"crm" ඉංග්රීසි වෙත පරිවර්තනය කරන්න

චීන සිට ඉංග්රීසි දක්වා "crm" වාක්‍ය ඛණ්ඩයේ 50 පරිවර්‍තන වල 50 පෙන්වමින්

චීන සිට ඉංග්රීසි වෙත crm හි පරිවර්තනය


ZH 将来自 Dynamics CRM 的数据与 Sitecore 集成,并将来自 Sitecore 的数据与 Dynamics CRM 集成

EN Integrate Sitecore with Salesforce CRM and Salesforce Marketing Cloud to unify data, improve CX, and speed time to market

ZH 在 Salesforce,我們將透過 Einstein AI 等產品加速創新。有了 Tableau CRM,您可以用更智慧化的方式工作、更快速發現趨勢,並運用世界第一的 CRM 預測結果。

EN As part of Salesforce, we are putting rocket boosters on our innovation with Einstein AI and more. With Tableau CRM you can work smarter, spot trends faster, and predict outcomes natively in the world’s #1 CRM.

ZH 揭開資料要述說的故事。Tableau CRM(原稱 Einstein Analytics)可直接在工作流程中,為您的 Salesforce CRM 使用者提供可據以行動的見解,以及 AI 驅動的分析技術。

EN Discover the story your data has to tell. Tableau CRM (formerly Einstein Analytics) empowers your Salesforce CRM users with actionable insights and AI-driven analytics right in their workflow.

ZH Avaya 利用 Tableau CRM 將智慧型見解嵌入到 CRM 工作流程中。

EN Avaya embeds intelligent insights into CRM workflows using Tableau CRM.

ZH 讓 Tableau CRM 的強大 CRM 分析技術,助您的企業一臂之力

EN Tableau CRM can help your business with powerful CRM analytics

ZH 有人认为,酒店科技日新月异,很难确定采用客户关系管理 (CRM) 这种重要程序的恰当时机。 酒店 CRM 以数字化方式对每位宾客旅途中的数据和通信进行管理和分析,也是影响您日常?

EN February 14th is Valentine’s day, but it’s also D-EDGE’s anniversary! To celebrate this special occasion, we’ve asked?

ZH B2Margin保證金交易平台與B2Core客戶管理系統/CRM 整合, 成為一個完整的經紀商解決方案. 另一方面, 使用您的客戶管理系統/CRM, 建立自有交易用戶介面並整合B2Margin保證金交易平台.

ZH 在 Salesforce,我們將透過 Einstein AI 等產品加速創新。有了 CRM Analytics,您可以用更智慧化的方式工作、更快速發現趨勢,並運用世界第一的 CRM 預測結果。

EN As part of Salesforce, we are putting rocket boosters on our innovation with Einstein AI and more. With CRM Analytics, you can work smarter, spot trends faster and predict outcomes natively in the world’s #1 CRM.

ZH 在雲端部署、在內部部署或與 Salesforce CRM 原生整合。透過完全整合的 AI/ML 功能、控管和資料管理、視覺化敘述和協作,連接到所有資料。

EN Deploy in the cloud, on-premises, or natively integrate with Salesforce CRM. Connect to all of your data with fully integrated AI/ML capabilities, governance and data management, visual storytelling and collaboration.

ZH 在單一平台 (您的 CRM) 中查看 AI 驅動的分析和預測。

EN See AI-driven analytics and predictions in a single platform—your CRM.

ZH Alex Chudnovsky ????90????????????? ????????????????CRM??/?????

EN Alex Chudnovsky began his internet career in the late 90's, as Lead CRM Developer/Analyst for a major UK dotcom.

ZH Freshsales Suite - Slack 整合可簡化銷售人員的協同合作、取得他們在 CRM 內所需的適當協助,讓其專注於手邊工作以提高效率,進而快速促成交易。

EN The Freshsales Suite - Slack integration simplifies collaboration for salespeople, getting them all the help they need right within the CRM, so they can focus on what they do best: close, close, close.

ZH 讓您的支援、IT 與 CRM 團隊直接在 Slack 針對工單、事件及交易進行順暢無礙的協同合作。

EN Get your Support, IT and CRM teams to collaborate seamlessly on tickets, incidents, deals right within Slack.

ZH 利用 Tableau CRM 發現機會並預測結果

EN Spot opportunities and predict outcomes with Tableau CRM

ZH Tableau CRM 是 Salesforce 的原生項目,因此 Salesforce 中進行的每一個動作和決策,都可以完美地將資料融入到其中。  

EN Tableau CRM is native to Salesforce, so data can be woven seamlessly into every action and decision taken in Salesforce.  

ZH 看看這些先驅如何使用 Tableau CRM 推動業務發展

EN See how these trailblazers use Tableau CRM to drive their businesses

ZH 銷售和行銷團隊可以連接到部門和角色的 CRM 和行銷系統,以視覺化的方式分析 Tableau 中的資料,藉以帶動並衡量對客戶的影響。

EN Sales and marketing teams can drive and measure their impact with customers by connecting to their CRM and marketing systems to visually analyse data in Tableau.

ZH 宾客管理 酒店宾客关系管理(CRM) 宾客忠诚计划 宾客反馈 了解详情

EN GuestManagement Hotel CRM Guest Loyalty Guest Feedback Discover more

ZH 我們是 Salesforce Customer 360 的成員。Salesforce Customer 360 以資料為核心,是協助組織進行數位轉型的重要功臣。Tableau 以原生方式內嵌在 Salesforce CRM 中,能為使用者提供 AI 驅動的洞見。

EN We’re part of the Salesforce Customer 360, a key enabler for digital transformation with data at its core. Tableau is natively embedded in Salesforce CRM to empower users with AI-driven insights.

ZH 行銷與銷售人員能將商業科學應用在潛在客戶評分、商機評分、預測成交所需時間,以及其他資料科學團隊無法優先處理,但極有價值的許多 CRM 相關使用案例。

EN Marketing and sales can apply Business Science to lead scoring, opportunity scoring, predicting time to close and many other CRM-related use cases that most data science teams can’t prioritise, but are highly valuable.

ZH 与您的 CRM 和人力资源系统(如 Salesforce、ZenDesk 和 Oracle)集成,以推动弹出屏幕、个性化自助服务,并根据互动反馈数据。

EN Integrate your CRM and HR systems—like Salesforce, ZenDesk and Oracle—to drive screen pops, personalise self-service and feed data back based on the interaction.

ZH 清晰精確的客戶分析可為您減去伴隨傳統 CRM 的困擾和麻煩。透過 SugarCRM, 您的行銷,銷售及客戶服務團隊可使用簡易、統一的平台為他們成功完成任。讓您將客戶關係的維護做個完整的系統。

EN See a clear picture of each customer without all the headaches and hassles that come with traditional CRMs. With SugarCRM, marketing, sales, and customer service teams can finally let the platform do the work.

EN Seamlessly leverage a CRM platform built around your needs and workflows.

ZH 由新創企業到中型乃至大型企業組織,眾多客戶一致肯定 SugarCRM 為最佳選擇——這也是《軟體評論》(Software Reviews)將我們評選為 CRM 第一名的原因。

EN From startups to mid-size businesses to enterprise organizations, customers call SugarCRM the best—which is why we’re ranked #1 for CRMs by Software Reviews.

ZH 通过基于多租户的可视化自动话务员、CRM 应用程序中的屏幕弹出、点击呼叫以及协作功能(*)、以及向访客开放的可视化协作 (*),实现对不同呼叫的轻松管理

EN Easily manage various calls with multitenant visual automated attendant, screen-pops, click-to-call and collaboration from within CRM apps(*), visual collaboration open to guests(*)

ZH 我們的B2Core客戶管理系統/CRM解決方案包括外匯客戶關係管理(CRM), 後台管理系統和客戶管理系統 (Trader's Room) 的功能. 一個基於客戶端所設計的套裝, 根據您運營的業務類型, 滿足您的具體需要.

EN Our B2Core solution includes FOREX CRM, Back Office and Trader's Room functions. A package based client cabinet designed to meet your specific needs according to the type of business you operate.

ZH 榮譽 2021 年《CRM Emotional Footprint Report》第一名

ZH 我們的使命是為行銷、銷售及客戶服務團隊達至高解析度的客戶體驗。提供您一個能讓困難事情變得簡易的 CRM 平台。

EN Our mission is to help marketing, sales, and customer service teams achieve high-definition customer experience by providing the CRM platform that makes the hard things easier.

ZH 這不僅是我們全力為您推出的 CRM 平台 — 這是與我們共同打造完整 SugarCRM 體驗的廣泛合作夥伴及組件網路。

EN It’s not just our CRM platform that works hard for you—it’s our extensive network of partners and add-ons that create the complete Sugar experience.

ZH 跨各个渠道的 CRM 集成,为您的销售和服务工作人员提供每次对话所需的一切。

EN CRM integration across every channel provides your sales and service agents with just what they need to make every conversation great.

ZH Vonage Contact Center 可与 Salesforce 进行原生集成,因而成为了使用 Salesforce CRM 的服务和销售团队的不二之选。为各类不同规模的企业提供一系列联络中心解决方案。

EN Vonage Contact Center integrates natively with Salesforce, making it the clear choice for service and sales teams using Salesforce CRM. Choose from a range of contact center solutions for every business size.

ZH 客户关系管理系统(CRM)、即时聊天工具或维基百科的链接,都可分享。发散思维,集思广益。

EN Unlock the knowledge in your company by sharing links in your team’s CRM, messenger apps or Wiki.

ZH 想弄清销售电话中发生了什么?阅读 CRM 中的摘要没有帮助。阅读笔记永远不会真正回顾 5,000 多个口语。使用 Sonix 可以让你捕捉每个销售对话中的每一个字。

EN Trying to figure out what happened on a sales call? Reading the summary in your CRM isn’t helpful. Reading your notes can never truly recap 5,000+ spoken words. Using Sonix allows you to capture every word of every sales conversation.

ZH 与 Salesforce、Pipedrive 和任何 CRM 进行简单的集成

EN Simple integrations with Salesforce, Pipedrive, and any CRM

ZH 在任何 CRM 系统中保留呼叫的链接,以便您可以轻松访问成绩单。与 Salesforce、HubSpot、Pipedrive、InSightly、微软动态 365、Fressales 和 Zoho 合作。

EN Keep a link to the call in any CRM system so you can easily access the transcript. Works with Salesforce, HubSpot, Pipedrive, Insightly, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Freshsales, and Zoho.

ZH 將傳訊功能整合至電子商務系統、預訂系統、銷售 CRM 和行銷自動化軟體上的客戶服務平台,讓客服人員能夠掌握完整的客戶體驗。

EN Integrate messaging in your customer service platform with your e-commerce system, booking system, sales CRM and marketing automation software, so agents have a holistic view of the customer experience.

ZH 透過建立在首屈一指的 CRM 平台上的 Work.com 解決方案加快您的腳步

EN Speed your path forward with Work.com solutions built on the #1 CRM platform

ZH 整合和同步来自你的客户、联系人和账户。CRM

EN Integrate and sync leads, contacts and account from your CRM

ZH 将Crisp插入到Salesforce ,并将您的Crisp联系人同步到您的Salesforce CRM

EN Plug Crisp to Salesforce, and synchronize your Crisp contacts to your Salesforce CRM.

ZH 将Crisp插入到Pipedrive ,并将您的Crisp联系人同步到您的Pipedrive CRM

EN Plug Crisp to Pipedrive, and synchronize your Crisp contacts to your Pipedrive CRM.

ZH 将Crisp插入到Zoho ,并将您的Crisp联系人同步到您的Zapier CRM

EN Plug Crisp to Zoho, and synchronize your Crisp contacts to your Zapier CRM.

ZH 将Crisp插入到Hubspot ,并将您的Crisp联系人同步到您的Hubspot CRM 。将您的Hubspot 联系人同步回Crisp。

EN Plug Crisp to Hubspot, and synchronize your Crisp contacts to your Hubspot CRM. Synchronize back your Hubspot contacts to Crisp.

ZH 我是否会为某些功能支付更多费用?(例如,CRM ,如果我有很多联系人)

EN Will I pay more for some features? (eg. CRM if I have a lot of contacts)

ZH 分析标准品,有证标准物质 (CRM) | Agilent

ZH 集成了80多个数据源,包括社交媒体、数字、CRM、电信、票务、WIFI、信标和相机数据。

EN Over 80 data sources are integrated including social media, digital, CRM, telco, ticketing, WIFI, beacon, and camera data.

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