Przetłumacz "covid" na język angielski

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Tłumaczenie chiński na język angielski z covid

język angielski

ZH 探访例外规则: 适用对象:COVID-19 阳性患者、疑似 COVID-19 患者和 COVID-19 阴性患者

EN Visitor Exceptions: Applicable to: COVID-19 Positive, Suspected COVID-19 Patient & COVID-19 Negative Patients

ZH 歡迎使用 MuleSoft Anypoint Exchange 上託管的 COVID 疫情動態 API 開始進行分析。使用這個 API 即可運用多項 COVID-19 資料,包含案例數、死亡人數、檢測情形、住院人數、呼吸器使用情形等。

EN Get started with the COVID Activity API hosted on MuleSoft’s Anypoint Exchange. You can use this API to leverage COVID-19 data on cases, deaths, testing, hospitalisations, ventilator use and more.

ZH 進一步瞭解 COVID-19 相關的資料視覺化項最佳做法以及 建立另一張 COVID-19 圖表前的 10 項考量。

EN Read more about data viz best practices related to COVID-19 and 10 considerations before you create another chart about COVID-19.

ZH COVID-19 疫情期間中,資料是瞭解疫情的重要工具,也是制定保命政策時,提供參考資訊的重要利器。如要進一步瞭解資料與新冠病毒,請造訪我們的 COVID-19 資料資源中心。

EN During the COVID-19 outbreak, data is a critical tool for understanding the pandemic and for informing life-saving policies. To learn more about data and the coronavirus, visit our COVID-19 Data Resource Hub.

ZH 要详细了解医疗领域的其他领先者和其他行业的组织如何在 COVID-19 疫情期间进行数据运营转型,请访问 Tableau COVID-19 数据中心。

EN For more information on how other healthcare leaders and organisations from other industries are transforming their data operations during COVID-19, visit the Tableau COVID-19 data hub.

ZH BET COVID 救济基金筹集了超过 $16MM 的资金,以承诺支持受 COVID-19 影响的非裔美国人社区

EN BET COVID Relief Fund Raises Over $16MM In Commitments to Support African American Communities Impacted By COVID-19

ZH 抵达妙佑医疗国际后,您不需要接受隔离。妙佑医疗国际的政策仍然认为 2019 冠状病毒病 (COVID-19) 检测足以对院区访客进行 2019 冠状病毒病 (COVID-19) 筛查。

EN You do not need to quarantine upon arrival to Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic's policy continues to be that COVID-19 testing offers sufficient screening for COVID-19 for campus visitors.

ZH CDC 要求抵达美国的所有航空旅客提供阴性 2019 冠状病毒病 (COVID-19) 检测结果或 2019 冠状病毒病 (COVID-19) 的已康复证明

EN CDC requirement for proof of negative COVID-19 test or recovery from COVID-19 for all air passengers arriving in the United States

ZH 歡迎使用 MuleSoft Anypoint Exchange 上託管的 COVID 疫情動態 API 開始進行分析。使用這個 API 即可運用多項 COVID-19 資料,包含案例數、死亡人數、檢測情形、住院人數、呼吸器使用情形等。

EN Get started with the COVID Activity API hosted on MuleSoft’s Anypoint Exchange. You can use this API to leverage COVID-19 data on cases, deaths, testing, hospitalisations, ventilator use and more.

ZH 進一步瞭解 COVID-19 相關的資料視覺化項最佳做法以及 建立另一張 COVID-19 圖表前的 10 項考量。

EN Read more about data viz best practices related to COVID-19 and 10 considerations before you create another chart about COVID-19.

ZH BET COVID 救济基金筹集了超过 $16MM 的资金,以承诺支持受 COVID-19 影响的非裔美国人社区

EN BET COVID Relief Fund Raises Over $16MM In Commitments to Support African American Communities Impacted By COVID-19

ZH COVID-19 研究基金正在加速 COVID-19 和相关的病毒靶向研究、疫苗研发和基因治疗。

EN The COVID-19 Research Fund is accelerating COVID-19 and related virus-targeted research, vaccine development and gene therapies.

ZH COVID-19 临床基金提高了我们的检测能力和对 COVID-19 的整体反应,以帮助各地患者获得最佳护理。

EN The COVID-19 Clinical Fund advances our testing capabilities and overall response to COVID-19 to help patients everywhere get the best care possible.

ZH 当照护已知的或疑似的 COVID-19 阳性患者时,是否应将手术室 (OR) 通风转换为负压,以防工作人员发生 COVID-19 暴露?

EN Should the operating room (OR) ventilation be converted to negative pressure to protect the staff from COVID-19 exposure when caring for known or suspected COVID-19 positive patient?

ZH 有关 COVID-19 的最新信息,请访问康特拉科斯塔县卫生服务部的冠状病毒网页或联系 COVID-19 呼叫中心:

EN For the latest information on COVID-19, visit Contra Costa County?s Health Services Department?s Coronavirus webpage or contact the COVID-19 call center:

ZH 世界各地的政府、醫院和藥房都在努力分發 COVID-19 疫苗。技術上的限制導致疫苗登記網站的登記工作不堪重負,瀕臨崩潰。

EN Around the world, governments, hospitals, and pharmacies are struggling to distribute the COVID-19 vaccine. Technical limitations are causing vaccine registration sites to crash under the load of registrations.

ZH 進一步瞭解等待室服務如何通過 Fairshot 專案來幫助 COVID-19 疫苗分發。

EN Learn more about how Waiting Room enables COVID-19 vaccine distribution with Project Fairshot.

ZH 閱讀 Elsevier 對 COVID-19 的免費健康和醫學研究,取得新病毒相關洞悉。

EN Gain insights about the new virus by reading Elsevier?s free health and medical research on COVID-19.

ZH 了解更多有关 Atlassian 在 COVID-19 期间的业务持续性计划的信息。

EN Learn more about Atlassian’s business continuity plan during COVID-19.

ZH 持有Qualmark认证标志的抗击新冠认证商家(COVID Clean Approved)代表其采取了符合政府规定的健康和卫生措施,以抗击新冠疫情。

EN COVID Clean Approved shows a Qualmark awarded business is equipped with health and hygiene measures to help protect against COVID, in accordance with government guidelines.

ZH NHS COVID-19联系人跟踪应用程序的技术深入探讨

EN A technical deep-dive into the NHS COVID-19 contact tracing app

ZH 保持生命:后台跟踪和NHS COVID-19应用程序

EN Staying alive: background tracing & the NHS COVID-19 app

ZH 新型冠狀病毒 (Covid-19) 追蹤器 | 每日更新的新增與死亡病例全球資料 | Tableau

EN Coronavirus (COVID-19) tracker | Global data for new cases & deaths updated daily | Tableau

ZH 新型冠狀病毒 (COVID-19) 全球資料追蹤器

EN Coronavirus (COVID-19) global data tracker

ZH COVID-19(新冠病毒)資料資源中心 | Tableau

EN COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Data Hub | Tableau

ZH 歡迎來到 COVID-19 資料中心

EN Welcome to the COVID-19 Data Hub

ZH COVID-19、星巴克與第三地

EN COVID-19, Starbucks & the third place

ZH COVID-19 時代下的資料:經驗教訓

EN Data in the time of COVID-19: Lessons learned

ZH 我們提供樣板套件,也準備了一些資料,協助您進行自己的分析,瞭解新冠病毒 (COVID-19) 所帶來的衝擊。沒有 Tableau? 下載免費試用版即可開始使用。

EN Starter kits and prepared data to help you do your own analysis to understand the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Don't have Tableau? Download our free trial to get started.

ZH 連線 COVID-19 疫情動態資料

EN Connect to COVID-19 activity data

ZH 您可透過 的 Web 資料連接器直接下載或存取 COVID-19 案例資料。 是一個資料平台,使用者可在此平台上,以又大又有意義的規模發佈、搜尋資料集,並在資料集上進行協作。

EN COVID-19 case data can be downloaded directly or accessed through a web data connector from, a platform for data that enables users to post, search and collaborate on data sets on a large and meaningful scale.

ZH COVID-19 資料免費訓練課程

EN Free training for COVID-19 data

ZH 歡迎報名我們的即時訓練課程,瞭解如何使用 COVID-19 快速起步工作簿進行您自己的分析

EN Register for our live training courses to learn how to use the COVID-19 jump-start workbook for your own analysis

ZH 發佈問題,或協助其他人解決 COVID-19 資料問題

EN Post your questions or help others solve their COVID-19 data questions

ZH 探索各種能助您企業一臂之力的重要產業工作簿與解決方案,以及數千個全球 COVID-19 視覺化。

EN Discover critical industry workbooks, solutions to help your business and thousands of global COVID-19 visualisations.

ZH 取得其他 COVID-19 資料來源

EN Access additional COVID-19 data sources

ZH 瞭解如何以負責任的方式將 COVID-19 資料視覺化

EN Learn how to visualise COVID-19 data responsibly

ZH 客戶如何運用資料在 COVID-19 期間進行管理

EN How customers are using data to manage through COVID-19

ZH Covid-19 政府機關資料追蹤器 | 聯邦、州/省與地方政府機關 | Tableau

EN COVID-19 government data trackers | Federal, state and local agencies | Tableau

ZH 新型冠狀病毒 (COVID-19) 政府機關資料追蹤

EN Coronavirus (COVID-19) government data track

ZH 查看最新政府機關資料追蹤器,其中擷取了聯邦、州/省與地方政府機關視覺化 COVID-19 疫情蔓延情況的資料。

EN See the latest public government data trackers capturing the way federal, state and local governments are visualising the spread of COVID-19

ZH 我們可以從公共部門對 COVID-19 的因應方式學到什麼?

EN What we can learn from the public sector response to COVID-19

ZH 註冊線上免費訓練課程,瞭解如何使用 COVID-19 快速入門工作簿進行您的專屬分析。

EN Register for our live training courses to learn how to use the COVID-19 jump-start workbook for your own analysis.

ZH 建立您的 COVID-19 影響追蹤器

EN Create your COVID-19 impact tracker

ZH 聆聽政府領導人員與 Tableau 資料專家針對如何運用資料以瞭解、追蹤並減緩 COVID-19 影響分享最佳實務。

EN Hear from government leaders and Tableau data experts who will share best practices on how to leverage data to understand, track and mitigate the impact of COVID-19.

ZH Covid-19 經濟資料追蹤器 | 居家辦公、零售、金融指標 | Tableau

EN COVID-19 economic data trackers | Work from home, retail, financial indicators | Tableau

ZH 新型冠狀病毒 (COVID-19) 經濟資料追蹤

EN Coronavirus (COVID-19) economy data track

ZH 查看最新經濟資料儀表板,瞭解 COVID-19 對全球經濟的影響。

EN See the latest economic dashboards capturing the impact of COVID-19 on the world economy

ZH ADP 正在將 Tableau COVID-19 資料資源與其自家的 人力資料結合以向 CEO 提出決策建議。

EN ADP is combining Tableau COVID-19 data resources with its own headcount data to advise CEOs in making decisions.

ZH COVID-19 而被迫暫停營業時,St. Mary's Bank 運用資料找出全新方法,為會員與員工提供支援。St. Mary's Bank 的領導階層也持續運用資料來推動危機應變行動

EN When COVID-19 forced closures, St. Mary's Bank used data to find new ways to support their members and employees. The leadership continue to use data to drive their crisis response

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