Traduzir "logmein central" para inglês

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Tradução de chinês para inglês de logmein central


ZH 使用 Splashtop 每年可節省數百或數千美元。選擇 Splashtop,比起 TeamViewer、LogMeIn CentralLogMeIn Rescue、GoToAssist、GoToMyPC 和 BeyondTrust,費用可節省約 50% 至 80%。

EN You can save hundreds or thousands of dollars a year with Splashtop. Save anywhere from 50% to 80% off your cost when choosing Splashtop over TeamViewer, LogMeIn Central, LogMeIn Rescue, GoToAssist, GoToMyPC, and BeyondTrust.

ZH 使用 Splashtop 每年可節省數百或數千美元。選擇 Splashtop,比起 TeamViewer、LogMeIn CentralLogMeIn Rescue、GoToAssist、GoToMyPC 和 BeyondTrust,費用可節省約 50% 至 80%。

EN You can save hundreds or thousands of dollars a year with Splashtop. Save anywhere from 50% to 80% off your cost when choosing Splashtop over TeamViewer, LogMeIn Central, LogMeIn Rescue, GoToAssist, GoToMyPC, and BeyondTrust.

ZH 「對於我們的客戶來說,Splashtop Enterprise 比之前使用的 LogMeIn Rescue 更易於使用。它是一款輕量級但功能強大的軟體。而且,比起 LogMeIn,使用 Splashtop 讓我們省下不少經費。」

EN "Splashtop Enterprise was easier for our clients to use than LogMeIn Rescue that we used previously. It is a lightweight, yet robust feeling software. And, we saved money with Splashtop as compared to LogMeIn."

ZH 「對於我們的客戶來說,Splashtop Enterprise 比之前使用的 LogMeIn Rescue 更易於使用。它是一款輕量級但功能強大的軟體。而且,比起 LogMeIn,使用 Splashtop 讓我們省下不少經費。」

EN "Splashtop Enterprise was easier for our clients to use than LogMeIn Rescue that we used previously. It is a lightweight, yet robust feeling software. And, we saved money with Splashtop as compared to LogMeIn."

ZH 相較於 LogMeIn Central 最多可節省 80%,成本花費遠低於其他 MSP 遠端支援軟體。

EN Save up to 80% compared to LogMeIn Central and save compared to other MSP remote support software.

ZH 相較於 LogMeIn Central 最多可節省 80%,成本花費遠低於其他 MSP 遠端支援軟體。

EN Save up to 80% compared to LogMeIn Central and save compared to other MSP remote support software.

ZH 相較於 LogMeIn Central 最多可省下 80% 費用,遠低於其他 MSP 遠端支援軟體。

EN Save up to 80% compared to LogMeIn Central and save compared to other MSP remote support software.

ZH Mid-Levels Central (House)是位于Mid-Levels Central的House / VillaMid-Levels Central (House)位处11校网。

EN Mid-Levels Central (House) is a/an House / Villa located at Mid-Levels Central. Mid-Levels Central (House) is located in School Net 11.

ZH Central Mills, 阿拉巴马, 美国 - 当前天气,每小时预测的今天,明天,详细的10天天气预报和长期的月度展望。气候图表信息。 国家: 阿拉巴马, 美国, 城市: Central Mills. [2334248]

EN Central Mills, Alabama, USA - Current weather, an hourly forecast for today, tomorrow, detailed 10-day weather forecast, and long range monthly outlook. Climate information with charts. Country: Alabama, USA, City: Central Mills. [2334248]

ZH 選擇 Splashtop 省下購買 LogMeIn 或 GoToMyPC 80% 的成本!

EN Move to Splashtop and save up to 80% compared to LogMeIn or GoToMyPC!

ZH )、LogMeIn Rescue 或 GoToAssist 的最佳選擇

EN ), LogMeIn Rescue, or GoToAssist

ZH 建立您專屬的部署 Streamer 自動歸入您的帳戶,或者下載標準版 Streamer 並且使用您的 Splashtop 帳號和密碼登入。輕鬆從從 LogMeIn 移轉到 Splashtop,其它遠端解決方案也可以!

EN Create your own deployment streamer that automatically binds to your account. Or download the standard streamer and log in using your Splashtop ID and password. It’s easy to migrate from LogMeIn and other remote solutions!

ZH “使用了別人; LogMeIn,TeamViewer等;我發現Splashtop是最快,最可靠的。被支持的人還發現一些最易於使用的支持軟體,並且可以正常工作。”

EN “Having used others; LogMeIn, TeamViewer, etc.; I have found Splashtop to be the fastest and most reliable. The people being supported also find the support software some of the easiest to use and it just works.”

ZH 「多年來,我一直使用 TeamViewer 和 LogMeIn 進行遠端支援。直到 Splashtop 的出現,它更快、更便宜。簡單的使用介面,非常高效的客戶支援!」

EN “I have used TeamViewer and LogMeIn for remote support for years. Then Splashtop came along and it’s faster and cheaper. Simple UI, very efficient, and GREAT CUSTOMER SUPPORT!”

ZH 「對於我們而言,要將所有的客戶從 LogMeIn 轉移到Splashtop,讓人頭皮發麻。但是,太棒了!太棒了,我是說真是太棒了!」

EN “As for moving all our clients off LogMeIn to Splashtop, I was expecting a huge headache. However, it was awesome! By awesome, I mean AWESOME!”

ZH 由於 Splashtop 的定價,HCS 可以吸引更多人。當我們放棄 LogMeIn,每年節省了大約 2 千 500 美元,因此增加了我們能夠安裝 Streamer 的能力,持續維護和簽約的客戶數量都提高了。」

EN “Because of Splashtop’s pricing, HCS can have more people on. When we dumped LogMeIn, we saved around $2,500 per year, so that increased the number of clients that we were able to put streamer on, maintain continuously, and add into our contract.”

ZH 與其他遠端存取產品相比,使用 Splashtop 每年節省數百甚至數千美元。選擇 Splashtop 取代 TeamViewer、LogMeIn Pro、GoToMyPC 和 BeyondTrust時,為您節省成本 50% 到 80%。

EN Save hundreds or even thousands a year with Splashtop when compare to other remote access products. Save anywhere from 50% to 80% when you choose Splashtop over TeamViewer, LogMeIn Pro, GoToMyPC, and BeyondTrust.

ZH 使用 Splashtop 以最優惠的價格獲得高質量的解決方案。當您選擇 Splashtop 而不是TeamViewer 、 LogMeIn Pro 、 GoToMyPC和BeyondTrust時,可以保存從50%到80%任何位置。

EN Get a high quality solution at the best price with Splashtop. Save anywhere from 50% to 80% when you choose Splashtop over TeamViewer, LogMeIn Pro, GoToMyPC, and BeyondTrust.

ZH 相較於其他遠端存取產品,使用 Splashtop 每年可節省數百甚至數千美元。選擇 Splashtop 取代 TeamViewer、LogMeIn Pro、GoToMyPC 和 BeyondTrust,為您節省成本 50% 到 80%。

EN Save hundreds or even thousands a year with Splashtop when compare to other remote access products. Save anywhere from 50% to 80% when you choose Splashtop over TeamViewer, LogMeIn Pro, GoToMyPC, and BeyondTrust.

ZH 我用過 LogMeIn、TeamViewer 等其他產品,比較後我發現 Splashtop 最快、最可靠。得到支援的使用者也發現一些非常簡易又好用的支援軟體。

EN Having used others; LogMeIn, TeamViewer, etc.; I have found Splashtop to be the fastest and most reliable. The people being supported also find the support software some of the easiest to use and it just works.

ZH 我以前使用過 LogMeIn,相較之下 Splashtop 更便宜,而且易於設定使用者並控制對電腦的存取。我喜歡連線和歷史記錄檔這些功能。非常有幫助。

EN I’ve used LogMeIn before and this is much cheaper, also easy to set up users with controlled access to machines. I like having the session and History logs. These have been extremely helpful.

ZH 非常易於使用,我之前用過 GoToMyPC 及 LogMeIn,對我而言 Splashtop 是最理想的產品,相較之下價格也十分合理,而且檔案傳輸功能更好用。

EN Very easy to use, I have used GoToMyPC and LogMeIn before and Splashtop is the best product to me. Also the price is a lot better than the competition. And the transfer of file is much easier.

ZH 想要比 LogMeIn Pro 更好的選擇?Splashtop Business Access 以較低的成本,帶給您更多頂規功能、更優越的性能及增強的安全性。

EN Want a better alternative to LogMeIn Pro? Splashtop Business Access allows you enjoy top features like higher performance and enhanced security but at a much lower cost.

ZH 許多本來使用 LogMeIn Rescu 的客戶不約而同轉換到 Splashtop SOS,加入他們的行列!保證省

EN Join former LogMeIn Rescue customers who made the switch to Splashtop SOS. You’ll save

ZH 「如同其他 IT 專業人員,我對 LogMeIn 的價格戰爭視若無睹。因為除了易於部署和擴展之外,Splashtop 還提供了出色的效能表現。」

EN “Like many other IT professionals, I was blindsided by the LogMeIn pricing bombshell. In addition to being easily deployed and scaled, Splashtop gives me excellent performance.”

ZH Splashtop 發表 Splashtop Business for Remote Support,訴求便利、可靠且符合經濟效益的使用體驗,是取代 LogMeIn 和 TeamViewer 的最佳選擇。 2015/08/31

EN Splashtop Launches Splashtop Business for Remote Support, the Simple, Reliable, and Cost-Effective Replacement for LogMeIn and TeamViewer 2015/08/31

ZH 已有 LogMeIn 授權?不必等到目前訂閱期滿,寄送電子郵件至 或致電 1-408-886-7177 與我們聯繫,我們的團隊將協助您儘早開始儘早開始體驗 Splashtop,並無需任何額外費用。

EN Already have a LogMeIn license? No need to wait until your current subscription expires. Contact us at or 1-408-886-7177 and we’ll help you get an early startearly start with Splashtop at no extra cost.

ZH 想要比 LogMeIn Pro 更好的選擇?Splashtop Business Access 以較低的成本,帶給您更多頂規功能、更優越的性能及增強的安全性。

EN Want a better alternative to LogMeIn Pro? Splashtop Business Access allows you enjoy top features like higher performance and enhanced security but at a much lower cost.

ZH 許多本來使用 LogMeIn Rescu 的客戶不約而同轉換到 Splashtop SOS,加入他們的行列!保證省

EN Join former LogMeIn Rescue customers who made the switch to Splashtop SOS. You’ll save

ZH 「如同其他 IT 專業人員,我對 LogMeIn 的價格戰爭視若無睹。因為除了易於部署和擴展之外,Splashtop 還提供了出色的效能表現。」

EN “Like many other IT professionals, I was blindsided by the LogMeIn pricing bombshell. In addition to being easily deployed and scaled, Splashtop gives me excellent performance.”

ZH 想要比 LogMeIn Pro 更好的選擇?Splashtop Business Access 以較低的成本,帶給您更多頂規功能、更優越的性能及增強的安全性。

EN Want a better alternative to LogMeIn Pro? Splashtop Business Access allows you enjoy top features like higher performance and enhanced security but at a much lower cost.

ZH 許多本來使用 LogMeIn Rescu 的客戶不約而同轉換到 Splashtop SOS,加入他們的行列!保證省

EN Join former LogMeIn Rescue customers who made the switch to Splashtop SOS. You’ll save

ZH 「如同其他 IT 專業人員,我對 LogMeIn 的價格戰爭視若無睹。因為除了易於部署和擴展之外,Splashtop 還提供了出色的效能表現。」

EN “Like many other IT professionals, I was blindsided by the LogMeIn pricing bombshell. In addition to being easily deployed and scaled, Splashtop gives me excellent performance.”

ZH 選擇 Splashtop 省下購買 LogMeIn 或 GoToMyPC 80% 的成本!

EN Move to Splashtop and save up to 80% compared to LogMeIn or GoToMyPC!

ZH 建立您專屬的部署 Streamer 自動歸入您的帳戶,或者下載標準版 Streamer 並且使用您的 Splashtop 帳號和密碼登入。輕鬆從從 LogMeIn 移轉到 Splashtop,其它遠端解決方案也可以!

EN Create your own deployment streamer that automatically binds to your account. Or download the standard streamer and log in using your Splashtop ID and password. It’s easy to migrate from LogMeIn and other remote solutions!

ZH 「非常易於使用,我之前用過 GoToMyPC 及 LogMeIn,對我而言 Splashtop 是最理想的產品,相較之下價格也十分合理,而且檔案傳輸功能更好用。」

EN “Very easy to use, I have used GoToMyPC and LogMeIn before and Splashtop is the best product to me. Also the price is a lot better than the competition. And the file transfer is much easier.”

ZH 「對於我們而言,要將所有的客戶從 LogMeIn 轉移到Splashtop,讓人頭皮發麻。但是,太棒了!太棒了,我是說真是太棒了!」

EN “As for moving all our clients off LogMeIn to Splashtop, I was expecting a huge headache. However, it was awesome! By awesome, I mean AWESOME!”

ZH 由於 Splashtop 的定價,HCS 可以吸引更多人。當我們放棄 LogMeIn,每年節省了大約 2 千 500 美元,因此增加了我們能夠安裝 Streamer 的能力,持續維護和簽約的客戶數量都提高了。」

EN “Because of Splashtop’s pricing, HCS can have more people on. When we dumped LogMeIn, we saved around $2,500 per year, so that increased the number of clients that we were able to put streamer on, maintain continuously, and add into our contract.”

ZH 相較於其他遠端存取產品,使用 Splashtop 每年可節省數百甚至數千美元。選擇 Splashtop 取代 TeamViewer、LogMeIn Pro、GoToMyPC 和 BeyondTrust,為您節省成本 50% 到 80%。

EN Save hundreds or even thousands a year with Splashtop when compare to other remote access products. Save anywhere from 50% to 80% when you choose Splashtop over TeamViewer, LogMeIn Pro, GoToMyPC, and BeyondTrust.

ZH 使用 Splashtop 以最優惠的價格獲得高質量的解決方案。當您選擇 Splashtop 而不是TeamViewer 、 LogMeIn Pro 、 GoToMyPC和BeyondTrust時,可以保存從50%到80%任何位置。

EN Get a high quality solution at the best price with Splashtop. Save anywhere from 50% to 80% when you choose Splashtop over TeamViewer, LogMeIn Pro, GoToMyPC, and BeyondTrust.

ZH 我以前使用過 LogMeIn,相較之下 Splashtop 更便宜,而且易於設定使用者並控制對電腦的存取。我喜歡連線和歷史記錄檔這些功能。非常有幫助。

EN I’ve used LogMeIn before and this is much cheaper, also easy to set up users with controlled access to machines. I like having the session and History logs. These have been extremely helpful.

ZH 我用過 LogMeIn、TeamViewer 等其他產品,比較後我發現 Splashtop 最快、最可靠。得到支援的使用者也發現一些非常簡易又好用的支援軟體。

EN Having used others; LogMeIn, TeamViewer, etc.; I have found Splashtop to be the fastest and most reliable. The people being supported also find the support software some of the easiest to use and it just works.

ZH 非常易於使用,我之前用過 GoToMyPC 及 LogMeIn,對我而言 Splashtop 是最理想的產品,相較之下價格也十分合理,而且檔案傳輸功能更好用。

EN Very easy to use, I have used GoToMyPC and LogMeIn before and Splashtop is the best product to me. Also the price is a lot better than the competition. And the transfer of file is much easier.

ZH 「多年來,我一直使用 TeamViewer 和 LogMeIn 進行遠端支援。直到 Splashtop 的出現,它更快、更便宜。簡單的使用介面,非常高效的客戶支援!」

EN “I have used TeamViewer and LogMeIn for remote support for years. Then Splashtop came along and it’s faster and cheaper. Simple UI, very efficient, and GREAT CUSTOMER SUPPORT!”

ZH 已有 LogMeIn 授權?不必等到目前訂閱期滿,透過 或 1-408-886-7177 與我們聯繫,

EN Already have a LogMeIn license? No need to wait until your current subscription expires. Contact us at or 1-408-886-7177 and

ZH *LastPass 是 LogMeIn, Inc. 的注册商标。

EN *LastPass is a registered trademark of LogMeIn, Inc.

ZH 選擇 Splashtop 可以省下訂閱 LogMeIn 或 GoToMyPC 80% 的費用!

EN Move to Splashtop and save up to 80% compared to LogMeIn or GoToMyPC!

ZH ,TeamViewer(保存50%,保證),LogMeIn Rescue或GoToAssist

EN TeamViewer (save 50%, guaranteed), LogMeIn Rescue, or GoToAssist

ZH 您可以透過 msi 或 exe 快速進行大規模部署。從 LogMeIn 移轉也非常容易。

EN You can quickly mass deploy via msi or exe. It’s also easy to migrate from LogMeIn.

ZH 建立專屬的部署方案,並傳送給您的客戶安裝連結。透過 MSI 或 EXE 快速進行大規模部署 。如要從其他遠端解決方案移轉也非常容易!從 LogMeIn 移轉到 Splashtop | 從 TeamViewer 移轉到 Splashtop

EN Create your own deployment package and send your clients a link to install. Quickly mass deploy via msi or exe. It’s easy to migrate from, and other remote solutions! Migrate from LogMeIn to Splashtop | Migrate from TeamViewer to Splashtop

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