"capture one pro" ඉංග්රීසි වෙත පරිවර්තනය කරන්න

චීන සිට ඉංග්රීසි දක්වා "capture one pro" වාක්‍ය ඛණ්ඩයේ 50 පරිවර්‍තන වල 50 පෙන්වමින්

චීන සිට ඉංග්රීසි වෙත capture one pro හි පරිවර්තනය


ZH 在桌面上试用 Capture One Pro 30 天,体验 Capture One 生态系统。 在 Capture One Pro 中,您可以访问 Capture One Live,体验强大的协作工具,免费参加 5 次 Live 会话。

EN Try out the Capture One ecosystem with a 30-day trial for Capture One Pro on desktop. Within Capture One Pro, you can access Capture One Live and test out our powerful collaboration tools with 5 free Live Sessions.

ZH 富士用户可以选购这个针对富士文件的优惠版本,而无需购买 Capture One Pro 完整版。 它可兼容超过 35 款富士机型,而价格不到 Capture One Pro 的一半。

EN Fujifilm users can save on the full-feature set in Capture One Pro with this version exclusive to Fujifilm files. It’s compatible with over 35 Fujifilm cameras, at less than half the price of Capture One Pro.

ZH 索尼用户可以选购这个针对索尼文件的优惠版本,而无需购买 Capture One Pro 完整版。 它可兼容超过 70 款索尼单反、无反及卡片机型,而价格不到 Capture One Pro 的一半。

EN Sony users can save on the full-feature set in Capture One Pro with this version exclusive to Sony files. It’s compatible with over 70 Sony DSLR, mirrorless and compact models, at less than half the price of Capture One Pro.

ZH Capture One Pro 可以编辑所有主流相机品牌的文件。 您也可以节省成本,获取专为富士、索尼或尼康相机设计的 Capture One 版本。 也能为您定制企业和多用户团队的解决方案。

EN Capture One Pro lets you edit files from all major camera brands. Or save with a Capture One version that's just for Fujifilm, Sony or Nikon cameras. Plus, get solutions for business and multi-user teams.

ZH 专为增强和拓展 Capture One 图像编辑软件的性能而打造,Capture One 软件开发工具包 (SDK) 为您创造插件提供了完美的起点。 

EN The Capture One Software Development Kit (SDK) gives you the perfect starting point to create plug-ins to enhance and extend the capabilities of Capture One photo editing software. 

ZH 适用于 Radeon Vega Frontier Edition、Pro SSG、Pro Duo、Pro W、Pro WX、Pro V、FirePro W 和 FirePro S 系列

EN For Radeon Vega Frontier Edition, Pro SSG, Pro Duo, Pro W, Pro WX, Pro V, FirePro W and FirePro S series

ZH 适用于 Radeon Vega Frontier Edition、Pro SSG、Pro Duo、Pro W、Pro WX、Pro V、FirePro W 和 FirePro S 系列

EN For Radeon Vega Frontier Edition, Pro SSG, Pro Duo, Pro W, Pro WX, Pro V, FirePro W and FirePro S series

ZH 您可以按月或按年续费订阅 Capture One Pro,或者一次性支付获得永久授权许可。 任您选择。

EN You can subscribe to a Capture One Pro license monthly or yearly – or make a one-time payment to own your license outright. The choice is yours.  

ZH Capture One Pro 与特定机型版本有何不同? 

EN What is the difference between Capture One Pro and the camera-specific software? 

ZH 虽然您能够在最多两台不同电脑上激活 Capture One Pro 的单用户授权许可,它始终仅限一位用户使用。 如有多位用户需要授权许可,那么多用户版或者企业版授权许可也许更适合您。

EN While you can activate your Capture One single-user license on up to 2 computers, it is exclusive to one user only. If you need a license for multiple users, a multi-user or Enterprise license could be for you.

ZH Capture One Pro 支持所有主流相机品牌的文件。

EN Capture One Pro supports files from all major camera brands.

ZH 以年度订阅方式购买 Capture One Pro 可节省 65% 的费用(预付费或按月付费)

EN Save 65% on an annual subscription to Capture One Pro (prepaid or monthly)

ZH 采用订阅方式意味着您的团队始终可以使用最新版本的 Capture One Pro,并且可以升级至每个最新版本,而无需额外付费。

EN A subscription means your team will always access the latest version of Capture One Pro and can upgrade with every new release – at no extra cost.

ZH 64 位版本的 Pro Tools | First、Pro Tools 或 Pro Tools | Ultimate(不需要 iLok)

EN 64-bit versions of Pro Tools | First, Pro Tools, or Pro Tools | Ultimate (iLok not required)

ZH 装了旧版 Pro Tools 或 Pro Tools | HD 系统?提高音质与性能 — 享受三年升级服务 — 升级至 Pro Tools | HD Native 时。

EN Got an old Pro Tools or Pro Tools | HD system? Boost your sound and performance?and get three years of upgrades?when you move to Pro Tools | HD Native

ZH 使用耐用且防水的 Wacom 大型款收納包,保護你的 Wacom Intuos Pro、Cintiq Pro、Cintiq 或 MobileStudio Pro 毫髮無傷。

EN Protect your Wacom Intuos Pro, Cintiq Pro, Cintiq, or MobileStudio Pro with the durable, water-resistant Wacom Soft Case Large.

ZH 透過多樣化配件,打造個人專屬的 Wacom Intuos Pro 以滿足你的需求,例如質地板面*、手寫紙版配件**(Ballpoint 圓珠筆、Finetip 精細筆、筆夾)、Pro Pen slim、Pro Pen 3D、收納包*、筆尖、筆芯***。

EN Personalize your Wacom Intuos Pro to your preference with Texture Sheets*, Paper accessories** (Ballpoint Pen, Finetip Pen, Paper Clip), Pro Pen slim, Pro Pen 3D, Soft Cases*, pen Nibs, Refills***.

ZH Liquid objects can return one of six types: String, Number, Boolean, Nil, Array, or EmptyDrop. Liquid variables can be initialized by using the assign or capture tags. 進一步了解

EN Liquid objects can return one of six types: String, Number, Boolean, Nil, Array, or EmptyDrop. Liquid variables can be initialized by using the assign or capture tags. Learn more

ZH 拥有梦寐以求的摄影助手。 边拍摄,边梳理。用业界最快的联机功能直接拍摄至您的 Capture One

EN Get the ultimate assistant for shoots. With the industry’s fastest tethering, you can connect your camera and shoot photos directly to Capture One, plus organize them on-the-go.

ZH Capture One 让您拥有世界级摄影师喜爱的专业工具。

EN With Capture One, you get the same pro tools loved by world-class photographers.

ZH 杂志与商业摄影师 Tina Eisen 依靠 Capture One 为著名品牌创作令人惊叹的照片。

EN Editorial and commercial photographer Tina Eisen uses Capture One to create incredible photos for major brands.

ZH 著名摄影师 Joe McNally 栩栩如生的作品背后 Capture One 功不可没。

EN Acclaimed photographer Joe McNally relies on Capture One to bring his images to life.

ZH 商业摄影师 Bryan Minear 对 Capture One 的精准色彩控制工具一见倾心。

EN Commercial photographer Bryan Minear fell in love with Capture One's precision color tools. 

ZH 使用 Capture One 的工具包,您还可以对照片中的每一种色相进行高级色彩控制,确保将您的艺术设想变成现实。

EN As part of Capture One’s toolkit, you also have advanced color control over every hue in your photo to ensure you bring your artistic vision to life.

ZH 我们为一整年使用 Capture One 提供的最优惠价格

EN Our best price for a full year of Capture One

EN One-time payment to own a license for Capture One 22

ZH 以月度续费或年度续费的订阅方式拥有 Capture One 授权许可。  拥有订阅计划,您即可随时升级至最新软件版本,无任何外加费用。

EN Subscribe to a Capture One license via monthly or annual payments. With a subscription plan, you can always upgrade to the latest version of the software at no extra cost.

ZH 一次性支付获得 Capture One 的永久授权许可,还包含小幅度的软件更新。 还能以优惠价获得未来更新版本 - 发布新版本时,持有授权许可的用户有权享受优惠升级价。

EN Make a one-time payment to own your Capture One license outright, with minor software updates included. Plus, save on future versions – existing license owners get a reduced upgrade price with every new release.

ZH Capture One 富士版仅支持富士相机的文件。查看您的相机是否兼容。

EN Capture One for Fujifilm exclusively support files from Fujifilm cameras. Check your camera’s compatibility.

ZH Capture One(索尼版)仅支持索尼相机的文件。查看您的相机是否兼容。

EN Capture One (for Sony) exclusively support files from Sony cameras. Check your camera’s compatibility.

ZH 以 3.5 折优惠价格购买 Capture One,开启您的创作生涯。 

EN Save 65% on Capture One and kick start your creative career. 

ZH Capture One 面向教师和教育机构推出特殊优惠,全力支持未来的摄影师和创作人才。 请联系我们,让我们为您定制解决方案。

EN Capture One offers special pricing for teachers and institutions to support future image creators. Get in touch and let us customize a solution for you.

ZH 让摄影作品集平台 Format 帮您简化工作流程。 直接从 Capture One 20 上传图像,获得客户对校样图集的反馈,并随时通过博客与受众群体互动。

EN Simplify your workflow with portfolio platform Format. Upload images directly from Capture One 20, get client feedback on proofing galleries, and connect with audiences via your blog anytime.

ZH Prodibi 插件能够帮您发送校样图集、自动标记会话或目录,以及将作品直接从 Capture One 20 发布到社交媒体、WordPress 或您的网站。 以最大分辨率,高速发送。

EN The Prodibi plugin lets you send proofing galleries, auto-tag your Session or Catalog and publish your web galleries on social media, WordPress or your website directly from Capture One 20. At full resolution and high speed. 

ZH Capture One 不对任何插件负责 – 如有任何疑问,请联系相应的软件供应商。 也请订阅我们的电子期刊,第一时间了解新增的插件。

EN Capture One is not responsible for any of the plug-ins – for questions, please contact the respective software provider. Plus, sign up to our newsletter and be the first to know about new plug-ins. 

ZH 前往 Capture One 开发者门户来获得个人插件开发方面的技术支持。

EN Visit the Capture One Developer Portal to get support for creating your own plug-ins. 

ZH 欢迎您加入我们的开发者社群,创建能与 Capture One 完美结合的软件或线上服务插件。

EN Join our developer community and create plug-ins that integrate your software or web service seamlessly with Capture One.

ZH Capture One 多用户许可证非常适合拥有 2 个或以上个人用户的摄影团队或企业使用。

EN A Capture One Multi-user license is ideal for photography teams or businesses with 2 or more individual users.

ZH 如果有 2 个或以上用户要同时运行 Capture One,多用户许可证是性价比最高的解决方案

EN A Multi-user license is the most cost-effective solution for 2 or more users to operate Capture One simultaneously.

ZH 在 Facebook 上加入我们的 Capture One Creative Lab 公共群组。 您可以在这里分享想法、向专业人士学习、第一时间了解各种优惠,并从像您一样的摄影师那里获得灵感。

EN Join us on Facebook at Capture One Creative Lab. Share ideas, learn from pros, be the first to know about offers – and get inspired by photographers just like you.

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