U turjun "poert" una tarjum Ingiriis

Muujinaya 2 ee 2 turjumaadaha weedha "poert" laga bilaabo Dutch ilaa Ingiriis

Turjumaada Dutch ilaa Ingiriis ee {raadinta}


NL Te lezen is: "MCCCCLXXXVIII (1488) den XXVIII (28ste) dach in April wart den eersten steen van deze poert gheleit".

EN The fact that no alignment in the Waag building parallels any of its adjacent streets, or to put it differently, that this cluster of mediaeval towers does not really fit in its surroundings, calls for an explanation.

NL Te lezen is: "MCCCCLXXXVIII (1488) den XXVIII (28ste) dach in April wart den eersten steen van deze poert gheleit".

EN The fact that no alignment in the Waag building parallels any of its adjacent streets, or to put it differently, that this cluster of mediaeval towers does not really fit in its surroundings, calls for an explanation.

Muujinaya 2 ee 2 tarjumaadaha