Traduzir "temp" para inglês

Mostrando 2 de 2 traduções da frase "temp" de chinês para inglês

Tradução de chinês para inglês de temp


ZH myInsight 的日志文件保存在存储库中的“/Temp”文件柜或“/Temp/jobs/Delt Reporting Agent”(用于任务执行)中。无法将类路径打印到日志文件。

EN The log files of the myInsight are stored in the repository in the “/Temp” cabinet or in “/Temp/jobs/Delt Reporting Agent” for the job executions. It is not possible to print the classpath to the log file.

ZH 可以在 Temp 文件柜中找到相应的 result.myInsight Agent.log 日志文件,获取实际的错误消息以及哪项 DQL 配置不正确。请参阅以下内容,了解其他一些错误消息和解决方法:

EN You can find the corresponding result.myInsight Agent.log logfile in the Temp cabinet for the actual error message and which DQL is configured incorrectly. Please see below for some additional error messages and the solution:

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