Traduzir "nations" para inglês

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Tradução de chinês para inglês de nations


ZH 拜登总统在第76届联合国大会(United Nations General Assembly)发表讲话时指出:“这些雄心勃勃的投资不仅仅是良好的气候政策,也是我们每个国家投资于自己以及我们的未来的机会。”

EN ?Making these ambitious investments isn’t just good climate policy,? President Biden said at the United Nations General Assembly?s 76th session, ?it’s a chance for each of our countries to invest in ourselves and our own future.?

ZH 在第26届联合国气候变化大会(2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference)即将于11月召开之际,美国及许多国家正在承诺大幅削减温室气体。

EN The United States is among the many nations committing to major greenhouse gas reductions ahead of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) this November.

ZH 联合国秘书长(United Nations Secretary-General)安东尼奥·古特雷斯 (António Guterres)以及数百位大使、美国和约旦官员、宗教和非宗教领导人出席了在宏伟壮丽的大教堂举行的颁奖典礼。

EN United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres and hundreds of ambassadors, U.S. and Jordanian officials, and faith and civic leaders attended the ceremony in the majestic cathedral.

ZH 拜登总统在第76届联合国大会(United Nations General Assembly)发表讲话时指出:“这些雄心勃勃的投资不仅仅是良好的气候政策,也是我们每个国家投资于自己以及我们的未来的机会。”

EN ?Making these ambitious investments isn’t just good climate policy,? President Biden said at the United Nations General Assembly?s 76th session, ?it’s a chance for each of our countries to invest in ourselves and our own future.?

ZH 在第26届联合国气候变化大会(2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference)即将于11月召开之际,美国及许多国家正在承诺大幅削减温室气体。

EN The United States is among the many nations committing to major greenhouse gas reductions ahead of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) this November.

ZH 蓬佩奥援引联合国(United Nations)的数据分析说,2020年,亚洲国家的经济产量自19世纪以来将首次超过世界其余地区的总合。

EN In 2020, for the first time since the 19th century, Asia?s economic output will exceed that of the rest of the world combined, Pompeo said, citing United Nations data analysis.

ZH 每年有数百万吨的鲨鱼、海豚、鲸鱼、海龟等处境艰难的物种被漂网捕捞后死亡。为了防止类似情况的发生,联合国(United Nations)在20多年前发布了漂网捕鱼禁令。

EN Every year millions of tons of sharks, dolphins, whales, turtles and other vulnerable species are caught in drift nets and die. To prevent this, the United Nations issued a drift-net moratorium more than two decades ago.

ZH 安东尼·布林肯(Antony Blinken)国务卿8月3日在东南亚国家联盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)外长会议上,要求缅甸军方恢复民主执政,释放遭到不公正关押的人,并停止使用暴力。

EN Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in an August 3 meeting with foreign ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, called on Burma?s military to restore democratic governance, release those unjustly detained and end the use of violence.

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