本身、海关机构和Bluetooth SIG 会员 公司。

EN Bluetooth SIG brand enforcement actions come from three primary sources including the Bluetooth SIG itself, Customs Agencies, and Bluetooth SIG member companies.

ZH Bluetooth SIG 和Ellisys现在为Bluetooth SIG 创始成员 和联盟成员 会员提供一个折扣计划,以帮助他们减少研发时间,提高产品质量和可靠性。

EN Bluetooth SIG and Ellisys now offer a discount program for Bluetooth SIG Promoter and Associate members to help reduce their R&D time and improve product quality and reliability.

ZH Bluetooth SIG 和Ellisys为Bluetooth SIG 创始成员 和联盟成员 会员提供了一个折扣计划,以帮助他们减少研发时间,提高产品质量和可靠性。

EN Bluetooth SIG and Ellisys offer a discount program for Bluetooth SIG Promoter and Associate members to help reduce their R&D time and improve product quality and reliability.

ZH *Bluetooth® 标志和徽标是 Bluetooth SIG, Inc. 的注册商标,Zebra 经授权使用这些标志。其他商标和商业名称均属于其各自所有者。

EN *The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Zebra is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.

ZH 今年早些时候,Bluetooth 特别兴趣小组(SIG )宣布,Bluetooth®社区... ...

EN Earlier this year, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) announced that the Bluetooth® community?

ZH Bluetooth 在边缘:2019年市场动态与。 Bluetooth SIG

EN Bluetooth at the Edge: 2019 Market Update with the Bluetooth SIG

ZH Bluetooth SIG 鼓励在向我们发送敏感信息时使用此密钥,安全@bluetooth.com 。

EN The Bluetooth SIG encourages the use of this key when sending sensitive information to us at security@bluetooth.com.

ZH Bluetooth SIG 关于 "Bluetooth Mesh 供应中的可预测AuthValue导致MITM "漏洞的声明

EN Bluetooth SIG Statement Regarding the ‘Predictable AuthValue in Bluetooth Mesh Provisioning Leads to MITM’ Vulnerability

ZH Bluetooth SIG 关于 "Bluetooth Mesh 供应中的冒名攻击 "漏洞的声明

EN Bluetooth SIG Statement Regarding the ‘Impersonation Attack in Bluetooth Mesh Provisioning’ Vulnerability

ZH PCI-SIG®、PCIe® 和 PCI Express® 是 PCI-SIG 在美國的註冊商標和服務商標。

EN PCI-SIG®, PCIe®and PCI Express®are US registered trademarks and/or service marks of PCI-SIG.

ZH 仅就公司及其设施已得到认可的测试案例向Bluetooth SIG 成员提供测试服务Bluetooth SIG

EN Offering testing services to Bluetooth SIG members only for those test cases for which the company and its facility have been recognized by Bluetooth SIG.

ZH Bluetooth SIG 会员 社区不断扩展Bluetooth 技术的功能,以解决新的连接挑战,并应对新的市场机遇。

EN The Bluetooth SIG member community continually expands the capabilities of Bluetooth technology to solve new connectivity challenges and address new market opportunities.

ZH Bluetooth SIG 公布的编解码器将帮助LE Audio增强声音的动力....。

EN The Bluetooth SIG unveils the codec that will help power LE Audio’s enhanced sound.?

ZH Bluetooth SIG 会员 社区不断扩展Bluetooth 技术的功能,以解决新的连接挑战,并应对新的市场机遇。

EN The Bluetooth SIG member community continually expands the capabilities of Bluetooth technology to solve new connectivity challenges and address new market opportunities.

ZH Bluetooth SIG 宣布Auracast™广播音频,允许向耳塞、扬声器或听力设备无限量共享音频

EN Bluetooth SIG Announces Auracast™ Broadcast Audio, Allowing Unlimited Audio Sharing to Earbuds, Speakers or Hearing Devices

ZH Bluetooth 特别兴趣小组(SIG),是短程标准的推动者和摇摆者。

EN The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), the standards mover and shaker for the short-range?

ZH Bluetooth SIG 会员 社区继续扩大Bluetooth®技术的能力 - 为创新提供动力,创造新的市场,并重新定义无线通信的可能性。

EN The Bluetooth SIG member community continues to expand the capabilities of Bluetooth® technology — powering innovation, creating new markets, and redefining what’s possible in wireless communication.

ZH Bluetooth 特别兴趣小组(SIG)已经为广播电台创建了一个新的品牌。

EN The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) has created a new brand for the broadcast?

ZH Bluetooth SIG 正在创建一个新的品牌,以开发和推广一项技术。

EN The Bluetooth SIG is creating a new brand to develop and promote a technology?

ZH Bluetooth SIG 揭开Auracast的面纱,一种让你向许多设备分享音频的方式

EN Bluetooth SIG unveils Auracast, a way for you to share audio to many devices

ZH Bluetooth SIG 市场开发高级总监Chuck Sabin解释了Bluetooth 科技......

EN Chuck Sabin, senior director of market development at Bluetooth SIG, explains how Bluetooth Technology?

ZH Bluetooth SIG 提供学习指南,旨在帮助开发人员快速掌握各种Bluetooth 功能。

EN The Bluetooth SIG provides Study Guides designed to help developers get up to speed quickly on various Bluetooth capabilities.

ZH Bluetooth SIG 提供关于最新Bluetooth 技术进步的概述文件。

EN The Bluetooth SIG makes available overview papers on the latest advancements to Bluetooth technology.

ZH Bluetooth SIG 工作组会不定期发布白皮书,为开发者提供额外的指导。

EN Bluetooth SIG Working Groups occasionally release White Papers that provide additional guidance to developers.

ZH Bluetooth 特别兴趣小组(SIG)看到越来越多的会员 对强化治疗方案的关注。

EN The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) Seeing Increased Member Focus on Enhanced Treatment Solutions?

ZH Bluetooth 产品数据库也被分销商和在线零售商使用。如果在线零售商或Bluetooth SIG 无法在资格数据库中找到产品,该产品可能会从在线零售商中删除。

EN The Bluetooth Products Database is also used by distributors and online retailers. If online retailers or Bluetooth SIG is unable to locate a product in the qualification database that product may be removed from the online retailer.

ZH Bluetooth SIG 会员通过举报违规行为,是本项目的主要信息来源。如果你怀疑某个产品有违规行为,你可以在这里举报。

EN Bluetooth SIG members are a major source of information for this program by reporting violations. If you suspect a product is in violation, you may report that here.

ZH 注: Bluetooth SIG 董事会批准对资格执行政策进行更新,于2021年8月2日生效。

EN NOTE: The Bluetooth SIG Board of Directors approved an update to the Qualification Enforcement Policy effective on 2 August 2021.

ZH 只有Bluetooth SIG 的成员被授权使用Bluetooth 字母标记、数字标记和组合标记(统称为"Bluetooth 商标"),正如在Bluetooth 商标许可协议中所同意的。

EN Only members of the Bluetooth SIG are licensed to use the Bluetooth word mark, figure mark, and combination mark (collectively, the ?Bluetooth Trademarks?), as agreed to in the Bluetooth Trademark License Agreement.

ZH 为了保护Bluetooth 商标,Bluetooth SIG 管理一项执法计划,主要有两个活动领域。第一个领域的重点是

EN To protect the Bluetooth Trademarks, the Bluetooth SIG administers an enforcement program with two primary areas of activity. The first area is focused on

ZH Bluetooth SIG 提供Launch Studio,以自动创建适用于任何利用Bluetooth®规范的设备的测试计划。符合条件的产品/设计需要会员使用Launch Studio。

EN The Bluetooth SIG provides Launch Studio to automate the creation of test plans applicable to any device utilizing Bluetooth® specifications. Members? use of Launch Studio is required for qualifying products/designs.

ZH 2020年5月,Bluetooth 特别兴趣小组(SIG)和DiiA(数字照明接口...。

EN In May 2020, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) and DiiA (Digital Illumination Interface?

ZH Bluetooth SIG 和DALI联盟为实现物联网照明潜力消除了一大障碍。

EN The Bluetooth SIG and the DALI Alliance Remove a Big Barrier for Realizing IoT Lighting Potential

ZH 2020年5月,Bluetooth 特别兴趣小组(SIG)和DALI联盟宣布... ...

EN In May 2020, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) and the DALI Alliance announced?

ZH 去年,Bluetooth 特别兴趣小组(SIG)发布了两...

EN Howdy, developers and engineers! Last year, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) released two?

ZH Bluetooth SIG 关于 "InjectaBLE "漏洞报告的声明

EN Bluetooth SIG Statement Regarding the ‘InjectaBLE’ Vulnerability Report

EN Bluetooth SIG Statement Regarding the ‘AuthValue Leak’ Vulnerability

ZH Bluetooth SIG ,建议有潜在风险的mesh 供应者使用带外机制来交换公钥。

EN The Bluetooth SIG is recommending that potentially vulnerable mesh provisioners use an out-of-band mechanism to exchange the public keys.

ZH Bluetooth SIG ,建议mesh ,在实施允许的情况下,使用所有可用的比特强制执行随机选择的AuthValue。

EN The Bluetooth SIG is recommending that mesh implementations enforce a randomly selected AuthValue using all of the available bits, where permitted by the implementation.

ZH Bluetooth SIG 关于 "可变通承诺 "漏洞的声明

EN Bluetooth SIG Statement Regarding the ‘Malleable Commitment’ Vulnerability

ZH Bluetooth SIG 关于 "LE遗留配对的认证 "漏洞的声明

EN Bluetooth SIG Statement Regarding the ‘Authentication of the LE Legacy Pairing’ Vulnerability

ZH Bluetooth SIG 关于 "Passkey Entry Protocol中的冒名顶替 "漏洞的声明

EN Bluetooth SIG Statement Regarding the Regarding the ‘Impersonation in the Passkey Entry Protocol’ Vulnerability

ZH Bluetooth SIG ,建议可能存在漏洞的实施方案限制从远程对等设备接受的公钥,不允许远程对等设备提出由本地设备选择的相同公钥。

EN The Bluetooth SIG is recommending that potentially vulnerable implementations restrict the public keys accepted from a remote peer device to disallow a remote peer to present the same public key chosen by the local device.

ZH Bluetooth SIG 关于 "引脚配对协议中的假冒行为 "漏洞的声明

EN Bluetooth SIG Statement Regarding the ‘Impersonation in the Pin Pairing Protocol’ Vulnerability

ZH Bluetooth SIG ,建议有潜在漏洞的设备不要启动或接受来自要求与本地设备相同BD_ADDR的远程设备的连接。

EN The Bluetooth SIG is recommending that potentially vulnerable devices not initiate or accept connections from remote devices claiming the same BD_ADDR as the local device.

ZH Bluetooth SIG ,继续建议设备使用安全简单配对或BR/EDR安全连接,以避免传统BR/EDR配对的已知漏洞。

EN The Bluetooth SIG continues to recommend that devices use Secure Simple Pairing or BR/EDR Secure Connections to avoid known vulnerabilities with legacy BR/EDR pairing.

ZH 事实:任何公司,品牌(或重新品牌),并以其公司的品牌销售Bluetooth®产品,必须成为一个会员 公司的品牌,Bluetooth SIG 并完成资格认证程序。

EN Fact: Any company that brands (or re-brands) and sells a Bluetooth® product under their company’s brand must become a member of the Bluetooth SIG and complete the qualification process.

ZH Bluetooth SIG 也可承认一个测试设施有资格提供外部协议、传统配置文件和基于关贸总协定的配置文件和服务的测试。

EN Bluetooth SIG may also recognize a test facility as eligible to provide testing for external protocols, traditional profiles, and GATT-based profiles and services.

ZH 如果您希望撥打電話號碼,說出「撥打電話號碼」。在 Bluetooth 詢問電話號碼後,說出電話號碼。接著 Bluetooth 會複述電話號碼,確定號碼正確無誤。說出「撥打」即可撥打該電話號碼。

EN If you wish to call a number, say “Call number.” After the Bluetooth asks for the number, say the phone number. The Bluetooth will then reply with the phone number to ensure it is correct. Say “Dial” to call that number.

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