Traduceți "trusted" în Engleză

Se afișează 27 din 27 traduceri ale expresiei "trusted" din chinez în Engleză

Traducerea lui chinez în Engleză din trusted


ZH AWS Trusted Advisor – 存取核心 Trusted Advisor 檢查,並指導您按照最佳實務佈建資源,以提升效能及改善安全。

EN AWS Trusted Advisor - Access to core Trusted Advisor checks and guidance to provision your resources following best practices to increase performance and improve security.

ZH SafeNet Trusted Access 雲端存取管理服務 - Product Brief | Thales

EN Cloud-based Access Management - SafeNet Trusted Access - Product Brief | Thales

ZH SafeNet Trusted Access 雲端存取管理服務 - Product Brief

EN Cloud-based Access Management - SafeNet Trusted Access - Product Brief

ZH 认准可信的符合性标记 Trusted Marks of Conformity

EN Look for the Trusted Marks of Conformity

ZH 可信赖的认证标志ICC-ES PMG Trusted Marks of Conformity

EN Look for the ICC-ES PMG Trusted Marks of Conformity

ZH ICC-ES Listing 标志 Trusted Marks of Conformity

EN Look for the ICC-ES Building Trusted Marks of Conformity

ZH 寻找ICC-ES环境认证标志 Trusted Marks of Conformity

EN Look for the ICC-ES Environmental Trusted Marks of Conformity

ZH 克服複雜的海關和貿易合規性。與我們的 Trusted Advisor® 專家合作,設計風險評估策略和內部控管措施、進行貿易政策稽核以及現場培訓,幫助降低合規風險。

EN Overcome the complexities of customs and trade compliance. Rely on our Trusted Advisor® experts to design risk assessment strategies and internal controls, conduct trade policy audits and onsite training, and help reduce your compliance risk.

ZH 輕鬆完成清關手續。經濟情勢起伏不定,清關作業又牽涉各項規定、法規與行政作業,因此情況有可能複雜多變。與我們的 Trusted Advisor® 在地專家合作,輕鬆管理您在該區域的報關業務。

EN Clear customs with ease. As the economy ebbs and flows, customs clearance can be a complex, changing landscape of rules, regulations, and administration. Work with our local Trusted Advisor® experts to manage your customs clearances in the region.

ZH 透過 AWS Trusted Advisor 識別組態的挑戰

EN Identification of configuration challenges through AWS Trusted Advisor

ZH SafeNet Trusted Access 雲端存取管理服務 - Product Brief

EN Cloud-based Access Management - SafeNet Trusted Access - Product Brief

ZH 认准可信的符合性标记 Trusted Marks of Conformity

EN Look for the Trusted Marks of Conformity

ZH 可信赖的认证标志ICC-ES PMG Trusted Marks of Conformity

EN Look for the ICC-ES PMG Trusted Marks of Conformity

ZH ICC-ES Listing 标志 Trusted Marks of Conformity

EN Look for the ICC-ES Building Trusted Marks of Conformity

ZH 寻找ICC-ES环境认证标志 Trusted Marks of Conformity

EN Look for the ICC-ES Environmental Trusted Marks of Conformity

ZH 博客 帮助中心 最新动态 网络讲座 电子书 Hire a Trusted Agency 学院 热门网站

EN Blog Help Center What's New Webinars Ebooks Hire a Trusted Agency Academy Top Websites

ZH 博客 帮助中心 最新动态 网络讲座 电子书 Hire a Trusted Agency 学院 热门网站

EN Blog Help Center What's New Webinars Ebooks Hire a Trusted Agency Academy Top Websites

ZH Trusted Media Brands 利用 Cloudflare Workers 開發出一種解決方案,該解決方案可提供出色的快取命中率,進而改善其網站的效能及在搜尋結果中的位置。

EN The solution: Using Cloudflare Workers to increase cache hit rates

ZH 由於 Trusted Media Brands 經營著知名度高、流量高的網站,因此成了惡意機器人的目標。

EN Blocking malicious bots with WAF and Rate Limiting

ZH Trusted Media Brands 網站載入速度比採用本地基礎結構的速度快了 400%。

EN Trusted Media Brands’ sites load 400 percent faster than they would from on-prem infrastructure.

ZH 博客 帮助中心 最新动态 网络讲座 电子书 Hire a Trusted Agency 学院 热门网站

EN Blog Help Center What's New Webinars Ebooks Hire a Trusted Agency Academy Top Websites

ZH 博客 帮助中心 最新动态 网络讲座 电子书 Hire a Trusted Agency 学院 热门网站

EN Blog Help Center What's New Webinars Ebooks Hire a Trusted Agency Academy Top Websites

ZH 作為licensed online escrow service we are a trusted third party who holds the fund during the Watch transaction. Instructions are provided securely through our secure online portal.

EN As a licensed online escrow service we are a trusted third party who holds the fund during the Watch transaction. Instructions are provided securely through our secure online portal.

ZH 博客 帮助中心 最新动态 网络讲座 电子书 Hire a Trusted Agency 学院 热门网站

EN Blog Help Center What's New Webinars Ebooks Hire a Trusted Agency Academy Top Websites

ZH Home Industries 教育 The Trusted Choice

EN Home Industries Education The Trusted Choice

ZH 為所有使用者及裝置建立 Trusted Access

EN Establish Trusted Access for every user and device.

ZH 確保企業安全無虞、流程簡單便於消費者,此解決方案管理並保障裝置與使用者。無論是需要特定的工作流程,還是 Trusted Access 的所有功能,我們有信心能滿足客戶各式各樣的需求

EN Whether you need a specific workflow or the full power of Trusted Access, you’ve come to the right place.

Se afișează 27 din 27 traduceri