Tulkot "space needle" uz Angļu

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ZH 在 .space 域名上大放异彩的企业,包括 www.beautiful.space、www.devteam.space、www.connect.space 等等。

EN Businesses that are flourishing in .space include, www.beautiful.space, www.devteam.space, www.connect.space, and many more.

ZH 太空针塔 (Space Needle) 实施了安全规程,以确保为其访客和员工营造安全环境。欲了解详情,请访问其网站。

EN The Space Needle has safety protocols in place to ensure a safe environment for its guests and staff; learn more on their website.

ZH 在邮轮上听专家讲解的关于滨水码头、西雅图航海历史和太空针塔 (Space Needle) 的趣闻轶事。

EN Discover interesting facts about waterfront piers, Seattle’s maritime history and Space Needle from the expert narration offered on the cruise.

ZH MoPOP 交通方便,位于西雅图中心,与太空针塔 (Space Needle)、奇胡利花园与玻璃艺术馆 (Chihuly Garden & Glass) 和太平洋科学中心 (Pacific Science Center) 等多个景点毗邻。

EN MoPOP is conveniently located at the Seattle Center alongside several other attractions, including the Space Needle, Chihuly Garden & Glass and Pacific Science Center.

ZH 太空针塔 (Space Needle) 实施了安全规程,以确保为其访客和员工营造安全环境。欲了解详情,请访问其网站。

EN The Space Needle has safety protocols in place to ensure a safe environment for its guests and staff; learn more on their website.

ZH 在船上听专业解说员讲述西雅图的海洋历史、探索发现不断增长的天际线以及太空针塔(Space Needle)和派克市场(Pike Place Market )等标志性地标的趣闻。

EN Discover interesting facts about Seattle’s maritime history, the ever-growing skyline, and iconic landmarks like the Space Needle and Pike Place Market from expert narrators on board.

ZH MoPOP 交通方便,位于西雅图中心,与太空针塔 (Space Needle)、奇胡利花园与玻璃艺术馆 (Chihuly Garden & Glass) 和太平洋科学中心 (Pacific Science Center) 等多个景点毗邻。

EN MoPOP is conveniently located at the Seattle Center alongside several other attractions, including the Space Needle, Chihuly Garden & Glass and Pacific Science Center.

ZH 图片: European Space Agency / European Space Agency

EN Photo: European Space Agency / European Space Agency

ZH 有關核心 class="non-printable-char non-printable-space"> AWS。 class="non-printable-char non-printable-space"> 雲端基礎設施、平台和服務內建的所有安全措施的完整清單,請參閱我們的安全程序概觀白皮書。

EN For a complete list of all the security measures built into our core AWS cloud infrastructure, platforms and services, please read our Overview of Security Processes Whitepaper.

ZH 图片: European Space Agency / European Space Agency

EN Photo: European Space Agency / European Space Agency

ZH Ski Run Blvd to Needle Peak 上第三快的时间 (4:26) 2021年10月25日

EN 3rd fastest time on Ski Run Blvd to Needle Peak (4:26) 25 October 2021

ZH 返回 haystack 字符串从 needle 第一次出现的位置开始到 haystack 结尾的字符串。

EN Returns part of haystack string starting from and including the first occurrence of needle to the end of haystack.

ZH 如果你仅仅想确定 needle 是否存在于 haystack 中,请使用速度更快、耗费内存更少的

EN If you only want to determine if a particular needle occurs within haystack, use the faster and less memory intensive function

ZH 将返回 needle 在 haystack 中的位置之前的部分。

EN returns the part of the haystack before the first occurrence of the needle (excluding the needle).

ZH 返回字符串的一部分或者 false(如果未发现 needle)。

EN Returns the portion of string, or false if needle is not found.

ZH 返回 needle 在 haystack 中首次出现的数字位置。

EN Find the numeric position of the first occurrence of needle in the haystack string.

ZH 返回 needle 存在于 haystack 字符串起始的位置(独立于 offset)。同时注意字符串位置是从0开始,而不是从1开始的。

EN Returns the position of where the needle exists relative to the beginning of the haystack string (independent of offset). Also note that string positions start at 0, and not 1.

ZH 如果没找到 needle,将返回 false。

EN Returns false if the needle was not found.

ZH needle 现在接受空字符串。

EN needle now accepts an empty string.

ZH Exclusive: Space firm founded by billionaire Paul Allen closing operations - sources | 路透

EN Exclusive: Space firm founded by billionaire Paul Allen closing operations - sources | Reuters

ZH KINA NZ Design + Art space, 塔拉纳基

EN KINA NZ Design + Art space, Taranaki

ZH 域名 .space 註冊特別條款

EN Special conditions pertaining to the registration of .space

ZH 美国航天局预定在2018年发射的新型大型火箭“太空发射系统”( Space Launch System )的图绘。(NASA/MSFC)

EN An artist's conception of NASA's new megarocket, the Space Launch System, expected in 2018 (NASA/MSFC)

ZH 今天全家人来到阿拉巴马州(Alabama)的亨茨维尔(Huntsville),参观美国国家航空航天局的马歇尔航天飞行中心(NASA Marshall Space Flight Center)。

EN In this conversation, the family goes to Huntsville, Alabama, and visits the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center.

ZH A vehicle :交通/运输工具。A space vehicle (或spacecraft)指从地球飞往太空的航天飞机或运载飞行器

EN A vehicle is a machine that is used to carry people or things from one place to another. A space vehicle (or spacecraft) is a machine that carries people or things from Earth to space.

ZH Space exploration :太空探索

EN Space exploration is travel through space to learn more about it and discover new stars, etc.

ZH Digitalisation in Aeronautics and Space (慕尼黑理工大学)

EN Agile Leadership (University of Colorado System)

ZH Digitalisation in Aeronautics and Space 專項課程

EN Digitalisation in Aeronautics and Space Specialization

ZH 落基山之翼航天航空博物馆(Wings over the Rockies Air and Space Museum)

EN Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum

ZH The world has changed in a very short space of time with the global pandemic altering the way in which we think, behave and interact. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN The world has changed in a very short space of time with the global pandemic altering the way in which we think, behave and interact. Read full information on external site

ZH There’s a sensible-sounding argument that dynamic power demands on data centers’ compute racks, require dynamic cooling systems. But cooling has been, and perhaps always will be, a factor of space. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN There’s a sensible-sounding argument that dynamic power demands on data centers’ compute racks, require dynamic cooling systems. But cooling has been, and perhaps always will be, a factor of space. Read full information on external site

ZH Data center growth in India: From a Hyperscale datacenter perspective, there are two key elements that matter the most - Availability of on-demand scalable space and power. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN Data center growth in India: From a Hyperscale datacenter perspective, there are two key elements that matter the most - Availability of on-demand scalable space and power. Read full information on external site

ZH 与 Unity Ads 合作,获得实现成功的更多方法。Space Ape 使用 Unity 广告竞价,并在应用内购和广告之间取得平衡,将其收入增加了 5 倍。

EN Partnering with Unity Ads offers more pathways to success. Space Ape used Unity Auction and balanced in-app purchases with ads to increase their revenue by 5x.

ZH 零售业・办公室・Commercial developer・Shop/office/retail space

EN Retail・Offices・Commercial developer・Shop/office/retail space

ZH Steep Hill-TL open space 上第二快的时间 (1:08) 2021年10月27日

EN 2nd fastest time on Steep Hill-TL open space (1:08) 27 October 2021

ZH 落基山之翼航天航空博物馆(Wings over the Rockies Air and Space Museum) 折扣门票 | Denver CityPASS® 景点

EN Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum Discount Admission Tickets | Denver CityPASS® Attraction

ZH 落基山之翼航天航空博物馆(Wings over the Rockies Air and Space Museum).

EN Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum.

ZH 节省研究的时间。CityPASS 门票仅包含如落基山之翼航天航空博物馆(Wings over the Rockies Air and Space Museum)这样的最佳景点。请放心,您将看到丹佛最好的景点。

EN Save time researching. Only the best attractions, like Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum, are included in CityPASS tickets. Rest assured you’re going to see the best Denver has to offer.

ZH Admission to 落基山之翼航天航空博物馆(Wings over the Rockies Air and Space Museum):

EN Admission to Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum:

ZH Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum设有无障碍通道,方便残疾人士出入。轮椅可应要求提供。

EN Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum is a handicap accessible attraction. Wheelchairs are available upon request.

ZH Uptime Institute today announced the release of its eleventh annual Global Data Center Survey, the largest and most comprehensive in the digital critical infrastructure space. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN Uptime Institute today announced the release of its eleventh annual Global Data Center Survey, the largest and most comprehensive in the digital critical infrastructure space. Read full information on external site

ZH Uptime Institute announced the release of its eleventh annual Global Data Center Survey, the largest and most comprehensive in the digital critical infrastructure space. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN Uptime Institute announced the release of its eleventh annual Global Data Center Survey, the largest and most comprehensive in the digital critical infrastructure space. Read full information on external site

ZH 1) 以湿地植物著称的大沼泽国家公园(Everglades National Park)位于这个州。迪斯尼乐园(Disney World)和肯尼迪航天中心(Kennedy Space Center)也是这个州里的著名景点。

EN 1) The Everglades National Park, known for its wetland plants, is in this state. Other attractions in the state are Disney World and the Kennedy Space Center.

ZH 以湿地植物著称的大沼泽国家公园(Everglades National Park)位于这个州。迪斯尼乐园(Disney World)和肯尼迪航天中心(Kennedy Space Center)也是这个州里的著名景点。

EN The Everglades National Park, known for its wetland plants, is in this state. Other attractions in the state are Disney World and the Kennedy Space Center.

ZH 如果您不希望两个字被换行符或换页符隔开,只需在字之间输入“不间断空格”即可。要执行此操作,只需按下组合键 Ctrl+Shift+Space 即可。

EN If you want to prevent two words from being separated by a line break or page break between them, just enter a "non-breaking space" between the words. To do so, just press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Space.

ZH Space Shuttle Pavilion 探索有关 Enterprise 和航天飞机时代的科学和历史的原始文物,照片,音频和电影。

EN Explore original artifacts, photographs, audio, and films that immerse visitors in the science and history of Enterprise and the space shuttle era in the Space Shuttle Pavilion.

ZH 虛像反轉無分別 / Reversible Rotation - Non-Objective Space

EN Reversible Rotation - Non-Objective Space

ZH Space Ape Games 如何将 DAU 增至三倍 | 移动游戏变现 | Unity 案例分析

EN How Space Ape Games tripled their DAU | Mobile game monetization | Unity Case Study

ZH 与 Unity Ads 的独家合作关系如何帮助 Space Ape 取得进展

EN How an exclusive partnership with Unity Ads is helping Space Ape move ahead

ZH Space Ape 考虑与谁合作时,他们知道 Unity 可以成为一家强大的合作伙伴,因为他们已经使用 Unity 引擎制作了三款非常成功的游戏,并且与其客户建立了良好的关系。

EN When Space Ape was considering who to work with, they knew Unity could be a strong partner because they’d already built three successful games with the Unity engine and had a good relationship with the people behind it.

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