Traduzir "pea" para chinês

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Tradução de inglês para chinês de pea


EN Harnessing the power of pea to innovate a new dairy alternative

ZH 利用豌豆去研製創新的植物乳替代品

Transliteração lì yòng wān dòu qù yán zhì chuàng xīn de zhí wù rǔ tì dài pǐn

EN “Layering is essential for exploring by bike. San Francisco boasts a wide range of weather - by day the pendulum swings wildly from gloomy ‘pea souper’ to sun drenched skies.” Rob Saunders

ZH 「要騎車探索一個城市便需要多層次穿搭。舊金山的多變天氣是出了名的 - 一天之中的天氣變化有如鐘擺般左右擺盪,可以從『碗豆湯』般的綿綿陰雨濃霧轉瞬間變成豔陽天。」 Rob Saunders

Transliteração 「yào qí chē tàn suǒ yī gè chéng shì biàn xū yào duō céng cì chuān dā。jiù jīn shān de duō biàn tiān qì shì chū le míng de - yī tiān zhī zhōng de tiān qì biàn huà yǒu rú zhōng bǎi bān zuǒ yòu bǎi dàng, kě yǐ cóng 『wǎn dòu tāng』 bān de mián mián yīn yǔ nóng wù zhuǎn shùn jiān biàn chéng yàn yáng tiān。」 Rob Saunders

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