Översätt "amkor" till engelsk

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Översättning av Kinesiska till engelsk av amkor


ZH Amkor 网站可能包含外部网站链接。我们出于好意向消费者提供此类信息,但该行为绝非暗示 Amkor 认可此类网站。无论在任何情况下,Amkor 拒不为 Amkor 网站所链接任何网站上的内容承担责任。

EN Amkor?s Web site may contain links to outside sites. These links are provided as a courtesy to our consumers and in no way, imply endorsement by Amkor. Amkor is in no way responsible for the content of any site linked to from the Amkor Web site.

ZH Amkor 的专家设计工程师精通 Amkor 的所有设计规则,此类设计规则也开放供客户使用。在注册以后,客户可以在 Amkor 的 Web.data 门户网站上访问与下载此类设计规则。

EN The expert design engineers at Amkor are experienced in all of Amkor’s design rules, which are available for customer use. Once registered, customers can access and download the design rules on Amkor’s Web.data portal.

ZH 在微信上关注 Amkor Technology!了解最新产品信息和公司新闻、Amkor 要参加的即将举办的展会和会议、Amkor Technology China (ATC) 的班车信息,以及招聘和求职机会。

EN Follow Amkor Technology on WeChat! Receive updates on the latest product and corporate news, upcoming tradeshows and conferences Amkor will be attending, shuttle bus information for Amkor Technology China (ATC), and recruitment and career opportunities.

ZH Amkor Technology 徽标是 Amkor 的注册商标。如需其他 Amkor 商标的信息,请见此处内容。此处提及的其他产品、徽标和公司名称可能是其各自所有人的商标或注册商标。

EN The Amkor Technology logo is a registered trademark of Amkor. Other Amkor trademarks are referenced herein. Other products, logos, and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

ZH Amkor 概况 - Amkor Technology

EN Amkor Overview - Amkor Technology

ZH Amkor Technology 庆祝其 Amkor(韩国)的半导体业务成立 40 周年

EN Amkor Technology celebrates the 40th anniversary of Amkor Korea’s semiconductor business

ZH Amkor Technology 收购 IBM(新加坡)的测试工厂 (Amkor Technology Singapore, Inc.)

EN Amkor Technology acquires IBM Singapore test plant (Amkor Technology Singapore, Inc.)

ZH Joo-Jin (James) Kim 成立 Amkor Electronics, Inc.(Amkor Technology, Inc. 的前身)并在费城开设半导体封装公司销售办公室

EN Joo-Jin (James) Kim founded Amkor Electronics, Inc. (current Amkor Technology, Inc.) and opened the sales office of the semiconductor packaging company in Philadelphia

ZH 展现您与众不同的热情和挑战精神,探索在 Amkor Korea 发展职业生涯的无限可能。如果您已经准备好发挥自身的技能,Amkor 的大门始终向您敞开。

EN Demonstrate the passion and challenging spirit that only you can show, and the possibility of career growth at Amkor Korea is yours. If you are ready to show off your skills, Amkor?s door is open.

ZH 职业门户网站 “AMKOR 的故事”博客 发送电子邮件给 Amkor Korea HR


ZH 是否全部 Amkor 工作机会都会发布到 www.amkor.com 上,包括全球职位?

EN Are all of Amkor’s job opportunities listed on www.amkor.com, including global positions?

ZH 我们鼓励实习生申请,并将简历提交至 Amkor Technology Malaysia,电子邮件地址为 recruitment@amkor.com。我们的负责人员将与相关的部门确定是否还有空缺的职位。

EN Trainee are encouraged to apply and submit the resume to Amkor Technology Malaysia at recruitment@amkor.com. The person in charge will confirm with the department concerned and check whether there is still an opening.

ZH 您可以将简历发送到 recruitment@amkor.com。Amkor Technology Malaysia 的招聘人员将查看您的申请。

EN You can submit the resume at our email recruitment@amkor.com. The application will be reviewed by Amkor Technology Malaysia recruiters.

ZH 我们在全球各地的 Amkor 销售办公室和工厂内都设置 B2B 团队,而团队的客户经理专门致力于为客户及其项目服务。Amkor 会确保客户对项目有全面的了解。

EN Located globally at Amkor sales offices and factory sites, B2B account managers are dedicated to customers and their projects. Amkor ensures customers have a comprehensive understanding of projects.

ZH Amkor 知道,对于质量的追求不应该止步于制造阶段。QualityFIRST 深植于我们的制程,确保 Amkor 的所有员工都秉持相同的质量标准。

EN Amkor recognizes the need to extend the quest for quality beyond manufacturing. QualityFIRST is embedded in our processes ensuring the same quality standards for all Amkor employees.

ZH Amkor Technology 在 CISES 2021 上荣获 “Packaging House of the Year” 奖项 - Amkor Technology

EN Amkor Technology Was Awarded “Packaging House of the Year” at CISES 2021 - Amkor Technology

ZH Samsung Electronics 与 Amkor Technology 合作开发先进的 H-Cube™ 解决方案 - Amkor Technology

EN Samsung Electronics Partners With Amkor Technology on the Development of Leading-edge H-Cube? Solution - Amkor Technology

ZH Amkor Technology Korea 荣获“韩国最佳就业公司”殊荣 - Amkor Technology

EN Amkor Technology Korea Selected "Best Company for Employment" in South Korea - Amkor Technology

ZH Amkor 微信 - Amkor Technology

EN Amkor WeChat - Amkor Technology

ZH 若有问题或意见,可通过微信向 Amkor 大中华区销售团队获取更多信息,或直接将反馈提供给 Amkor 管理团队。

EN Have a question or comment? Conveniently request additional information from Amkor?s Greater China sales team or provide feedback to Amkor management directly through WeChat.

ZH Amkor Technology - 半导体 IC 封装、设计和测试服务

EN Amkor Technology - Semiconductor IC Packaging, Design & Test Services

ZH 您生产的,Amkor 都能测试!

EN If You Can Build It, Amkor Can Test It!

ZH Amkor 的工厂智能帮助实现“工业 4.0”

EN Amkor Factory Intelligence Enables Industry 4.0

ZH Amkor 提供先进功率封装解决方案

EN Amkor Offers Advanced Power Packaging Solutions

ZH Amkor 在世界各地都提供大量就业机会。想要了解更多?在下方选择您所在的地区,我们期待您的加入!

EN Amkor has great career opportunities around the world. Want to learn more? Choose your region below and take the next step to joining our team.

ZH Amkor Technology Korea 荣获“韩国最佳就业公司”殊荣

EN Amkor Technology Korea Selected ?Best Company for Employment? in South Korea

ZH 注册以接收 Amkor 的电子邮件新闻

EN Sign up for email updates from Amkor

ZH Amkor 提供三种 WLCSP 选项

EN Amkor offers three WLCSP options

ZH 点击下方的 “获取信息“ 按钮,联系 Amkor 专业人士。

EN Contact an Amkor expert by clicking the request info button below.

ZH Samsung Electronics 与 Amkor Technology 合作开发先进的 H-Cube™ 解决方案

EN Samsung Electronics Partners With Amkor Technology on the Development of Leading-edge H-Cube? Solution

ZH 3DInCites 在 IMAPS International Symposium 上采访 Amkor 的 Curtis Zwenger

EN 3DInCites Interviews Amkor?s Curtis Zwenger at the IMAPS International Symposium

ZH Amkor Technology 荣获 “IMAPS 2021 Corporate Recognition Award”

EN Amkor Technology Receives “IMAPS 2021 Corporate Recognition Award?

ZH 携手行业领袖,迈上成功之路立即加入 Amkor

EN Engineer your future with an industry leader — join Amkor today

ZH Amkor 在世界各地都提供大量就业机会。想要了解更多?在下方选择您所在的国家或地区,然后进行下一步操作以加入我们的团队。

EN Amkor has great career opportunities around the world. Want to learn more? Choose your country or region below and take the next step to join our team.

ZH Amkor 提供平等的就业机会  

EN Amkor Technology, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer.  

ZH Amkor 的 2.5D 和 HDFO封装 – 先进异构性封装解决方案

EN Amkor’s 2.5D Package & HDFO – Advanced Heterogeneous Packaging Solutions

ZH 公司使命 - Amkor Technology

EN Mission Statement - Amkor Technology

ZH 这两个中国汉字象征“可靠可信”,这也是  Amkor 已故名誉主席 Hyang-Soo Kim 的终身价值观。

EN These Chinese characters symbolize ?reliability and trust? – the lifelong passion and values of the late Honorary Chairman, Hyang-Soo Kim, the founder of Amkor.

ZH Amkor 提供敏捷、可靠的制造与供应链解决方案,我们和客户紧密合作开发出这些解决方案。

EN Amkor delivers agile and dependable manufacturing and supply chain solutions developed in close collaboration with our customers.

ZH Amkor,我们与客户合作,将我们的价值观与客户的价值观相结合,并努力实现客户全面满意。可靠可信是我们的首要任务。

EN At Amkor, we partner with our customers by aligning with their values and striving for total satisfaction. Reliability and trust are our highest priorities.

ZH Amkor 致力于技术变革和打造先进产品及服务。我们的目标是提供一流的解决方案,让我们的客户实现其愿景。

EN Amkor is dedicated to technological change and delivering advanced products and services. Our goal is to provide solutions that enable our customers to deliver on their visions.

ZH Amkor 尊重每位员工身上的与众不同的价值和技能,并为所有人提供机会,使其能够充分挖掘出自己的全部潜能。我们重视团队合作,在工作场所营造正面的文化。

EN Amkor respects the unique value and skills of each of our employees and provides everyone with opportunities to reach their full potential. We focus on teamwork for creating a positive culture in the workplace.

ZH Hyang-Soo Kim,Amkor 创建人

EN Hyang-Soo Kim, Founder of Amkor

ZH 如有任何与本隐私声明、本网站做法,或本网站使用相关的问题,您可以联系 webmaster@amkor.com。

EN If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, you may contact webmaster@amkor.com.

ZH Amkor Technology Japan, Inc. Shibakoen Front Tower 14F 2-6-3, Shibakoen Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0011 Japan电话:+81-3-5425-2830传真:+81-3-5425-2831

EN Amkor Technology Japan, Inc. Shibakoen Front Tower 14F 2-6-3, Shibakoen Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0011 Japan Tel: +81-3-5425-2830 Fax: +81-3-5425-2831

ZH Amkor Technology Korea, Inc. Songdo 150, Songdomirae-ro Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 21991 Korea电话:+8232-728-4114

EN Amkor Technology Korea, Inc. Songdo 150, Songdomirae-ro Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 21991 Korea Tel: +8232-728-4114

ZH Amkor Technology Singapore Holding Pte. Ltd. 491B River Valley Road #12-03 Valley Point Office Tower Singapore 248373电话:+65-6211-3333传真:+65-6211-3388

EN Amkor Technology Singapore Holding Pte. Ltd. 491B River Valley Road #12-03 Valley Point Office Tower Singapore 248373 Tel: +65-6211-3333 Fax: +65-6211-3388

ZH 个人信息保护负责人 MinJong Kim总务部 032-728-4152 MinJong.Kim@amkor.co.kr

EN Person in Charge of Personal Information MinJong Kim General Affairs Dept 032-728-4152 MinJong.Kim@amkor.co.kr

ZH Amkor Technology Philippines – P1 KM 22 East Service Road Special Economic Zone Cupang, Muntinlupa City Philippines 1771电话:+632-8850-7000传真:+632-8850-0737

EN Amkor Technology Philippines – P1 KM 22 East Service Road Special Economic Zone Cupang, Muntinlupa City Philippines 1771 Tel: +632-8850-7000 Fax: +632-8850-0737

ZH Amkor Technology Philippines – P3/P4 119 North Science Avenue Special Economic Processing Zone Laguna Technopark, Binan Laguna Philippines 4024电话:+632-8884-3000传真:+632-8884-3104

EN Amkor Technology Philippines – P3/P4 119 North Science Avenue Special Economic Processing Zone Laguna Technopark, Binan Laguna Philippines 4024 Tel: +632-8884-3000 Fax: +632-8884-3104

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