Preložiť "rivers" do Čínsky

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Preklad Angličtina do Čínsky z rivers


EN Switzerland is, quite simply, the water tower of Europe. The biggest rivers in Europe have their sources in Switzerland. Lakes, rivers, streams, waterfalls: there's plenty to enjoy both in and on the water.

ZH 瑞士是歐洲的水塔。歐洲最大的河流均發源於瑞士。湖泊、河流、小溪、瀑布:無論在水中還是水上,都盡享無限歡樂。

Prepis ruì shì shì ōu zhōu de shuǐ tǎ。ōu zhōu zuì dà de hé liú jūn fā yuán yú ruì shì。hú pō、 hé liú、 xiǎo xī、 pù bù: wú lùn zài shuǐ zhōng hái shì shuǐ shàng, dōu jǐn xiǎng wú xiàn huān lè。

EN Switzerland is Europe’s water reservoir. Some of the longest rivers on the continent originate here. Discover the most beautiful lakes, rivers, streams, waterfalls and gorges in our country.

ZH 瑞士簡直就是歐洲的水塔。歐洲最大的河流均發源于瑞士。湖泊、河流、小溪、瀑布:無論在水中還是水上,盡享無限歡樂。

Prepis ruì shì jiǎn zhí jiù shì ōu zhōu de shuǐ tǎ。ōu zhōu zuì dà de hé liú jūn fā yuán yú ruì shì。hú pō、 hé liú、 xiǎo xī、 pù bù: wú lùn zài shuǐ zhōng hái shì shuǐ shàng, jǐn xiǎng wú xiàn huān lè。

EN Rivers and lakes: Rivers | Switzerland Tourism

ZH 湖泊和河流: 河流 | 瑞士國家旅遊局

Prepis hú pō hé hé liú: hé liú | ruì shì guó jiā lǚ yóu jú

EN Switzerland is, quite simply, the water tower of Europe. The biggest rivers in Europe have their sources in Switzerland. Lakes, rivers, streams, waterfalls: there's plenty to enjoy both in and on the water.

ZH 瑞士是歐洲的水塔。歐洲最大的河流均發源於瑞士。湖泊、河流、小溪、瀑布:無論在水中還是水上,都盡享無限歡樂。

Prepis ruì shì shì ōu zhōu de shuǐ tǎ。ōu zhōu zuì dà de hé liú jūn fā yuán yú ruì shì。hú pō、 hé liú、 xiǎo xī、 pù bù: wú lùn zài shuǐ zhōng hái shì shuǐ shàng, dōu jǐn xiǎng wú xiàn huān lè。

EN Switzerland is Europe’s water reservoir. Some of the longest rivers on the continent originate here. Discover the most beautiful lakes, rivers, streams, waterfalls and gorges in our country.

ZH 瑞士簡直就是歐洲的水塔。歐洲最大的河流均發源于瑞士。湖泊、河流、小溪、瀑布:無論在水中還是水上,盡享無限歡樂。

Prepis ruì shì jiǎn zhí jiù shì ōu zhōu de shuǐ tǎ。ōu zhōu zuì dà de hé liú jūn fā yuán yú ruì shì。hú pō、 hé liú、 xiǎo xī、 pù bù: wú lùn zài shuǐ zhōng hái shì shuǐ shàng, jǐn xiǎng wú xiàn huān lè。

EN Rivers and lakes: Rivers | Switzerland Tourism

ZH 湖泊和河流: 河流 | 瑞士國家旅遊局

Prepis hú pō hé hé liú: hé liú | ruì shì guó jiā lǚ yóu jú

EN Clutha is home to stunning beaches, rivers and waterfalls - many of which visitors are likely to experience all to themselves.

ZH 如果能专门安排一天把卡特林斯河步行道、普拉考努伊瀑布和杰克喷水孔都游览一番,绝对是不虚此行。

Prepis rú guǒ néng zhuān mén ān pái yī tiān bǎ kǎ tè lín sī hé bù xíng dào、 pǔ lā kǎo nǔ yī pù bù hé jié kè pēn shuǐ kǒng dōu yóu lǎn yī fān, jué duì shì bù xū cǐ xíng。

EN The West Coast, or 'the Coast' as locals call it, is an untamed natural wilderness of rivers and rainforests, glaciers and geological treasures.

ZH 西海岸,本地人称其为“海岸”,到处是河流、雨林、冰川和独质景观构成的原始狂野,几乎未受人类活动影响。

Prepis xī hǎi àn, běn de rén chēng qí wèi “hǎi àn”, dào chù shì hé liú、 yǔ lín、 bīng chuān hé dú zhì jǐng guān gòu chéng de yuán shǐ kuáng yě, jǐ hū wèi shòu rén lèi huó dòng yǐng xiǎng。

EN Don't miss the little blue penguins of Oamaru and the spectacular town of Kurow, which sits at the junction of two rivers.

ZH 如果沿奥塔哥北部海岸开车,一定要小心绕过摩拉基大圆石—它们的威力不可小觑!

Prepis rú guǒ yán ào tǎ gē běi bù hǎi àn kāi chē, yī dìng yào xiǎo xīn rào guò mó lā jī dà yuán shí—tā men de wēi lì bù kě xiǎo qù!

EN Visit the Franz Josef and Fox glaciers. These giant rivers of ice have squeezed down the valleys to just 250 metres above sea level.

ZH 游览弗朗兹约瑟夫冰川和福克斯冰川。巨大的冰河延伸至海拔250米的地方,着实令人惊叹。

Prepis yóu lǎn fú lǎng zī yuē sè fū bīng chuān hé fú kè sī bīng chuān。jù dà de bīng hé yán shēn zhì hǎi bá250mǐ de de fāng, zhe shí lìng rén jīng tàn。

EN Ōpōtiki is a great place to slow down and get into the mood of the Tairāwhiti Gisborne and Bay of Plenty regions. There are beaches to wander, forests to explore and rivers to swim. Find out more.

ZH 奥波蒂基是一个放慢脚步,体验泰拉威蒂吉斯本和丰盛湾地区氛围的好地方。可以漫步海滩、探索森林以及下河游泳。了解更多。

Prepis ào bō dì jī shì yī gè fàng màn jiǎo bù, tǐ yàn tài lā wēi dì jí sī běn hé fēng shèng wān de qū fēn wéi de hǎo de fāng。kě yǐ màn bù hǎi tān、 tàn suǒ sēn lín yǐ jí xià hé yóu yǒng。le jiě gèng duō。

EN Crystal clear, fast flowing rivers run throughout the volcanic Taupō region, making the area an internationally-renowned trout fishing haven.

ZH 陶波湖地区(Lake Taupo)的火山地带流淌着几条清澈的大河,使本地成为了蜚声国际的钓鳟胜地。

Prepis táo bō hú de qū (Lake Taupo) de huǒ shān de dài liú tǎng zhe jǐ tiáo qīng chè de dà hé, shǐ běn de chéng wèi le fēi shēng guó jì de diào zūn shèng de。

EN Slip into an enchanted world of leafy hill country, where land rises sharply from the coast to the inland ranges, and where rivers and waterfalls abound.

ZH 步入这座突兀在海岸线上的内陆延伸山脉,你就走进了一个绿叶蔽天的奇妙世界,其中溪流潺潺、瀑布轰鸣,景色美不胜收。

Prepis bù rù zhè zuò tū wù zài hǎi àn xiàn shàng de nèi lù yán shēn shān mài, nǐ jiù zǒu jìn le yī gè lǜ yè bì tiān de qí miào shì jiè, qí zhōng xī liú chán chán、 pù bù hōng míng, jǐng sè měi bù shèng shōu。

EN Water sports and wine-tasting are two equally fun ways to enjoy the spectacular environment around Kurow, which sits at the junction of two rivers.

ZH 库劳坐落于两河交汇之处,乘坐喷射快艇和钓虹鳟鱼是享受它周边美景的两种方式。

Prepis kù láo zuò luò yú liǎng hé jiāo huì zhī chù, chéng zuò pēn shè kuài tǐng hé diào hóng zūn yú shì xiǎng shòu tā zhōu biān měi jǐng de liǎng zhǒng fāng shì。

EN Nestled in a broad basin between mountain ranges, Omarama is well known to glider pilots. Come here to soar in the skies and fish in the fast rivers.

ZH 奥玛拉玛位于广阔的盆地中间,四周群山环抱,在滑翔机驾驶员中享有崇高的知名度。来这里可以在天空中滑翔,在激流中垂钓。

Prepis ào mǎ lā mǎ wèi yú guǎng kuò de pén de zhōng jiān, sì zhōu qún shān huán bào, zài huá xiáng jī jià shǐ yuán zhōng xiǎng yǒu chóng gāo de zhī míng dù。lái zhè lǐ kě yǐ zài tiān kōng zhōng huá xiáng, zài jī liú zhōng chuí diào。

EN Explore a magical world of tall trees, clear rivers and melodious birdlife in this magnificent 78,000 hectare forest reserve.

ZH 这个78000公顷的森林有高大的树木、清澈的河流,还伴随着悠扬的鸟鸣声。

Prepis zhè gè78000gōng qǐng de sēn lín yǒu gāo dà de shù mù、 qīng chè de hé liú, hái bàn suí zhe yōu yáng de niǎo míng shēng。

EN North Island flights will take you above lush rural areas, where you can observe an ornate natural tapestry of pasture, crops, vineyards, forests, roads, rivers, lakes and towns.

ZH 除了皇后镇(Queenstown),新西兰的热气球飞行项目通常集中在平坦而开阔的地区——北奥克兰(North Auckland)、怀卡托(Waikato)、霍克斯湾(Hawke’s Bay)以及怀拉拉帕(Wairarapa)等地。

Prepis chú le huáng hòu zhèn (Queenstown), xīn xī lán de rè qì qiú fēi xíng xiàng mù tōng cháng jí zhōng zài píng tǎn ér kāi kuò de de qū——běi ào kè lán (North Auckland)、 huái kǎ tuō (Waikato)、 huò kè sī wān (Hawke’s Bay) yǐ jí huái lā lā pà (Wairarapa) děng de。

EN Local guides, with their intimate knowledge, can tailor individual excursions to suit you, while helicopter fishing trips into untouched backcountry rivers are guaranteed to make your stay an unforgettable one.

ZH 当地导游了解一些秘密知识,可以为您安排适合自己的个性化旅游路线,而直升飞机垂钓之旅则可以带您到达偏远的河流,保证让您感受难忘的体验。

Prepis dāng de dǎo yóu le jiě yī xiē mì mì zhī shì, kě yǐ wèi nín ān pái shì hé zì jǐ de gè xìng huà lǚ yóu lù xiàn, ér zhí shēng fēi jī chuí diào zhī lǚ zé kě yǐ dài nín dào dá piān yuǎn de hé liú, bǎo zhèng ràng nín gǎn shòu nán wàng de tǐ yàn。

EN A steamboat is a boat that is powered by steam, used especially on rivers and along coasts.

ZH A steamboat :靠蒸汽驱动的轮船,多用于河上或近海岸航游

Prepis A steamboat : kào zhēng qì qū dòng de lún chuán, duō yòng yú hé shàng huò jìn hǎi àn háng yóu

EN Speed skating evolved from a means of transportation across frozen lakes and rivers to a sport where athletes race against the clock - and each other.

ZH 速滑从一种穿越冰冻湖泊和河流的交通工具发展成为一项令运动员争分夺秒、相互竞争的运动项目。

Prepis sù huá cóng yī zhǒng chuān yuè bīng dòng hú pō hé hé liú de jiāo tōng gōng jù fā zhǎn chéng wèi yī xiàng lìng yùn dòng yuán zhēng fēn duó miǎo、 xiāng hù jìng zhēng de yùn dòng xiàng mù。

EN Alpine valleys descending from high mountains. Rivers in every conceivable direction. German, Romansh and Italian in a single canton.

ZH 連綿起伏的雄偉山峰之間是壯麗的阿爾卑斯峽谷,河流縱橫交錯。格勞邦登州 Graubünden同時使用德語、羅曼什語 Romansh和意大利語。

Prepis lián mián qǐ fú de xióng wěi shān fēng zhī jiān shì zhuàng lì de ā ěr bēi sī xiá gǔ, hé liú zòng héng jiāo cuò。gé láo bāng dēng zhōu Graubünden tóng shí shǐ yòng dé yǔ、 luó màn shén yǔ Romansh hé yì dà lì yǔ。

EN We not only have fascinating lakes and rivers, but impressive waterfalls as well – one of which is the biggest in Europe, the Rhine Falls. You can feel the sheer force of the water as it thunders down into the depths.

ZH 瑞士不僅是擁有迷人的湖泊和河流的一片土地,還擁有包括歐洲最大、最壯觀的瀑布——萊茵瀑布。伴隨著巨大的落差,你可以在轟鳴聲中感受到水的力量。

Prepis ruì shì bù jǐn shì yōng yǒu mí rén de hú pō hé hé liú de yī piàn tǔ de, hái yōng yǒu bāo kuò ōu zhōu zuì dà、 zuì zhuàng guān de pù bù——lái yīn pù bù。bàn suí zhe jù dà de luò chà, nǐ kě yǐ zài hōng míng shēng zhōng gǎn shòu dào shuǐ de lì liàng。

EN Rising from the tip of Manhattan to Albany, New York’s Hudson Valley surrounds one of the most beautiful rivers in the USA. Experience charming waterfront villages and exciting outdoor adventure.

ZH “风景胜地”不足以形容其万一。从曼哈顿末端延伸至州府的哈德逊谷中,流淌着无论从哪一侧看都堪称美国最美河流之一的哈德逊河。您将体验到迷人的水岸村庄和热闹的繁华都市……

Prepis “fēng jǐng shèng de” bù zú yǐ xíng róng qí wàn yī。cóng màn hā dùn mò duān yán shēn zhì zhōu fǔ de hā dé xùn gǔ zhōng, liú tǎng zhe wú lùn cóng nǎ yī cè kàn dōu kān chēng měi guó zuì měi hé liú zhī yī de hā dé xùn hé。nín jiāng tǐ yàn dào mí rén de shuǐ àn cūn zhuāng hé rè nào de fán huá dōu shì……

EN From the mountains, glaciers and rivers to the prairies and diverse wildlife, a trip to Montana is one you won’t soon forget.

ZH 从山脉、冰川、河流到草原和各种各样的野生动植物,去蒙大拿州旅行一定会让您难以忘怀。

Prepis cóng shān mài、 bīng chuān、 hé liú dào cǎo yuán hé gè zhǒng gè yàng de yě shēng dòng zhí wù, qù méng dà ná zhōu lǚ xíng yī dìng huì ràng nín nán yǐ wàng huái。

EN In the mood for a thrill? Try river rafter through one of the many rivers in Utah! You can enjoy non-motorized oar rafts, high activity paddle rafts, individual inflatable kayaks and stand-up paddleboards on most of our Utah river rafting trips.

ZH 心情激动吗?试试在犹他州众多河流中的一条河上漂流!在我们的大多数犹他河漂流旅行中,您都可以体验非机动桨筏漂流、活动剧烈的摇桨漂流、独立充气皮划艇和立式桨板。

Prepis xīn qíng jī dòng ma? shì shì zài yóu tā zhōu zhòng duō hé liú zhōng de yī tiáo hé shàng piào liú! zài wǒ men de dà duō shù yóu tā hé piào liú lǚ xíng zhōng, nín dōu kě yǐ tǐ yàn fēi jī dòng jiǎng fá piào liú、 huó dòng jù liè de yáo jiǎng piào liú、 dú lì chōng qì pí huà tǐng hé lì shì jiǎng bǎn。

EN Rising from the tip of Manhattan to Albany, New York’s Hudson Valley surrounds one of the most beautiful rivers in the USA. Experience charming waterfront villages and exciting outdoor adventure.

ZH “风景胜地”不足以形容其万一。从曼哈顿末端延伸至州府的哈德逊谷中,流淌着无论从哪一侧看都堪称美国最美河流之一的哈德逊河。您将体验到迷人的水岸村庄和热闹的繁华都市……

Prepis “fēng jǐng shèng de” bù zú yǐ xíng róng qí wàn yī。cóng màn hā dùn mò duān yán shēn zhì zhōu fǔ de hā dé xùn gǔ zhōng, liú tǎng zhe wú lùn cóng nǎ yī cè kàn dōu kān chēng měi guó zuì měi hé liú zhī yī de hā dé xùn hé。nín jiāng tǐ yàn dào mí rén de shuǐ àn cūn zhuāng hé rè nào de fán huá dōu shì……

EN From the mountains, glaciers and rivers to the prairies and diverse wildlife, a trip to Montana is one you won’t soon forget.

ZH 从山脉、冰川、河流到草原和各种各样的野生动植物,去蒙大拿州旅行一定会让您难以忘怀。

Prepis cóng shān mài、 bīng chuān、 hé liú dào cǎo yuán hé gè zhǒng gè yàng de yě shēng dòng zhí wù, qù méng dà ná zhōu lǚ xíng yī dìng huì ràng nín nán yǐ wàng huái。

EN In the mood for a thrill? Try river rafter through one of the many rivers in Utah! You can enjoy non-motorized oar rafts, high activity paddle rafts, individual inflatable kayaks and stand-up paddleboards on most of our Utah river rafting trips.

ZH 心情激动吗?试试在犹他州众多河流中的一条河上漂流!在我们的大多数犹他河漂流旅行中,您都可以体验非机动桨筏漂流、活动剧烈的摇桨漂流、独立充气皮划艇和立式桨板。

Prepis xīn qíng jī dòng ma? shì shì zài yóu tā zhōu zhòng duō hé liú zhōng de yī tiáo hé shàng piào liú! zài wǒ men de dà duō shù yóu tā hé piào liú lǚ xíng zhōng, nín dōu kě yǐ tǐ yàn fēi jī dòng jiǎng fá piào liú、 huó dòng jù liè de yáo jiǎng piào liú、 dú lì chōng qì pí huà tǐng hé lì shì jiǎng bǎn。

EN Rivers and lakes: Islands | Switzerland Tourism

ZH 湖泊和河流: 群島 | 瑞士國家旅遊局

Prepis hú pō hé hé liú: qún dǎo | ruì shì guó jiā lǚ yóu jú

EN Manager of GIS and Business Applications, Three Rivers Park District

ZH 三河公园区 GIS 和业务应用程序经理

Prepis sān hé gōng yuán qū GIS hé yè wù yīng yòng chéng xù jīng lǐ

Angličtina Čínsky
gis gis

EN If you’re looking for majestic mountains, grand rivers and lush valleys, Grand County, Colorado will not disappoint. Home of the Fraser River Valley Lions Club, the natural beauty that defines the area can also hide underlying needs.

ZH 如果您在尋找雄偉的山脈、壯觀的河流和青蔥茂密的山谷,科羅拉多州的格蘭德郡一定不會讓您失望的。弗雷澤谷獅子會河坐落於此地,該地區著名的自然美景也可以隱藏著潛伏的需求。

Prepis rú guǒ nín zài xún zhǎo xióng wěi de shān mài、 zhuàng guān de hé liú hé qīng cōng mào mì de shān gǔ, kē luó lā duō zhōu de gé lán dé jùn yī dìng bù huì ràng nín shī wàng de。fú léi zé gǔ shī zi huì hé zuò luò yú cǐ de, gāi de qū zhe míng de zì rán měi jǐng yě kě yǐ yǐn cáng zhe qián fú de xū qiú。

EN Learning to live with rivers, a matter of geomorphology

ZH 与河流共存:一个地貌学问题

Prepis yǔ hé liú gòng cún: yī gè de mào xué wèn tí

EN Detecting Chemical Leakage and Exposure In Rivers With IoT

ZH 旅游业自动化系统的设计与开发

Prepis lǚ yóu yè zì dòng huà xì tǒng de shè jì yǔ kāi fā

EN See some of the world's most fascinating freshwater and saltwater animals in our Oceans, Rivers, and Islands and Lakes galleries.

ZH 我们的海洋、河流、岛屿和湖泊画廊中观赏一些世界上最不可思议的淡水和咸水动物。

Prepis wǒ men de hǎi yáng、 hé liú、 dǎo yǔ hé hú pō huà láng zhōng guān shǎng yī xiē shì jiè shàng zuì bù kě sī yì de dàn shuǐ hé xián shuǐ dòng wù。

EN The AVN microtunnelling machine can keep to the planned alignment with high precision while safely crossing under existing infrastructure such as pipelines, roads, railways or rivers.

ZH AVN小型隧道掘进设备可保障与既定路线高度一致,兼顾在如管线、道路、铁路或河流等既有基础设施下穿越安全。

Prepis AVN xiǎo xíng suì dào jué jìn shè bèi kě bǎo zhàng yǔ jì dìng lù xiàn gāo dù yī zhì, jiān gù zài rú guǎn xiàn、 dào lù、 tiě lù huò hé liú děng jì yǒu jī chǔ shè shī xià chuān yuè ān quán。

EN Herrenknecht tunnel boring machines push ahead to expand high-speed networks around the world, whether through mountain ranges, under rivers or beneath densely populated urban areas.

ZH 在全球范围内,海瑞克隧道掘进机为拓展高速铁路网络繁忙作业,无论是穿越山脉、河流或高楼林立的市区。

Prepis zài quán qiú fàn wéi nèi, hǎi ruì kè suì dào jué jìn jī wèi tà zhǎn gāo sù tiě lù wǎng luò fán máng zuò yè, wú lùn shì chuān yuè shān mài、 hé liú huò gāo lóu lín lì de shì qū。

EN For your post-corona bucket list: Hamburg is a city of contrasts. Situated between the Elbe and Alster rivers, cool composure and warm geniality are equally at home here.

ZH 写给你们的后新冠时期梦想单: 汉堡是一座充满反差的城市,它坐落在易北河与阿尔斯特湖之间,既有姿态,又不失热情。

Prepis xiě gěi nǐ men de hòu xīn guān shí qī mèng xiǎng dān: hàn bǎo shì yī zuò chōng mǎn fǎn chà de chéng shì, tā zuò luò zài yì běi hé yǔ ā ěr sī tè hú zhī jiān, jì yǒu zī tài, yòu bù shī rè qíng。

EN Germany.  Freed from pollution and their tight concrete corsets: the renaturation of rivers is good for conservation and protects against flooding. And it provides us with some delightful recreational landscapes.

ZH 德国。从污染和狭窄的水泥“紧身衣”中解放出来:河流的自然化恢复服务于自然保护和水灾防护,还为我们带来了充满魅力的休闲风光。

Prepis dé guó。cóng wū rǎn hé xiá zhǎi de shuǐ ní “jǐn shēn yī” zhōng jiě fàng chū lái: hé liú de zì rán huà huī fù fú wù yú zì rán bǎo hù hé shuǐ zāi fáng hù, hái wèi wǒ men dài lái le chōng mǎn mèi lì de xiū xián fēng guāng。

EN raised bogs and low-lying moors in the North German rivers region

ZH 北德河流纵横地带的高沼和低沼:

Prepis běi dé hé liú zòng héng de dài de gāo zhǎo hé dī zhǎo:

EN Two Rivers, WI - The detailed weather forecast, long range monthly outlook, and climate information | Weather Atlas

ZH 图里弗斯, 威斯康星, 美国 - 详细的天气预报,长期的每月天气预报和气候信息 | Weather Atlas

Prepis tú lǐ fú sī, wēi sī kāng xīng, měi guó - xiáng xì de tiān qì yù bào, zhǎng qī de měi yuè tiān qì yù bào hé qì hòu xìn xī | Weather Atlas

EN Current condition Two Rivers, WI

ZH 现况 图里弗斯, 威斯康星, 美国

Prepis xiàn kuàng tú lǐ fú sī, wēi sī kāng xīng, měi guó

EN Cold nights and sunny mornings result in a shroud of mist and low cloud on the lakes, mires and rivers.

ZH 清冷的夜晚和明媚的早晨,造就了湖面、沼泽以及河面上的薄雾与低云。

Prepis qīng lěng de yè wǎn hé míng mèi de zǎo chén, zào jiù le hú miàn、 zhǎo zé yǐ jí hé miàn shàng de báo wù yǔ dī yún。

EN Clutha is home to stunning beaches, rivers and waterfalls - many of which visitors are likely to experience all to themselves.

ZH 如果能专门安排一天把卡特林斯河步行道、普拉考努伊瀑布和杰克喷水孔都游览一番,绝对是不虚此行。

Prepis rú guǒ néng zhuān mén ān pái yī tiān bǎ kǎ tè lín sī hé bù xíng dào、 pǔ lā kǎo nǔ yī pù bù hé jié kè pēn shuǐ kǒng dōu yóu lǎn yī fān, jué duì shì bù xū cǐ xíng。

EN Don't miss the little blue penguins of Oamaru and the spectacular town of Kurow, which sits at the junction of two rivers.

ZH 如果沿奥塔哥北部海岸开车,一定要小心绕过摩拉基大圆石—它们的威力不可小觑!

Prepis rú guǒ yán ào tǎ gē běi bù hǎi àn kāi chē, yī dìng yào xiǎo xīn rào guò mó lā jī dà yuán shí—tā men de wēi lì bù kě xiǎo qù!

EN Ōpōtiki is a great place to slow down and get into the mood of the Tairāwhiti Gisborne and Bay of Plenty regions. There are beaches to wander, forests to explore and rivers to swim. Find out more.

ZH 奥波蒂基是一个放慢脚步,体验泰拉威蒂吉斯本和丰盛湾地区氛围的好地方。可以漫步海滩、探索森林以及下河游泳。了解更多。

Prepis ào bō dì jī shì yī gè fàng màn jiǎo bù, tǐ yàn tài lā wēi dì jí sī běn hé fēng shèng wān de qū fēn wéi de hǎo de fāng。kě yǐ màn bù hǎi tān、 tàn suǒ sēn lín yǐ jí xià hé yóu yǒng。le jiě gèng duō。

EN Crystal clear, fast flowing rivers run throughout the volcanic Taupō region, making the area an internationally-renowned trout fishing haven.

ZH 陶波湖地区(Lake Taupo)的火山地带流淌着几条清澈的大河,使本地成为了蜚声国际的钓鳟胜地。

Prepis táo bō hú de qū (Lake Taupo) de huǒ shān de dài liú tǎng zhe jǐ tiáo qīng chè de dà hé, shǐ běn de chéng wèi le fēi shēng guó jì de diào zūn shèng de。

EN Slip into an enchanted world of leafy hill country, where land rises sharply from the coast to the inland ranges, and where rivers and waterfalls abound.

ZH 步入这座突兀在海岸线上的内陆延伸山脉,你就走进了一个绿叶蔽天的奇妙世界,其中溪流潺潺、瀑布轰鸣,景色美不胜收。

Prepis bù rù zhè zuò tū wù zài hǎi àn xiàn shàng de nèi lù yán shēn shān mài, nǐ jiù zǒu jìn le yī gè lǜ yè bì tiān de qí miào shì jiè, qí zhōng xī liú chán chán、 pù bù hōng míng, jǐng sè měi bù shèng shōu。

EN Water sports and wine-tasting are two equally fun ways to enjoy the spectacular environment around Kurow, which sits at the junction of two rivers.

ZH 库劳坐落于两河交汇之处,乘坐喷射快艇和钓虹鳟鱼是享受它周边美景的两种方式。

Prepis kù láo zuò luò yú liǎng hé jiāo huì zhī chù, chéng zuò pēn shè kuài tǐng hé diào hóng zūn yú shì xiǎng shòu tā zhōu biān měi jǐng de liǎng zhǒng fāng shì。

EN Nestled in a broad basin between mountain ranges, Omarama is well known to glider pilots. Come here to soar in the skies and fish in the fast rivers.

ZH 奥玛拉玛位于广阔的盆地中间,四周群山环抱,在滑翔机驾驶员中享有崇高的知名度。来这里可以在天空中滑翔,在激流中垂钓。

Prepis ào mǎ lā mǎ wèi yú guǎng kuò de pén de zhōng jiān, sì zhōu qún shān huán bào, zài huá xiáng jī jià shǐ yuán zhōng xiǎng yǒu chóng gāo de zhī míng dù。lái zhè lǐ kě yǐ zài tiān kōng zhōng huá xiáng, zài jī liú zhōng chuí diào。

EN Explore a magical world of tall trees, clear rivers and melodious birdlife in this magnificent 78,000 hectare forest reserve.

ZH 这个78000公顷的森林有高大的树木、清澈的河流,还伴随着悠扬的鸟鸣声。

Prepis zhè gè78000gōng qǐng de sēn lín yǒu gāo dà de shù mù、 qīng chè de hé liú, hái bàn suí zhe yōu yáng de niǎo míng shēng。

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