"blueberry" ඉංග්රීසි වෙත පරිවර්තනය කරන්න

චීන සිට ඉංග්රීසි දක්වා "blueberry" වාක්‍ය ඛණ්ඩයේ 7 පරිවර්‍තන වල 7 පෙන්වමින්

චීන සිට ඉංග්රීසි වෙත blueberry හි පරිවර්තනය


ZH Blueberry 您所提供的技术信息可能会被Blueberry 用于Blueberry产品支持、开发和其他商业目的,Blueberry 不会以个人身份识别的形式使用这些技术信息。

EN Blueberry may use technical information you provide to Blueberry for Blueberry’s product support, development, and other business purposes. Blueberry will not utilize such technical information in a form that personally identifies you.

ZH Blueberry Software是一家位于英国的创新软件出版公司。我们的目标是设计软件,使先进的技术易于使用,并创造出真正改善工作方式的工具。

EN Blueberry Software is an innovative software publishing company based in the United Kingdom. Our goal is to design software that makes advanced technology easy to use and create tools that really improve the way you work.

ZH Blueberry 没有义务为FlashBack Express 的用户提供除访问我们网站上的常见问题和文章以外的技术支持。

EN Blueberry is not obliged to provide technical support for users of FlashBack Express beyond access to the FAQ and articles available on our website.

ZH Blueberry 软件公司制作了本隐私声明,以表明我们对尊重您的隐私和个人信息的承诺。下面的政策概述了我们可能收集的信息以及我们如何使用这些信息。

EN Blueberry Software has produced this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our commitment to respecting your privacy and personal information. The policy below outlines the information that we may collect and how we may use it.

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