Vertaal "toughpower irgb" naar Engels

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Vertaling van Chinese naar Engels van toughpower irgb


ZH Toughpower iRGB PLUS金牌系列+12V、+5V或+3.3V電壓不論在任何負載下,漣波雜訊都低於30mV,大幅優於Intel規範標準,提供玩家電腦系統乾淨穩定的供電品質。

EN All ripples are lower than 30mV on +12V, +5V, or +3.3V from 0% to 100% load to ensure an excellent performance and a reliable operation.

ZH 為求電壓穩定度,Toughpower iRGB PLUS金牌系列的+12V、+5V或+3.3V輸出電壓波動範圍維持在±2%內,優於Intel規範的

EN The voltage regulation, more strict than Intel’s standard ±5% for major rails and ±10% for -12V, is set to no more than ±2% for major rails to meet the highest performance.

ZH 為求電壓穩定度,Toughpower iRGB PLUS金牌系列的+12V、+5V或+3.3V輸出電壓波動範圍維持在±2%內,優於Intel規範的< ±5%標準,維持高品質電壓輸出狀態。

EN The voltage regulation, more strict than Intel’s standard ±5% for major rails and ±10% for -12V, is set to no more than ±2% for major rails to meet the highest performance.

ZH Toughpower iRGB Plus系列電源供應器,除了展現RGB耀眼色彩美學也提供系統穩定且充足的輸出電壓,適合想擁有數位監控功能與表現個人特色的玩家。

EN The Toughpower iRGB PLUS Platinum Series is the best idea for users to go with when they are looking for an RGB PSU with remarkable functionality and aesthetics in all cases.

ZH Toughpower iRGB PLUS白金牌系列擁有12顆可單獨控制的LED燈,呈現1680萬色彩光學,色澤變換明亮耀眼,玩家可透過DPS G PC App軟體切換燈光模式,輕鬆打造與眾不同的主機系統。

EN Featuring 12 addressable single LEDs, great light coverage, uniform color and brightness, users are allowed to easily configure the RGB lighting and freely adjust fan speed with Thermaltake DPS G PC App.

ZH Toughpower iRGB PLUS白金牌電源深度160mm,方便玩家空間運用,提升機殼內部散熱效果。

EN With its short depth of 160mm, Toughpower iRGB PLUS 1050W Platinum gives high compatibility to allow users for more room for cable routing, cooling and more.

ZH 為求電壓穩定度,Toughpower iRGB PLUS白金牌系列的+12V、+5V或+3.3V輸出電壓波動範圍維持在±2%內,優於Intel規範的

EN The voltage regulation of the PSU is set to no more than ±2% for major rails to meet the highest performance. The strict voltage regulation of the Toughpower iRGB Platinum Series is better than Intel’s standard ±5% for major rails and ±10% for -12V.

ZH Toughpower iRGB PLUS白金牌系列採用高電流單組+12V輸出,為CPU及VGA提供充足電源,避免因為輸出限制及線路分配不佳而影響供電,在各種不同負載下可發揮絕佳的效能。

EN Toughpower iRGB PLUS 1050W Platinum is equipped with a powerful single +12V rail, please see the output specification below:

ZH Toughpower iRGB PLUS白金牌系列電源供應器,能夠為數個VGA顯示卡提供穩定且充足的輸出電壓,也能夠為VR系統提供最好的顯示卡相容性。

EN Toughpower iRGB PLUS Platinum Series offers stable and sufficient output voltage for multiple VGA cards and high Capability of different VGA cards for VR system.

ZH Toughpower iRGB PLUS系列電源供應器,能夠為數個VGA顯示卡提供穩定且充足的輸出電壓,也能夠為VR系統提供最好的顯示卡相容性。

EN Toughpower i Series power supplies offer stable and sufficient output voltage for multiple VGA cards and high Capability of different VGA cards for VR system.

ZH oughpower iRGB PLUS白金牌系列採用高電流單組+12V輸出,為CPU及VGA提供充足電源,避免因為輸出限制及線路分配不佳而影響供電,在各種不同負載下可發揮絕佳的效能。

EN Toughpower iRGB PLUS 1200W Platinum is equipped with a powerful single +12V rail, please see the output specification below:

ZH oughpower iRGB PLUS系列採用高電流單組+12V輸出,為CPU及VGA提供充足電源,避免因為輸出限制及線路分配不佳而影響供電,在各種不同負載下可發揮絕佳的效能。

EN Toughpower iRGB PLUS 1250W Titanium is equipped with a powerful single +12V rail, please see the output specification below:

ZH Toughpower DPS G RGB系列採用高電流單組+12V輸出,為CPU及VGA提供充足電源,避免因為輸出限制及線路分配不佳而影響供電,在各種不同負載下可發揮絕佳的效能。

EN Toughpower DPS G RGB 1000W Titanium is equipped with a powerful single +12V rail, please see the output specification below:

ZH Toughpower DPS G RGB系列電源供應器,能夠為數個VGA顯示卡提供穩定且充足的輸出電壓,也能夠為VR系統提供最好的顯示卡相容性。

EN Toughpower DPS G RGB Series power supplies offer stable and sufficient output voltage for multiple VGA cards and high Capability of different VGA cards for VR system.

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