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ZH Unity 提供了让用户与 Unity 项目相关联的功能,这是为了提高创作速度并改善项目成员之间的通信。与 Unity 项目相关联的用户还可以使用与 Unity 项目所属的组织相关联的 Unity 服务。

EN Unity provides features to allow users associated with a Unity project to create faster and communicate better with each other. Users associated with a Unity project can also use the Unity services associated with the Unity project’s Organization.

ZH Unity 提供了让用户与 Unity 项目相关联的功能,这是为了提高创作速度并改善项目成员之间的通信。与 Unity 项目相关联的用户还可以使用与 Unity 项目所属的组织相关联的 Unity 服务。

EN Unity provides features to allow users associated with a Unity project to create faster and communicate better with each other. Users associated with a Unity project can also use the Unity services associated with the Unity project’s Organization.

ZH 我可以将使用 Unity Personal 创建的内容与在学校使用 Unity Educational 创建的内容合并吗?

EN Can I combine content I create with Unity Personal with content created in Educational versions of Unity at my school?

ZH 可以,您可以免费使用 Unity Personal 创建内容,并将其与使用 Unity Educational 版本创建的内容合并。

EN Yes, you are free to create content with Unity Personal and combine it with content created in Educational versions of Unity.

ZH 我可以将使用 Unity Personal 创建的内容与在学校使用 Unity Educational 创建的内容合并吗?

EN Can I combine content I create with Unity Personal with content created in Educational versions of Unity at my school?

ZH 可以,您可以免费使用 Unity Personal 创建内容,并将其与使用 Unity Educational 版本创建的内容合并。

EN Yes, you are free to create content with Unity Personal and combine it with content created in Educational versions of Unity.

ZH Unity”、Unity 徽标及其他 Unity 商标是 Unity Technologies 或其在美国和其他地区的分支机构的商标或注册商标(单击此处获取更多信息)。其他名称或品牌是其各自所有者的商标。

EN "Unity", Unity logos, and other Unity trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Unity Technologies or its affiliates in the U.S. and elsewhere (more info here). Other names or brands are trademarks of their respective owners.

ZH 查找最新的 Unity 版本 | Unity 2020 LTS | Unity 2021.1 Tech Stream | Unity

EN Find the latest Unity version release | Unity 2020 LTS | Unity 2021.1 Tech Stream | Unity

ZH 项目属于 Unity 组织。Unity 项目可以访问组织的 Unity 服务,用户可以通过 Unity 与其他用户共享或管理项目。组织的任何成员都有权访问该项目。

EN A project lives inside a Unity Organization. Unity projects have access to Unity services in that Organization and can be shared and managed with others through Unity. Anyone who is a part of that Organization has access to that project.

ZH Unity”、Unity 徽标及其他 Unity 商标是 Unity Technologies 或其在美国和其他地区的分支机构的商标或注册商标(单击此处获取更多信息)。其他名称或品牌是其各自所有者的商标。

EN "Unity", Unity logos, and other Unity trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Unity Technologies or its affiliates in the U.S. and elsewhere (more info here). Other names or brands are trademarks of their respective owners.

ZH 胸有成竹地获取教授 Unity 所需的知识和资源。通过我们的 Unity Educator 计划享有 Unity Pro 的免费访问。借助 Unity Learn Educator Hub,通过培训、研讨会和培训资料增强您的课程体系。

EN Access the knowledge and resources needed to teach Unity with confidence. Enjoy free access to Unity Pro with our Educator plan. Enhance your curricula with training, workshops, and educational materials through the Unity Learn Educator Hub.

ZH 访问对 Unity Gaming Services 的支持。阅读文档、观看视频、访问 Unity Ads、Unity Cloud Build、Vivox、Multiplay、Unity Analytics 等产品的支持服务。

EN Access support for Unity Gaming Services. Read documentation, watch videos, and access support for Unity Ads, Unity Cloud Build, Vivox, Multiplay, Unity Analytics, and more.

ZH 项目属于 Unity 组织。Unity 项目可以访问组织的 Unity 服务,用户可以通过 Unity 与其他用户共享或管理项目。组织的任何成员都有权访问该项目。

EN A project lives inside a Unity Organization. Unity projects have access to Unity services in that Organization and can be shared and managed with others through Unity. Anyone who is a part of that Organization has access to that project.

ZH Unity Student 计划适用于在认可的教育机构就读的学生。目前,教育工作者使用 Unity 的最佳方式是获得面向课堂教学目的的教育资助许可证或面向个人用途的 Unity Personal 许可证。

EN The Unity Student plan is for students enrolled in an accredited educational institution. At the moment, the best way for educators to use Unity is through the Education Grant license for class instruction or a Unity Personal license for individual use.

ZH Unity 中有哪些面向美术师和设计师的新功能?探秘 Unity 提供的所有最新美术师工具,以及使 Unity 成为所有美术师和游戏创作者的首要游戏构建平台的主要动因。

EN What’s new for artists and designers in Unity? Explore all the latest artists tools that Unity offers, as well as the tried-and-true staples that have made Unity the premier game building platform for all artists and game creators.

ZH 加入 Unity 并不一定要求知道如何使用 Unity。但是,它可以为您赢得加分,并且某些角色可能需要对平台有一定的了解。知道如何使用 Unity 也是许多其他公司的必备技能。 

EN Knowing how to use Unity is not always a requirement to join Unity. However, it can score you bonus points, and some roles may require a certain familiarity with the platform. Knowing how to use Unity is also an in-demand skill at many other companies. 

ZH Unity Shader Graph | 使用 Unity 以可视化方式构建着色器 | 渲染和图形 | Unity

EN Unity Shader Graph | Build Your Shaders Visually with Unity | Rendering & Graphics | Unity

ZH Unity 支持 - 适合所有 Unity 用户的帮助和建议 | 客户成功 | Unity

EN Unity Support - Help and advice for all Unity users | Customer Success | Unity

ZH 不受限制地访问 Unity 用户手册,或在我们的知识库中搜索常见的技术问题。Unity 的开发者工具是一种免费的综合资源,所有希望自行解决技术问题的 Unity 用户都可以使用。

EN Get limitless access to the Unity User Manual, or search through common technical issues in our Knowledge Base. Unity’s Developer Tools is a free comprehensive resource available to all Unity users looking to solve technical issues on their own.

ZH Unity 作为库使用可以轻松地将 AR 功能从 Unity 添加到现有应用程序。观看并了解 IKEA 的代理机构如何将 Unity 作为库使用,将 AR 功能添加到他们现有的移动应用之中。

EN Unity as a Library makes it easy to add AR features from Unity to existing applications. Watch and learn how IKEA’s agency used Unity as a Library to add AR functionality to their existing mobile app.

ZH Unity 提供对功能进行介绍的文档。您还可以通过 Unity Learn 的免费在线课程和教程选项快速学习 Unity

EN Unity provides documentation on features. You can also get up to speed on Unity with Unity Learn’s free online courses and tutorial options.

ZH 第三方 SDK、插件和 Editor 应用程序等可以为 Unity 开发人员带来直接价值。公司与 Unity 合作,可以持续验证自身是否满足最新版本 Unity 的技术标准。

EN Third-party SDKs, plugins, Editor applications and more that offer direct value to Unity developers. Companies partner with Unity to verify compliance with the latest Unity releases on an ongoing basis.

ZH 培训经销商、教育中心和学术机构与 Unity 合作,共同开发并提供 Unity 课件、讲师引导式培训和 Unity 认证。

EN Training distributors, education centers and academic institutions partner with Unity to codevelop and deliver Unity courseware, offer instructor-led training and provide Unity Certification.

ZH Unity Personal 中开发的第三方内容(如用户生成的内容、游戏 Mod 和 Asset Store 包)可用于在 Unity Plus 或 Unity Pro 中开发游戏吗?反过来呢?

EN Can third-party content (such as user-generated content, game mods, and Asset Store packages) developed in Unity Personal be used to develop a game in Unity Plus or Pro, and vice versa?

ZH 一个 Unity Plus、Unity Pro 或 Unity Enterprise 席位可同时在最多两台计算机上激活。

EN One seat of Unity Plus, Pro, or Enterprise can be activated on up to two machines at a time.

ZH Unity ID 是您注册的 Unity 用户帐户。创建帐户后,您可以下载和开始使用 Unity 及 Asset Store。

EN A Unity ID is your user account with Unity. Once you have created your account, you can download and start using Unity and the Asset Store.

ZH 不。根据 Unity 服务条款,不允许混合或混搭 Unity Pro 和 Unity Enterprise。一个实体的所有席位必须具有相同的订阅计划。

EN No. Mixing, or co-mingling, Unity Pro and Unity Enterprise is not permitted per the Unity Terms of Service. All seats for an entity must be of the same subscription plan.

ZH Unity 的传统瀑布包括很多一流的网络,例如 Unity 统一广告竞价、AdMob、ironSource、AppLovin、AdColony 和 Vungle。当前,Unity 的竞价网络包括 AdColony。欢迎随时回来了解是否有新网络加入。

EN Unity’s traditional waterfall includes top networks such as Unity’s Unified Auction, AdMob, ironSource, AppLovin, AdColony, and Vungle. Unity’s bidding currently includes AdColony. Continue to check back for updates on any new available networks.

ZH Unity 中解锁新的生产力水平,或将 Plastic SCM 与任何其他引擎一起使用。通过 Plastic for Unity 插件(测试版),您可以在 Unity 中访问 Plastic 功能。

EN Unlock new levels of productivity within Unity or use Plastic SCM with any other engine – it just works. The Plastic for Unity Plugin (beta) lets you access Plastic features in Unity.

ZH ?? Unity 5.x Personal ? Pro ????? Unity ?????Unity 4.x ???????? iOS ? Android ????????

EN No-cost package with various demos, pre-made scripts and reference documentation. Exports to basically all platforms.

ZH Unity 作为库使用可以轻松地将 AR 功能从 Unity 添加到现有应用程序。观看并了解 IKEA 的代理机构如何将 Unity 作为库使用,将 AR 功能添加到他们现有的移动应用之中。

EN Unity as a Library makes it easy to add AR features from Unity to existing applications. Watch and learn how IKEA’s agency used Unity as a Library to add AR functionality to their existing mobile app.

ZH Unity 提供对功能进行介绍的文档。您还可以通过 Unity Learn 的免费在线课程和教程选项快速学习 Unity

EN Unity provides documentation on features. You can also get up to speed on Unity with Unity Learn’s free online courses and tutorial options.

ZH 不受限制地访问 Unity 用户手册,或在我们的知识库中搜索常见的技术问题。Unity 的开发者工具是一种免费的综合资源,所有希望自行解决技术问题的 Unity 用户都可以使用。

EN Get limitless access to the Unity User Manual, or search through common technical issues in our Knowledge Base. Unity’s Developer Tools is a free comprehensive resource available to all Unity users looking to solve technical issues on their own.

ZH 第三方 SDK、插件和编辑器应用程序等可以为 Unity 开发者带来直接价值。公司与 Unity 合作,可以持续验证自身是否满足最新版本 Unity 的技术标准。

EN Third-party SDKs, plugins, Editor applications and more that offer direct value to Unity developers. Companies partner with Unity to verify compliance with the latest Unity releases on an ongoing basis.

ZH 培训经销商、教育中心和学术机构与 Unity 合作,共同开发并提供 Unity 课件、讲师引导式培训和 Unity 认证。

EN Training distributors, education centers and academic institutions partner with Unity to codevelop and deliver Unity courseware, offer instructor-led training and provide Unity Certification.

ZH Unity Student 计划适用于在认可的教育机构就读的学生。目前,教育工作者使用 Unity 的最佳方式是获得面向课堂教学目的的教育资助许可证或面向个人用途的 Unity Personal 许可证。

EN The Unity Student plan is for students enrolled in an accredited educational institution. At the moment, the best way for educators to use Unity is through the Education Grant license for class instruction or a Unity Personal license for individual use.

ZH 从 2022 年 10 月 13 日开始,我们将对 Unity Pro 专业版、Unity Enterprise 企业版和 Unity Industrial Collection 工业套件的订阅价格进行调整。 了解详情

EN Effective October 13, 2022, Unity Pro, Unity Enterprise, and Unity Industrial Collection prices are changing. Learn more

ZH 可以。请使用你的 Unity ID 注册 Unity Educator 计划。通过 SheerID 验证后,使用你在电子邮件中收到的许可证密钥,利用 Unity Hub 中的“首选项”激活你的新许可证。

EN Yes. Sign up for the Unity Educator plan with your Unity ID. Once verified by SheerID, activate your new license through your Preferences in the Unity Hub using the license key you receive by email.

ZH 你只能将一个 Unity ID 与你的 Unity Educator 计划相关联。如果需要更改与您的 Unity ID 相关的电子邮件地址,请按照此处的说明进行操作。

EN You can only associate one Unity ID with your Unity Educator plan. If you need to change the email address associated with your Unity ID, please follow these instructions.

ZH Unity Personal 中开发的第三方内容(如用户生成的内容、游戏 Mod 和 Asset Store 包)可用于在 Unity Plus 或 Unity Pro 中开发游戏吗?反过来呢?

EN Can third-party content (such as user-generated content, game mods, and Asset Store packages) developed in Unity Personal be used to develop a game in Unity Plus or Pro, and vice versa?

ZH 一个 Unity Plus、Unity Pro 或 Unity Enterprise 席位可同时在最多两台计算机上激活。

EN One seat of Unity Plus, Pro, or Enterprise can be activated on up to two machines at a time.

ZH Unity ID 是您注册的 Unity 用户帐户。创建帐户后,您可以下载和开始使用 Unity 及 Asset Store。

EN A Unity ID is your user account with Unity. Once you have created your account, you can download and start using Unity and the Asset Store.

ZH 加入 Unity 并不一定要求知道如何使用 Unity。但是,它可以为您赢得加分,并且某些角色可能需要对平台有一定的了解。知道如何使用 Unity 也是许多其他公司的必备技能。 

EN Knowing how to use Unity is not always a requirement to join Unity. However, it can score you bonus points, and some roles may require a certain familiarity with the platform. Knowing how to use Unity is also an in-demand skill at many other companies. 

ZH Unity 是创建实时内容的一站式解决方案。下载 Unity 并使用 Unity 平台和生态系统,立即开始创建精彩内容。

EN Download Unity to start creating today and get access to the Unity platform and ecosystem – your one-stop solution for real-time content creation.

ZH “日常会话”由美国国务院教育与文化事务局英语语言项目处(Office of English Language Programs, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs)资深项目官员海蒂·豪兰(Heidi Howland)编写。

EN Everyday Conversations are developed by the State Department?s Heidi Howland, a senior program officer in the Office of English Language Programs, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

ZH “日常会话”由美国国务院教育与文化事务局英语语言项目处(Office of English Language Programs, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs)资深项目官员海蒂·豪兰(Heidi Howland)编写。

EN Everyday Conversations are developed by the State Department?s Heidi Howland, a senior program officer in the Office of English Language Programs, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

ZH 阿德南在为巴基斯坦的美国教育基金会(U.S. Educational Foundation)制作的视频上介绍了自己的经历。

EN Adnan shared his experiences in a video for the U.S. Educational Foundation in Pakistan.

ZH 探索这个 Made with Unity 展示,了解世界各地的美术师、设计师和编剧如何使用 Unity 实现他们屡获殊荣的游戏、电影和 VR/AR 体验。

EN Explore this Made with Unity showcase to learn how artists, designers and storytellers around the world employ Unity for their award-winning games, films and VR/AR experiences.

ZH 为你的游戏或应用获取新用户并增加收入 | Unity Ads | Unity

EN Acquire new users and grow revenue for your game or app | Unity Ads | Unity

ZH Unity Ads 为你提供工具和分析,以推动收入和增长目标。不管你是游戏发布者、广告主还是两者兼而有之,Unity Ads 都拥有你所需的专业知识和经验,可为你的变现和用户获取 (UA) 策略提供支持。

EN Unity Ads gives you tools and analytics to drive revenue and growth goals. Whether you’re a game publisher, advertiser or both, Unity Ads has the expertise and experience you need to support your monetization and user acquisition (UA) strategy.

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