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ZH Control Union Certifications 可以帮助您的企业实现和保持对美国食品和药物管理局 (FDA) 食品安全现代化法案 (FSMA) 的法规遵从性。

EN Control Union Certifications can assist your business in achieving and maintaining regulatory compliance with the US Food and Drug Administration?s (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).

ZH FSMA 适用于美国本土的食品公司以及美国境外生产、加工、包装或储存将运往美国市场的人类和动物食品的食品企业。

EN FMSA applies to both domestic US Food companies, food businesses outside the US and territories that manufacture, process, pack or hold human and animal food destined for the US market.

ZH 第 3 个级别 - 针对未经过任何认证的场所。 持续时间 - 3 天。得到一份完整报告,根据 FSMA 规则确定存在的差距,并提供有关如何实现完全合规的进一步指导和建议的纠正措施。

EN Level 3 ? for sites that do not have any certification in place.Duration ? 3 days.The outcome is a full report identifying GAPs against the FSMA rules as well as further guidance and proposed corrective actions on how to get ready for full compliance.

ZH Control Union Certifications 可以帮助您的企业实现和保持对美国食品和药物管理局 (FDA) 食品安全现代化法案 (FSMA) 的法规遵从性。

EN Control Union Certifications can assist your business in achieving and maintaining regulatory compliance with the US Food and Drug Administration?s (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).

ZH FSMA 适用于美国本土的食品公司以及美国境外生产、加工、包装或储存将运往美国市场的人类和动物食品的食品企业。

EN FMSA applies to both domestic US Food companies, food businesses outside the US and territories that manufacture, process, pack or hold human and animal food destined for the US market.

ZH 第 3 个级别 - 针对未经过任何认证的场所。 持续时间 - 3 天。得到一份完整报告,根据 FSMA 规则确定存在的差距,并提供有关如何实现完全合规的进一步指导和建议的纠正措施。

EN Level 3 ? for sites that do not have any certification in place.Duration ? 3 days.The outcome is a full report identifying GAPs against the FSMA rules as well as further guidance and proposed corrective actions on how to get ready for full compliance.

Muujinaya 8 ee 8 tarjumaadaha