"vaccines" लाई चिनियाँ मा अनुवाद गर्नुहोस्

अंग्रेजी बाट चिनियाँ सम्म वाक्यांश "vaccines" को 50 अनुवाद को 50 देखाउँदै

अंग्रेजी को चिनियाँ मा vaccines को अनुवाद


EN No, you can’t mix and match different vaccines. Be sure to get the same vaccine the second time that you got the first time. COVID-19 vaccines are not interchangeable with each other. The safety and effectiveness of mixing vaccines has not been tested.

ZH 否,您不能混合和配合使用不同的疫苗。確保第二次接種的疫苗與第一次接種的疫苗相同。COVID-19疫苗不可與彼此交換使用。混合疫苗的安全性和有效性尚未經過檢測。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन fǒu, nín bù néng hùn hé hé pèi hé shǐ yòng bù tóng de yì miáo。què bǎo dì èr cì jiē zhǒng de yì miáo yǔ dì yī cì jiē zhǒng de yì miáo xiāng tóng。COVID-19yì miáo bù kě yǔ bǐ cǐ jiāo huàn shǐ yòng。hùn hé yì miáo de ān quán xìng hé yǒu xiào xìng shàng wèi jīng guò jiǎn cè。

EN Vaccines save lives. Measles vaccines alone are estimated to have prevented over 21 million deaths between 2000 and 2017.

ZH 因为疫苗可以挽救生命。在2000年至2017年间,据估算,仅麻疹疫苗一项就挽救了超过2100万条生命。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन yīn wèi yì miáo kě yǐ wǎn jiù shēng mìng。zài2000nián zhì2017nián jiān, jù gū suàn, jǐn má zhěn yì miáo yī xiàng jiù wǎn jiù le chāo guò2100wàn tiáo shēng mìng。

EN Vaccines are highly effective against severe COVID-19. No fully-vaccinated person died due to COVID-19 during clinical trials of the three authorized vaccines.

ZH 這些疫苗可以非常有效地預防COVID-19重症。在這三種已授權疫苗的臨床試驗階段,沒有已完全接種的人士死於COVID-19。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन zhè xiē yì miáo kě yǐ fēi cháng yǒu xiào de yù fángCOVID-19zhòng zhèng。zài zhè sān zhǒng yǐ shòu quán yì miáo de lín chuáng shì yàn jiē duàn, méi yǒu yǐ wán quán jiē zhǒng de rén shì sǐ yúCOVID-19。

EN This article offers a series of reflections on an increasingly critical society with regard to vaccines. Vaccines, which are one of the most beautiful scientific?

ZH   微生物自身会产生抑制其他竞争性微生物生长的抗生?

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन   wēi shēng wù zì shēn huì chǎn shēng yì zhì qí tā jìng zhēng xìng wēi shēng wù shēng zhǎng de kàng shēng?

EN Take vaccines to the people if people can’t reach vaccines

ZH 如果人们不能接种疫苗,就把疫苗带给人们

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन rú guǒ rén men bù néng jiē zhǒng yì miáo, jiù bǎ yì miáo dài gěi rén men

EN 18 October - Today, Colombia received an additional 2.6 million doses of the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines through COVAX, bringing the total number of vaccines received at more than 10.8 million. 

ZH 10月18日——哥伦比亚通过COVAX机制收到新一批科兴疫苗260万剂,获得疫苗总数超过1080万剂。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन 10yuè18rì——gē lún bǐ yà tōng guòCOVAX jī zhì shōu dào xīn yī pī kē xìng yì miáo260wàn jì, huò dé yì miáo zǒng shù chāo guò1080wàn jì。

अंग्रेजी चिनियाँ

EN 18 October - Guatemala received over 155,000 doses of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines from Spain through the COVAX, bringing the total number of vaccines received through this UN-backed global mechanism to 2.2 million.  

ZH 10月18日——危地马拉通过COVAX机制从西班牙接收超过15.5万剂阿斯利康疫苗,使通过这一联合国支持的全球机制接收的疫苗总数达到220万剂。 

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन 10yuè18rì——wēi de mǎ lā tōng guòCOVAX jī zhì cóng xī bān yá jiē shōu chāo guò15.5wàn jì ā sī lì kāng yì miáo, shǐ tōng guò zhè yī lián hé guó zhī chí de quán qiú jī zhì jiē shōu de yì miáo zǒng shù dá dào220wàn jì。 

अंग्रेजी चिनियाँ

EN 18 October - Today, Colombia received an additional 2.6 million doses of the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines through COVAX, bringing the total number of vaccines received at more than 10.8 million. 

ZH 10月18日——哥伦比亚通过COVAX机制收到新一批科兴疫苗260万剂,获得疫苗总数超过1080万剂。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन 10yuè18rì——gē lún bǐ yà tōng guòCOVAX jī zhì shōu dào xīn yī pī kē xìng yì miáo260wàn jì, huò dé yì miáo zǒng shù chāo guò1080wàn jì。

अंग्रेजी चिनियाँ

EN 18 October - Guatemala received over 155,000 doses of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines from Spain through the COVAX, bringing the total number of vaccines received through this UN-backed global mechanism to 2.2 million.  

ZH 10月18日——危地马拉通过COVAX机制从西班牙接收超过15.5万剂阿斯利康疫苗,使通过这一联合国支持的全球机制接收的疫苗总数达到220万剂。 

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन 10yuè18rì——wēi de mǎ lā tōng guòCOVAX jī zhì cóng xī bān yá jiē shōu chāo guò15.5wàn jì ā sī lì kāng yì miáo, shǐ tōng guò zhè yī lián hé guó zhī chí de quán qiú jī zhì jiē shōu de yì miáo zǒng shù dá dào220wàn jì。 

अंग्रेजी चिनियाँ

EN Building trust in vaccines, addressing the youth mental health crisis, and bridging the digital divide among key opportunities for the world’s children post-pandemic - UNICEF

ZH 联合国儿童基金会:疫情大流行后,建立对疫苗的信任、应对青少年心理健康危机、弥合数字鸿沟成为全球儿童所面临的重要机遇

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन lián hé guó ér tóng jī jīn huì: yì qíng dà liú xíng hòu, jiàn lì duì yì miáo de xìn rèn、 yīng duì qīng shǎo nián xīn lǐ jiàn kāng wēi jī、 mí hé shù zì hóng gōu chéng wèi quán qiú ér tóng suǒ miàn lín de zhòng yào jī yù

EN UNICEF outlining plans to transport up to 850 tonnes of COVID-19 vaccines per month on behalf of COVAX, in ‘mammoth and historic’ logistics operation

ZH 联合国儿童基金会计划以“史无前例的”大规模物流,代表“2019冠状病毒病疫苗实施计划”每月运输多达850吨2019冠状病毒病疫苗

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन lián hé guó ér tóng jī jīn huì jì huà yǐ “shǐ wú qián lì de” dà guī mó wù liú, dài biǎo “2019guān zhuàng bìng dú bìng yì miáo shí shī jì huà” měi yuè yùn shū duō dá850dūn2019guān zhuàng bìng dú bìng yì miáo

EN UNICEF – in partnership with Gavi and WHO – is also helping low- and lower-middle-income countries prepare to receive COVID-19 vaccines in 2021

ZH 联合国儿童基金会与全球疫苗免疫联盟和世界卫生组织合作,帮助中低收入国家在2021年做好接收2019冠状病毒病疫苗的准备

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन lián hé guó ér tóng jī jīn huì yǔ quán qiú yì miáo miǎn yì lián méng hé shì jiè wèi shēng zǔ zhī hé zuò, bāng zhù zhōng dī shōu rù guó jiā zài2021nián zuò hǎo jiē shōu2019guān zhuàng bìng dú bìng yì miáo de zhǔn bèi

EN Initial preparatory work – in partnership with Gavi and WHO – will include purchasing boxes for the safe disposal of syringes and mapping out cold chain equipment to ensure delivery of effective vaccines

ZH 与全球疫苗免疫联盟和世界卫生组织合作的前期准备工作将包括采购注射器安全盒,并对冷链设备进行摸底,以保障疫苗的顺利交付

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन yǔ quán qiú yì miáo miǎn yì lián méng hé shì jiè wèi shēng zǔ zhī hé zuò de qián qī zhǔn bèi gōng zuò jiāng bāo kuò cǎi gòu zhù shè qì ān quán hé, bìng duì lěng liàn shè bèi jìn xíng mō dǐ, yǐ bǎo zhàng yì miáo de shùn lì jiāo fù

EN UNICEF to lead procurement and supply of COVID-19 vaccines in world’s largest and fastest ever operation of its kind

ZH 联合国儿童基金会将引领2019冠状病毒病疫苗采购和供应工作,其规模和速度将超过全球同类活动

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन lián hé guó ér tóng jī jīn huì jiāng yǐn lǐng2019guān zhuàng bìng dú bìng yì miáo cǎi gòu hé gōng yīng gōng zuò, qí guī mó hé sù dù jiāng chāo guò quán qiú tóng lèi huó dòng

EN UNICEF will work with manufacturers and partners on the procurement of vaccine doses as well as freight, logistics and storage of COVID-19 vaccines, on behalf of global COVAX Facility

ZH 作为2019冠状病毒病疫苗全球获取保障机制的代表,联合国儿童基金会将与制造商和合作伙伴就疫苗的采购、货运、物流和储存开展合作

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन zuò wèi2019guān zhuàng bìng dú bìng yì miáo quán qiú huò qǔ bǎo zhàng jī zhì de dài biǎo, lián hé guó ér tóng jī jīn huì jiāng yǔ zhì zào shāng hé hé zuò huǒ bàn jiù yì miáo de cǎi gòu、 huò yùn、 wù liú hé chǔ cún kāi zhǎn hé zuò

ZH 为宝宝接种疫苗的常见问题释疑。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन wèi bǎo bǎo jiē zhǒng yì miáo de cháng jiàn wèn tí shì yí。

EN Fact Check-Bill Gates did not call for the withdrawal of COVID-19 vaccines | Reuters

ZH Fact Check-Bill Gates did not call for the withdrawal of COVID-19 vaccines | 路透

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन Fact Check-Bill Gates did not call for the withdrawal of COVID-19 vaccines | lù tòu

EN Over 13 million children did not receive any vaccines at all even before COVID-19 disrupted global immunization – UNICEF

ZH 联合国儿童基金会:在2019冠状病毒病疫情影响到全球免疫接种服务之前,就有超过 1300 万儿童未接种任何疫苗

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन lián hé guó ér tóng jī jīn huì: zài2019guān zhuàng bìng dú bìng yì qíng yǐng xiǎng dào quán qiú miǎn yì jiē zhǒng fú wù zhī qián, jiù yǒu chāo guò 1300 wàn ér tóng wèi jiē zhǒng rèn hé yì miáo

EN The assessment is part of UNICEF’s work to lead on the procurement and delivery of COVID-19 vaccines for 92 low- and lower middle-income countries on behalf of the COVAX Facility, in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

ZH 联合国儿童基金会与泛美洲卫生组织(PAHO)合作,代表“2019冠状病毒病疫苗实施计划”牵头为92个低收入及中低收入国家采购和运输2019冠状病毒病疫苗。评估是这项工作的一部分。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन lián hé guó ér tóng jī jīn huì yǔ fàn měi zhōu wèi shēng zǔ zhī (PAHO) hé zuò, dài biǎo “2019guān zhuàng bìng dú bìng yì miáo shí shī jì huà” qiān tóu wèi92gè dī shōu rù jí zhōng dī shōu rù guó jiā cǎi gòu hé yùn shū2019guān zhuàng bìng dú bìng yì miáo。píng gū shì zhè xiàng gōng zuò de yī bù fēn。

अंग्रेजी चिनियाँ
paho paho

EN UNICEF begins shipping syringes for the global rollout of COVID-19 vaccines under COVAX

ZH 联合国儿童基金会开始为 “2019冠状病毒病疫苗实施计划”全球疫苗交付运输注射器

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन lián hé guó ér tóng jī jīn huì kāi shǐ wèi “2019guān zhuàng bìng dú bìng yì miáo shí shī jì huà” quán qiú yì miáo jiāo fù yùn shū zhù shè qì

EN 100,000 syringes will arrive in Maldives, with more countries to receive imminent deliveries for rollout of COVAX Facility vaccines

ZH 马尔代夫将接收到十万支注射器,更多国家即将接收到由“2019冠状病毒病疫苗实施计划”交付的疫苗

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन mǎ ěr dài fū jiāng jiē shōu dào shí wàn zhī zhù shè qì, gèng duō guó jiā jí jiāng jiē shōu dào yóu “2019guān zhuàng bìng dú bìng yì miáo shí shī jì huà” jiāo fù de yì miáo

EN “This is, of course, just an initial tranche of COVAX vaccines. More will follow. We will continue to work on the supply agreements to meet the needs of the COVAX vaccine requirements for the first half of 2021.

ZH 当然,这只是COVAX计划首批交付的疫苗。更多的批次将会接踵而至。我们将继续协商并签订更多供应协议,以满足COVAX计划在2021年上半年所需的疫苗剂次数量。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन dāng rán, zhè zhǐ shìCOVAX jì huà shǒu pī jiāo fù de yì miáo。gèng duō de pī cì jiāng huì jiē zhǒng ér zhì。wǒ men jiāng jì xù xié shāng bìng qiān dìng gèng duō gōng yīng xié yì, yǐ mǎn zúCOVAX jì huà zài2021nián shàng bàn nián suǒ xū de yì miáo jì cì shù liàng。

EN “Today’s release of these plans represents an important next step. For the countries receiving initial tranches of vaccines, preparatory work can now pivot to implementation and delivery.

ZH 今天所发布的相关规划为下一步的重点工作指明了方向。对于将接收到第一批疫苗的国家来说,准备工作的重心目前可转移到具体实施和交付方面。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन jīn tiān suǒ fā bù de xiāng guān guī huà wèi xià yī bù de zhòng diǎn gōng zuò zhǐ míng le fāng xiàng。duì yú jiāng jiē shōu dào dì yī pī yì miáo de guó jiā lái shuō, zhǔn bèi gōng zuò de zhòng xīn mù qián kě zhuǎn yí dào jù tǐ shí shī hé jiāo fù fāng miàn。

EN Developing guidance with WHO and trainings to support vaccination policies and appropriate handling, store and distribution of the vaccines;

ZH 与世界卫生组织一起提供指导和培训,支持疫苗接种政策以及疫苗的适当处理、储存和分发;

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन yǔ shì jiè wèi shēng zǔ zhī yī qǐ tí gōng zhǐ dǎo hé péi xùn, zhī chí yì miáo jiē zhǒng zhèng cè yǐ jí yì miáo de shì dāng chù lǐ、 chǔ cún hé fēn fā;

EN Ramping up efforts with civil society and other local partners to ensure that people are well-informed about the COVID-19 vaccination process and putting measures in place to enhance trust and tackle misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines.

ZH 加强与民间团体和其他地方合作伙伴的合作,确保人们充分了解2019冠状病毒病疫苗接种过程,并采取措施加强公众信任,纠正有关2019冠状病毒病疫苗的错误信息。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन jiā qiáng yǔ mín jiān tuán tǐ hé qí tā de fāng hé zuò huǒ bàn de hé zuò, què bǎo rén men chōng fēn le jiě2019guān zhuàng bìng dú bìng yì miáo jiē zhǒng guò chéng, bìng cǎi qǔ cuò shī jiā qiáng gōng zhòng xìn rèn, jiū zhèng yǒu guān2019guān zhuàng bìng dú bìng yì miáo de cuò wù xìn xī。

ZH 疫苗安全吗? | UNICEF 中国

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन yì miáo ān quán ma? | UNICEF zhōng guó

EN Vaccines are products that are usually given in childhood to protect against serious, often deadly diseases. By stimulating your body’s natural defenses, they prepare your body to fight the disease faster and more effectively.

ZH 疫苗是一种制品,通常在儿童阶段进行接种,用来保护儿童免受严重(通常是致命)疾病的侵害。通过激活人体的自然免疫力,疫苗可以让身体更迅速有效地对抗疾病。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन yì miáo shì yī zhǒng zhì pǐn, tōng cháng zài ér tóng jiē duàn jìn xíng jiē zhǒng, yòng lái bǎo hù ér tóng miǎn shòu yán zhòng (tōng cháng shì zhì mìng) jí bìng de qīn hài。tōng guò jī huó rén tǐ de zì rán miǎn yì lì, yì miáo kě yǐ ràng shēn tǐ gèng xùn sù yǒu xiào de duì kàng jí bìng。

EN Vaccines help your immune system fight infections more efficiently by sparking your immune response to specific diseases. Then, if the virus or bacteria ever invades your body in the future, your immune system will already know how to fight it.

ZH 通过激活免疫系统对特定疾病的免疫反应,疫苗可以帮助您的免疫系统更高效地抵御感染。未来如果病毒或细菌再次侵袭人体时,免疫系统就知道如何应对了。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन tōng guò jī huó miǎn yì xì tǒng duì tè dìng jí bìng de miǎn yì fǎn yīng, yì miáo kě yǐ bāng zhù nín de miǎn yì xì tǒng gèng gāo xiào de dǐ yù gǎn rǎn。wèi lái rú guǒ bìng dú huò xì jūn zài cì qīn xí rén tǐ shí, miǎn yì xì tǒng jiù zhī dào rú hé yīng duì le。

EN Vaccines will help protect your child against diseases that can cause serious harm or death, especially in people with developing immune systems like infants.

ZH 疫苗可以帮助保护儿童免受严重伤害甚至死亡的威胁,对于免疫系统尚在发育阶段的婴幼儿来讲尤为关键。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन yì miáo kě yǐ bāng zhù bǎo hù ér tóng miǎn shòu yán zhòng shāng hài shén zhì sǐ wáng de wēi xié, duì yú miǎn yì xì tǒng shàng zài fā yù jiē duàn de yīng yòu ér lái jiǎng yóu wèi guān jiàn。

ZH 多种疫苗接种下来,我的孩子吃得消吗?

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन duō zhǒng yì miáo jiē zhǒng xià lái, wǒ de hái zi chī dé xiāo ma?

EN Vaccines are extremely safe. Almost all sickness or discomfort after vaccination is minor and temporary, such as a soreness at the injection site or mild fever. These can often be controlled by taking over-the-counter pain medication after vaccination.

ZH 疫苗是非常安全的。几乎所有接种疫苗后的症状或不适都是轻微的临时现象,例如注射部位肌肉酸痛或低烧等。通过服用非处方止痛药即可得到控制。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन yì miáo shì fēi cháng ān quán de。jǐ hū suǒ yǒu jiē zhǒng yì miáo hòu de zhèng zhuàng huò bù shì dōu shì qīng wēi de lín shí xiàn xiàng, lì rú zhù shè bù wèi jī ròu suān tòng huò dī shāo děng。tōng guò fú yòng fēi chù fāng zhǐ tòng yào jí kě dé dào kòng zhì。

EN There is no evidence of a link between vaccines and autism.

ZH 尚无证据表明疫苗和自闭症之间存在关联。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन shàng wú zhèng jù biǎo míng yì miáo hé zì bì zhèng zhī jiān cún zài guān lián。

EN Immunization schedules vary by country depending on which diseases are most prevalent. You can find an overview of the recommended vaccines and approximate dates from your local health centre, doctor or your government’s Ministry of Health.

ZH 各国免疫接种程序表根据流行最广的疾病的不同而有所差异。您可以咨询当地卫生保健中心、医生或政府卫生部门了解推荐的疫苗和大致的接种日期。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन gè guó miǎn yì jiē zhǒng chéng xù biǎo gēn jù liú xíng zuì guǎng de jí bìng de bù tóng ér yǒu suǒ chà yì。nín kě yǐ zī xún dāng de wèi shēng bǎo jiàn zhōng xīn、 yī shēng huò zhèng fǔ wèi shēng bù mén le jiě tuī jiàn de yì miáo hé dà zhì de jiē zhǒng rì qī。

EN Use the CDC’s Vaccines.gov to book an appointment or find a walk-in site near you.

ZH 請使用疾病控制及預防中心 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC) 的Vaccines.gov,以進行預約或查找無需預約的接種點。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन qǐng shǐ yòng jí bìng kòng zhì jí yù fáng zhōng xīn (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC) deVaccines.gov, yǐ jìn xíng yù yuē huò chá zhǎo wú xū yù yuē de jiē zhǒng diǎn。

ZH 12歲至15歲的青少年接種此疫苗是否安全?

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन 12suì zhì15suì de qīng shǎo nián jiē zhǒng cǐ yì miáo shì fǒu ān quán?

EN COVID-19 vaccines are effective against variants of the virus currently circulating in the United States, including the Delta variant.

ZH COVID-19疫苗可有效預防目前在美國傳播的病毒變種,包括Delta變種。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन COVID-19yì miáo kě yǒu xiào yù fáng mù qián zài měi guó chuán bō de bìng dú biàn zhǒng, bāo kuòDelta biàn zhǒng。

ZH 參閱CDPH的了解疫苗事實 (Get the Facts on Vaccines)。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन cān yuèCDPH de le jiě yì miáo shì shí (Get the Facts on Vaccines)。

EN If you get a COVID-19 vaccine and you have a severe reaction, seek immediate medical care by calling 911. Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines and rare severe allergic reactions.

ZH 如果您接種了COVID-19疫苗,並且出現嚴重的反應,請致電911尋求緊急醫療護理。詳情請參閱COVID-19疫苗及罕見的嚴重過敏反應。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन rú guǒ nín jiē zhǒng leCOVID-19yì miáo, bìng qiě chū xiàn yán zhòng de fǎn yīng, qǐng zhì diàn911xún qiú jǐn jí yī liáo hù lǐ。xiáng qíng qǐng cān yuèCOVID-19yì miáo jí hǎn jiàn de yán zhòng guò mǐn fǎn yīng。

EN We’re ensuring that there are enough vaccines for those who will need a booster shot, and anyone else not yet vaccinated. See the COVID-19 Vaccine Action Plan.

ZH 我們正在確保為有接種補強針需要的人士以及任何尚未接種疫苗的人士提供足夠劑量的疫苗。參閱COVID-19疫苗行動計劃。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन wǒ men zhèng zài què bǎo wèi yǒu jiē zhǒng bǔ qiáng zhēn xū yào de rén shì yǐ jí rèn hé shàng wèi jiē zhǒng yì miáo de rén shì tí gōng zú gòu jì liàng de yì miáo。cān yuèCOVID-19yì miáo xíng dòng jì huà。

EN Can I mix and match COVID-19 vaccines from different manufacturers?

ZH 我能否混合和配合使用來自不同製造商的COVID-19疫苗?

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन wǒ néng fǒu hùn hé hé pèi hé shǐ yòng lái zì bù tóng zhì zào shāng deCOVID-19yì miáo?

EN Nothing. COVID-19 vaccines and their administration are free to the public.

ZH 無需自付費用。民眾可免費獲得COVID-19疫苗並接種。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन wú xū zì fù fèi yòng。mín zhòng kě miǎn fèi huò déCOVID-19yì miáo bìng jiē zhǒng。

EN My child has had reactions to other vaccines. Should they still get the vaccine?

ZH 我的子女曾對其他疫苗出現反應。是否應該為其接種此疫苗?

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन wǒ de zi nǚ céng duì qí tā yì miáo chū xiàn fǎn yīng。shì fǒu yīng gāi wèi qí jiē zhǒng cǐ yì miáo?

EN Why is the vaccine only for adolescents 12 and over? When will vaccines be available for younger children?

ZH 為什麼僅年滿12歲的青少年可以接種此疫苗?什麼時候可以為年齡更小的兒童接種疫苗?

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन wèi shén me jǐn nián mǎn12suì de qīng shǎo nián kě yǐ jiē zhǒng cǐ yì miáo? shén me shí hòu kě yǐ wèi nián líng gèng xiǎo de ér tóng jiē zhǒng yì miáo?

EN To learn about the ingredients in authorized COVID-19 vaccines, see

ZH 如需了解經核准的COVID-19疫苗的成分,請參閱

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन rú xū le jiě jīng hé zhǔn deCOVID-19yì miáo de chéng fēn, qǐng cān yuè

ZH CDC的懷孕或哺乳期間接種COVID-19疫苗

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन CDC de huái yùn huò bǔ rǔ qī jiān jiē zhǒngCOVID-19yì miáo

EN Yes, you can get a COVID-19 vaccine and other vaccines (like for the flu) at the same visit. You no longer need to wait 14 days between different vaccinations. Learn more about getting more than one kind of vaccine.

ZH 能,您可以在接種COVID-19疫苗的同時接種其他疫苗(例如流感疫苗)。接種不同的疫苗不需要再等待14天。詳細了解接種多種疫苗。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन néng, nín kě yǐ zài jiē zhǒngCOVID-19yì miáo de tóng shí jiē zhǒng qí tā yì miáo (lì rú liú gǎn yì miáo)。jiē zhǒng bù tóng de yì miáo bù xū yào zài děng dài14tiān。xiáng xì le jiě jiē zhǒng duō zhǒng yì miáo。

EN Will I have a choice between the various COVID-19 vaccines?

ZH 我是否會在不同的COVID-19疫苗之間進行選擇?

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन wǒ shì fǒu huì zài bù tóng deCOVID-19yì miáo zhī jiān jìn xíng xuǎn zé?

EN Yes. Both My Turn and VaccineFinder allow you to search for vaccines by manufacturer.

ZH 是。如果使用My Turn和VaccineFinder工具,您便可以按製造商搜索疫苗。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन shì。rú guǒ shǐ yòngMy Turn héVaccineFinder gōng jù, nín biàn kě yǐ àn zhì zào shāng sōu suǒ yì miáo。

अंग्रेजी चिनियाँ
turn turn

ZH COVID-19疫苗是否獲得FDA批准?

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन COVID-19yì miáo shì fǒu huò déFDA pī zhǔn?

EN The FDA can allow using vaccines before full approval. This is called an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). It lets us respond quickly to emergency situations like a pandemic. EUAs still involve rigorous testing for safety and effectiveness.

ZH FDA允許在獲得全面批准前使用疫苗。此稱作緊急使用授權 (Emergency Use Authorization, EUA)。此授權讓我們能夠快速應對疫情等緊急情況。EUA依然包括對安全性及有效性的嚴格測試。

ट्रान्सलिटेरेशन FDA yǔn xǔ zài huò dé quán miàn pī zhǔn qián shǐ yòng yì miáo。cǐ chēng zuò jǐn jí shǐ yòng shòu quán (Emergency Use Authorization, EUA)。cǐ shòu quán ràng wǒ men néng gòu kuài sù yīng duì yì qíng děng jǐn jí qíng kuàng。EUA yī rán bāo kuò duì ān quán xìng jí yǒu xiào xìng de yán gé cè shì。

अंग्रेजी चिनियाँ
fda fda

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